Falling Together (All That Remains #2) (29 page)

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know that. In my head, I know they’re the problem, but…”

still hurts,” Airen murmurs, pulling him close.

nods, sniffing. “I thought maybe they’d gotten over it, you know?”

keeps his arms locked around him and brings their foreheads together. “Maybe
they’ll never get past it, Joey, but I know one thing. They do love you. They
searched all this time for you, but they’re brainwashed. The roots are too deep,
and they can’t see it any other way. But that doesn’t mean you have to suffer
for it. If losing you and then finding you alive didn’t make them see, maybe
nothing ever will. You don’t have to feel guilty for letting them go. It’s
their loss. You deserve to be accepted and loved for who you are, and you have
that. You have us.”

Chapter Seventeen



low soothing voice wakes me just before dawn, and I turn to see Joseph curled
up between us in our bed. After the devastating day he had, he passed out as
soon as his head struck the pillow.

you okay?” I murmur. What a stupid question. Of course he isn’t. He’s curled
into a ball, sobbing softly.

shakes her head at me. “He’s not awake.” Oh Christ, he’s crying in his sleep. I’ve
never seen anyone do that, and I’m at a loss of what to do. Should I wake him? Abby
doesn’t hesitate, wrapping her arms around him, her chest against his back, she
speaks softly into his ear. “I love you. Airen loves you. We’re right here. You’re
so loved, sweetheart. Please don’t cry.”

him like this, so deeply hurt by people who were supposed to love him the most,
shatters something deep inside of me. I don’t know how to help him. Abby’s
reassuring voice calms him, and his tears stop as his breathing becomes deep
and regular. I meet Abby’s gaze in the gloom. “I could kill them for this.”

they’d deserve it,” she whispers.

seems a little better in the morning. I’m trying to convince him to go to town
with me to refill our fuel containers when his father knocks on the door.

Carson says warily, leading Joe into the living room.

go to your room,” Joseph orders. Walker nods, shooting a nervous look at Joseph
before fleeing the room.

do you want?” I snap, moving to stand in front of Joseph. This bastard is not
going to fuck with him anymore.

leaving.” He stares at me while I glare back, itching to beat his ass.


I think Walker should come with us. He’s my grandson, and we’ll raise him

stunned into silence. “You have ten seconds to get the fuck out of our house.”
I’ve never been so angry in my life. The fucking nerve.

talking to my son.” He turns to Joseph. “It’s obvious you’re a lost cause, but
it isn’t too late for your son. Deep down you know this isn’t right and you’ll
suffer. He shouldn’t have to pay for your deviant lifestyle choice.”

fist connects with his jaw before I realize it’s left my side. He stumbles back
and nearly falls before bracing himself and regarding Joseph stoically,
waiting. Abby grabs my arm. She’s strong for a little thing.

trembles with rage as he faces his father. “Using religion to justify being a
hateful bigot is a lifestyle choice. This is who I am. Unlike you, I don’t
discard my children. I’d never hand my son over to anyone, least of all an unworthy
prick like you. My son will grow up to be proud of who he is.”

voice is hard and even as he continues. “You know, I hated you for a long time,
but I’ve come to realize I owe you a debt of gratitude. When you threw me out,
you did me a tremendous favor. You removed me from your toxic influence and
spared me the possibility of becoming a narrow minded, self righteous, cold
hearted bastard like you. You taught me what kind of man I never want to be.
All you had to do was be yourself for me to strive to be the opposite. So,
thank you for being a horrible warning.”

shakes his head. “I’m done with you.” He turns to Carson. “You don’t have to
stay here, son. You don’t have to live this way. You’re welcome to come along
with us.”

start toward him again, seeing red as he tries to lure away Abby’s firstborn,
but she squeezes my arm and whispers, “Let him answer.”

grins. “I’d rather shit in my hands and clap, but thanks for the invitation.”

jerks opens the front door and flashes a sarcastic smile. “Now, I believe my
gorgeous man told you to get the fuck out.” Joe glares at all of us before he
stalks out the door, leaving the room quiet enough to hear a mosquito sneeze.

grab Joseph and kiss him lightly. “Finally…you admit I’m gorgeous.”

that’s the part you’d remember,” he says with a grin.

