Harley's Achilles (The Rock Series Book 3) (11 page)

Read Harley's Achilles (The Rock Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Sandrine Gasq-Dion,Kelli Dennis,Heidi Ryan,Jennifer Jacobson,Michael Stokes

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Gay, #Lgbt, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Harley's Achilles (The Rock Series Book 3)
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Chapter 12



Achilles and I ascended the steps to the house, holding hands. His warmth and words settled into me, heating me from the inside. Achilles had wanted me all this time? I kept sneaking looks at him as we took the stairs. Our eyes would meet and he would give me a reassuring smile. I let go of his hand as we reached the back door and Achilles stopped me.

“My parents know I’m gay,” he explained.

“Gay, gay?”

“Yep. Just gay. That’s why meeting Jana would have been a waste of her time. I didn’t find her attractive back then, and I sure don’t now.”

“Wow. I didn’t know. I assumed you were straight.”

“Seems there’s a lot of assumptions going on tonight.” Achilles narrowed his eyes at me.

I couldn’t stop staring at his mouth or his lips. Just remembering the kiss on the beach had me sweating. I wanted this man like no other. Achilles leaned into me and smiled.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.

Calli poked her head out the door. “Achilles, Harley! There you are. Come in for supper!”

I waited until she’d gone back in and arched a brow at Achilles, giving him my best seductive grin. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

I swear to God, he growled at me and my skin rippled up my back. Fuck, that was sexy! I chuckled instead and entered the house. Calli had made quite the spread and I sat down at the table right next to Achilles’ father.

“Did you have a fun day, Harley?” Krios asked.

“I really did.” I locked onto Achilles’ eyes. A slow smile spread across my features as Achilles’ face turned slightly pink. I told them all about our trip into town as I ate. Calli had made a wonderful salad with huge black and green olives. We passed the bowls around the table, Achilles laughing as he told them all about my modeling poses in front of the temples. I watched them all intently; the way they laughed, the way Calli’s eyes crinkled in the corners, Krios wiping at his eyes. Calli would place her hand on mine when she broke into laughter, and then kiss my head. I knew I was smiling and I couldn’t stop. This was what I’d wanted. A family.

“Harley? I wonder if you would play a song for me?” Krios asked.

“I would love to.” Achilles snickered and I eyeballed him over the table. “I
sing something soft ya know.”

“Let us go to the other room.” Calli stood. “Achilles, can you start a fire?”

“Yes, Mama.”

I ran upstairs to get my guitar. I was nervous to play in front of Achilles’ parents. What if they didn’t like it? I came back down to find them sitting on the couch in the living room. A fire was flickering in the fireplace. I sat down across from them and placed my guitar in my lap.

“My brother always loved this song, so I’ll play it.”

I closed my eyes, exhaled and strummed the guitar strings. My brother cherished his Queensryche CD and one song, “Silent Lucidity.” I knew the lyrics backwards and forwards from him listening to it on repeat. I lifted my head as I sang and found them all watching me intently. Achilles was watching me in wonder, and Calli had a tear in her eye. Whenever I sang the song, it always reminded me of Holden, as if somehow, he knew one day he would be gone and he would always be watching out for me.

Now I had Achilles watching out for me. I wouldn’t have that part any other way. I thumbed the last of the strings and closed my eyes. Clapping erupted and I stood up, taking a slight bow.

“My God, Harley! You have a beautiful voice!” Calli hugged me.

“The song was beautiful, Harley. I didn’t know it, but you sang it wonderfully.” Krios stood and held me to him. “Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome.” I hugged him back.

“I will retire now.” Krios kissed Calli’s cheek and hugged Achilles.

“I’ll walk you up, Papa.” Achilles took his father by the elbow.

I watched them ascend the steps and then placed my guitar up against the couch. Calli sat down and regarded me thoughtfully.

“You like my son,” she blurted out.

“I didn’t know…” I began to babble.

