Fall To Pieces: Broken #2 (The Broken Series) (21 page)

BOOK: Fall To Pieces: Broken #2 (The Broken Series)
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It was the truth though
; Kyle had serious skills with those hands of his-with every part of him.

He was so virile.

The sheer size of him, his ripped stomach, broad chest, narrow hips, those thick powerful thighs and the heavy length that hung between his legs…

His body was incredible and Kyle knew, exactly, what to do with it.

“You’ll like my dick even more, when I’m driving it deep inside your hot little pussy,” he growled, his lips brushed my jaw, my neck.

I nodded, pulling his mouth back to mine.

It had been a long six weeks. I couldn’t wait to be with him again.

I knew I should mention Rachel’s little visit today, but I didn’t want to upset the apple cart.

And he was distracting me so much, I could barely think straight…

“Say yes,” he dared, with a teasing lilt to his voice.

I shook my head, returning his smile.

“What are you waiting for?” he challenged. 

“I have my reasons,” I whispered, then leaned forward to kiss him deeply.

“I may have to resort
to fucking you into submission after all,” he confessed as he stood quickly, taking me effortlessly with him.

“Please do,” I mumbled against his lips, as I wrapped my legs around his waist, kissing him hungrily.

Kyle growled and strode out of the bathroom and into his room.

Placing me down on his bed, he stripped his pants off before covering my body with his.

The weight of him on me was ecstasy.

“One of these days, princess, you’ll be the one asking me to repeat the question.”








“Will you please, stay out for a little while longer? Have some fun with Derek,” I said into my phone.

Kyle grunted on the other line. “Are you trying to get rid of me, princess? Moving a toy boy into the house, while I’m out?”

I chuckled.

“Oh, yeah,” I joked. “Because that’s all I need in the house; another testosterone filled man.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll be back at seven,” Kyle sighed.

“Good, thank you. I’ll see you then.”

“Oh, princess?”

I smiled at the teasing tone in his voice. “Yeah?”

“You might wanna check around the house, and see if you can find some duct tape.”

“Oh, really,” I said, confused. “Why, what have you broken?”

Kyle laughed hard. “Duct tape for that mouth of yours, because by the
time I’m finished with you tonight, you’ll be screaming the fucking house down.”


Linda stepped into Kyle’s office, and I blushed in mortification.

“Okay,” I muttered. “I’ll get that sorted, bye, love you.”

Hanging up before Kyle could make me blush further, I cracked a smile at Linda.

“Thanks so much, for doing this,” I told her as I pushed Hope’s buggy over to her.

“It’s my pleasure, Hun,” she said, her gaze fixed on Hope’s sleeping body, all tucked up and cute…

“Besides,” Linda teased. “With Kyle monopolizing the baby, I’ve hardly had a look in.”

I nodded in agreement. “I know, he is ridiculous.”
Ridiculously cute,
I wanted to add.

The way he took care of Hope…U
h, it kind of made me swoon...

“I’ve packed six bottles, not that you will need all of those. And there’s diapers, wipes, cream,
her formula, four changes of clothes….”

“Will you go already,” Linda smirked. “And stop worrying, it’s not my first time, you know.”

I smiled apologetically.

“Thank you so much,” I said, suddenly feeling really guilty. “Maybe, I shouldn’t…”

“Yes, you should,” Linda commanded, shooing me from the room. “We will see you both in the morning. Go and enjoy being young and in love.”

I smiled to myself, feeling deliriously happy.

Enjoying Kyle Carter, was exactly what I intended to do.






Turning my key in the front door of our house, I was thrumming with excitement.

Tonight was the night.

I had it all planned with days.

I was going to ask Kyle to repeat the question.

I was ready, he was ready. It was time.

I ran upstairs and changed into the sexy red babydoll and ma
tching suspenders I’d bought the other day.

I let my curls down-
Kyle loved my hair down
, and applied my makeup.

Running downstairs, I went in search of the duct tape he’d told me to get.

