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Authors: Gerald Clarke

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“With Freddie” Shana Alexander, “Judy’s New Rainbow,”
, June 2, 1961.

“You two are the luckiest” James Goode, “Judy,”
Show Business Illustrated
, Nov. 14, 1961.

“Leopold and Loeb” James Goode, “Judy,”
Show Business Illustrated
, Oct. 31, 1961.

Nineteen sixty-one Jane Ardmore, “Judy,”
The American Weekly
, Oct. 1, 1961.

The first critic Virgil Miers, “Phenomenal Night with Judy as She Sings as Never Before,”
Dallas Times Herald
, Feb. 22, 1961.

“He treated me” Sheilah Graham, “Everything Looks Good to Judy Garland Today,” newspaper unknown, March 4, 1962.

“Damn it” Shana Alexander, “Judy’s New Rainbow,”
, June 2, 1961.

“she gave the impression” Stanley Kramer to GC.

“Judy Doesn’t Fizzle” General background on the Hollywood Bowl concert can be found in the
Hollywood Bowl
magazine, July
1993, which features an interview with Patton S. Moore, the Bowl’s superintendent of operations for forty-two years.

Two decades earlier Sidney Skolsky, “Judy Smash Hit at Bowl,”
Hollywood Citizen-News
, Sept. 18, 1961.

After the twenty-fourth number “‘Judy at Carnegie’ Capacity $20,100; Star’s Surcharged Gotham Comeback,”
, April 1961 (exact date unknown).

Carnegie Hall was validation “Hollywood: The New New Garland,”
, Nov. 16, 1962.

But the most Rowland Barber, “The Eternal Magic of Judy Garland,”
Good Housekeeping
, January 1962.

The screenwriter Mayo Simon to GC.


As impressed as everyone else “Hollywood: The New New Garland,”
, Nov. 16, 1962.

It was they Judy Garland, “I’m Judy Garland—and This Is My Story,”
New York Journal-American
, Feb. 28, 1964.

“I hated” Ibid.

“I’d never seen” Ibid.

She took a walk Ibid.

Showing up nonetheless Frank,
, p. 485.

“You know, Sid” Ibid., pp. 484–86.

“You just don’t” Sheilah Graham, “Judy Rolls with the Punches,”
New York Mirror
, Feb. 25, 1962.

“That boy” Abby Mann to GC.

“I’m going” Ibid.

The standoff All the New York tabloids carried reports of the day’s events.

“Get in” James C. Lischetti to GC.

“My marriage” “Judy’s Next Step May Be Divorce,”
New York Post
, May 1, 1962.

Claiming that she had hired Mike Pearl, “Judy Hired Goons—Luft,”
New York Post
, May 1, 1962. Sid’s claim that he was held down was stoutly denied by James C. Lischetti, one of the two detectives who helped Judy at the Stanhope Hotel. James C. Lischetti to GC.

“Whatever happens” Dorothy Kilgallen, “The Voice of Broadway”
New York Journal-American
, May 8, 1962.

Neither the edict “Judy Puts All-Night Guard On Hidden Children,”
Daily Express
(London), May 1, 1962.

As she started work Bogarde,
Snakes and Ladders
, p. 252.

Bogarde had been hearing Unless otherwise noted, all Dirk Bogarde’s comments were made to GC.

Judy, he wrote Bogarde,
Snakes and Ladders
, p. 235.

But Judy saw nothing Dirk Bogarde to GC.

“The theory was” Mayo Simon to GC.

“I’m a goddamned star” Bogarde,
Snakes and Ladders
, p. 255.

“Who is smoking” Ronald Neame reported this to GC.

“Here’s Dorothy Adorable” Dirk Bogarde to GC.

“You said the first take” Ronald Neame to GC.

Banging her head Dirk Bogarde to GC.

“How are things” Mayo Simon to GC.

Though few other actors Bogarde,
Snakes and Ladders
, pp. 260–61.

“Only if you” Paar,
P.S. Jack Paar
, p. 159.

“David Begelman told me” Judy Garland, “I’m Judy Garland—and This Is My Story,”
New York Journal-American
, Feb. 28, 1964.

“The Great Garland Gamble” Dwight Whitney, “The Great Garland Gamble,”
TV Guide
, Oct. 19–25, 1963.

“Thousands of dollars” Richard Warren Lewis, “The TV Troubles of Judy Garland,”
Saturday Evening Post
, Dec. 9, 1963. I have relied, for much of my discussion of
The Judy Garland Show
, on this long, comprehensive and thoughtful article.

His mistake Ibid.

“Judy Garland will have to” St. Johns,
Some Are Born Great
, p. 68.