Joey. I’ll never forget how amazing and brave and strong you were.”

I’ll never forget you sucker punching my dad in the jaw.”

glad your mother didn’t come. Abby would’ve laid her out.”

grins at Abby and she joins us, wrapping her arms around us both. “Are you
okay?” she murmurs.

will be.”


* * * *


not okay. It’s been a week since Joseph’s parents left, and he barely speaks to
anyone except to snap at them. He’s so angry and he has no idea how to deal
with it.

with Abby tonight, Airen. I’d rather have a night alone.” Joseph pulls on a
pair of shorts before scrubbing his wet hair with a towel.

you stayed alone last night.” He huffs and heads to the door to rouse Abby from
the spare bedroom, but I catch him in the hall, jerking him back into our room.

goddamn it!”

stop.” I pin him against the wall. “I know you’re upset, but I’ve had enough of
this shit. This isn’t you.”

not upset! I’m just not in the mood for your shit tonight. Get off of me!” He
struggles to get loose and finally shoves me back. “Leave me the fuck alone!”

I reach for him again, he swings and punches me in the stomach. “Is that it? Are
you done?” This time his fist connects with my right eye, and my grip loosens
as a white light explodes across my vision, but I hang onto him. We’re ending
this now. He grunts when I shove him back against the wall hard. “Feels good
doesn’t it? Do it again.” My hands land forcefully on his shoulders, goading
him. “Hit me again. Get it out of your system,” I bark. He shoves me hard,
rattling my teeth and I return the favor. “You want to hate the world? You want
to let them win?”

Get the fuck off me!” His voice is beginning to waver, and he isn’t struggling
as hard to escape me.

pissed, Joey. You have every right, but do something with it. Take it out on me
if you have to, but get it out.” My gaze locks with his, and he glares at me,
breathing hard, his whole body trembling. “You’re okay,” I declare
emphatically. He shakes his head, and I wrap my arms around him when he starts
to sob. I don’t know how long we stand there before I lead him to the bed.

want to hate them.”

know, but you’re better than them. You don’t have it in you to hate. I’ll hate
them enough for both of us.”

wish I was like you.” His voice is small.

like me?” I grin and pull him down to lie beside me.

fighter like you. Like Abby.”

say that. I already have a black eye. Besides, the last thing Abby needs is two
of me.”

need you,” he murmurs.

have me, Joey.” His lips meet mine, soft and smooth. Abby is right, he has the
sexiest lips. His kiss is imploring, almost needy as he reaches for comfort and
He needs me
. I push him back onto the bed and my hands
cradle his face while I kiss him with every ounce of my strength.

moan rattles his throat when I bite his lower lip, before licking down his neck
to his chest. His skin is salty, and he smells like the spicy body wash he’s so
fond of using. He rolls me and licks across my nipple before nipping at it. The
sting makes me hiss, his responding growl lighting a fire at the base of my
spine as his hand slides between my legs. His moves are frantic, almost
desperate. I shove him off of me and pull off his sweats and underwear before
pinning him back down on the bed. When he attempts to roll me again, I flash
him a wicked smile. My palm lands sharply across his hand when he reaches
between my legs again.