I had no intention of using it, but I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he thought I had…

Bounding into the kitche
n, I went straight to the knick-knack drawer and started rummaging.


“Hello Delia.”

I spun around and froze, my heart dropped.

“I’ve been waiting for you.”









I grinned over at Derek as I turned my car onto Thirteenth Street.

“So, what’s your plan for after summer?” I asked. 

Derek sighed and shook his head. “I have no fucking clue. My original plan was to move back to Idaho; my brother needs help with running the business
, and all my family are there, but…”

“Camryn,” I guessed, knowing full well that Cam was the only reason Derek was contemplating his future.

Derek had his future mapped out clearly since he was eighteen years old; go to college, get his degree, then head home to join the family business.

“I don’t know
, Der,” I said. “Maybe if you give her some time, she’d see what she was missing, and come to her senses.”

Derek shook his head in surprise. “No, dude, you’ve got it wrong, she’s not why I’m thinking about staying. I mean, sure, I love Cam and a part of me probably always will, but I know when a ship has sailed. And me and Cam, well, as good as it was, I can’t force her to love me. In a way I’ve always known that
I wasn’t the one for her. Besides, even if she did want to start back up, I don’t think I could ever get past the whole…Mike thing.”

I didn’t understand a word he was saying. My head couldn’t grasp it.

“Derek, you’ve been miserable with months. You love her; I watched how badly you handled the breakup. I had the fucking hangover to show for it.”

“Yeah, I guess I didn’t take it too well,” he chuckled. “I’m okay with it now though.”

“That’s good, man. I’m happy for you.”

I was glad Derek had found some semblance of peace. He deserved to be happy.

“Are you happy, Kyle?”

I thought about my two girls and nodded. “Yeah, I’m happy.”

I’d never been happier in my life. I had a beautiful daughter, and an amazing woman.

Derek patted me on the shoulder. “See now, that’s exactly why I’m not ready to move back home. I feel like I’ve got an investment in that kid. She needs her Uncle Derek around, especially when her parents’ decide to go bat shit crazy on each other.”

I laughed at his comment.

“No man, Lee and I are solid
now; nothing is going to tear us apart again. Those days are behind us. But seriously, if you’re thinking of staying, I’d be thrilled….”

My words trailed off as we rounded our street, and flashing lights and sirens greeted us.

Our house was surrounded by dozens of vehicles and crowds of people.

Slamming on the brakes, I jumped out of the car and ran.









In the movies, when the villain pulls a gun out, a hero bursts into the room and saves the girl.

I knew that wouldn’t be the case for me.

I wasn’t going to be saved, I was going to die.

Rachel held the gun steadily in her hand, pointing the barrel directly at my chest, and in that moment, my only thought was, thank god
, I’d dropped Hope off with Linda, before coming home.

I was going to die, but my baby was safe.

“Please, don’t do this, Rachel,” I begged, knowing it was pointless to beg for my life from a woman so intent on destroying it, that she’d spent the last twelve months executing attempt after vicious attempt at ending me.

But the will to live, the overpowering, maternal urge to stay alive for my daughter, meant that I would say and do anything to survive this.

“I warned you. I told you time and again, but you didn’t listen, did you?”

Her voice was cold; the look in her eyes was that of feral triumph. “I gave you a choice, but you chose wrong. You won’t leave; therefore, you have to die.”

She pulled the safety, and my heart rate exploded.

“This isn’t goin
g to make Kyle love you, Rachel. Killing me will only make him hate you more. You’re sick, not thinking clearly, I understand that, I can help you, if you put down…”

“I haven’t thought of anything else in months,” she spat. “My only regret now, is that I didn’t do this while you were pregnant.” 

Aiming the gun straight at me, she smiled. “But not to worry, when I’m your little bastard’s stepmother, I’ll make sure I remedy that.” 

There was a commotion
in the hallway and I didn’t have a chance to say another word before the sound of a gun firing went off, and I collapsed on my knees.



