Enticing An Angel (7 page)

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Authors: Leo Charles Taylor

Tags: #comedy, #sex, #bella andre, #nora roberts, #comedy adult, #comedy about dating, #comedy and humor, #comedy and romance, #sex addict housewife, #sex adult story

BOOK: Enticing An Angel
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"You are meat," she whispered up to him and
she grabbed his hands and wrapped them around her.

Michael gave her a quick glare of defiance
and grabbed her ass hard pulling her up and into him.

"Ah!" Melanie said as her legs separated and
she slid along his hipbone and down to his thigh.

"Well, someone's learning fast," she

She stayed on his thigh and upper knee while
they moved. Her feet reached the floor just fine, and she allowed
Michael the luxury of leading her. Of course, there wasn't much to
lead, they mostly moved in slow rhythmic motions.

"You're friends are certainly interesting,"
he stated loud enough to be heard over the music.

"Oh, they're all right—certainly not

"I won't argue that," Michael replied.

Melanie punched him in the shoulder

"Be nice," she said.

"For you, Melanie, I will certainly be

This seemed to appease the woman, and they
continued to dance for the next song as well. When it was finished,
she led him off the floor and found her friends once again; she
then took a moment to converse with them privately and in hushed
tones; it had a very high school prom feel to it; Michael just
shook his head.

Nearby was a wire stand with the evening's
itinerary, and he took the time to grab a brochure and peruse it.
Mini museum tours were being offered every fifteen minutes, and
interactive artwork was available for the adventurous. Various
performers were also listed, along with the locations that they
could be seen, and the night would then conclude with a grand
performance in the lower hall.

Michael looked at his phone to see the time
and tried to gauge the next tour. He didn't get very far before
Melanie was in his face.

"Here, you take Amber for a dance," she said
as she took his hand and put it into the Anime girl's. "I need to
do something with Dagger for a minute."

Without waiting for a reply, Melanie and
Dagger headed off into the museum. He tried to watch them, but
Amber pulled him along; Michael was too stunned to do anything but

"Melanie says I can't allow you to be French.
Whatever the hell that means," Amber said when they reached the
dance floor.

"I think she means I have to speak English,"
Michael replied warily.

"Uh huh," Amber said not believing him,
"Melanie, said you were hilarious. Now, grab my ass and see if you
can give me an orgasm before your girlfriend gets back."

Michael's eyes widened. "I don't think
Melanie would appreciate that."

"If she didn't, she wouldn't have suggested
it. Besides, she knows I'll leave you alone. I'm no real threat,"
Amber said as she help Michael take hold of her. Michael figured
what the hell, and repeated his moves from earlier. Amber's eyes
lit up and she winked at him.

"That's nice," she said. "I can see why
Melanie likes you."

"Are you sure she likes me?" he asked.

"She slept with you. That says a lot."

They moved in unison with Amber enjoying the
dancing much more than Michael. He was caught between a rock and a
hard place; and soon it would be a rock and a hard-on. Amber didn't
mind if he were to become erect and appeared to be playing for that
result; but Michael wasn't certain this was exactly Melanie
approved. He decided to keep things somewhat platonic. Besides,
this was Melanie's friend, and he believed he could use her to his
own ends.

"Doesn't Melanie date a lot?" he asked.

Amber shrugged, "Not really."

"Why not?"

"You've seen her. She's too flaky for most
guys. Of course that doesn't mean they don't want to nail her. But
she wants something more than that."

"Ah, it's nice to know she wants a serious
relationship," Michael said.

"Whoa, there cowboy, I never said that. God
knows she could use a serious relationship, but she certainly
prefers to keep men at a distance," Amber stated plainly.


"Who knows?" Amber replied. "But I think you
have a shot. You seem nice anyway, and she likes you. Are you

Michael's head spun with the non-sequitur.
When he fully realized the question, he just shook his head.

"Nope," he said. "I do all right, but I'm
just plain old middle-class."

