Healer's Touch (12 page)

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Authors: Kirsten Saell

BOOK: Healer's Touch
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Viera bit playfully at Inella's rock-hard nipple, then smiled up at Aru. “Shall I make her come, Aru?”

He shook his head in denial, even as his hand tightened on his cock. If she did not, he thought he would die. “Yes.”

Her thrusts gradually increased in speed and vigor. He watched the muscles and sinews working in her arm as she carried Inella faster and faster toward her crisis. “I want you to come together, Aru. You and Inella.”

His cock was so full of blood it was a wonder there was any left in his body. “Yes,” he said, his voice a breath of sound. “Yes.”

Inella was gasping wordlessly now, her entire body on the verge of an explosion. Aru closed his eyes, saw the glow that was her cunt suddenly flare bright and hot. His cock began to swell in his grasp, his seed bursting from the tip, his body filled with an unbearable, shuddering pressure as his climax hammered through him. He forced his eyes open to see Inella's back arch off the mattress, one hand clutched in Viera's hair, the other strumming her clit as she screamed. Her cunt spasmed around the plunging thickness of the ivory member, her come glistening along its pale length to drip down between her buttocks. Aru's seed flecked her thighs and belly, gleaming in the candlelight like pearls on her golden skin.

All the tension left his body as he watched Inella sag back onto the bed, her breath slowing, her heart thudding so hard he could see her ribcage jump with every beat. Viera slid the fake member from Inella's pussy and left it lying on the sheets, then gathered her close, running gentle hands down her torso and across her hip, pressing her lips to the top of her head.

“You're sweetness itself, my dear,” Viera said between light, feathery kisses.

Aru felt his stomach clench painfully, his muscles going stiff. Anger, shame, jealousy, lust—he didn't even know which was which anymore, they had become so intertwined within him, coiled ruthlessly around that part of him he must now acknowledge belonged to Viera.

A whore, he told himself sternly. A woman to be used and then put down again. Except that he could never permit himself to use her, and neither could he bring himself to put her down.

He stood and waited, filled with chagrin, for the women to leave. They didn't seem to be in any hurry. On the contrary, their lazy, tender caresses were building in warmth and intensity and Aru realized with an inward wail of anguish that they were far from done. As he watched, Inella propped herself on one elbow, her hand sliding down Viera's belly to nestle between her thighs. Viera stretched out on her back, her arms reaching, pulling Inella's head to her breast.

Aru's cock was hard again in an instant. His eyes stinging, he watched Inella tug at Viera's nipple with lips and teeth, teasing it into a tight, straining pebble. His stomach clenched so hard it bordered on pain, something hard and jealous rising up in him at the sight of this woman's hands and mouth on Viera's eager flesh. He couldn't watch. He couldn't
watch. Still but for a tremor that shook his whole body, he saw Inella's fingers lazily explore Viera's wet furrow, nudging the lips apart and flicking back and forth across her clitoris. Viera's scent, so different from Inella's, hovered in the air between them, filling him, inflaming him with arousal and greed and a strange, intimate rage. Her legs spread wider. Inella's fingertips played around her opening, plucking at the inner lips.

“Ahh!” Viera sighed, stretching out on the bed, arching her back.

He tore his gaze from her beautiful cunt and looked up to find Viera's eyes open and fixed on him. Heavy-lidded and hot, they burned him, drove deep into him and scoured his soul.

Gently she took Inella's questing hand and raised it to her lips, her eyes never leaving his. “These hands?” she whispered, licking each finger before guiding them back down to the apex of her thighs. “These hands are your hands, Aru.” She buried her fingers in Inella's hair and lifted her head from her breast. Smiling, she brushed a thumb across Inella's mouth. “These lips, they are your lips.” Her eyes drifted shut and she pulled Inella's mouth back to her breast.

Aru made a sound then that he didn't recognize, not human enough to be a moan. It was a sound of need at its most basic, a sound felt in every cell of his body. His hand went to his cock and he dropped weakly to his knees, praying for strength, for salvation, for forgiveness as his awareness tore itself free of its moorings and crossed the small space between him and the bed.

He felt Inella recoil as his spirit nudged at the thin, ethereal membrane that surrounded her aura. Her physical body stiffened in shock, trembling, taken aback by the unfamiliar sensation. Again he stroked against her with the fingers of his thought, telling her with his spectral touch what he wanted, what he so desperately needed her to do. And then, understanding, she acquiesced, her body relaxing as her spirit opened to him and invited him in.


Something was different. In Viera's arms, Inella stiffened, then her body began to tremble. The other woman's mouth ceased its torture of Viera's nipples. Raising her head from Viera's breasts, Inella gazed down at her, her face a mask of painful, desperate adoration. Viera's breath caught, her hands stilling on the other woman's smooth flesh.

