Fight for Love (4 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age

BOOK: Fight for Love
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I couldn’t sleep that night. All I thought about was Scarlet. Bill told me I needed to focus on my own situation but I couldn’t. I was so scared that something already happened to her. I missed her so much that it was unbearable. I just wanted to talk to her. If I could hear her beautiful voice I would feel better. I felt like such an idiot for not knowing her number by heart. I didn’t even know what the first digit was.

I spent my time sitting around in my cell doing nothing. I was wearing the clothes I arrived in but my keys, phone, and wallet were taken away. I was bored most of the time.
The only company I had was Bill or from the people who brought me food. Since I wasn’t in prison I was allowed to have privacy when I used the bathroom. When I was in the shower I considered jerking off to Scarlet but I was too upset to feel aroused.

When I was lying
on my cot, the officer came to me. “You have a visitor.”

I stood up then let him usher me down the hall. My parents came to see me as much as they could. To be honest, my mom just made me feel worse. My dad was the only one that was comforting.

When I walked inside, I felt my heart drop. “Penelope?”

She stood up then approached me. Her arms were extended and her eyes were coated with tears.

I immediately dodged her then stepped back. “Don’t touch me,” I said quickly.

She looked hurt like I just slapped her. “Sean, how are you doing?”

“Why the fuck are you here?” I snapped. “You never gave a shit about me. Don’t act like you care now.”

an stood up from the table, placing his hand on my shoulder. I didn’t even notice him until now. “We are just here to help.”

I jerked my shoulder away. “Just leave.”

Penelope crossed her arms over her chest. Her long brown hair fell across her shoulder and contrasted against the green color of her eyes. I used to think she was the most gorgeous girl in the world. Now I thought she was hideous. Her charms had no hold over me. Scarlet was the only woman in my heart and my erection. “Sean, of course I care about you.”

I glared at her but said nothing.

“Take a seat,” Brian said.

I glanced at his wedding ring then sat down across from him. Penelope took th
e seat next to Bryan but I didn’t look at her once. The sparkle from her wedding ring shined in the room. I could see it in my peripheral. “So, how’s the kid?”

Brian looked slightly uncomfortable. “He’s good. His name is Jeremy.”

“You like being a stepdad?” I snapped.

“I love him like my own son.”

I rolled my eyes. “You are unbelievable. You made such a mistake ending up with Penelope.”

“Are you mad about it?”

“Fuck no. I don’t give a shit who dates her. I just feel bad for the poor guy.”

Penelope stared at her lap, hiding her face.

Bryan placed his hand on her shoulder. “Well, we are very happy.”

“I’m sure Penelope is happy that someone is taking care of her.”

Bryan sighed. “Can we stop insulting my wife now?”

I said nothing.

“We are here for you.”

“I don’t want that whore here.”

Bryan stood up. “I know you had your problems, but no one talks about my girl like that. It’s in the past—let it go.”

Penelope sniffed. “I really am sorry about everything, Sean. I’ll regret it for the rest of my lif
e. Bryan and I both want to help you through this. Please don’t hate me.”

“I don’t hate you,” I said.

“Really?” she said with a smile.

“I’m indifferent to you.”

Her face fell.

“I have no interest in seeing either one of you. Now get the fuck out.”

Bryan leaned forward. “You realize that I lied to the police and said I saw you at work when you and I both know you weren’t?”

“Yeah. Thanks for doing that.”

Bryan nodded. “You’ll get through this. They don’t have enough on you to convict you. And Mr. Peterson will lie too if it helps.”

Sean laughed. “I quit after he gave me a second chance. He won’t do anything to help me out.”

“He would if Scarlet and I ask him to.”

The sound her name made my heart ache. God, I missed her. Suddenly, I realized something. “Penelope.”


“Give me your phone.”

“What? Why?”

“Just give it to me.”

With shaky hands, she pulled it out of her purse and handed it to me. I went through her phonebook until I saw her number. My heart leapt in joy at the sight. I looked at the numbers and committed them to memory until I pressed the send button. I hoped that she would answer. It was Penelope’s number after all.

“Hello?” she asked hesitantly.


“Sean?” she said with a voice full of emotion. I could hear the tears drip down her face. “Sean, is that you?”

“Yeah.” I felt my own tears bubble out of my eyes. Bryan and Penelope were staring at me but I didn’t care. “Are you okay? Are you safe?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. What about you?”

“They are still holding me.”

“How long?”

“I really don’t know. Three days. If they find enough information to take me to trial I could be here for a long time unless I pay bail.”

She sniffed. “Sean, I miss you so much.”

“I miss you too, baby. It’s okay. We’re going to be okay.”

