Give Em Pumpkin To Talk About (Pumpkin Patch Mysteries Book 1) (17 page)

Read Give Em Pumpkin To Talk About (Pumpkin Patch Mysteries Book 1) Online

Authors: Joyce Lavene,Jim Lavene

Tags: #Female Sleuth, #Cozy Mystery

BOOK: Give Em Pumpkin To Talk About (Pumpkin Patch Mysteries Book 1)
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She needed to talk to him about taking one of the other bedrooms in the house. Since he maintained it, he might as well get some use out of it. There was no reason for him to sleep in the barn at all—at least until after the house was sold. It could be a while before another offer came around to sell the place after the bad publicity.

Ron honked the horn in the driveway. She carefully walked around the corner of the house, avoiding the rosebush, and waved to him.

He wasn’t driving a sheriff’s car, which was nice. He had an older Chevy that he was wiping down as she got there. “I restored this Impala. I’ve been working on it since I was a kid. My granddad gave it to me.”

Sarah smoothed her hand over the glossy, burgundy finish. “It’s very nice.” She knew nothing about cars except how to drive them. It made her feel girly to admit it, so she walked around the car trying to think of something good to say about it. “You’ve done a great job on it.”

“Thanks. Hop in. We’re going someplace special.”

Since the only place in town was the Burger Shack, Sarah assumed that meant they were going to the next town over. Silver Springs was bigger than Misty River and actually had a few restaurants and a grocery store.

She was right. Ron whizzed past the town line and pulled up in front of a newer restaurant that boasted all its food was served family-style. It smelled like fried chicken, and there were plenty of cars outside. She guessed that meant family-style was a good thing.

“My old buddy from school owns this place. He bought it from the people who were retiring. You’ll love it.” He put his arm around her as they walked inside.

She didn’t say anything about it or try to move away. He was probably that kind of person—huggy and touchy—like Kathy.

The restaurant was packed. They were seated right away at a corner table. Ron’s friend came out to talk to them for a few minutes, and then the salad was served.

Family-style apparently meant large amounts of food served in big bowls, she realized, as a huge bowl of salad was followed by an even bigger basket of warm sourdough bread.

Ron was pushed tightly up against her on one side of the booth, even though there was plenty of room to scoot over or go to the other side. His hand kept drifting to her bare knee and higher. Sarah didn’t think of herself as a prude, but she also didn’t feel she wanted to know him that well. This was just supposed to be something to fill her Sunday.

They each got plates. He insisted on serving her, heaping her plate with a mound of salad she could never eat.

“So what is Sarah Tucker all about?” He broke apart some bread and handed her a piece.

She shook her head. “No, thanks. I guess I’m a lawyer from Richmond who needs to sell the family farm so I can go back home.”

“You’re a lawyer? That’s how you got Jack out of jail so fast.” He nodded. “I kind of think he did it. Everyone knows he’s been living off the fat of the land out there, trying to find the gold. He might even be responsible for what happened to your grandparents. Have you thought about that?”


Chapter Seventeen


Sarah admitted that she’d thought about all of it. “But I don’t think Jack’s a killer.”

“You can’t ever tell until you’re standing there and he’s got a gun aimed at you.”

The next course, which was fried chicken and mashed potatoes, was served with corn on the cob. Ron filled a plate for her and gave himself twice as much.

“What about you?” she asked. “What kind of things do you like to do?”

“I like hunting and fishing. I watch some NASCAR. Mostly being a deputy means being on call twenty-four/seven. I don’t have much time to go out. My parents still live in Misty River. I hope to die there and be buried right alongside them.”

“That sounds interesting.” She slid over a little, hoping he would get the point. “It must be a difficult job being a deputy.”

“Not so much. One day, I’m gonna take Sheriff Morgan’s place.” He grinned. “Then it’ll be Sheriff Broadwell for about twenty years until I retire.”

“I guess you’ve got it all planned out.” Sarah smiled and ate some chicken. The crust on the outside was crispy, the inside tender and delicious. “This is really good.”

“I knew you’d like it. You’re a down-home girl. Stay here a few years, and you’ll figure it out for yourself.”