“I was stunned” Richard Warren Lewis, “The TV Troubles of Judy Garland,”
Saturday Evening Post
, Dec. 9, 1963.

“In TV” Dwight Whitney, “The Great Garland Gamble,”
, Oct. 19–25, 1963.

“It’s pure” “Question Mark,”
, Nov. 4, 1963.

“We’re in trouble” Richard Warren Lewis, “The TV Troubles of Judy Garland,”
Saturday Evening Post
, Dec. 9, 1963.

“It’s like” Frank,
, p. 528.

“I won’t have” Sanders,
Rainbow’s End
, p. 272.

“You were just great” Ibid., p. 363.

In the obscure recesses Judy Garland, “How
to Love a Woman,”
, Feb. 1955.

“I am not a man” Alfred T. Hendricks, “Hollywood Nightclub Fight Wins the Consolation Prize,”
New York Post
, Nov. 23, 1962.

“Judy Garland and Sid Luft Reconciled”
Los Angeles Times
, Feb. 14, 1963.

“Her orchestra” Mort Lindsey to GC.

Thrilled merely Mayo Simon to GC. Simon was present at a couple of these rehearsals.

“David’s the boss” Tom Cooper to GC.

“I just want” Alma Cousteline to GC.

Begelman had, for example Jeanie Kasindorf, “The Incredible Past of David Begelman,”
New West
, Feb. 13, 1978. Kasindorf’s article provides a summary of Steinberg’s report.

After his friends McClintick,
Indecent Exposure
, p. 42. McClintick’s book is an excellent study of Begelman and his sordid dealings.

“Look,” she told Sid Jeanie Kasindorf, “The Incredible Past of David Begelman,”
New West
, Feb. 13, 1978.

Milton must
Paradise Lost
, bk. 2, ll. 109–111, 112; compare bk. 1, ll. 490–92.


“I need” Garland’s tape-recorded reminiscences. The lover was Mark Herron.

One ugly-minded lover The lover made that boast to a source who requested anonymity.

“A marriage of sounds” Jim Gregory, “Andre Phillipe: ‘My Dates with Judy Garland,’”
Movieland & TV Times
, July 1964.

On a photograph
, Aug. 21, 1978.

At the very beginning Ray Aghayan to GC.

Tall, slim and good-looking Ron Saw, “Judy Slogs the Rainbow Trail,”
Sydney Mirror
, May 12, 1964.

After graduation Lanchester,
Elsa Lanchester Herself
, p. 178.

Judy, said Harry M. Miller Miller’s comment comes from a 1992 Australian television documentary,
Judy in a Land Called Oz
, produced and directed by Ian Stahlhut.

All three “Judy Is over the Rainbow,”
Sydney Mirror
, May 11, 1964. I am grateful to Francis Gallagher for loaning me hundreds of clippings from Australian newspapers and magazines regarding Judy’s tour.

“A Knockout” “Judy Garland a Knockout at Stadium,”
Sydney Morning Herald
, May 14, 1964.

“More, more” Margaret Jones, “10,000 Fans Cheer Judy Garland,”
Sydney Sunday Herald
, May 17, 1964.

Nor did Judy sweeten the mood Charles Higham to GC. Higham also described the scene for an Australian magazine: “Just Like the Good Old Days,”
The Bulletin
(Sydney), May 23, 1964.

“Look this way” Ron Saw, “Judy Slogs the Rainbow Trail,”
Sydney Mirror
, May 12, 1964.

“Oh, my God” Charles Higham to GC.

“Listen, they’re going crazy” Miller himself has offered two widely different versions of what he said. In view of Judy’s response, I believe that Herron’s version, which he gave in a BBC television documentary, is almost certainly the accurate one.

She took too many
Judy in a Land Called Oz
, produced and directed by Ian Stahlhut.

Her bizarre behavior “Is Judy Mentally Ill?”
Melbourne Truth
, May 30, 1964.

“We can’t go” Frank,
, p. 540.

“She’s getting mean” Mark Herron to John Carlyle, June 3, 1964.

“I’ve been told” “Judy Garland in London for Vacation,”
Los Angeles Times
, July 1, 1964.

Like them, she was expected My description of this episode is taken from newspaper accounts in both Britain and the United States.

“Beautiful” was the word Mark Herron to John Carlyle, Sept. 4, 1964.

“They say” Ibid.

“Judy Begins” Morris Duff,
Toronto Star
, Feb. 15, 1965.

“My, I’m a loud lady” “Show Business,”
, Aug. 18, 1967.

“The boys in the tight trousers” Ibid.

Turned down for several movie roles Herman,
, pp. 143–46.

But her second appearance John Carlyle to GC.

Angry because ABC had forced her Rick Sommers to GC. Sommers, who was acting as Judy’s go-between, also witnessed the near destruction of the dressing room.

