Glenn, Stormy - Love Sexy [True Blood Mate 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) (19 page)

BOOK: Glenn, Stormy - Love Sexy [True Blood Mate 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)
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Love blinked. “You’re a veterinarian?”


“Seriously?” Love asked, repeating Darren’s word from a moment ago.

Love heard a deep chuckle and turned to see Logan standing in the doorway, leaning against one side. His arms were crossed over his chest and an amused grin graced his lips.

“Hey, sexy,” Love said as he looked Logan up and down, looking for any signs of an injury. He looked wonderful to Love, not a scratch on him. “You look to be in one piece.”

“I had orders from my beta-mate to come back unharmed.”

“Is it over then?” Love still wasn’t sure what was going on beyond the fact that they were being attacked.

“It seems to be for now,” Logan said as he pushed himself away from the door and walked across the room to Love. “Asher has soldiers patrolling the perimeters now. They’ll let us know if anything is amiss.”

Love leaned into Logan. He spread his hand over Logan’s chest, just above his beating heart, and drew in a deep breath of his heady masculine scent. Even though he’d been occupied with saving a man’s life, Love hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the danger Logan was in. He’d worried about his mate the entire time.

“I’m glad you’re safe, Logan,” Love whispered against Logan’s throat. He swallowed hard as images of what could have happened to Logan filled his head. “I would have been very upset if anything happened to you.”

Logan’s arms wrapping around him was a balm to Love’s soul. He felt surrounded by the man, by his power and strength, and even his dominance.

“I’m safe, baby. I promise.”

Love glanced up when he heard Darren clear his throat. He looked just a bit anxious as he stood there twisting his hands together. Love suddenly knew what Darren’s problem was.

“Where’s the alpha?” Love asked. “Is he okay?”

“Darren?” Logan asked.

“He’s down by the main gate, but he’s headed back this way. He’s fine.”

Love frowned, confused by Darren’s response. The man had been inside the infirmary with him the entire time. “How did you know that?”

“He told me.”


Darren glanced at Logan. “He doesn’t know?”

“We haven’t gotten that far,” Logan said. “We just bonded right before this all happened. I haven’t had the time to tell him.”

“Tell me what?” Love was starting to feel like everyone knew something he didn’t. He was beginning to suspect that it would happen often to him.

“Bonded mates can speak telepathically to each other.”

Love’s mouth dropped open as he turned to stare up at Logan. Shock rolled through him. He had heard Logan speak to him, but his lips hadn’t moved. Love had heard it all in his head.

“Lo–Logan,” Love whispered.

“It’s okay, Love,”
Logan said mentally again. He smiled just a little.
“No one can hear you but me, and no one can hear me except you. And I cannot read your mind. I can only hear the thoughts you send to me.”

“I can send you my thoughts?”

“You can.”

“Then why didn’t you hear me before when I was screaming for you?”

“Before when?” Logan’s face darkened, and his hands tightened around Love’s arms. “Has someone touched you?”

“Yes!” Love shouted. “Mick!”

Logan’s face softened almost instantly as he wrapped his arms back around Love and pulled him closer. “Oh, Love, I hadn’t fully claimed you yet when Mick kidnapped us.”

“But you bit me.”

Logan chuckled. “I did, but I bit you as a man. It started the bond between us, but the bond is only fully formed when I take you in my werewolf form and bite you while claiming you during sex.”

Love slumped against Logan. “You really need to let a guy know about these things, Logan.”

Logan stiffened. “Does that mean you wouldn’t have bonded with me if you had known?”

Love didn’t even think about it. He went with his first reaction. He leaned back and smacked Logan on the side of the head. “Stop being an idiot.”

“I like this guy already.”

Love growled and swung around when he heard a voice behind him. He quickly placed himself between Logan and the tall blue-black haired stranger. His heart pounded a hundred miles a second when he realized he was looking at a man even bigger and more intimidating than Logan.

Love grabbed the knife out of the sheath on his hip and held it in front of him. He didn’t care that the man’s face instantly darkened, a deep frown covering his lips. Love just cared about protecting his mate.

“Stay away,” Love snapped.

“Love!” Logan shouted from behind him.

“What’s the meaning of this, Logan?” the man shouted.

“Oh, would you all just chill the fuck out?”

Love’s mouth dropped open when he heard Darren shout. He turned to look at him. Darren was rolling his eyes as he leaned back against the counter. His arms were crossed over his chest as if he didn’t have a care in the world. For some reason, that actually made Love feel better.

“Ash, introduce yourself before Love freaks out even more,” Darren snapped. “Love, put that knife away and stop threatening my mate before I show you what I’ve learned being the alpha-mate. And Logan, close your mouth. A condor could fly into that hole.”

Love’s eyebrows shot up when he heard Logan’s mouth snap shut. A moment later a deep chuckle filled the room. Love glanced over at the dark haired man, not sure yet what the hell was going on.

A deep sense of his own doom filled him as he watched Darren walk across the room and right into the man’s arms. The look of adoration the man gave Darren was unexpected but made the man look less fierce, easing Love’s tension.

He slowly put the knife back the sheath then leaned back against Logan. “Your alpha?”

“Our alpha, Love, and you just threatened him with a knife.”