“No, most don’t. I don’t spread my son’s sexuality; it’s not my place and it’s no one’s business. But when you came into his life, I saw a light shine in Achilles I hadn’t seen in quite a long time. We almost lost him. When we were called to Germany, we didn’t think he would ever awaken from his coma. I sat by my son’s bed day in and day out just waiting for that one twitch, that one eyelash flutter. The doctors told us he wouldn’t awaken again, but I knew.” Calli wiped her eyes and glanced off to the side. “My son is a fighter, and when he finally woke, he cried. He cried for all the men he couldn’t save, and for the one he loved and lost.”

I started at that. Achilles had been in love?

“When he is ready, he will tell you.” Calli took my hands. “I see a light in you, Harley. It is so bright, it calls out. Children, no matter how they come into our lives, are never a mistake. Each life is a miracle, Harley. I believe you were meant to be here, and I find my life enriched just by knowing you.”

I nodded because I knew if I said anything, I would cry. I swore I’d never cry. Calli took me into her embrace and I held her hard.

“You are so very special, Harley Payne,” she whispered, “Don’t ever think less. Mourn for the one you lost and let him go. The best way to honor him is to live.”

Calli placed a kiss on my cheek and stood. “I’ll go now. Please remember what I have said, Harley. You are already part of this family.”

I stood as she walked toward the stairs. I’d barely known these people for two days and they welcomed me into their hearts and home. I stared into the fire and then closed my eyes, taking deep breaths.

“It’s okay to cry, Harley.”

I turned to find Achilles behind me. He walked over to me slowly, his hands stuffed in his pockets.

“It’s all right to be angry.”

“Who am I angry at?” I asked.

Achilles stood in front of me and took my hands. “When you’re ready, you’ll know. I’m not going to push, but you need to grieve for your loss.”

“I already did that.” I shook my head.

“Did you?” Achilles lifted my face with his fingers. “I want you, Harley Payne. All of you. When you’re ready for that, let me know.”

Achilles kissed my lips gently and walked away. I sat down on the floor and picked up my guitar, playing the same song again. I knew what I wanted.

Achilles Castellanos.




We were all at the restaurant the next day, helping Calli in the kitchen. Achilles was wooing the women in the dining room as he played the role of waiter. From the moment we walked in, I think I heard a collective swoon from every female customer. I couldn’t blame them. Achilles was, as I’d said, an Adonis. Jana threw me some nasty looks whenever Achilles would bend down and whisper in my ear. She actually dragged me aside within the first two minutes to ask if I’d given Achilles the note. I assured her I had and she walked off mumbling something under her breath. I really needed to learn Greek.

“Come, Harley! We are toasting to Achilles being home!” Calli squealed.

I entered the dining room and a waitress handed me a shot glass. Achilles eyed me from across the room and I smiled wickedly as I sniffed the alcohol. I didn’t plan on drinking any more than what I had in my hand. I wasn’t going to run around the island naked and disappoint Achilles’ parents. Achilles’ mom made the toast and then we all took our shots. I coughed and choked as the alcohol burned down the back of my throat. Calli slapped my back and I laughed.

It seemed as if everyone in the place knew Achilles. They all hugged him, patted his shoulders and kissed his cheeks. I watched closely as Jana approached him. He bent down to her level to hear what she was saying and he shook his head, leading her off to one of the corners. I knew I shouldn’t be jealous, but I was. Achilles held Jana’s hand, and I could see his lips moving. Jana shot a glance at me and then looked up at Achilles, nodding slowly. Calli came to stand next to me and we both watched Achilles.

“I believe he is telling her the truth,” Calli commented.

Achilles hugged Jana and she gave him a warm smile as she went back to the kitchen. He righted himself and then turned to see Calli and me watching him. He crossed the room and took my hand.

“Um, what was all that?” I asked.

“Just letting Jana know where my heart lies. She’s okay. She’s actually happy it wasn’t another girl,” Achilles snickered.

