Fighting Fate (6 page)

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Authors: Scarlett Finn

BOOK: Fighting Fate
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‘Let me go!’

‘You started this, we’re gonna finish.’

‘Let me do it myself, would you?’ she protested. ‘At least give me a chance to see if I can get you off.’

The reasoning for her request hadn’t formed in her head before she said it and as much as it startled her, it amused him.

‘Go ahead, Minx,’ he said, letting her go. ‘Show me what you’ve got.’

Without his guiding hands, she took a while to find her rhythm but once she did it became soothing and stimulating. His member, here, impaled in her centre was familiar, yet she’d never experienced anything like it. Closing her eyes, she blocked out everything except their point of contact, which was actually easy, given the circumstances.

Then Dax began to move in opposition and unity, speeding the journey to orgasm. His hands took her hips, but she didn’t object because he gave her what she needed and from the increase of his pace she was giving it right back.

Yelling out her exhaustion, her body spasmed around his, but he didn’t let her sag, he kept on driving up into her and using her body to wring out his own pleasure. His subdued growl came out as a tortured huff and he curled up with a clench of his abdominals. After three pants of climax he wrenched her up off his body and tossed her onto her own side of the bed before collapsing back with a hand on each pec.

She could understand that he wasn’t the type to cuddle and she needed time to come to terms with the truth of what they’d just done herself, so she was happy to say nothing at all.

Mismatched exhales became her focus and she let her eyes close because guilt wouldn’t change what had happened, so she was ready to try and sleep, hoping the new day would bring clarity.

Much to her surprise Dax’s arm channelled between her back and the mattress and she was scooped up over his lap, face down on the bed.

‘Hey,’ she said.

When she tried to get up, Dax brought his leg around to pin it over the back of her thighs to hold her down. But she had no time to object. He thwacked her ass with an open palm and the buzz of his spank stunned her still for a split second. The next smack made her try again to free herself but his arm came down on her spine to hold her fast and he spanked her again.

‘What do you think you’re doing?’ she called.

‘You were a naughty girl, Minx. You don’t get away until I tell you.’ He spanked her three more times and though she yelped at each and the pain of his force increased, the tingling carried on forward to the still engorged centre he’d just penetrated.

‘Stop,’ she protested but arched her ass up a few inches.

His palm smoothed over the flesh he’d just bruised then he smacked it again. ‘You’re a bad girl. When you break my rules, you need to be disciplined. My female does what I tell her to.’

‘I am not your female,’ she said and his next smack was enough to make her squawk and the insistent line of his erection prodded into her belly. ‘You’re not going to use that.’

‘I’ll do anything I please with my female, and that’s exactly what you are, Minx. I own you.’

‘You do not control me.’ But her wriggling was useless so she slackened and he whacked her ass again then tossed her aside.

Clambering away, she shifted to sit but her stinging ass cheeks made her roll to her side. He pushed her onto her front and threw a leg over her then stroked her butt.

‘You’ll learn to be a good girl for me, Minx. That spirit of yours will belong to me, just like the rest of you. Now get some sleep, you’ve got more work to do. I’m not done with you yet.’

He rolled over and she thought he was going to sleep, but a drawer rolled on its runners and he turned back to her and sat up. Something plastic tightened on her ankle and she tried to see it, then he linked another one through it and the sound brought her clarity – he’d used two zip ties to link her to a foot post.

‘Close your eyes, Minx,’ he said, patting her butt. Brushing her hair aside, he pressed a condescending kiss between her shoulder blades.

‘You’re a jerk, keep your hands off me.’

Rubbing his face in her hair, he whispered in her ear. ‘I will until that body of yours craves mine again. You want me and I’ll do with you anything I please, you don’t have it in your power to refuse me. Go to sleep.’

This time when he turned over he remained in place with his back to her and eventually his snoring told her that he was asleep. Lying on her front wasn’t a comfortable position and her breasts were squashed so much that they ached, but with the tie around her ankle she couldn’t get to her back.