“Thanks, but I have a life to get back to. It’s beautiful here. Sometimes I wish I could stay.”

“What’s stopping you? Jack? I could run him out of there this afternoon.”

Ron sounded so sincere that she paused. She didn’t want him to hurt Jack. “That’s not what’s stopping me from living here. He doesn’t bother me, and he’s been a big help.”

“If you don’t count the two murders he’s committed trying to keep you from selling the land. I’m telling you for your own good. He’d do anything to stay out there so he can keep looking for the gold. What do you think he’s been doing out there all these years? Waiting for Tommy and Bess to come home?”

She thought about what he said, even though the conversation changed to events he thought were important to Misty River. His friend came back out to ask them if they’d enjoyed the meal. Sarah complimented his cook. She’d barely been able to touch the banana pudding or peanut butter pie that was for dessert, but her date had eaten both their shares.

The restaurant was still busy when they left. Ron took her by the river, pointing out the Blue Way Trail that would follow it.

“I don’t know what Leland’s son will do now that his old man is gone. He might not be interested in your property or even doing the Blue Way on his own. I think that was all Leland’s idea. He was always interested in trying to grow the town. He’s a big loss to us all. Jack has a lot to answer for.”

“You know, we still consider people innocent until proven guilty,” she snapped. “Jack will have his day in court, but I don’t think they’ll convict him of anything. I know he didn’t kill George Burris. I was there when it happened.”

“No offense, but things aren’t always what they seem. You trust Jack because your grandparents did, even though that may have cost them their lives.”

Sarah didn’t argue with him as they wandered along the river path. The mist that the river was famous for was rising. Legends said the mist meant all kinds of things. Her grandfather had told her that the mist meant the river had healing properties. Her grandmother said it meant that it was good for fishing.

“You could keep the property,” Ron said. “You could hire a manager to set things up so it could still connect to the Blue Way. That way it would stay in your family, and you’d get the money too.”

“I don’t think the rest of my family would go along with that. They just want to get rid of it.”

But she wasn’t sure of that anymore. Her mother had briefly faltered in her decision to sell. Dusty probably didn’t care either way—he didn’t need the money. As long as he didn’t have to do anything with the property, he’d probably be fine with keeping it.

They got back to her house later than she’d expected. Despite their disagreements on a few subjects, she’d had a good time. Ron was a little too hands-on for her, but he’d been an interesting companion.

“Well, this is me,” she said with a smile. “I had a good time. Thanks for taking me out.”

He got out of the car and wrapped his arms around her. “Come on. Let’s go inside for a while. Kids call it the ghost house since no one has lived here for so long. Everyone sneaks into the patch to grab a pumpkin, but they’re careful not to get too close to the house.”

“I would’ve thought you’d seen enough of it while you were investigating the shooting.”

“I haven’t been upstairs.” He grinned. “I wouldn’t mind seeing that part.”

Sarah got cold feet. “Maybe that’s not such a great idea right now. The house is a mess after sitting empty for so long. There’s no running water. Maybe some other time.”

“I understand. That’s okay. Maybe you’d like to take a look at
place instead.”

“Thanks, but I’m really tired. I don’t think I’ve ever worked as hard as I did yesterday. But thanks again for dinner.”

He pulled her tightly to him and pushed his mouth against hers, scrubbing it back and forth over her lips. Sarah politely waited for him to finish before she thanked him again and hurried around the back of the house. She took a deep breath as she stood beside the old rosebush.

“That bad, huh?”

She jumped back and realized that her dress was caught in the thorns.

“Or that good?”

Sarah tried to reach around and untangle the back of her dress from the large thorns. “I can’t believe you were spying on us.”

“Not much else to do.”

“I knew you should’ve taken the job that Kathy and Ben offered.” A second vine got caught on her dress. She huffed loudly in frustration. So much for being an adult and not getting caught in the roses.

Jack moved closer to her. “Stand still. You’re only making it worse.”

She stood still while he reached his hand around her waist to free her dress from the thorns. It was embarrassing, but it worked.
If I do stay here, I’m cutting this thing down to the ground!

“There you go.”

Sarah took a quick step forward before he moved out of the way and ended up very close to him. She could smell the soap he used and heard his quick intake of breath.

