Getaway Girlz (6 page)

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Authors: Joan Rylen

BOOK: Getaway Girlz
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They all laughed.

“Are you ready for your ride?” he asked and flashed those pearly whites.

“Actually, Jon, there are four of us fabulous femmes. One of us is similar in skin tone to yourself and won’t leave her umbrella,” Vivian said, then pointed to passed-out Lucy.

Pierre walked up. “What’s this I hear about an umbrella?”

“Their friend is refusing to leave the safety of her umbrella.” Jon hooked a thumb toward Lucy. “They don’t feel they can leave her.”

Pierre rubbed his bald head, which was a shade or two pinker than the rest of him. “An umbrella is sounding pretty good right now. How about the four of you go? I’ll go introduce myself to your friend and put my sunburned head under the shade. What’s her name?”

“Lucy,” Wendy replied, “but she’s taking a nap, compliments of Tiempo Loco tequila. She may not respond.”

Pierre laughed. “No worries. I’ll just borrow the shade.”

“Cool! She’s the one with the bucket on her head,” Vivian said.

He cocked his head to the side and looked at Vivian like she was crazy. “I’ll need to hear that story later,” he said, and handed Wendy his life jacket and the jet ski key. “You’ll find me and Lucy in the shade. I’ll be the one

He walked over to the girls’ spot, and quietly sat down on the lounger next to Lucy. He looked at Vivian and gave a thumbs up. She waved back.

“Well, there you have it. The two shade seekers. Let’s do this!” Jon unbuckled his life jacket. “Have either of you ridden on a jet ski?”

“I rode one once, many moons ago,” Wendy said. “It’s like riding a bike, but Jon, is someone besides you and Pierre allowed to operate this? Aren’t there rules and waivers and stuff?”

“Nahhhh! This is Mexico-ola!”

He held out his life jacket as if it were a coat and offered it to Vivian. She stuck her arms in, a little nervous about getting on a jet ski with a stranger, and such a good-looking one at that. She started buckling the clasps from the bottom but ran into a little problem once she hit the DDs.

“The strap release will give you more room,” Jon said, grinning and pointing to it.

“Gotcha,” Vivian said and tugged for more strap, then got clicked in.

Wendy gave Pierre’s life jacket to Kate. “Since I’m doin’ the driving, you’re more likely to fall off.” Kate put it on without comment, though she had the opposite problem as Vivian when she clasped the top.

Jon helped Wendy and Kate get on the jet ski then pushed them into deeper water. Wendy revved up the machine and took off, giving a “yeeeehawww” as she pulled away.

Jon got on the other jet ski and helped Vivian on behind him. She wasn’t quite sure where to put her hands.

He sensed her hesitation and turned to face her. “Put your arms around my waist.” He pushed the jet ski back form the beach. “And hang on tight. I’m pushing this baby full throttle-ola!”







JON GUNNED the engine which raised the nose of the jet ski and he slid back into Vivian. She held on for dear life. Eventually they leveled out and her nerves began to settle. She unclenched her fists, opened her hands and felt his stomach. His muscles tightened when they were about to hit a wave, and she hoped it wasn’t obvious she was enjoying it so much.

They flew along the coast, jumping waves and careening side to side. Jon let off the gas a bit and pointed out the hot spots in Playa.

“The hotel over there is the Yellow Dragonfly,” he looked back over his shoulder and said. “It’s super-trendy. The place to be seen on the Playa scene. The bar next door is the Purple Peacock, one of the best in Playa. You totally have to go there.”

God, he feels good
. Vivian tried to concentrate on what he was saying, but it wasn’t easy. Her hands hadn’t touched another man since Rick, who was a little doughy around the middle. His idea of a workout was punching the buttons on a remote control. She was glad she started anew with Jon. Rather than drinkin’ a six pack, he sported one. Plus, he had soft skin and not a lot of hair. Rick was no Sasquatch, but Jon was different from what she was accustomed to.

Wendy and Kate pulled up next to them, then zoomed off. Kate looked terrified as Wendy cranked the engine and sought waves to propel into.

Jon glanced at a timer attached to the jet ski and said they better head back. He waved to Wendy to follow and flipped a 180.

Vivian took a moment to look out into the turquoise water. A sailboat dotted the horizon, but not much else. The jet ski noise seemed to fade into the background, and she felt overwhelmed by the emptiness of the ocean. Jon softly touched her hand that was still around his waist.

