F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) (9 page)

Read F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) Online

Authors: Sheila Michelle

BOOK: F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1)
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Felicity sighed. She wasn’t doing anything,
but tried to make up something on the spot. “I’ll have to look at
my agenda, Reamer. My parents usually want me to come home right
away after school since I’m not in any sports or any other
activities here because they want someone to be at home when my
younger brother and sister get home. I’ll get back to you before we
leave school today, okay?”

Reamer smiled. “Sounds good to me,” he
replied. “Have a great day, ladies.”

“I always do,” Felicity replied with a

Erin shook her head.
“Thanks, Reamer, you too.” Reamer walked off down the hall. She
turned and looked at Felicity. “
I can’t
he quit Audrey for you! Are you
sure you didn’t see him
we saw him at the restaurant on

“I swear I didn’t, Erin. I didn’t see
anyone. I just spent time with you and my family. It was nice for
us to just spend time at your house on Saturday and not be at
Moves. For some reason, I’m starting to not like going there.”

“And does that reason have to do with what
happened on Friday night?” Erin asked.

“Of course not! I’m just getting bored with
the place. I wish there was another teen club that we could go to,
or several of them. I’m just saying that it was nice when we first
started going there over a year ago, but now I feel as if I need a
change, you know? It’s like everyone knows that we go there, so I
just feel that we need to switch it up from time to time.”

“I agree. I said that six months into us
going there all of the time,” Erin said.

Felicity laughed. “Yeah, I know you did! But
the bottom line is, it’s something to do.”

“I have to agree with that!” Erin laughed.
“So, are you gonna see Reamer today after school?”

Felicity shrugged. “I don’t know if I
should. I mean, I’m still fuckin’ trippin’ off of him saying that
he quit Audrey for me! Now that’s gonna be another bitch that’s
gonna be after me talking shit because she thinks that I stole her
man when I didn’t.”

“But you were kissing him in that parking
lot on Friday night, Felicity, and you knew he was with her.”

“True, but I didn’t tell him to quit her for
me. I’ll never tell a guy to do that because I don’t want any guy
here or anywhere,” Felicity always reminded her. She looked to her
left and saw Audrey and her friends staring right at her from down
the hall.

Audrey looked down at her
phone, and then looked at Felicity. “YOU FUCKIN’ WHORE!” she
and came charging towards

“Shit!” Felicity said, and started running
down the hall while Audrey was hot on her heels!

Erin and Audrey’s friends ran after them as
they tried to stop the potential fight once Audrey caught up to
Felicity! One of Audrey’s friends ran with her phone up recording
the whole chase as people in the halls cheered it on!

“GET THAT FUCK GIRL, AUDREY!” a girl yelled
in the hall.

Audrey was suddenly stopped by a teacher who
GIRL! I HATE HER!” she cried, as the teacher tried to calm her

Several minutes later, Felicity and Erin
talked while they sat on a bench in the girls locker room.

Felicity grinned. “I’m surprised that fat
little bitch can run that fast,” she said, talking about

Erin grinned. “And she almost caught up to
you, Felicity, and she quite possibly could’ve if that teacher
didn’t step in her way. And she’s not fat; she’s just chubby and
does need to lose weight, just like me. You think everyone’s fat
who isn’t a size two like you.”

“Hey, I call them like how I see them, but
I’ve never called you fat,” Felicity said.

Yeah, but don’t think for
a second that I don’t think that you weren’t thinking it,
especially when I’ve made you mad,
thought. “I know you haven’t,” she said with a smile.

Felicity shook her head.

! How the
hell is that chick gonna accuse me of being the reason why he quit
her? Like I said, I didn’t tell him to and he knows damn well I
didn’t so I hope he didn’t tell her that I told him to do

“I hope not, either,” Erin said, as she
scrolled through her smartphone. “Um . . . Felicity?”

“What’s up?” Felicity said.

“There’s a pic that I think you might wanna
see,” Erin said.

“What pic?” Felicity said,
and then took Erin’s phone from her — she gasped!

That fuckin’ jerk
! I didn’t know that he took this!” She was reacting to the
picture that Joe took of her kissing Reamer while he was sitting in
his car! She looked at what someone had written in the comments
section in all caps.
#fuckgirlfelicity #fuckgirl #repost.
shook her head. “Who’s the original poster of this pic? I’m
assuming that it’s Joe since he’s the one who obviously took the
pic! That fucker! He’s just hating because I gave Reamer a kiss and
he could only dream of getting kissed by me! I wouldn’t kiss him if
he came up to me while I was in a kissing booth!”

Erin laughed. “Neither would I! But there’s
no proof that it was him that originally posted it, Felicity. Maybe
you should talk to Joe and Reamer about it.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I will!” Felicity


“You need to tell me
right now
if it was Joe
who originally posted this pic of the two of us kissing or you’re
never gonna get kissed by me again!” Felicity threatened Reamer, as
she stood in his bedroom after school. She told Erin that the
picture of her and Reamer kissing was the only reason why she was
seeing him after school today.

Reamer sighed as he sat on his bed. “Sorry,
Felicity. But I didn’t even know that Joe took the picture of you
kissing me; I didn’t know until after you left and he showed me. I
told him to send it to me and he did — why wouldn’t I want it? But
I wanted it for me to enjoy looking at and not to post.”

“Well, one of you posted it, and I’m not
gonna stress myself out about it anymore because it’s out there
forever now. Oh, and you better tell your fat little ex that she
better not come after me in the hall like that again or I’m gonna
beat all of that blubber off of her!”

