Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One (5 page)

Read Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One Online

Authors: Yana Guleva

Tags: #vampire, #love, #paranormal romance, #free, #series, #powers, #werewolf and vampire

BOOK: Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One
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Are you ready?” He asked. I don’t
see what I have to be ready for though.

Yeah sure, let’s go.” I answered.
We got out of the car and started walking towards the house. Before
we came to the front door, it already opened and a short thin
looking lady opened the door. She was stunning. Didn’t look like
any aunt I’ve ever seen. She was just as pale as Kierce with short
brown hair and looked like she was maybe early thirties, if that.
She definitely looked related to him though, they both had the same
golden orange eyes.

Hello there, you must be Amabel.”
She spoke to me. She seemed nice and full of life.

Yes, nice to meet you.” I answered
back. She had a warm and inviting smile that’s for sure.

Come on in guys, I made some
breakfast.” She said. We came in the house and all I could pay
attention to is the huge painting against the back wall of the
living room. The downstairs was kind of combined with everything
but that painting, was amazing. It was a scene with werewolves and
humans fighting them off. I was kind of bothered by them hurting
the werewolves, but it was definitely a work of art.

Amazing painting, huh?” Kierce’s
aunt Elizabeth asked.

Yes, completely stunning.” I

You’re welcome to sit down Amabel,
have anything you’d like.” She pointed towards the waffles and the
pancakes she has made. I didn’t hesitate and took whatever I
pleased. Suddenly, the pain came back stronger than before and made
me want to throw up any food I digested already. Elizabeth noticed,
and stood up walking away, calling Kierce to come with

Kierce…her..” I couldn’t tell what
they were saying. Just bits and pieces. “…your father…last
watcher…her.” Again, all I can hear is bits and pieces.
“…kill…her…” What did she just say?

Amabel, run! Take my car and drive
home now!” Kierce yelled.

What’s going on Kierce?” I asked
worried. I didn’t know what was happening.

Amabel, go, now.” He said more
seriously. I listened. Instead of taking the car, I ran out of the
house. So many things going through my head. Did his aunt tell him
to kill me, or was she even talking about me? What did she mean by
last watcher? Instead of turning back, I just kept running. I felt
so much fear and so much hatred. Almost like it was from two
different people, yet it was just me here. I ran until I couldn’t
anymore. I don’t understand why all of this is happening. All I
wanted was a normal life, and now I finally found someone who I
could count on. There was something missing though. It didn’t feel
right. I kept running, and walking when I got too tired. The sun
was going to set soon and I finally reached home. All of the
exhaustion got to me, so I walked upstairs to my bedroom and
collapsed. Today’s day has ended, and I couldn’t wait to get

Chapter Four – Revealed


The next morning I woke up late. Kierce
hasn’t called and my mother hasn’t bothered to talk to me. I walked
downstairs to get some company and maybe have some breakfast. She
never fails to make any for my father and I. Especially on the
weekends when he’s home and not working.

Good morning.” I said. My
parents were already sitting at the breakfast table

Good morning Amabel.” My
mother said. She looked a little disappointed. “Come eat.” She
added. I sat down and grabbed some eggs.

I have to talk to you guys
about something.” I said. “I went over Kierce’s house yesterday to
meet him aunt, and it didn’t go so well.” I said. I knew I didn’t
want to tell them, but if something happens, they need to know why.
“His aunt Elizabeth was nice at first and invited me in for some
breakfast, but then, something happened. Her and Kierce stepped
aside to talk and I heard her say something.” I didn’t want to tell
them what. “Then Kierce just told me to run, and I ran

Yes, I see.” My mother
said. She didn’t seem surprised by what I just told her. Oddly, she
was still calm eating her food. “I decided this with your father
last night, you are no longer allowed to see Kierce.” She said. I
can’t see him? This is outrageous!

What? Mothers, what are you
talking about?” I asked.

You’re school called and
told me you have missed a couple of days, and.. I know who Kierce
is.’ My mother said. She knows who he is? So what, everyone in my
class knows who he is too.

I don’t understand, why?” I
asked again.

Listen Amabel! I need you
out of danger. You are very special, and you cannot get involved
with Kierce!” She know yelled more than spoke.

If you think that I am
going to listen to you right now, you’re wrong.” I said, feeling
horrible about it. I loved my mother and I never disobeyed her.
This though, I cannot go through. With anger filled in me, I stood
up, ran upstairs and threw some warm clothes on. I grabbed the
warmest jacket, and headed for the front door.

Amabel Fowler! Where do you
think you’re going?” My father stepped in.

Out of here.” I said,
slamming the door. I couldn’t believe they wanted me to stay away
from the one person that understood me. Kierce was different than
anyone I’ve met. How could I possibly give him up without a

I walked down the street trying to find the
walkway to the lake and the glaciers, but I couldn’t.

Amabel.” Someone called out
to me. It was Kierce, coming from the forest.

Kierce!” I yelled in
excitement, running to him and throwing my arms around him. “What
happened yesterday?” I needed to know.

I know Amabel, I left you
clueless again, come walk with me.” He said. I agreed by nodding
and followed him. We walked back into the forest. Even though it
was only the end of winter, the trees were filled with green.
Something I never quiet noticed, but it’s oddly strange.

We came up to the lake and the hills, which
past them were the beautiful glaciers.

What are we doing here
again?” I asked kind of curiously. He turned to me, looked me
straight in the eyes, and leaned for a kiss. I was starting to get
used to his lips. They were so soft and just kept luring me in. I
felt the sudden urge to dig into his skin. I went to put my arm up
his shirt but he stopped me.

Amabel, will you join me?”
He asked, but such a strange question to ask me.