Reaching for a pillow, she tried her best to make herself comfortable, for now she was stuck and she needed her rest. It had been a long time since she’d seen a bed, so despite despising herself for giving in to her overload of hormones in the presence of this asshole – this domineering, arrogant, hot as hell asshole who had just given her the best sexual experience of her life – she closed her eyes and relaxed into slumber.

Chapter Six



During the night Dax had woken her up three times to demand further satisfaction. Her stubborn nature obliged her to protest, but each time she’d given in. Each encounter was more intense than the last and she began to notice that something in her seemed to tame something in the wildness of him; though he battled the instinct to be calmed by her.

Being that she was still recovering from her stretch of incarceration in the basement, where she’d been deprived of the necessities of sustenance, Ivy was tired and stiff this morning. Though the stiffness more likely came from Dax’s demands that she do all of the physical work during their intimacy. She would be quite happy to stay here in their sullied sheets all day recovering from what she’d been through recently. But when she cracked open an eyelid and saw Bruno towering over her, she came awake quickly.

‘Shower time,’ he said. ‘The men are getting hungry.’

The last time Dax had strapped her ankle to the foot post she’d been on her back, meaning that now, she was in the right position to sit up. The first thing she noticed was that Dax wasn’t here, the bed was empty. The covers had been tossed aside, leaving her exposed to the room. Either the draft, or the violation of Bruno ogling her figure, must have woken her.

On the tip of her tongue was the question of Dax’s location, but she didn’t voice it, she kept her lips sealed. Bruno freed her ankle and escorted her to the shower where he once again watched her wash and directed her grooming. He didn’t loiter over the process today, and when she was dry he gave her another bikini and again told her to don her shoes and tie her hair up in the absurd bunches.

In the kitchen she was expected to prepare breakfast, yet there was still no sign of Dax. It was while she was feeding Bruno his honey slathered toast that Dax came in and poured himself a coffee. She couldn’t take her eyes off of his solid form and waited for some kind of acknowledgement. But it never came.

He crossed to the kitchen table with his coffee in hand and sat opposite her and Bruno. The newspaper Bruno had been perusing while she made breakfast was still there and Dax turned it over to read the back page as though he was alone in this occupied room.

‘Where should you be right now?’ Bruno asked her and she had to snap herself out of her mental fume to remind herself of her role.

Leaving her seat, she went and knelt on the floor at Dax’s feet just as Bruno had instructed her to do when Dax entered a room. With the flesh of his leg so close to her, Ivy was tempted to sink her teeth into his knee just to get a reaction.

Dax couldn’t have expected her to come and take position where she had, but instead of looking to her for an explanation, he looked to Bruno.

‘She’s waiting for your instructions,’ Bruno said. ‘You have to tell her that it’s ok to carry on with what she was doing. You’re the owner, remember?’

‘Right,’ Dax mumbled. ‘Carry on.’

Climbing to her feet, she went back to sit beside Bruno wondering why Dax wasn’t as adept with this enslaving thing as Bruno was. ‘Want our slave to cook you something?’ Bruno asked, then opened his mouth toward her in expectation of another bite.

This was so demeaning. She knew that the point of the exercise was to belittle her, but it took every ounce of her willpower not to shove the toasted lump down the letch’s throat.

‘No,’ Dax said, spreading open the newspaper.

‘You made your mark on her last night,’ Bruno grinned, fondling her breasts while watching Dax read his paper as if he was expecting some kind of reaction from either her or Dax, but he got none.

Ivy wouldn’t give Bruno the satisfaction of recoiling and she didn’t want to end up back in the basement. Undoing the progress that she’d made would be foolish; she had no idea what Dax’s reasoning was. He had said he wouldn’t touch her sexually on the same day another man had.

‘They taste as good as they feel?’ Bruno asked Dax, slipping his hand into her cleavage.

‘Not really,’ Dax said. The indifferent insult was preceded by him turning the page.