They pulled into a section of beach with half a dozen jet skis lined up, waiting for takers. A guy ran into the water to meet them. Jon hopped off and took Vivian’s hand while she swung her leg over the seat and got off. Her legs shook as she stood up. I
s it from the vibration of the jet ski or my nerves
? He walked her to the edge of the water, then helped Wendy and Kate.
How polite is he
? Vivian had lived 10 years with someone lacking chivalry; which had dimmed her expectations.

Wendy and Kate walked over to Vivian with giant smiles on their faces. Jon shook hands with the vendor guy and said, “
.” The guy gave him a weird look. Jon turned and walked over to the girls.

He reached towards Vivian’s breasts and unbuckled the top clasp of her life jacket, startling her.

“As fashionable as this makes you look, we have to give it back.”

“Oh, of course!” she laughed, and quickly unbuckled the other clasps. He helped her shrug out of the life jacket and gave it to the guy. Kate handed the other to him, too.

Jon smiled at the three of them. “Ladies, we’ll have to walk to La Vida de Playa from here. It’s not far, though.”

“Thanks for sharing the jet ski,” Kate said. “That was fun!”

“I dunno,” Vivian said. ”When I looked at you, you looked petrified.”

“I had to get used to it,” Kate said. “Usually I psyche myself up for stuff like that. We just jumped on and went! Plus, we all know Wendy drives like a bat out of hell. Who knew what she’d do with a jet ski!”

“Yeah, yeah,” Wendy grinned. “I love speed, what can I say?”

“And what about you, Vivian, did you enjoy yourself-ola?” Jon asked, grinning as he touched her elbow.

She realized she needed to speak but felt breathless.
Who knew an elbow had so many nerve endings
? She managed to nod her head.
I’ve got to pull myself together

As they walked down the beach there was a bit of an awkward silence. Wendy broke it.

“So where are y’all from?” she asked him.

“Well we know where
are from, don’t we?” Jon said jokingly. “Tell me, seriously though,” he paused dramatically. “Who shot J.R.?”

“Ha ha, funny man,” Vivian said. “I could tell ya, but I’d have to kill ya!”

“Yep, it’s an ancient Texas secret,” Wendy said.

“Ah, yes, the Lone Star State! Not surprised. Texas has
most beautiful women. Where’s that big Texas hair I hear about, though?”

Kate did an exaggerated fluff of her hair. “We only pull that out for special occasions.”

“I see. Pierre and I are from Montreal. He is actually from Edmonton but moved to my neighborhood in high school.”

Vivian sucked at geography, so though she did know where Canada was, she didn’t know where to find either of those cities on a map. They were both above the Red River, so she thought of them as ‘up there’ somewhere.

“So how long have y’all been in Playa?” Wendy asked. “You don’t have a tan yet, so not very long, huh?”

“Let me think,” Jon said. “We’ve been here about a month-ola now.”

“Wow, really? I’d have thought you’d have a deep, golden tropical tan by now. Or at least be sunburned.”

“I can’t afford to get burned. I’m an actor. Have to keep my look consistent, you know?”

“Wow! Have you been in anything we might have seen?” Kate asked.

“Probably not. I’ve done some commercial work in the U.S., and I just finished a soap opera, but it only aired in Canada.”

Vivian was finally able to speak without tripping over her tongue. “I thought those things went on forever.”

Jon suddenly pulled Vivian toward him and she gasped. He pointed to a piece of broken glass in her way. “Look out there.”

He stopped to pick it up, then continued. “I just finished up a five year contract and was written off the show.”

“Oh, man, I’m sorry. That sucks,” Vivian said.

He waved off the comment. “No, it’s good. They wanted me to stay on, but I’ve been hoping to branch out. Maybe try to get into film.”

“I’ve seen people written back into soap operas who you thought were long gone,” Kate said. “They can bring you back any time. Even years later!”

“How’d they get rid of you?” Vivian asked. “Did you get blown to smithereens or something?”

“In fact, yes, I was!” he said. “I was in a horrible explosion that wiped out a city block, including my house. I was able to ‘save’ my wife and infant daughter, though.”

“You need to get a movie part so you can be on Ellen!” Wendy said, who watched The Ellen DeGeneres Show every day.