“Achilles, why don’t you take Harley over to the Lambros farm? I am sure they need help.”

“Are you sure? I can stay and help here,” Achilles answered.

“No. I will be fine. I can have Jana drive me home.”

“Okay.” Achilles kissed her cheeks and turned to me. “Ready to go have fun?”

“Um. Sure?”

Achilles laughed and pulled me along.




Ten minutes later, we were pulling up to a beautiful villa covered in climbing vines. Achilles jumped out of the car and came around to my side. He helped me out and we walked toward the front door. It opened suddenly and a young man walked out. Achilles started and then a grin covered his face.

“Phoinix!” he shouted. “What are you doing here?”

“I am on vacation.” Phoinix’s eyes landed on me and he jerked his chin to Achilles. “Who is this?”

“Look closely, my friend.” Achilles laughed.

Phoinix came closer and a huge grin split his face. “Oh my God! It’s Harley Payne!”

I was pulled into a hug and squashed within an inch of my life. I hugged him back and he pulled away, still holding my shoulders.

“You rock! I love the Skull Blasters!” he enthused.

“Thank you,” I answered with a grin.

“What brings you to Greece?” Phoinix asked.

“This guy.” I jerked a thumb to Achilles. “His mom sent us over to help with something?”

“Cool. I was just coming out to grab the truck. You can ride with me.” Phoinix grabbed Achilles’ hand. “I missed you.”

I followed behind them as they walked over to an older pickup truck, the two of them chatting away like they’d known each other forever.

“Um, how long have you known each other?” I asked.

“I met Achilles when he was twelve or so. I was two years behind him. He went off to the Army and then I joined the Hellenic Army when I was old enough,” Phoinix explained.

We all jumped in the truck and Phoinix fired it up, rounding the corner and taking us behind the villa. My eyes widened as I took in the amount of land in front of us.

“Wow, are those all pistachio trees?” I asked.

“Oh no, there are fig, almond, and two kinds of olive out here, as well as pistachio. We also have lamb that we use for cheese, clothing, and other foods.”

“Meaning lamb shank.” Achilles licked his lips with a wicked grin.

“So, what are we helping with?” I asked curiously.

“You’ll see.” Achilles smiled.


I was sitting on the floor twenty minutes later with a huge pile of black olives between my legs. Achilles had his own and was picking between them, throwing out molded or bruised ones into a bowl. I picked one up and inspected it.

“This one’s good, right?” I showed Achilles.

“Yes. If you see white on them, or indentations that are too deep, drop them in that bowl. Good ones go into this one.” Achilles pulled the bowl between us.

“Do you do this a lot?” I asked, inspecting another one.

“Whenever I come home. Our restaurant uses everything this farm makes, be it nuts, olives or lamb.”

Phoinix walked in with a huge basket full of green olives and plopped down on the floor with them.

“Yes, Achilles’ family has kept mine in the black for years. My parents truly appreciate their business.” Phoinix eyed me. “How did Achilles end up with you?”

“This is my job now, Phoinix. I’m a bodyguard,” Achilles replied.

“Yeah? Is it lucrative?” Phoinix wiggled his brows.

“I would say yes. Maybe when you get out, you should look up my boss. I’ll give you a glowing recommendation.”

We spent hours sifting through olives, something I didn’t think I’d ever be doing ─ but like coloring, it was extremely relaxing. Phoinix regaled me with tales of a young Achilles while we sorted. I couldn’t believe how much fun I was having. Achilles was laughing and smiling, and it was perfect. Once we finished that batch, Achilles and I went for a walk among the many trees. He stopped at one and pulled a branch down.

“What’s that one?” I asked.

“Fig tree. They are in season in September. Have you ever had a fig?”

“I’m sure I’ve had a fig bar at some point. I like them.” Achilles began walking again and I stood my ground. “Who were you in love with, Achilles?”

He stopped and hung his head. I heard a soft curse, and then he turned to face me.

“My mom?”

I nodded.

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