Glenn, Stormy - Love Sexy [True Blood Mate 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) (3 page)

BOOK: Glenn, Stormy - Love Sexy [True Blood Mate 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)
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Love heard a loud roar from the man behind him. A moment later, Logan’s hot release filled his ass. Love cried out and another, smaller orgasm tore through his body. He let his head fell back against Logan’s shoulder. His hands fell limply to his sides. The only thing keeping him from falling to the ground were the two large arms wrapped around him, the bent knees between his legs, and the pulsing cock in his ass.

Love cried out softly when Logan’s hand wrapped around his cock again and fondled him. He didn’t think he had another ounce of seed in his body. He knew he didn’t have another orgasm in him. The last two had wiped him out.

“Too much,” Love whimpered as Logan stroked him. He was so sensitive that he could almost feel every contour and crease in Logan’s hand. Unbelievably, Love felt himself harden again. His mind, what was left of it, reeled. He was totally at Logan’s mercy. He was held suspended above the ground with only Logan to keep him from falling.

“Again,” Logan growled into his ear.

Love shook his head rapidly. He couldn’t do it again. He didn’t think he’d survive it. But Logan wasn’t giving him a choice. Logan pulled out of Love and turned him around, laying him back on the ground before he lifted his legs and pushed back into him.

Love lifted his eyes to Logan’s. He was shocked to see a glow in the man’s golden eyes. Logan’s teeth were bared, the breath coming out of his chest more of a deep rumble than anything else.

Lifting his head, Love licked the flesh of Logan’s neck, nibbling at the soft skin. Logan was so sweet, so tangy. Love could taste the strength in him, the power. Love cried out and filled Logan’s hand with his seed.

Love could feel ever fiber of his being soak up all that the man was as Logan thrust into him. He didn’t understand it, but he accepted it. Love didn’t know why he hadn’t seen it before. Logan was everything that was dominant alpha male, and Love wanted it all, every last domineering drop.

Love pulled his lips away Logan’s neck and leaned his head back to look up into Logan’s golden eyes. He wasn’t surprised by the possessive glint in them. Love expected it. He wanted it.

What did surprise him was the tender look on Logan’s face. If Love didn’t know better, he would think that Logan had been as affected by their lovemaking as he had been. Love wanted to believe it. He needed to believe it. He needed to know he belonged to Logan.

* * * *

Logan watched his mate pull his clothes on as he buttoned his own jeans. There was no doubt about it. Love was one of the most beautiful men he had ever seen. Everything about him from the top of his gorgeous black haired head down to his dainty little feet shouted perfect mate.

As much as he desired Love, Logan wished for a mate that was a little less perfect. He had no doubt he was headed for trouble with his new mate. Love was everything that Logan didn’t want in a mate.

He was beautiful, sexy, and just about damn perfect to look at. Logan knew that meant high maintenance. He had never met a pretty man that didn’t want to be the center of everyone’s attention. If they couldn’t get that attention, they created it.

Logan could just see what his future would be like. Instead of helping his alpha lead the clan as beta should, he would spend his time chasing after his mate making sure he stayed out of trouble.

As his mate buttoned up his shirt, Logan grimaced. As much as he desired his mate and everything that came with finding him, Logan knew that he would have to set down the rules of their relationship as soon as possible. He had better things to do than to chase after Love.

“Love,” Logan said. “We need to talk.”


Logan was surprised to see the small smile that had been working itself across Love’s lips. His mate took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Logan was curious about the small mysterious smile on Love’s face and promised himself that he would ask him about it later.

Right now, he needed to set down the rules to his new mate. Love had to understand that he was the boss in their relationship. If he was going to be cursed with a gorgeous mate, Logan knew he at least needed to have control over him. The faster Love understood that, the better.

“Well?” Love asked as he stared at Logan.

Logan felt like squirming under Love’s direct gaze. The man seemed to be totally focused on him, something Logan didn’t feel from many people unless they wanted something. Logan wondered what Love wanted.

“What’s with the ears?”

Love reached up and touched them. “You don’t like them?”

“Uh, I guess I never really thought about it.” Logan shrugged, not sure how to answer he mate considering the anxiousness that was starting to come across Love’s face. “They look kind of cute.”

Love grinned. “I have several pairs in different colors, but black is my favorite. It matches my hair better, don’t you think?”

“Sure.” Logan couldn’t take his eyes off the ears. They were black, furry, and totally fake. He’d love to show Love what real ears looked like.

“I have tails, too, but people keep stealing them.”

Logan blinked. “People keep stealing your tails?”

Love nodded. “I’ve had three stolen this week alone. It’s really aggravating. Do you know how hard it is to find quality made tails? It’s not like these things grow on trees.”

“Can’t you just”—Logan waved his hand through the air—“go to a store and buy them?”

“Oh no, the tails I wear are made of much better quality than those store-bought ones. I order mine online to match my ears. I mean, seriously, if you’re going to wear ears and a tail, they need to be the best quality.”

“Well, that makes sense.” Just not to Logan. He stared at Love and wondered if the man was slightly off his rocker. The man didn’t even have a normal name. Who called themselves Love? “Is your name really

“Love Star,” the man replied, “so named by my mother, Moon Star.”

Logan gaped. “Your mother’s name is Moon Star?”

Love frowned for the first time since he’d met the man, his forehead wrinkling. “Yes, do you have a problem with that?”

Logan quickly held up his hands and shook his head. Apparently
was not a topic of discussion. “None at all,” he replied. “I just wondered if you were serious. You have to admit, Love and Moon Star are unusual names.”

“And Logan Stone isn’t?”

“Not in my family.”

Love grinned and bounced over to press his body against Logan’s. “Tell me about your family.”