What do you mean join you
Kierce?” I asked back.

I am Kierce Pence, the one
you will love, the one you will come to and join forces. You are
Amabel Fowler, the Last Watcher left on the face of this planet.
You will join forces with me, and by that action, my kind, and all
hunters, will be free on this Earth, and no longer need to hide”.
Either he’s crazy or my mother missed more than a little this

Hunters? You mean vampires?
You’re a vampire?” In some weird way, I believe him. He had such
beauty in his face, his eyes, which I couldn’t possibly explain.
The thought of him just lured me in. This couldn’t be. This
couldn’t possibly be.

Yes, I am the youngest and
the last hunter alive. My duty is to have you join us.” He said. I
don’t understand why I need to join him.

Do you hurt people? Why
would I join you? You’re beautiful, yes, but how could I possibly
love you?” I started screaming more than talking now.

Amabel, I will never hurt
you, but only protect you. I want to be with you my love. Your
heard my aunt talking, I know, but the hunters will kill you if you
do not join. I will protect you until death Amabel.” He said. “And
what do you mean how can you love me? How can you love that
creature!” He pointed at a man running towards us. I didn’t know
whether to run, or stay and watch. That man, that tan body, I knew
from somewhere.

Amabel! Don’t Amabel!” The
man screamed as he is starting to approach us. I know that voice.
He didn’t come just from my dreams, or the visions I had. He is
real, and the pain is starting to come. The pain in my heart, the
unbearable pain came back. I felt it in my throat, the love this
stranger had for me. Why did he have such love, and how can I feel

Stay away you lycan!”
Kierce screamed. He looks paler then before, and his teeth looked
like daggers. It was true, he was a hunter, a vampire. I looked at
the man almost near us, and I can see his veins, I can hear his
beating heart. I can feel the love more than ever. It didn’t
compare to anything, not to the gleaming glaciers, or the snow
brilliant with colors. It is at the pit of my stomach, he is the
one I have been missing. The one I have had in my visions all my

I am Kierce Pence and I
have every right to be here! I have every right to ask Amabel to
join me!” He screamed louder than before. I looked back at the
oncoming man, and he is now right in front of me, almost guarding
me from Kierce, angry, veins showing more than before.

You are Kierce Pence? Oh
yah? And why do I give a damn?! You stay away from her!” This man
was no man, he was not much older than I was. His familiar voice
almost made me feel safer. I feel like I have known him all my
life. Stay back Amabel, stay back my love. How could this be? Was
he talking to me before? Can I read his mind?

I.. don’t understand.” I

Honey, you won’t.” Kierce
spoke angrily. “You won’t be able to enhance your powers, you’ll
join me way before that even happens!” Kierce spoke fiercely. I am
falling for someone who is evil, and how can he possibly call the
man from my dreams a creature? He’s noting but a strong, beautiful
man, standing in front of me, keeping me away from the

You shut up Kierce!” The
man spoke back.

You lycan, how dare you!
You cannot speak to me in such tone!” Kierce said.

I laugh at the thought of
your kind.
Your scent makes me want to tear
all that’s kind.
As my hands turn to claws,
and my body fills with fur
y razor teeth seek revenge and it will all
soon occur
will not have the watcher, nor my true love
Now watch my body transform
, a
s I am a man, the wolf,
the lycan!” I gasped in fear as my protector turned, to a beast I
have seen before, the one that has howled in pain

I am Tae McCully, and I
have every honor on behalf of Amabel to speak to you, and to tear
you to shreds. I suggest you leave before I ruin your pretty face!”
The lycan scowled. As I look at him, he is no beast at all. Yes, I
may be confused, but he’s no beast. He was Tae, the one from my
dreams. The secret true love I never knew existed.

This is not over yet,
lycan, I promise you that!” Kierce screamed, as he turned away from
Tae’s growling, and disappeared. I’m not much afraid, but I feel
fear from Tae, the lycan. How can I feel such things? How can any
of this be happening? As I watch him transform into the guy I saw
before, my eyes are now drowned in awe. I can’t breathe, the
aching, the love. Everything went black.

Chapter Five – Explanation


I see the glaciers, I see Tae. He comes
close and says “You may be just a child, but as long as the blood
sucking hunters are around, I will forever wait for you to grow, I
will keep watching over you until I can no longer. You are my love,
my true and only one. I have failed to protect your father, but I
will never leave your side. I love you Amabel, please don’t fall in
love with anyone before me. If you wish to not love me, I will let
you go, yet forever stand watching over you from the side. You have
such powers my love. You need to be protected.” I looked up at him,
as he kissed me on the forehead. “I am forever in your honor” He
said. And everything faded. I felt so much love.



Amabel, you’re awake!” I
can hear my mother saying, but she wasn’t alone. My father was in
the room. I wonder where is Tae, or Kierce. As much as I didn’t
want to, I couldn’t stop thinking about either one of

Good morning mother.” I
said quietly.

Honey, it’s time.” I got
up, looking at my parents standing there with such fear in their

What is it?” I

Honey, this is Tae
McCulley.” As Tae, the one I felt so much for, walked in. “He is
your age, and he has been your age for a very long time. He cannot
get any older because of the hunters being around.” My mother
paused as she looked at him, hoping he’d continue. He didn’t. “When
you were a little girl, the hunters killed your father and Tae’s
parents. They have attacked Tae’s entire family, but we never knew
whether they came out alive. Ever since then, Tae has been watching
over you, protecting you and slowly trying to bring back your
memory as a little girl. I suppose you have had dreams, well they
are real honey.” She paused again, and I took the

What do you mean my father?
He’s standing right there.” I didn’t know how to respond to the
anything else.

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