Glenn, Stormy - Love Sexy [True Blood Mate 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) (7 page)

BOOK: Glenn, Stormy - Love Sexy [True Blood Mate 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)
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“Oh, Love.” Matt smiled and gestured to the stranger. “This is my father, Reed

“Hi, it’s nice to—” Love swallowed hard as the hairs on his arms suddenly stood up.

Reed nodded, grinning right before he took a sip of his coffee.

“Any relation to Logan

“My uncle,” Matt said.

Reed smirked. “My brother.”

Love swallowed again, wondering why he had never made the connection between his friend, Matt
, and Logan
. He should have seen it. He knew Matt’s last name. He just didn’t.

He rubbed his hands together, absently wondering why they had suddenly become so clammy. “Hey, you know, breakfast would be great, but I really need to get on the road. I’m sure Drea and I can just grab something along the way. Thanks anyway.” Love started backing out of the room.

“Love, wha—”

“You need to listen to Logan before you decide to leave, Love,” Reed said. “There’s more going on here than you realize, and I believe you’ll regret it if you don’t stay and listen to what Logan has to say.”

Matt looked confused as he glanced back and forth between them, but Reed seemed to know exactly what was going on. Love had to wonder how much Logan had told Reed about what occurred between them.

“Why don’t you sit down and let Matt make you something to eat,” Reed said. “I imagine Logan will be down soon enough.”

Love quickly glanced over his shoulder, imagining Logan standing right behind him. When he found the space empty, he heaved a sigh of relief and pressed his hand against his chest. He felt like his heart beat so fast it might jump right out of his ribcage.

“I need to go.”

“Love, what’s going on?” Matt asked.

Love shook his head. He wasn’t sure how to answer Matt, mostly because he didn’t know himself. The whole last twelve hours or so had been one big cluster fuck after another. Love was intrigued by Logan and had been from first sight.

Unfortunately, his history with gorgeous dominants seemed to once again play out. Logan looked like sex on a stick. He just didn’t have the personality to go with it. Or maybe the problem was that he had too much personality.

The man seemed overbearing, dominant, and unable to listen to reason. Add in the fact that he scared the crap out of Love and there didn’t seem to be much reason to stick around. Logan was turning out to be just like every other man Love was attracted to.

Just once, Love wished he could meet a nice guy that also revved up his engine. The more attractive they were to Love, the more of an asshole they seemed to be. Maybe Love should listen to his friends and start looking at guys that weren’t quite so hot?

“Love and Logan hooked up at the moon festival last night,” Reed said. “They mated.”

“Holy shit,” Matt whispered as he stared at Love with wide eyes. “Is Logan the guy you told me about?”

Love nodded.

“Holy shit!” Matt plopped down in his chair. He looked stunned. “You mated with Logan?”

Love frowned. He didn’t exactly understand what Reed or Matt meant by
, but the look of astonishment on Matt’s face made him feel very wary. “You know what, I really need to get going.”

“Oh, but, Love, you can’t leave,” Matt said. “Not now.”

“The hell I can’t,” Love snapped as he swung around and headed for the door.

“What about your ears?”

Love stumbled, reaching up for the ears he knew weren’t there. He hadn’t seen them since the previous night and assumed he either left them in the room or lost them in his mad dash to get away from Logan. He felt naked without them.

“I have a brand new set of ears I can give you,” Matt said. “I’ve been keeping them as a surprise for you. I even have a cherry lollipop.”

Love suddenly felt Matt behind him and then a lollipop was waved in front of his face. Love groaned and reached for the lollipop. Matt snatched it away before he could grab it. Love growled and turned on his friend.

Love thought there was something wonderful about having a friend that looked out for him so much that he carried pockets full of lollipops at all times. However, there was also something horrible about the fact that Matt knew how much Love loved his lollipops. The man could be cruel when he wanted to be.

“Come sit down at the table, and you can suck on this while I make you something to eat.” Matt waved the lollipop in the air.

Love stumbled forward. He set his bag on the floor then reached for the lollipop. Matt held the lollipop out of reach until Love rolled his eyes and sat down. Almost immediately, Love heard the unmistakable sound of a wrapper being pulled off then a sweet cherry lollipop was popped into his mouth.

Love moaned and sucked hard. It seemed like forever since he’d savored the satisfying flavor. His eyes fell closed, and he concentrated on the lollipop until he felt something being placed on his head.

Love’s eyes flew open, and he reached up, a small gasp falling from his lips when he felt ears on top of his head. Oh, they were soft and fuzzy. Love didn’t even care what color they were. He quickly made sure that they were placed just right then looked up into Matt’s smiling face.

“I don’t suppose you have a tail, too?” He could wish, couldn’t he?

“I do, a matching one from your favorite store,” Matt said.

Love almost cried out when Matt turned and started walking away.

“And I’ll give it to you as soon as you’ve had your breakfast.”

Love could live with that. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table. He grabbed the end of the lollipop and moved it around in his mouth, savoring the taste and enjoying the fact that once again he had ears on his head.

His world was starting to feel right once again.

“You’re really into that lollipop, aren’t you?”

Love didn’t even acknowledge that Reed had spoken. He was busy.

“Love is nuts about lollipops, Pop. Sometimes, it’s the only way to calm him down.”

“Isn’t he worried about cavities or something?”

Matt chuckled. “I don’t believe Love thinks that far ahead.”

“And the ears?” Reed asked.

“Love doesn’t go anywhere without them.”

“He does know they’re not real, right?”

“They’re real for him.”

Reed snorted. It was a very rude noise as far as Love was concerned. He stuck his leg out under the table and kicked Reed in the shin.