Pain…Pain enveloped me.

I was screaming.

Writhing in the sharpest form of physical torture, but I wasn’t dead.

I was bleeding, my hands, my stomach; I could see a river of dark blood spreading over the fabric of my red dress.

In the mist of the red haze and agony, I could hear voices.

Someone was here.

I was going to be okay.

Someone was going to save me.

Voices were roaring in my ears. I could make out one voice. It was her.

She had come to save me.

She is always
saving me.

“You crazy bitch,” Cam screamed and I swung my gaze up to see Cam slam Rachel’s head into the door.

Rachel’s head cracked against the heavy oak door and her body crumbled to the floor.

Cam rushed towards me. “Lee, hang on, I’m going to get help.”

I tried to grab her to warn her. But I couldn’t get up.

Everything was getting dark, I was going blind.

“Cam…” I spluttered, blood rising in my throat, spilling from my lips. “Get out of here. Run.”

She ignored my protests.

Pulling her phone from her pocket, she dialed and held it to her ear.

Her hands were shaking.

“I need an ambulance and the police, and a straitjacket. Thirteenth Street, University Hill. Hurry, my friend has been shot.”

She looked down at me and nodded her head. “Yeah, in the stomach, I think. Okay.”

Cam hung up and tugged off her jacket.

“Lee, I have to put pressure on the wound. I need to slow the bleeding,” she said, pressing her jacket to my stomach.

“You need to get out of here,” I coughed. “She could…Wake up.”

“Stop talking stupid,” she replied, holding me to her. “God, I’m so glad I forgot to pack
my swim suit when I moved out. That’s what I came over for, me and Mike, we’re taking a trip…”

“Cam, I’m scared,” I confessed, struggli
ng to get air, as Cam wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

“Am I dying?”

“You better not be,” she warned. “You have a beautiful baby, who is depending on you. Do you hear me? Focus on Hope, put her picture in your head and keep it there. Do NOT lose focus.”

I nodded, and pulled Hope’s face into focus.

I concentrated on her dark curls, her huge blue eyes, the cute dimples in her cheeks…


“Get up.”

Oh god, no…

Through bleary eyes, I watched as a very angry Rachel stood over us, aiming the gun once again.

“Get out of the way
, Camryn. She has to die.”

I feebly tried to shove Cam away from me, but I was weak and growing weaker by the second.

“You don’t want to do this, Rachel,” Cam said quietly, shielding my body with hers.

“Cam, run…please
, move,” I begged, pushing at her hand. “Do it, do it, or she’ll…kill us…both.”

Cam shook her head.

“And what kind of person would I be, if I did that? Who would I be, if I stepped aside and watched you die?” She shook her head again and kneeled up.

“Rachel, if you go now, if you run, you’ll have time. Think of your family, you’re twenty-two years old and you’re going to ruin your life…And for what, a man? Don’t be an idiot. The cops will be here any minute. You’re never going to get away with this.”

I watched in a cocktail of horror and relief, as Rachel grabbed Cam by the ponytail and dragged her away from my body.

“Do you think I care anymore?” She
screamed. “I have
left to lose. She stole everything from me.”

I was grateful.

Cam would be okay.

She would live, and would be there for Hope and Kyle…Oh, god, I didn’t want to die.

I wanted to hold my baby in my arms again, and smell her soft skin, kiss her chubby cheeks.

And I wanted to see Kyle…

Oh, I wanted to look into those blue eyes right this instant, and feel the infallible safety and protection that poured from him into me.

the knowledge that I was Rachel’s only intended victim, in a sick way, eased my mind.

I watched as Rachel shoved Cam
, hard, causing her to hit the refrigerator. 

Rachel turned to face me and I closed my eyes, unable to watch. I didn’t want to see her pull the trigger that would end my life.

“It didn’t have to come to this. If you had just left when I told you,” she growled. “Goodbye Delia.”

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