‘That sweet ass is red raw,’ Bruno said.

‘She deserved it,’ Dax muttered.

‘No argument here. You know how to do your job.’

Bruno’s words got no reaction from Dax, Ivy had never felt so invisible, but his apathy only served to boil her blood. She wanted to start launching condiments at him over the table, he wouldn’t be able to ignore her then.

‘Brad says he might need you next week,’ Bruno said, changing the subject.

‘For what?’ Dax asked, still reading his paper. His tone was the most interested it had been all morning.

‘Didn’t say, you know how these things can change last minute, but thought I’d give you the heads up,’ Bruno said, taking another bite of toast from the piece she held. ‘I ordered a bunch of toys.’ Bruno squeezed her breast and she tried not to show tension in her jaw but it was growing increasingly difficult. ‘So I can keep taking care of business if you’ve got to split.’

‘Cool,’ Dax said and closed the paper then left the table. ‘I’m going downstairs.’

‘No worries, I’ll take care of things up here,’ Bruno said.

Dax wasn’t listening, he was already gone. Bruno was nonplussed, he opened for her to guide another bite of his breakfast between his teeth, and she had to take a deep breath before she offered it to him.



Bruno’s idea of “taking care of things” meant giving her task after task to do while he supervised. If he thought that expecting her to graft was some kind of hardship he clearly didn’t know much about her background. Scrubbing the kitchen was nothing new, she’d done her share of waitressing in various restaurants, which meant being part of the monthly deep clean in the kitchen, and no one had seen grease until they’d pulled out the in-built fryer in a fast food joint.

Either he wasn’t satisfied by her willingness to simply do the task laid before her without complaining and do what needed to be done, or he really wanted this beach house to be spotless, because each duty built on the last. She skimmed the pool, then he had her doing bits and pieces of yard work before polishing the living room and doing laundry, which required her to strip all the beds.

The day was almost over when he left her alone for the first time and that was in Dax’s bathroom again. This bathroom and the basement were the only two places she’d had any peace though even in these locations it wasn’t assured.

Bruno told her not to leave and gave her another scrubbing brush to clean this room, but as soon as he closed the door she tossed it aside and kicked off the heels he’d had her working in. Running the cold water, she rinsed her face and upper chest then closed her eyes against the cool relief offered by the refreshing water. Moments to herself were rare and she wouldn’t pass up this fortuitous one.

The door opened, shattering her seclusion, and when she opened her eyes to her reflection in the mirror, she saw Dax come into the room, shirtless and sweaty in a pair of workout shorts.

‘Get out of here, I need a shower,’ he said, though he’d already closed the door.

‘No,’ she said, turning on the faucet to wash her hands again. ‘I’ve been directed to stay in here.’

‘Fine, you can soap my back,’ he said and the harsh, unexpected smack he gave her ass made her grunt.

‘Would you please stop spanking me,’ she said in no way concerned that he would demand she return to the basement for her insolence.

He kept on coming toward her until his body pressed hers into the vanity. Pulling the ties from her hair, he dropped them and shook his spread fingers through her locks to loosen them.

‘That’s what you get when you’re a naughty girl,’ he said, tipping her head aside to kiss the side of her neck through her hair.

‘I did nothing wrong,’ she said, watching his hands in the mirror as they tugged up her bikini and closed around her naked breasts.

‘You said the word no to me,’ he whispered in her ear then kissed his way to her shoulder.

That she had to concede. ‘Who is Brad?’ she asked, arching her back to insist her tingling ass against the throbbing bulge of his groin.

‘None of your business,’ he said. ‘You do what you’re told, don’t ask questions.’

‘I wanted to ask Bruno where you were this morning. It’s not nice for a girl to wake up with a different man than the one she went to bed with.’

‘You better get used to it. If Brad sends the boys up here you’ll have a lot of cocks to keep happy.’

She didn’t like the sound of that. ‘You’re going to share me with your friends? I’m a free agent?’