He grinned. “Sorry she did that, baby. And
that picture of the two of us kissing was what sparked her to run
after you in the hall like that. I was told that she’d just
received it, then, she looked up and saw you staring at her, and
combined with me quitting her on Friday, she just lost it. I admit
that I was wrong to have kissed you while I was still with her, but
that’s why I quit her because she does have a temper and always got
mad over stupid shit, but I have to admit that this was something
that was worth her getting mad over. Like I told Joe, we weren’t
getting along that well lately anyway, so I feel that you finally
talking to me was perfect timing and seems like it was meant to

She sighed. “Reamer. We don’t even know each
other like that. I think you should just give it some time before
you wanna jump right into another relationship with someone else.
You know, that bitch really embarrassed me by chasing me down the
hall like some fuckin’ fat maniac. Like I told Erin, I didn’t think
her fat ass could run that fast.”

He chuckled. “Me neither. She’s never ran
that fast for anything when I was with her.”

They laughed.

He extended out his hands. “Come here.”

She smiled as she walked over to him. She
sat on his bed with him.

He put his arm around her. “Is it okay if we
kiss now since no one can see us and I’m not with Audrey

“Of course,” she replied.

They started kissing.

“Can I ask you something?” she asked in
between kisses.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Are you a virgin?”

He chuckled. “Of course not. But can I ask
you something?”

“Ask me anything.”

“Are you really a fuck girl?”

She abruptly stopped kissing him. She glared
at him. “Are you a fuck boy?”

“Hell naw, I’m not!” he
replied, as he slightly laughed. “I was just asking because
you know
a lot of people
say that about you, Felicity. I tried to give you the benefit of
the doubt by wanting to get to know you more and not listening to
what other people said, but you’re showing me that you’re just not
interested in wanting to get to know me more, whether it’s just to
be friends or more than that. I just wanted to hear it from you
myself if you’re really like what people say you are.”

“I think you should really mind your own
fuckin’ business, that’s what I really think!” she said, as she got
up off of his bed. “Are you gonna go through your whole life
believing every fuckin’ thing you see and hear about someone, huh?
Don’t you have a fuckin’ mind of your own?!”

“Yeah, I do! That’s why I quit Audrey for
you because I thought I may have had a chance with you that you
haven’t given any other guy except Sloan!”

“And Sloan was lucky that he was my
boyfriend, remember that! And in terms of Audrey, you better not
have told her that I told you to break up with her for me because
if you did then you’re just as bad as all of the rest of the guys
out there!”

He sat on his bed as he looked down at his
floor. “I didn’t tell her anything like that, Felicity,” he
honestly said. “Look, I’m sorry I asked you that, okay? Can we just
forget about it?”

She stared at him. “I don’t know, Reamer. I
thought you really liked me. If you really like someone then you
wouldn’t ask them a question like that because you already know the
answer to it. So in knowing that, I don’t know why you’ll like any
girl that you think is a fuck girl.”

He nodded. “You’re right. I don’t think
you’re a fuck girl because I wouldn’t have wanted to get to know
you more, and I especially wouldn’t have quit Audrey for a fuck

She grinned. “Exactly. That sounds more like
it. So, let’s get to know each other a little more, shall we?”

He smiled big! “I have no objections to

They began kissing again.

“Any sex requests?” she asked him.

He smiled even bigger! “Yeah, as a matter of
fact, I do have one.”

“And what’ll that be?”

“I love being jerked off,” he said with a
sly grin.

She laughed. “Don’t you all?”

“Yeah, we do! We need a set of beautiful
hands once in a while!” he said with a laugh.

She laughed again. “Well,
prepare yourself to be very pleased by
beautiful hands!”

“I like the sound of that!” he said. He
unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down and off, as well as his

“WOW, you’re a
size! You’re much
bigger than Sloan! I love that!” she said.

“Really? Damn, thanks! That’s really a
compliment coming from you,” he said, as he was truly

He sat in the chair at his desk as she got
in front of him, kneeled down, and began giving him the best hand
job she’d ever given any guy while she talked dirty to him. His
sounds that echoed throughout the room and house spoke for itself
at just how much she pleased him to the absolute fullest.

She got up off of her
knees. “
I never disappoint,
remember that.”

He laughed. “No, you don’t!”

“Glad to hear it. Where’s your

“Down the hall to your left,” he replied
with a smile.

“Thanks,” she said, and then left the room
to go to the bathroom.

Twenty minutes had gone by, and Reamer laid
in his bed naked with his eyes closed. He was in a deep sleep. He
opened them and noticed how Felicity still wasn’t out of the
bathroom. He got up out of his bed and went to the bathroom. He
knocked on the door. “Felicity? Are you okay in there?” There was
no answer. He twisted the doorknob and it opened to no one being in
the bathroom. “Felicity! Where are you?” he asked, as he looked
inside every room and then went downstairs and went outside. Her
car was gone. He sighed as he shook his head, and went back inside
of his house.

He walked into his bedroom. His phone rang.
“Hey, man, what’s up?”

“Not much, man. So, is she still there?” Joe

“Naw, she’s gone. She just left, man, and
didn’t even tell me that she was leaving.”

Joe sighed. “What did I
tell you about her, man? She’s the ultimate fuck girl. She doesn’t
give a fuck about anyone but herself. We both know what kind of
girl she is, hell,
. Did you at least fuck

Reamer paused. “Yeah, I did, man,” he lied.
“She also jerked me off.”

“Damn, man! So how was it?”

“Pretty good, man. She also gave me head,
too, and that was great! Now I know how Allen and Sloan feel, and a
ton of other guys, too” Reamer lied.

a whole lotta other guys
. Dude,
seriously, I hope you still don’t wanna have anything serious to do
with her since she played fuck and run with you.”

Reamer laughed. “Yeah, she did, but I think
she’s still misunderstood. Everyone deserves a chance to be
understood for the person they really are. I think Felicity is just
confused right now on who she really is.”

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