Entasy (Prophecies of The Nine) (7 page)

Read Entasy (Prophecies of The Nine) Online

Authors: Brynn Myers

Tags: #fantasy

BOOK: Entasy (Prophecies of The Nine)
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 "Dia duit mo ghrá." The low and seductive voice belonged to a tall, sexy man casually leaning against the door frame. Oh hell, the way he looked standing there in that linen shirt and black pants. His copper-colored eyes watched my every move as I tried to act as though his presence didn't affect me. His eyes shifted to the gap in my robe and he growled low as he started to move further into the room

The look in his eyes had me blushing as I tugged at my robe. "I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to…" My voice trailed off as he walked towards me. "I heard the music and followed the sound. I thought I could pick out a book to amuse myself."

He smirked as he walked across the room to the bar. "Would you care for a glass of Jameson?"

"No, thank you." I was usually not one to be at a loss for words, but in this moment I was rendered somewhat speechless. Just being in the room with him was sending shockwaves of lust right through me, and god, when he spoke…

He poured himself a glass of the amber liquid from the tallest decanter and moved to take a seat behind the huge antique desk in the opposite corner of the room. The desk was adorned with an elaborate Celtic dragon surrounded by intricate scroll and knot work that seemed familiar somehow.

"The carved knot work is astounding. Does it have any meaning?"

"Yes, it is linked to my heritage and tells my history." He casually took another sip as he watched me over the rim of the glass. "Your grandmothers didn’t tell you about me?"

The heat of his stare burned my cheeks as I turned away to look at the books on the shelf, hoping to distract my current train of thought.

"No, why would they? I am completely in the dark about who you are, but I can’t deny that I am interested in knowing more."

I continued to run my hands along the books, checking out the titles and pretending not to be interested in him, when all I really wanted to do was walk over to the desk and straddle him in that chair. Finally, I found an old copy of The Faerie Queene and pulled it off the shelf.

"Do you mind if I read this one?" I carefully began to flip through the pages when the sound of leather squeaking distracted me. I froze when I felt him come up behind me. His hands gently caressed my hair as he pulled it to the side to kiss my neck.

 "I am sorry, but it was taking an unusual amount of strength for me to stay in that chair."

"Oh, really?" I asked teasingly, biting my lower lip as I stared at him. Gods the effect this man was having on me.

 "You know, I would be happy to amuse you. You don’t have to read that book."

I clumsily set the book back on the shelf as he captured my lips in a gentle and seductive kiss. Jolts of electricity moved straight to my core as he began to push the robe off my shoulders.

"You will be mine."



Chapter Nine


 BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I slammed my hand on the snooze button to shut it off and flopped back onto my pillows. "Dammit!" Why is it when you are just getting to the good part in a sexy dream, the damn alarm clock has to go off?
Well hell, I am awake now.
I padded my way to the kitchen to start the coffee and saw the note Dillon had stuck to the carafe.
Ty and Vivi’s plane delayed-home by lunch.
My brother the laconic one. I flipped the note over and used it to make my to-do list.
Pick up black wig at Frank’s, steam the linen blouse, text Olivia before she kills me.

This was going to be a night to remember, and the last thing I needed to do was forget a part of my costume. Tonight was the annual Keenan’s Halloween Bash, and everyone in a five-mile radius of the bar would be in attendance. It was the second most popular night of the year; both levels of the bar would be packed. In fact, I was fairly certain we had overbooked the VIP section, and that alone could be interesting, but I knew Adaira would handle any issues. She had a way with people; they never seemed to get upset when she told them they had to leave or move to another area. I guess that’s why Dillon called her the second best decision he ever made.

The knock at the door startled me, but I walked quickly to answer it, assuming it was Olivia wanting to kick my ass for not returning any of her fifteen texts. I swung the door open wide. "I am so sorry, I didn’t..."

"Kylah? My name is Syd. Dillon sent me to watch over you today."

"Um…okay. You are not Olivia." I stood there in the doorway with a puzzled look on my face.

"Dillon didn’t tell you I was coming, did he?"

"No, he neglected to mention you in his post-it note, but feel free to come in."

"He said you’d know I was cool if I brought these." He gave a warm smile as he held up a coffee in one hand and a brown bag in the other. "H&H bagels and your favorite coffee. Dillon told me exactly what to get."

I returned the smile and gestured for him to come in. "Thank you, that was very kind."

"Don't thank me, thank your brother." He winked as he headed for the kitchen to set down the coffee and bagels.

"Have you been here before?" I watched as he grabbed one of the plates out of the cabinet and a knife from the drawer and set it next to the bagel. "You seem awfully comfortable here."

"Oh, sorry. Yes, I have been here a few times, but you must have been at work." He scooted the plate and the bag closer to me, flashing a playful grin.

"Did you have anything you wanted to do today?" He bowed then looked up and winked, "I’m at your service."

I took a sip of the pumpkin spice latte and sat down on the barstool. "Are you always this much of a charmer?"

"Usually, but I am laying it on a little thick for you." His smile was warm enough to melt even the most hardened cynics.

I shook my head and returned his grin as I smeared the cream cheese on both sides of the cinnamon raisin bagel. "If you are to be my personal bodyguard for the day, I guess I'll just have to suffer through it. I do have to head across town to pick up the last accessory for my costume. You up for that?"