“Ow, fuck!” Reed shouted as he reached down to rub his leg. “What in the hell did you do that for?”

Love grinned around the lollipop then went back to sucking on it.

“What is with you, man?” Reed asked. “That’s the second time you’ve kicked me in the shin.”

Love heard Matt burst into laughter. “He’s kicked you before?”

Reed nodded and frowned at Love. “Back at the bar.”

“What did you do to him?”


Love rolled his eyes and snorted. Yes, the noise was rude but effective when needed. Besides, it came from him. Snorty noises were allowed when they came from him. Love did it with panache.

“You really need to stop doing that, Love.”

Love rolled his head and gave Reed a look that said what he thought about that suggestion. He tilted his head slightly, had one eyebrow raised, and a smirk on his lips.

Reed just rolled his eyes. “Oh, I can’t wait to see how Logan deals with you.”

“So not happening,” Love said as he pulled the lollipop from his mouth. “I’m eating my breakfast, getting my tail, then I’m out of here. Logan has nothing to say that I want to hear.”

“Love,” Matt said as he walked into the breakfast nook and set a plate of toast on the table, “you really should talk with Logan.”

“Nope.” Love shook his head

“Love, listen to me.” Matt squatted down next to Love’s chair and clasped his free hand. “You’ve mated with Logan. That’s something really important in my family. I know he was an asshole last night, but if you would just give him a chance to explain, I’m sure it would all make sense to you.”

“I know you and Drea have been telling me for ages that I needed to start watching who I became involved with, and I think maybe you’re right.”

“Love, you—”

“Matt, you didn’t see him,” Love whispered, darting a quick glance at Reed. “He was really weird last night.”

“Weird?” Matt’s eyes went to his father then back to Love. “Weird how?”

“His face, Matt.” Love turned and looked at Reed to see if he was listening. He seemed to just be drinking his coffee, but Love thought the man might be eavesdropping.

“Love, what about Logan’s face?”

Love turned back to Matt and shook his head as he leaned back in his chair. He didn’t know how much of what was going on Matt knew about, but the knowing glint in Reed’s eyes said he knew it all. Love might have been a little flighty, but he wasn’t stupid. He was keeping his mouth shut.

“Nothing.” He waved his hand a little to emphasize his words. “It was kind of late and the light wasn’t real good. Besides, I haven’t had a lollipop in ages. I must have been imagining it.”

“Low sugar and all that?” Matt asked as he stood to his feet. “Or did you see my uncle’s face go all—”

“Matt!” Reed slammed his cup own on the table so hard the coffee sloshed over the side. “You will let Logan handle this.”

“It’s going to be real hard for Logan to handle this if Love refuses to stick around, Pop.”

Love stared back and forth between the two men. There was something going on here, and Love desperately wanted to ask what it was. He was just afraid of the answers.

“Did I hear my name?”

Love swung around back when he saw Logan framed in the doorway, dropping his lollipop on the floor. His heart pounded. He jumped out of his chair and backed away so fast that his chair fell over and crashed to the floor.

His eyes widened, and panic started to kick in when Logan’s eyes filled with heat as they landed on him. For a moment, Logan seemed to study Love with a curious intensity then his features softened.

When Logan spoke, his voice was tender, almost a murmur. “Hello, Love.”

Love swallowed past the lump building in his throat and bent his head slightly forward to acknowledge Logan’s greeting. He remained absolutely motionless after that, afraid to move in case Logan pounced again.

“I missed you when I woke up.”

Love swallowed again, wishing he had his lollipop—anything to stick in his mouth so he wouldn’t have to answer. When Logan took another step into the room, Love stumbled back until he hit the wall.

Logan reached out for him. Love inhaled sharply until Logan lowered his arm. “Love, I won’t hurt you.”

Love shook his head. He didn’t believe a word coming out of Logan’s mouth. Logan was just like every other man he had ever felt anything for. They would say what they thought he wanted to hear to get what they wanted. Once they did, they didn’t care anymore.

Love was tired of putting his heart on the line only to have it stomped all over. His friends had been trying to warn him for ages to be more careful. He finally realized that they were right. He needed to be more careful, more wary, and he needed to start with the man standing in front of him.

“I need to go.” Love looked longingly at the doorway Logan stood in. That wouldn’t be a good exit. Logan had to dip his head just to get through the frame, which his shoulders seemed to touch on either side. He started looking around the room, quickly looking for another way out.

Breathing was starting to become a problem. He almost whimpered when his eyes fell on Logan again and found the man watching him intently. He pressed his hands flat against the wall when they began to tremble.

Love felt panicked.

“Love, it’s okay,” Logan said, stepping closer.

Love’s eyes widened.

“Love, if you would just calm down,” Reed began as he stood up.

Love started edging along the wall toward the window. He didn’t care if it was closed. He’d jump through it anyway.

“All right, that’s enough!”

Love’s eyes snapped over to Matt when the man shouted. They widened even more as his friend walked into the breakfast nook with a large skillet in his hand, waving it around threateningly.

“Everyone, get back and give Love some room,” Matt shouted. “I don’t know what in the hell is going on, but even I can see that Love is terrified out of his mind. If you think crowding him into a corner is going to get him to listen to you, you’re sadly mistaken. Now get back!”

“Mine!” Logan growled, his facial features darkening as he scowled. Large canine teeth started slipping out over his lower lip.

That was it. Love went for the window. He scrambled across the floor and dug at the window, trying to raise it. He didn’t realize that desperate cries were falling from his lips until he felt hands grab him, and he screamed.

“Love, shhh, it’s okay.”

Love didn’t stop freaking out until he realized that it was Matt that held him. He spun around to see the rest of the room was empty, both Reed and Logan gone.

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