You’re mine, tonight.” He moans and gasps when I take him in my mouth, teasing
and licking him until he’s writhing beneath me.

fuck’s sake, Airen!”

up.” His skin is hot beneath my palms when I roll him onto his side and grind
my hips against his ass, letting him feel how hard I am before I slide a lubed
finger between his cheeks. It’s fucking hot, the way he grunts and presses back
into my hand when I add another finger, then another. When I graze his gland,
he moans so loud I can feel his chest vibrate.

do you want, Joey? Tell me what you need,” I whisper, working my fingers into
him and kissing the spot between his shoulder blades that makes him shiver.

me.” My fingers stroke firmly over that sensitive spot and he yelps.

didn’t quite hear you,” I tease.

me!” He slides his leg up when I slip behind him. After lubing up, I press
against him firmly.

lead. I don’t want to hurt you.”

won’t. I’m ready,” he pants. I rub myself over him a few times before pushing
just inside. He hisses and takes a deep breath. My lips are at his ear and my
hand strokes down his hip, soothing him.

for me, Joey. Let me in.” Groaning, he pushes back into me until I’m completely
sheathed in him. “Christ, you feel so fucking good,” I moan. It’s so different,
scorching hot and tight as a fist. “Are you okay?” Sweat pops out along my
forehead and upper lip as I restrain myself from fucking him senseless.

go fast.”

don’t take orders.” I bite his shoulder while I slide out and press back in
slowly. “Does it feel good?” I murmur.

he moans as I do it again…out and in…excruciatingly slowly. “Airen.”



I love it when you beg.” I grip his hips and increase my pace, finding the
perfect angle to strike his gland every time. “If you don’t stop with those
noises, I’m going to come,” I warn him. His deep chuckle is cut off as he comes
hard with a long drawn out groan when I roll his balls between my fingers. He
fucking loves that. When he clenches around me, I’m shoved into an orgasm so
fast and hard it’s almost painful.

lie together, my face pressed against his sweaty back while we recover. “You


me, dimples.”

love you.”

love you, too.”


* * * *


last few weeks have been relatively quiet compared to the months before. We
have had so much shit piled on us it’s amazing we’ve managed to dig our way
out. Hand over hand, we’ve climbed our way to the top of the heap. Now we only
have to rinse ourselves off and start again.

and I spend the morning on the lake, fishing and soaking in the silence. When
we come home at lunchtime we’re met by Abby’s sour face. “Where are the kids?”
Joseph asks.

went to Julie’s.”

they had lunch?” I ask.

Airen, I made them forage for nuts and berries.” Joseph glances at me, raising
his eyebrows, but wisely decides to keep his mouth shut. He grabs a jar of
peanut butter from the cabinet and cuts two slices of bread from the loaf on
the table. After opening a jar of peaches and pouring himself a glass of iced
tea, he sits at the table to eat. Abby sips a glass of lemonade while I root
around in the fridge.

the ham?” I ask, shifting the containers aside.

the smokehouse. I told you we were running low,” Abby snaps.
What the fuck?

are you so pissed?” I demand.

don’t know, Airen. I guess I thought you could feed yourself for one damn
meal.” Lemonade sloshes over the rim of her cup and splashes on the floor when
she slams it down on the counter. She snatches the towel from my hand when I
move to wipe up the spill. “Don’t bother. You don’t want to break your record
of two years without cleaning up.”

Fuck it. I don’t know what her problem is, but I’m not going to stand here and
take her shit anymore. “I’m going to shower, then I’ll meet you in the shed if
you want to go change the traps,” I tell Joseph. Nodding at me, he glances at
Abby, probably expecting another snotty remark, but she averts her eyes.

water flows through my hair, washing over my scalp and taking the heat of the
day down the drain. It’s a fantastic feeling, and not even Abby’s bitchy
attitude can ruin that few minutes of bliss and relief. I don’t know what’s up
her ass today, but I’ve learned that demanding an answer just makes things
worse. When she’s pressured, she digs in her stubborn heels and there’s no
arguing with her. We just end up screaming.

is still at the table when I return to the kitchen, while Abby reheats a bowl
of stew from last night’s dinner. Her face is pale, and she looks exhausted.
Why didn’t I notice that before? Without a word, she turns and wraps her arms
around my waist, leaning her head on my shoulder. I automatically embrace her
and a small grin appears on Joseph’s face.

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