Syd nodded. "I’m up for whatever you need to do today, Kylah."

"Okay then, but no comments from the peanut gallery about where we are headed." I gave him a huge Cheshire grin. "It shouldn't take me long to get ready. Can you give me about five?" I looked down at my jammies, robe, and footie slippers. "Umm, better make that ten."

"I can give you as long as you need. I’m here for you all day. In fact, Dillon was hoping you would allow me to escort you tonight to the Halloween Bash." He chuckled as he leaned back against the cabinets. "He said you were going to roll your eyes at me, but I'm serious. Will you be my date tonight?"

"I don’t need a personal bodyguard to go to a party at our family bar. What is his issue?"

"Well, you know how All Hallow’s Eve tends to bring out the crazies. He wants to make sure he doesn’t have to worry about you, in addition to everything else. And hey, look at it like this. You'd be doing me a favor. I would prefer a beautiful woman on my arm instead of going stag."

"I’m not sure I am buying your line here. A handsome man such as yourself should have no issues finding a woman to go as your date."

He shrugged and flashed a devilish grin.

"Does that smile of yours always get you your way?"

"Nine times out of ten. So, what’s your answer?"

I shook my head and mentally surrendered. This couldn’t be all bad. At least Dillon sent a gorgeous, sexy man instead of a Neanderthal like last time. I wasn't even aware bodyguards were allowed to look like him. Syd looked like he was a model, not a hired thug. Jet black hair, piercing blue-green eyes, and those lips…sheesh. I seemed to be on a roll–hot sexy guy from my dreams, and now Syd–this was so gonna be a good day.

"I would be happy to be your date, Syd, because my brother will expect it and because I find you intriguing." I took the last bite of my bagel and hopped off the kitchen barstool.

"I'm assuming you ate already since you didn't join me for bagels and coffee, but if you do need anything, feel free to help yourself. Oh, and the remote is over on the coffee table if you want to watch TV."

As I headed towards my bedroom, Syd’s cell phone rang. It was probably Dillon checking up on me again. There was no end to Dillon's protectiveness. He was so different from Tynan. Ty worried about me too, but he didn’t feel the need to go all alpha-male about everything. I would venture to say that he learned a long time ago that was never gonna fly with Vivi–she’s fiercely independent and very outspoken. Ty towered over Vivi by at least six inches, but if she told him to do something he would gladly oblige. The love between them was evident in everything they did. A love almost too impossible to imagine, because their connection was the stuff romance novels were made of. Ty was so enthralled with Vivi he would have moved heaven and earth for her. I could only hope that someday I would find that, but with Dillon as my keeper, I doubt it would ever happen.

I dabbed the last bit of mascara on my eyelashes and slicked my hair into a high ponytail. I knew Syd had saw me all disheveled, but there was no need to not put forth my best effort now. I flipped through the clothes in my closet, trying to find the best I’m-hot-and-sexy-but-not-desperate outfit. I settled on skinny jeans, black riding boots, and a black shirt. I grabbed my messenger bag as I headed back towards the living room. Syd was just putting his phone back in his pocket as I entered.

"Hey, you look nice. That was Dillon, and he wanted me to tell you Ty and Vivi just arrived at the bar, and that they should be back here by the time we return from our errands."

I nodded, knowing that Syd had reported to Dillon about our errand run, typical bodyguard move–checking in with the boss. "So how long have you worked for my brother anyway? I've never seen you around the bar." I grabbed the keys off the kitchen counter as I walked towards the door.

"Off and on for years. I usually handle off-site stuff for your family. I actually met Dillon through your grandmother Morgan."

"Really?" I stopped just before the door and turned to look at him. I grinned when he stumbled, trying to avoid bumping into me.

"Not that I mind being this close to you, Kylah, but warn a guy before you stop dead in your tracks."

I turned back towards the door to hide the blush in my cheeks. As I flipped the lock, I heard footsteps and Olivia’s voice down the hall. Our penthouses were the only two on this floor, so I knew she and Joe were just coming off the elevator. I gave a sideways glance to Syd. "Brace yourself, you are about to meet my best friend Olivia."

"Kylah Keenan, where the hell have you been? I have been texting your ass nonstop." Olivia had not even laid eyes on me, but she knew I was in the hallway. When she rounded the corner, a sly grin swept across her face when she noticed Syd. "Is he the reason you haven't texted me back? Because if so, I guess he’s worth forgiving you."

"No, Olivia, Syd is just a friend." I put my hand up to stop any commentary, but she was silent as she turned all her attention to him.

"Well then, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Syd. I’m Olivia." She extended her hand for him to shake, but he just looked at her. I nudged his arm to give him the clue to accept her gesture, but it took him a moment before he moved.

"Oh my…you have very strong hands, Syd." Her Brooklyn accent was dripping with flirtatious undertones. "Are you going to be at the Bash tonight?"

He looked back and forth between Olivia and me before he finally spoke. "Yes, with Kylah. She agreed to be my date tonight." Olivia dropped her hand as she turned to look at me.

"Ohhhhh…lucky girl."

A pink polka-dotted elephant was taking up the empty space in the hall and this conversation. Time for a subject change. "Liv, did you finally decide what you were going to wear tonight?"

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