“I’m scared.”

“Are you keeping your promise to me?”

“Ryan never leaves my sight.”

“Good. Where are you?”

“We are coming to New York.”

“Why?” I snapped. “Why would you do that?”

“You’re there. You aren’t going through his alone.”

“It’s not safe, Scar.”

“I still want to be near you. And it’s safer here than at home. They probably know where Ryan and I live. We’ll be safer in the city.”

“Stay with my parents.”

“No,” she said quickly. “I won’t put them in danger.”

“Scarlet, do as I say.”

“Ryan can protect me.”

“What about Cortland? Is he there too?”


“Why the fuck not?”

“Monnique’s mom passed away.”


“I didn’t want him to leave her.”

“That fucker let you go with only Ryan?”

“He doesn’t know anything

“Why the hell not?”

“Sean, I know we don’t have long so let’s not spend it arguing.”

I sighed. “Okay. I love you, Scar.”

“I love you too.”

“Stay out of sight until we know it’s safe, okay?”


“I would prefer it if you went with my parents.”

“I already said no, Sean.”

“Now is not the time to be stubborn.”

“Ryan is perfectly capable of taking care of me. And I think being with your parents is more dangerous anyway.”

“You’re probably right.”

“Why are you calling me from Penelope’s phone?”

“Uh, she’s here.”


“At the station.”

“Why the fuck is she there?”

Penelope flinched as she heard Scarlet’s voice over the phone.

“Bryan testified for me and Penelope just wants to be supportive.”

“Too little, too late.”

“I only love you,” I reminded her.

“That isn’t the issue,” she said, annoyed. “She totally screwed you over. She isn’t a good person, Sean. I don’t want you to have to deal with her baggage anymore.”

“Well, I’m glad she came because I was able to call you. Can you text Penelope Ryan’s number so I can have it?”

“Yeah sure.” She said nothing for a long time. “So what are your odds?”

I sighed. “My lawyer doesn’t think they are great.”

She took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. “We’ll figure it out.”

“I know, babe.”

“No matter what happens, it’s still you and me.”

I smiled. “I know, babe. That would never change.”

“Ryan and I are almost to New York. We’ll find a hotel and just check in subtly.”

“No. Use my parents’ apartment on East. They aren’t using it. You won’t have to use a credit card so you can’t be traced. You remember where the spare key is, right?”


“Use it.”


“Mam, I asked you three times to get off the phone. Now.”

I assumed that was the flight stewardess.

“Okay,” Scarlet snapped. “Shut up already.”

I couldn’t help it. I laughed. “Babe, I’ll talk to you soon. It’s going to be okay.”

“Okay. I love you.”

“I love you more than anything in the entire world.” My voice was full of emotion.

“I miss you.”

“Mam, if you don’t off the phone I have the right to confiscate it from you.”

“I miss you too. Bye.”

She was crying, unable to hold in her emotion any longer. “Bye.”




Now that I knew Scarlet was okay, I felt the tension leave my body. It was still there but now it wasn’t so heavy. Coming to New York was a good idea. If someone was trying to follow her they
would have a harder time tracking her down in the city, staying at different places and remaining hidden. It was a good idea. I’m glad Scarlet came up with it.

Bill talked about our options and kept me in the loop as the prosecutor set up their case. Since Bill wasn’t entirely certain what they had, he couldn’t give me any reassurance. Instead, we prepared for the trail like it was going to happen. I admitted to Bill that I did come after Carl and I had no remorse about it, so he gave me some tips on how to lie better. I thought it was pretty ironic that a lawyer was teaching me how to be deceitful even though he knew I was in the wrong.

When I was in my cell I lay on my cot, staring at the ceiling. I was at the end of the hallway, facing an empty cell, so I had nothing to distract my mind or my thoughts. I thought about Scarlet most of the time, remembering the scent of her hair and the feel of her lips on my skin. Whenever me thoughts became sexual, my cock would harden instantly. I hadn’t had sex in a few days, so my sexual appetite was returning. I wished they had conjugal visits here.

Since I had nothing to do, I fell asleep. I was glad I did because Scarlet returned to me. For a moment in time, I wasn’t stressed about the situation I was in and I wasn’t worried about her safety. It was just the two us—against the world.

She was lying next to me in bed, the sheets tucked around her. She had just woken up because her face was free of makeup. The lines were absent from around her eyes and mouth because she was rested. Her face was pale and fresh, beautiful like a winter morning. Her eyes shined bright when she opened them, showing the entire world within her irises. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I couldn’t believe I woke up to her face every morning.