"Hmm, too bad," Amber said. "Still, you can
treat her to a nice meal from time to time. She always seems to be
cashless, but she keeps her life simple and manages to get by."

"She told me that she's a paralegal. Doesn't
she make decent money?"

"Are we talking about the same Melanie? She's
a paralegal all right, but just barely. I'm sure she's at the
bottom of the pay scale."

"Well, I did hear that her father got her the
job, and that he pays part of her rent. At least she has someone to
care for her," Michael said.

"That asshole can sit and spin," Amber said
with disgust.

Michael was shocked by the vehement reply.
This time he understood the reference, if not the anger. Something
was not right with Melanie and her father, and he took the
opportunity to ask about it.

"Not for me to say, and I don't know all of
it anyway," Amber said with a shrug.

Michael thought this was strange; Amber had
no problem talking about Melanie's sex life, but refrained from
talking about her family life. Either Amber was just as weird as
Melanie was—a distinct possibility—or something much more serious
was going on. Michael was unable to determine which because Amber
changed the subject.

"I think you would make a good boyfriend for
Melanie," she said. "She needs to settle down a bit and have a long
term relationship."

"I thought you said she doesn't want a long
term relationship."

"Oh, Melanie doesn't know what she wants.
Besides, I said serious, not long term. You can have a long term
relationship without it being serious."

Michael saw the logic of the argument, and
when he thought about it, he believed that particular philosophy
would sit well with the three ladies he was witnessing tonight—long
term, but not serious. Although, he frowned at the idea; he was
quickly becoming attached to Melanie, and part of him hoped for a
serious relationship.

Amber nodded her head in a direction of the
museum exhibits, and Michael followed her signal. Melanie stood by
the stairs and motioned for them to join her. Amber pulled away
from Michael, took his hand, and then led him to her friend.

"Come on, Loverboy, it's time to get your
game on," she said.

As they got close to Melanie, Amber spoke

"Are we good?" Amber asked

"We're good," was the reply.

Melanie took Michael by the hand and led him
down the stairs, across the lower lobby and around to the back
stairs. These stairs were just as wide as the previous and
displayed large stone statues on pedestals; Melanie led him to the
top and continued her advance to wherever she was going

Michael was unsure what was up, but the fact
that these women were in cahoots gave him grave doubts. He allowed
Melanie to lead him but just barely, and when they eventually made
it to a section that was not part of the Rave, he became even more

The museum quieted rapidly. Noise from the
event could still be heard—it was a loud party—but as they wound
their way through the building, the sound dampened. Shortly,
Michael could see Dagger standing by a smaller set of stairs. When
she saw the trio approach, she nodded her head and motioned them on

Melanie led Michael past her friend and up
the steps. He turned quickly to Dagger and noticed that not only
did she stay in position, but Amber stopped next to her and
remained with her Goth friend.

The stairs were not long, and at the top
landing, Melanie turned to Michael. She had a smile on her face as
if she had just won the lottery.

"I have a particular fantasy that you are
about to help fulfill," she said as she grinned.

"Really?" Michael responded with a smile of
his own.

"Uh, huh," she said as she nodded her head
slowly. "You are going to service me right her on this top

"Looks painful," Michael responded.

"Nope I have it all planned out," she

"We could get caught and kicked out," Michael

"Well then you better hurry," she said.

Michael eyed Melanie carefully. When she had
mentioned a fantasy, he knew she was serious, but he was unsure
just how serious. Now, he realized just how crazy this little
spitfire was. When he hesitated, she just shot her eyebrows up and
down, took a quick look down the stairs, and then lowered herself
to her knees.

She unbuckled his belt with ease and began to
drop his trousers just enough to gain access. She needed him hard,
and his nerves were not providing that for her. Michael thought
about stopping her, but as he looked down at Melanie, he had to
believe this was the most beautiful scene in the museum.