‘More like free for all,’ he said, standing straight he drew his hips away from her as though the mood had left him.

‘You didn’t mind when Bruno had his hands all over me this morning, so I shouldn’t be surprised that you’d be happy if others did it too.’ Running her fingers through her hair, she arranged it to cover her breasts, which the length thankfully accommodated.

‘You thought because I fucked your cunt last night that I’d start giving a fuck about the rest of you?’ He slid open the shower stall and turned on the harsh spray before closing it to trap the steam. ‘Sorry, Minx, I’m not wired that way.’

‘What way is that?’ she asked his reflection. ‘Like a decent human being?’

Lunging at her, he thrust her forward to bend her over the vanity, causing her hands to land on either side of the mirror. She wanted her reflection to burn her anger into him, but he was fixated on her butt. With two fingers he tugged her bikini briefs halfway down her thighs and parted her ass cheeks. With his erection in hand he leaned closer, but she shot upright.

‘I don’t think so, big boy,’ she said. Her attempt to push him away only gave him the opportunity to take her hand to his erection. Drawing his hips back and forth, he began to fuck her closed fist.

‘You get wound so tight when you’re angry, Minx,’ he said, lowering his head to lick her earlobe.

‘That gets you horny? When I’m angry?’

His hands took her breasts again and the way he massaged her with those large, rough digits made her groan.

‘Suck me off,’ he murmured in her ear and she went rigid.

‘No!’ she exclaimed.

‘You know that you want to. You’re going to object on principle, but you know that wrapping that smart mouth around my hard dick is exactly what you’re thinking about right now.’

‘What I’m thinking about is cracking that hard skull of yours,’ she said and tried to butt him back out of the way, but she failed.

He took his erection from her and prodded it between her cheeks. ‘You get down there and suck my balls empty, or I fuck your tight virgin asshole raw. Your pick.’

‘And if I refuse you’re going to turn me over your knee again?’

‘I’m probably gonna do that anyway.’

‘Empty balls it is then,’ she said with a false smile as though it had been her intention all along to comply.

He gave her enough space to turn and fall to her knees, but didn’t give her enough time to blink before he squeezed his dick through her lips and forced the bulbous head to smack the back of her throat. She swallowed to relax her throat and prevent a gag reflex, but her actions made him groan. Sighing, she pushed his hips back to make him withdraw.

‘Don’t get over excited, I’ve said I’ll do it,’ she said, moistening her lips and lathering her saliva.

When she was ready, she took him in hand and set to work. Though his hand remained on her head throughout he actually wasn’t too forceful, he let her vary the pace and use her own experience. She sucked, licked and fondled until the pulse in his shaft fired and he swore out loud.

Instead of shooting his load in her mouth, as she had expected him to, he came out of her mouth and showered her breasts with the milky liquid. The heat of it slithered down her body and he tucked himself back into his shorts while she hung there in mid-air still agape.

‘What did you do that for’ she asked when she recovered. ‘I would have swallowed.’

‘Next time you will,’ he said. ‘Bruno wants you by the pool.’

‘And you didn’t tell me that when you came in?’

‘I wanted you first,’ he said, opening the shower door again and testing the temperature of the water with his hand. ‘I’m your owner, I make the rules about where you go and what you do. Getting your face fucked was more important than running his errands.’

‘I can’t go down there looking like this,’ she said, getting to her feet. ‘He’ll see that you’re… all over me.’

‘That was the point,’ he said.

‘I need to shower,’ she said. When she tried to pass him to enter the cubicle he grabbed her and pulled her back to prevent her from reaching it.

‘No! You go down there, exactly like that!’

‘But, I—‘

‘He’ll think twice about touching you now, won’t he?’

Her indignation waned and for the first time when their eyes locked neither of them contained anger.

‘You do what you need to do, to get the job done,’ she muttered.

‘Yeah. Which includes letting any of the rest of them touch you in any way they want to.’

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