She stretched slightly then moved closer to me, her shoulder poking out from under the sheet. I ran my hand along the curve, feeling her smooth skin. My hand trailed down her stomach and to her hips, feeling every steep and turn. Her body was perfect. She didn’t work out anymore buy she didn’t need to. She was naturally perfect.

She opened her eyes and looked at me, holding my gaze. When a slight smile formed on her lips, my heart melted. Just a simple movement could make my heart accelerate. She had total dominance over my heart. It was in her chest, right next to her own.

Scarlet moved closer to me then crawled on top of me
, straddling my hips. Her hair fell down her chest, slightly wavy from the curls she wore the night before. When it touched my chest it made me tingle. It was always so soft. The smell always got me aroused.

She leaned down and kissed my neck, her body pressed close to mine. She felt warm and welcome. My hands guided across her body, feeling her slender back and petite waist. She was feather light. When I imagined her being pregnant with my child, I was excited to see the expansion of her hips and the formation of her belly. I knew she would look adorable.

“Last night was fun,” she said into my ear, nipping my earlobe slightly.

“Yeah.” I didn’t know what she was talking about.

She grabbed my left hand and kissed the knuckles, trailing to the ring around my finger—my wedding band. “Now you’re stuck with me,” she said as she continued to kiss me. Her hand was clasped around mine and she wore the engagement ring along with the wedding band.

“When I was little I always imagined what my wife would look like.”

“And?” she asked playfully.

“You are nothing like I pictured.”

Her lips froze for a moment, her teasing behavior gone.

“You are so much better.”

Her eyes softened and she kissed me again.

I sat
up and pulled her face close to mine. My erection was pressed against her stomach, pulsing slightly. I saw her wedding dress on the floor, ripped from her body the night before. “Thank you for marrying me. You’re the love of my life, the happily ever after I never expected or deserved to have.”

“Sean,” she whispered to me, emotion in her eyes.

“Thanks for putting up with me for as long as you did.”

“The past is the past, Sean. Forget about it.”


She rubbed her nose against mine. “I want to make love to you. Lean back.”

I felt my heart accelerate. She was the sexiest woman I had ever been with. She knew how to please me in the right way, elicit pleasure I never felt before. She was my greatest fantasy. When I was with Penelope I used to fantasize about other women once in a while, but I never did that with Scarlet. She was my best friend and the perfect woman. I could never get enough of her.

She pushed me back gently until I was lying down. Her lips moved to my chest, kissing me everywhere. I felt the distant sound of the shore outside the window. We were on our honeymoon but I didn’t know where. When she moved her lips lower, I stopped caring where the hell we were. She kissed my hips, moving her tongue across the skin, then moved further to my groin. She grabbed the ba
se of my cock then licked the tip, making me gasp as I watched her. I started to leak fluid and she licked it away like she was parched, dying for water. Her mouth only stayed at my tip. I stared at her, loving the sight of her making out with my cock. When she pulled away she licked her lips, tasting me.

“Yum,” she whispered.

I grabbed her hips and pulled her over me, grabbing my cock and pressing it to her entrance. I wanted to be inside her now.

“No, I’m making love to you.” She pushed my hand away.

I placed my hands by my side and watched her sheath me, taking me all the way in with one quick motion. I suddenly felt her warmth and protection. I gasped loudly as she started to ride me. She leaned over me and she moved up and down, riding me from tip to base.

Her tits hung in my line of sight. They were big and perky, one of my favorite features. I sucked each nipple then pinched them gently. Her mouth opened in ecstacy as she made love to me. I grabbed her face and kissed her, mo
ving my tongue around hers. Quiet moans escaped her mouth. My kisses were gentle and loving. I loved kissing her more than doing anything else. I felt connected to her in a powerful way. My hands moved into her hair while I rocked into her gently. My orgasm was already there. I was just waiting for her to go first.

I broke our kiss and looked into her eyes, seeing the same love and adoration reflected back at me. I would die for her and she would die
for me. She was everything I wanted in another person. What would I have done if she hadn’t forgiven me? I wouldn’t have known a joy this intense and powerful. I would have ended up with someone else that I loved so much less. Every day I would have wondered what Scarlet was doing. If she was married or had kids. But I know I never had to worry because she was mine and I was hers.

“Together?” she asked.


My orgasm shot through me, making me moan loudly. My breathing was heavy, the wind knocked out of me. When I opened my eyes I didn’t see Scarlet anymore. I was alone in my cot, wearing underwear that was soaked with come.

Even though I felt satisfied, I was depressed. I wanted my fiancé—my future wife. I hated sleeping without her, being apart from her. She was everything to me. Without her, I was just a lonely man in a cell, fantasizing about the real thing.

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