He breathed hard as she tickled him with her
tongue. She was skilled, he had learned that on their first date,
and she kept him teased but not fulfilled. As he hardened she move
to his testicles, and Michael felt more relaxed.

"Remove your gloves," he said in between
breaths and with her mouth to his groin he could feel her smile at
his request. She paused long enough to remove the gloves, and he
continued to stiffen. Thankfully, the lack of direct stimulation to
his cock, allowed him some semblance of control before she
continued to entice him again.

Melanie appeared pleased after a moment and
removed her mouth and tongue. Michael had been breathing steadily
with his eyes closed, and when he looked down, he saw that Melanie
was using her cheek and temple to slide along his shaft. She had
her eyes closed and appeared to be enjoying the feel of him on her
face. Suddenly her eyes widened and she smiled up to him.

"Sit on the landing," she said to him.

Michael was confused for a moment, but she
took his hand and pulled him downwards. He complied and lowered

"Sit on the landing with your feet on the
steps," she said.

Michael immediately visualized the position
and complied. He pulled his trousers up just enough to allow him
some semblance or respectability if they were caught, and then
swung himself into place. Other than his cock rising from him, he
appeared fully clothed.

Melanie wasted no time and straddled her
lover. On her way down, she reached for him, found him, and guided
herself lower. As she started penetration, she moved her legs
around his back.

"Lean back," she said with her eyes closed as
she lowered herself.

Michael complied.

"Farther," she said.

Michal complied again.

Melanie's' legs finished wrapping around him
and she opened her eyes long enough to spread her skirt around
them. Michael smiled at the image. If anyone did intrude suddenly,
the lovers could claim innocence, as long as they were not required
to stand.

Melanie bit her lip and moved slowly. Michael
stared at her and refrained from moving himself; he couldn't move
much anyway due to his position. As she continued to slide up and
down on him, she became more excited and eventually stopped at his
base, pulling his head close to her as she did. Michael took the
opportunity to free her left breast and bite her nipple.

"Softly," she whispered, but she did not stop

Michael bit her tenderly and Melanie gasped,
pushing his mouth harder onto her with a hand to the back of his

"Can you cum with me?" she asked in a

Michael pulled his mouth away and looked at
his lover. Her eyes were closed, and she was breathing heavily but
steadily while she moved.

He leaned into her.

"Yes," he whispered back.

Melanie didn't open her eyes, but a pleasant
smile graced her lips. They continued to move in rhythm and she
gave Michael his cues. When she needed him to arch, he arched, and
when she began to climax she kept him informed with gentle

It took a great deal of control for Michael,
and his breathing was more meditative than excited. He needed to
wait for her, and when she said she was ready, he began to lessen
his control.

Melanie pulled him to her and wrapped her
arms around his neck and back as she came, and Michael could do
nothing but join her in the experience. They both took short
breaths as they climaxed, and Melanie held onto Michael with all
her might; even after their breathing began to quiet, she held

"I felt that," she whispered to him.

Michael gave her a confused look, and she
laughed as she put her forehead to his.

"I felt you cum inside me," she clarified.
"It really helped me climax, thank you."

"Sure," Michael chuckled quietly, "you need
to thank me, not the other way around."

Melanie continued to roll her forehead around
Michael's and laughed. "Well, I do. That has been a fantasy of mine
for a long time. I don't know why, I just thought that sex at a
Rave would be fun."

"Was it?" he smiled.

"Oh, that is one fantasy that did not
disappoint," she said as she sat back.

Michael was becoming soft, but she stayed on
him for a minute. She smiled at him and he smiled at her. His eyes
softened and his smile faded as he reached up to stroke her cheek.
Melanie appeared confused and then looked at Michael warily.

I know that look
, she thought.

Her own smile fade for a moment, "You're not
falling in love with me are you?" she asked.

Michael became confused himself for a moment,
and then leaned in to her to kiss her. He brushed her lips gently
and then kissed her neck.

"Would that be a bad thing?" he asked.

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