“As much fun as it looks like you two are having,” Sheriff Morgan said, “I need to have a few words with Jack in private.”

Jack moved, and Sarah got away from the roses.

She realized that the sheriff must have sneaked in after her. “Whatever you have to say to him, you can say to me too. I represent him.”

“It’s okay,” Jack said. “We’ll be right back.”

“I can’t help if you exclude me and talk to him on your own,” she yelled after them as they walked toward the barn.

Neither one of them turned back. Sarah decided Jack was on his own after he’d ignored her warning. She went inside and found a pencil and paper. She was going to need some supplies and the rest of her things from the hotel. She made a list of basic foods that would be easy to eat without a microwave. There were also necessities like toilet paper and dish soap. She quickly added other cleaning products to her list.

She was finishing her list, after taking down some of her grandmother’s china, when Sheriff Morgan came in. She’d left the door open to catch the cool breezes. It was warm and there was no air conditioning in the house. There never had been—her grandmother had hated it.

“Ms. Tucker.” He nodded as he sat at the table with her. “Looks like you’re staying longer than you planned.”

“I’m sure you know that things have come up,” she said.

“Just a bit of friendly advice.”

Sarah looked up from her list and noticed the twenty-dollar bill still on the table.

“About Jack—this might not be a good time to get involved with him.”

Her face got hot as she realized what he’d thought was going on by the rose bush. She didn’t enlighten him. It was none of his business.

“Sometimes people, like yourself, get out of their natural element and can’t figure how to get back.”

“Thanks, Sheriff. But I think I know my way home.”

“Like I said, just some friendly advice. I know you’re recently divorced.”

His investigation into her background was thorough.

“I’m recently divorced, and you know what they say about once bitten. I’m not in the market for a romance.”

“I’ve said what I have to say.” He got up, hat in hand. “Keep an eye out. This thing might not be over, whatever it is. I’d hate to see you get caught in the crossfire.”

“I thought you had it all figured out? Isn’t Jack guilty of killing both men?”

“I didn’t say that I was done poking around. We know from ballistics that the 357 rifle we found in the barn is guilty of killing George and Leland. Jack makes the best suspect right now. That doesn’t mean it’s over. But you take care, Ms. Tucker.”

He nodded again and left the way he’d come. She sighed and finished her list listening to the birds calling outside from the oak tree behind the house. Her grandfather had been an avid bird watcher, identifying the different bird calls for her.

Finally rousing herself enough to go shopping and check out of the hotel, Sarah took a peek in the living room. While she was gone with Ron, Jack had moved the furniture back and even added a small vase of daisies to the old coffee table.

“What do you think?” he asked from behind her.

“I think I should tie a bell around your neck. And the living room looks great. I can’t quite envision George’s dead body there anymore. Thanks.”

“My pleasure.” He turned to leave.

“Wait a minute. I’m going to check out at the hotel and pick up some supplies for the next few days. Can I get something for you since you wouldn’t take money for helping me?”

“I owe you a lot more than twenty dollars for getting me out of jail.”

“But you can’t go on living this way. You aren’t going to be able to stay here much longer. You turned down Kathy’s job. You won’t take my money. How are you going to survive?”

He smiled. “You know, it’s been a long time since someone worried about me. But you don’t have to. I’ll be fine. And I don’t particularly need anything.”

“Ron said you’ve been here the last sixteen years searching for the gold. He said you’ll do anything to keep me from selling the land so you can keep looking.”

“You believe that?”

“It makes sense. I guess that’s why Sheriff Morgan arrested you and charged you with murder. You need a better story. You need an alibi.”

“Well, first if I’d been out here digging holes for the last sixteen years, I think you’d have noticed. And I don’t have a better story. This is it. Maybe you should call Ron and tell him so he doesn’t have to worry about me either.”

“Okay. Maybe I put that the wrong way.” Sarah tried to amend her words. Maybe she wouldn’t have noticed before, but now she recognized that she’d hurt his feelings—or his pride. She wasn’t sure which. “I don’t believe you killed anyone. I don’t think you’ve been looking for gold, or you probably would’ve found it.”

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