Love snorted. “Stands to reason. I insulted the alpha-mate a few minutes ago. If I’m going to fuck up, I’m going to do a good job at it.”

Love felt Logan stiffen behind him. Before he could address the sudden tension in his mate’s body, Darren’s laughter filled the room. Love glanced over at the man in surprise. Darren just waved a hand at him.

“Oh, please, if I was insulted by what you said, I’d never survive in the clan. You should have seen it when I first got here. People were actually trying to kill me. After that, I learned to have thicker skin.”

“Pe–people tried to kill you?”

“Not to worry, Love, Asher took care of them, and they are all gone. I haven’t really had much problem with the ones still here. I think they accept me now, even if I am human.”

“You’re human?”

“Yes.” Darren wiggled his eyebrows. “Surprised?”

Love sputtered as laughter burst from his mouth. “Yes, actually. I was positive you were a wolf shifter.”

“Nope.” Darren chuckled. “I’m human down to the bone.”

“Then I’m not the only one?” That was one of Love’s biggest fears about joining a wolf clan. He didn’t want to be the only human. Only another human would understand some of the things he felt.

“We actually have a few humans that have joined our clan since Dary arrived,” Asher said. “I think he’s been a big influence in our clan members accepting each and every one of them.”

Love swallowed hard as he looked at the alpha. He had fucked up, and he knew it. He hadn’t just insulted the alpha-mate. He had threatened the alpha with a knife. Not only could it cost him his life, it could cost him Logan.

“I apologize for threatening you, alpha. I realize it is no excuse, but I didn’t know who you were and I thought Logan’s life was in danger.”

The alpha seemed to have an inquisitive look in his blue eyes as he gazed at Love. It made Love fidget a little. He tried his best to be still, but he felt like the man was assessing him for his fitfulness at being Logan’s mate. Everything hinged on this.

Love suddenly felt like he couldn’t breathe. He pressed his hand against his chest when he couldn’t seem to get enough hair into his lungs. Love swallowed again and sent out a silent cry for his mate.


Love’s eyes widened in shock when he saw Asher and Darren suddenly grab their heads with their hands, both men wincing. Fear filled him, and he reached back for Logan only to find empty space.

Love swung around, a small cry falling from his lips when he found Logan on his knees on the floor, holding his head just like Asher and Darren. Love dropped to his knees and reached for his mate.

“Logan, what’s wrong?”

“My head,” Logan groaned.

Love scanned Logan’s head for any sign of injury. He couldn’t find anything. “Logan, what’s wrong with your head?”

Love screamed when he was suddenly grabbed from behind and pulled away from Logan. Before he could breathe in, he was slammed up against the wall. Asher’s angry red face leaned in close to him.

“Who the hell are you?” Asher growled.

Love heard a terrified squeak fall from his lips when he saw the anger in Asher’s eyes and felt the man’s fingertips grow into claws. “I...I...I’m Love Star.”

“Why are you here?”

Love darted a quick glance at Logan, but the man was still on his knees on the floor, cradling his head. Love looked back at the alpha. “I’m Logan’s mate.”

“What did you do?”

“I...I…” Love shook his head rapidly. “I didn’t do anything.”

“I heard you yell,” Asher snarled. “I felt it. My mate felt it. Logan felt it.”

Love’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “I don’t understand. Logan said only he could hear me.”

Asher’s tight grip lightened. “You were calling for Logan?”

Love nodded.

“Then how did I hear you?” Asher glanced over at Darren for a moment, then back. “How did my mate hear you? Only mates are supposed to hear each other. No one else is supposed to hear you when you talk through your bond.”

“I don’t know,” Love whispered, his heart still pounding. “I was just calling for Logan like he said.”

“Like he said?” Asher asked. “What exactly did he say?”

“Logan said only mates could hear each other, but he could only hear the thoughts I sent him.” Love felt his face warm with his flush. “I was scared, so I called for him.”

With each word Love spoke, he could see Asher slowly leaning away from him. The glower of anger on his face slowly slipped away, and his hands loosened their grip on Love’s arms.

“Why were you scared, Love?”

“I threatened you with a knife,” Love said. “I’m not stupid. I might not know much about the wolf world, but Logan told me who you were. I know you can take him away from me.”

Asher’s face suddenly softened. “Oh, Love, no one is going to take Logan away from you. You’re mated. No one can separate a mated pair.”

“But you can still make our lives miserable.”

“True.” Asher suddenly chuckled. “But I won’t. I understand the need to protect your mate. I waited ten years to claim Dary because it wasn’t safe for him. I would die for him if need be. That’s what being mates means.”

Love was nearly shocked right out of his shoes when Asher let him go and walked back over to Darren. He pulled Darren to his feet and wrapped his arms around him, nuzzling his neck. Much to Love’s astonishment, Darren smiled and leaned right into the big man, nuzzling him back.

Love suddenly felt an all consuming need to have Logan’s arms wrapped around him. He looked over at his mate, his heart squeezing in his chest when he found him still kneeling on the floor.

Love raced across the room and fell to his knees next to Logan. He wrapped his arms around him and buried his face in Logan’s neck. “I’m so sorry, Logan. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know what I did.”

Love could feel tears spring to his eyes when Logan’s arms wrapped around him. Knowing he brought his mate pain was almost more than he could handle. He was supposed to protect Logan, not bring him pain.

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