“I don’t want to be” Judy Garland, “The Plot Against Judy Garland,”
Ladies’ Home Journal
, Aug. 1967.

The morning Abby Mann to GC.

“Oh, Bill” William O. Harbach to GC.

That she could not get it Ibid. The watchman described the scene to Harbach.

“I think I’ve got” Garland’s tape-recorded reminiscences.

“When you have lived” Ivor Davis, “When You’ve Lived the Life I’ve Lived…”
Daily Express
(London), March 11, 1967.

That may have been true
Hollywood Citizen-News
, Dec. 2, 1966.

“Mr. Herron” Alma Cousteline to GC.

In addition to all her other pills Ibid.

“They took me” Garland’s tape-recorded reminiscences.

“I’m goddamned mad!” Ibid.

Too timid Alma Cousteline and Rick Sommers to GC.

Responding to a frantic Tom Green to GC.

Only later Ibid.

On another occasion Alma Cousteline to GC.

“It hadn’t been” Judy Garland, “The Plot Against Judy Garland,”
Ladies’ Home Journal
, Aug. 1967.

“I used to hear” Ibid.

When Steve McQueen Luft,
Me and My Shadows
, pp. 147–52.

The cottage survived “Judy Fights Fire with Tumbler,”
Honolulu Advertiser
, April 15, 1965.

Her second arson My account of the Rockingham Avenue fire draws on interviews with Alma Cousteline, Rick Sommers and Esteban Matison, all of whom were there at the time.

Picking up the nearest weapon Alma Cousteline to GC.

Is it any surprise Nancy Barr to GC. Barr spent many hours with Judy and her children, particularly in New York.

“It will stop” Luft,
Me and My Shadows
, p. 157.

“Daddy, I’ve got Mama” Doug Kelly to GC.

“That bitch!” Alma Cousteline to GC.

“Biblical looking” Jane Ardmore, “Judy,”
The American Weekly
, Oct. 1, 1961.

“Take care” Scottie Singer to GC. Singer was a young woman whom David Begelman recruited to look after Judy in the summer of 1963.

“Judy Garland Is Broke,” Walter Benson, “I’m Broke, Admits Judy Garland,”
National Enquirer
, Dec. 18, 1966.

“Everybody was dropping her” Tom Green to GC. Unless otherwise noted, Green’s comments, and anecdotes concerning him, come from interviews with GC.

“She’s just like” Ibid.

His Garland collection Hazel Flynn, “Museum May Get Garland Collection,”
Hollywood Citizen-News
, Dec. 5, 1962.

“I have the unfortunate habit” Judy Garland, “There’ll Always Be an Encore,”
, Feb. 1964.

“How long” Walter Benson, “I’m Broke, Admits Judy Garland,”
National Enquirer
, Dec. 18, 1966.

During her absence Alma Cousteline to GC.

“Lionel, go get” Ibid.

Others did what they could Nancy Barr to GC. Barr was one of those who helped out.

“Where did all my money go?” Tom Green to GC.

Judy kept a scrapbook Doug Kelly to GC.

“Every time she’d get” Ibid.

But when she was alone Garland’s tape-recorded reminiscences.

“Ole Man Sorrow’s come” The song was “My Man’s Gone Now,” with lyrics by DuBose Heyward and music by George Gershwin. Before beginning, Judy herself noted that she had never sung it before.


“Liza’s a girl” Frank Meyer, “Liza’s a Girl Riding a Whirlwind … and Loving It,”
Miami Beach Daily Sun
, June 12, 1966. “Eel de France,” New York
Daily News
, Nov. 13, 1966.

Years later Robert Street to GC. Street was present on several such occasions.

“Can you believe” Donald Brooks to GC.

Judy liked to brag Judy Garland, “There’ll Always Be an Encore” (conclusion),
, Feb. 1964.

“It was as though” Mike Selsman to GC.

“It’s just so terrible” Eleanor Lambert to GC.

The child most like her “A Redbook Dialogue: Noël Coward and Judy Garland,”
, Nov. 1961.

Liza, too Liza Minnelli to GC. I interviewed Liza Minnelli extensively for a cover story I wrote for
magazine in 1972: “The New Miss Show Biz: Liza Minnelli,”
, Feb. 28, 1972.

Sitting at a piano
file for ibid.

Just as Judy Judy Wieder, “Liza Minnelli,”
The Advocate
, Sept. 3, 1996.

Unbeknownst to either Stephen MacLean to GC. MacLean is the author of
Peter Allen
, a definitive biography.

A huge betrayal Judy Wieder, “Liza Minnelli,”
The Advocate
, Sept. 3, 1996.

Not only did she “Show Business,”
, March 9, 1970.

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