“Wendy is addicted to Ellen,” Vivian said with a laugh. “And hey, if you aren’t upset about the soap giving you the boot, then neither are we.”

“I’m not, my agent already has something new in the works,” he said with a wide smile. His brown eyes held Vivian’s gaze while they walked. “Besides, if I hadn’t been written off I wouldn’t have been able to take this much-needed vacation, and look what I would have missed.”

Her heart pounded and her mouth felt dry. She glanced down at the waves licking her toes to break the moment.

“I feel like we’re in a soap opera right now,” Kate whispered to Vivian.

They were near the hotel and saw Manuel digging an umbrella hole for some new arrivals.

“There’s Lucy, still safely tucked under the umbrella,” Wendy said.

“Yep,” Jon said. “And Pierre is trying hard to share the shade. Is he wearing a bucket on his head?”

They all looked harder.

Pierre saw them and gave a wave.

“Looks like he hijacked her headwear, all right,” Wendy said. “Nice look.”

“I’m parched,” Vivian said. “I’ll go get us a round. We’ve gotta toast to new and improved opportunities for Jon.”

“I second that,” he said and reached his arm around her back and led her toward the bar. “Vivian and I will be back in a jiffy.”

The touch of his hand on the small of her back sent tingles to great places south of the border.

She took a deep breath.

I may be in trouble…-ola







JON AND Vivian went to the bar while Wendy and Kate went back to their spot on the beach. He ordered a round of shots for all and bottles of water. The bartender told them he would have them delivered. Jon said to put it on his room and they walked back toward the others.

“So you have a soap opera wife, huh,” Vivian said, “but no real one?”

“Nope, never been married-ola. That’s another thing I want to change. I haven’t done a good job of balancing my social life with my work life. I’ve had girlfriends, but things haven’t worked out. The feelings always died off.”

“Relationships can be tough,” Vivian said with a sigh.

They got back to their spot and Jon excused himself. Lucy had eventually woken up so Pierre introduced himself and let her know about the impromptu jet ski excursion. She offered him her bucket since his head had turned a bright shade of pink.

“Sounds like y’all had fun,” Lucy said. “I’m sorry I missed it. However, I’m thinking a bunch of alcohol splashing around in my stomach may have had some bad consequences.”

Vivian agreed.

Lucy looked to her left at Pierre. “Scoot over here, Pierre. I want to look at your other arm. Did I see a tattoo?”

“Yes you did.” He swung his legs off the lounger and showed her his left arm. “I’ve had it for about six years, I guess.”

Lucy sat up and moved her legs next to his. She ran her fingertips over his arm, a little flirtatiously, Vivian thought.

“I’ve never seen anything quite like that. What is it?” she asked.

“It’s Celtic in origin,” Pierre explained. “I had it drawn up in Canada. Took several sessions to get it all finished.”

“I love it. It’s so vivid and unusual.”

The center was a deep forest green with three black, curved prongs that jutted out and wrapped around themselves. The outside edges were blue, which made the prongs look like branches, but also kinda like wings.
, Vivian thought.

Kate weighed in. “I didn’t know you liked tattoos, Lucy.”

“Sure. My dad had one,” Lucy said. “It’s no big deal.”

None of the girls had ink.

Their shots arrived at the same time Jon reappeared. He carried a towel and wore a parrot blue and green tropical shirt with hula girls dancing all over it.

“You don’t mind if I crash your spot, too, do you?”

“Nope,” Vivian said. “The more, the merrier!”

They grabbed the shots and held them up.

“To new friends and new opportunities,” Vivian offered.

Jon looked at her and clinked his shot glass to hers.

“To new friends,” he repeated, and slammed back his shot and sucked on the lime.

“Whew!” He yelled and grabbed a bottle of water. “Now, about that sandcastle I so rudely destroyed…”

“Oh, I had forgotten! Yes, I guess you do owe me big-time for annihilating my masterpiece,” Vivian teased. “It was going to be featured in
Architectural Digest
for its extraordinary design and modern features.”

Kate gawked at that.

“Well, I’m not sure I can top that, but I’ll lend some sandcastle-building expertise that I developed as a child,” he said and reached for Vivian’s hand to help her to her feet.

She tried hard to feel light as a feather as he pulled her up off the lounger. They walked down to the water, leaving the others behind. Vivian felt the girls’ eyes on her.

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