Love sounded like he was really interested, which surprised Logan. Not many people really wanted to get to know him. Instead of answering Love’s question, he pressed his palm against the man’s chest, right over his heart.

“Is that why you have a tattoo of a star and moon over your heart?”

Love nodded. “Mom would have killed me if I got
tattooed on my chest. A star over a glowing moon seemed more appropriate.” Love’s fingers moved up Logan’s chest to his right shoulder and down his arm. “Your tattoo was quite impressive as well.”

Logan smirked. It was more than impressive, and he knew it. It was huge. It also symbolized his life, a black scorpion crawling up over his shoulder and down his chest. The tail of the scorpion wound down Logan’s arm with the stinger ending in the crook of his elbow. A trail of blood drops dripped down from there.

“Let’s see,” Love mused as his fingers traced the scorpion, “a deadly black scorpion? I think that conveys how lethal you can be but also how resilient and adaptive. It shows power, strength, and intelligence. The blood drops, though, they confuse me. Do they represent all of the people you’ve lost?”

“You could say that,” Logan replied. “They represent all of the people I’ve battled in my life.” He carefully watched Love’s face for his reaction.

“I’m sorry,” Love whispered.

“Why should you be sorry?” Logan asked, confused by not only the question but the sadness he could see in Love’s face. It seemed like an odd reaction to him. Life was what it was. Logan learned at an early age to fight for what he wanted and to continue fighting to keep it.

“It doesn’t sound to me like you’ve had a very happy life.”

Logan was about to reply and explain to Love about the realities of his life when another mysterious little grin swept across the man’s face. It made Logan very nervous. So did the hand that Love stroked down his cheek.

“I guess I will just have to make it my mission to make sure your life is happy and full of joy. Don’t worry, Logan, I’ll take good care of you.”

Logan was so screwed, and he knew it. He knew Love was trouble, and the man just admitted it. Maybe not in so many words, but the truth was plain for anyone to see. Love was going to make his life hell.

Logan saw only one option open to him. He’d have to keep Love under lock and key at all times just to make sure he didn’t cause any trouble. That was going to be harder than it seemed, but between Logan and his inner circle, he knew he could do it. After all, how much trouble could one little man be?

“Why don’t we head back to my place, and we can discuss it?” Logan asked.

The faster he got Love out of the public eye, the better. He could already feel the stares boring into his back. People were going to start asking questions pretty soon, questions Logan didn’t want to answer right now.

“Do you have a tub because I love bath time,” Love said, “all those bubbles and naked skin?” Love shivered. “Yum.”

Ah hell!
Love was going to be the death of him. He’d probably want caviar and champagne while he soaked. Love would just have to learn that Logan worked for a living. He didn’t live a luxurious life. As of tonight, Love didn’t either.

Logan’s mind reeled as he escorted Love through the crowd. Person after person looked towards them in curiosity as they moved through the throng of people. Logan just glared until they glanced away.

“Uh, Logan?” Love asked hesitantly.

“Yeah, babe?” Logan asked as he pressed his hand into Love’s back to keep him moving.

“Why are people staring at me?”

Logan glanced back over his shoulder. Love was right. People were staring. He gave a little shrug and turned back to Love. “I’m walking out of here with the most gorgeous man in the place,” Logan replied. “Why else?”

Love grinned up at him, his face flushing. “Really?”

“As if you didn’t already know that.” Logan smirked. How could Love not know how gorgeous he looked? Logan was surprised men, and women, too, weren’t throwing themselves at the man’s feet.

“Can we stop by my room and grab a few things?” Love asked as he wrapped his arm around Logan’s waist.

“Your room?” Logan asked.

“Yeah, some friends and I came down for spring break. We’re sharing a room in the guest building,” Love said. “I just need to pick up a few things, if that’s okay?”

Logan nodded and started in that direction. “Which building?” They had several guest buildings, all for the purpose of housing visitors that came to stay at the large clan compound.

“Right down over there,” Love said as he pointed to one of the buildings.

“I know the place.” It was one of many buildings in the huge compound.

Logan turned towards the main road leading to the guest building, wondering what in the hell he was getting himself into. He supposed he’d find out. It wasn’t like he could give Love up now that he’d mated the man.

Love belonged to him, pure and simple, and Logan knew he’d just have to deal with it. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t set down the law with Love because he would. Logan had too many responsibilities and didn’t have time to chase after his crazy little mate, no matter how sexy the little man was.

Logan stumbled when he felt Love’s hand on his ass. He quickly righted his steps. Logan opened his mouth to yell at his mate for being affectionate in public, but the sounds of Love’s laughter filled his ear.

Logan felt surprised at how good the expressive laughter made him feel. His heart suddenly felt lighter, filled with more optimism and hope for the future than he felt in days, maybe even months.

Unable to let loose of that feeling or to dampen Love’s obvious joy, Logan merely grabbed Love’s hand and moved it back up to the middle of his lower back. He turned his head slightly so Love would hear his words as he spoke.

“Careful there, Love,” he said loudly.

“Spoilsport,” Love said, but he kept his hands where they were for the rest of the walk.

Logan was almost disappointed.

“Which room is yours?” Logan asked as they stopped in front of the building Love had indicated.

“Second floor, third door down from the stairway,” Love said and pointed. “Right over there.”

Logan walked over to the stairway Love pointed at. He arched an eyebrow as he watched Love glance up the stairs then back at him, biting his lower lip. Love’s entire body bounced where he stood. The man looked like an excited little kitten. If he had a real tail, it would have wagged a mile a minute.

“Want to come up to my room and see my etchings?”

Logan chuckled. If Love had been trying to hide his intent, he would have been totally transparent. As it was, Logan found it impossible to deny the man. “Etchings, huh?”

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