Inella raised one shaking hand to Viera's face, cupped her cheek, brushed a reverent thumb across her lower lip. The deep green eyes gazing down at her were filled with urgency, anguish, worship. Her own eyes stinging, Viera leaned into the caress, reaching up with both hands to frame the woman's face, seeing beyond the skin to what she knew lay underneath. Seeing Aru behind the other woman's gaze.

He was there.

He was hers.

Her heart thrummed, a brightness beginning there and spreading to fill her whole body. Inella's fingers combed through Viera's tousled hair, stroking with a tender restraint that made Viera's heart flip over.

Arching, she pressed herself all along Inella's length, her hands drawing the woman's face closer. “Kiss me,” she said. “Kiss me.”

Their lips met, and a rush of heat flooded from the point of contact all the way to Viera's toes. Inella's tongue plunged into her mouth, stroking, tasting, devouring, her lips slanting down hard, her hand fisted in the hair at Viera's nape to hold her still under the onslaught. With a helpless moan, Viera held tight to the other woman, wrapping one leg tight around her waist. Inella's hands raked down her back to grip her ass and pull her closer, fingers digging into Viera's buttocks. Inella's knee came up hard, her thigh shoving up between the soaking lips of Viera's pussy, pressing delightfully against her clit. Then the weight of her body came down on Viera, Inella's breasts crushing her own, her elbows braced on either side of Viera's head as she continued to ravage her mouth.

Viera was drowning, every nerve in her body singing an incoherent symphony of excitement, need and jubilation. Inella's mouth tore away at last to raven its way down her throat to her breasts. Viera could only writhe, her hands buried in long blonde hair, while Inella greedily tongued one jutting nipple, scraping her teeth across the hyper-sensitive tip then suckling it deep and hard.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Aru on his knees, still as a statue, his eyes open and staring at nothing, confirming what she already knew. He was no longer in his body. He was here, on top of her, feasting on her breasts as his hand slipped down between her legs to find her slick folds. The only sign of his presence within his own form was the turgid cock that pointed at the ceiling and poured a steady trickle of fluid down its length.

Viera closed her eyes, let herself feel him on top of her. It didn't matter that it was Inella's hands and mouth setting her flesh singing—it was Aru's will that drove them. Viera's cunt was on fire, her inner muscles beginning to twitch as he stroked her engorged clit. Pushing up with her hips, she tried to lure his fingers toward her opening, needing him to fill her up. His lips never pausing in their exquisite torture of her nipples, he shoved three fingers into her, right to the hilt.

“Ahh, god!” Viera hissed, pressure building in the tender tissues of her clit. “Fuck me. Fuck me.”

Inella rose up onto her knees and with impossible strength, flipped Viera onto her belly. Grabbing Viera under her hips the woman roughly hauled her ass up into the air, her touch demanding, dominating. Hands roamed across Viera's buttocks, massaging the soft globes, then those fingers were back in her cunt, plunging deep. Sharp teeth bit into one cheek and Viera cried out at the stab of pleasure-pain that shot right up her spine. Lips and tongue followed, soothing the hurt, licking and kissing their way down to her dripping pussy. Inella's fingers spread her lips wide, then her tongue was there, tormenting the inflamed flesh of Viera's clit. Squealing with the pleasure of it, Viera wriggled, lifting her ass even higher, shoving her cunt against Inella's face.

Then the woman's mouth left her. A hand pushed down on Viera's shoulders, pinning her upper half to the mattress, the other hand cupping her sex, applying a delightful pressure to her throbbing clitoris.

And then Viera's eyes closed and her whole body quivered as she felt the cool, ivory cock nudging up against her entrance.

She gazed at Aru where he knelt inanimate on the floor. Felt him in every touch of Inella's hands on her skin, a man's touch, not a woman's. Aru's touch, bringing fire, kindling her like dry grass in the heart of summer, making her burn so hot she thought there would be nothing left of her when he was done but a pile of cinders.

Her pussy clenched, releasing a surge of fluid. The cock slipped inside her, slowly, inexorably. Over her shoulder, she saw Inella—
—watching as it went in, mesmerized by the sight of the member disappearing into her swollen cunt. She held herself perfectly still as he pushed it as deep as it would go, her breath leaving her in a long, slow exhalation.

She shuddered as the tip nudged up against her womb, then withdrew. He fucked her with it in long, deliberate strokes, a rhythmic glide that had her cunt filling with heat and pressure. She saw Inella's free hand dip down between her own legs, saw it emerge glistening wet. Then that hand moved up above Viera's grinding hips, began to tease and play around her other opening. One slick fingertip pushed inside, past the tight ring of muscle. Then a second slid in beside it, delicately reaming that tender hole. God, Viera was tingling all over, the sensation centered on the juncture of her legs, on her two openings stretched tight around twin invasions. She was so close to coming she thought she'd die from it.

Inella's entire body was rigid, her face cast in harsh lines of self-control, lips pressed tight together, breath exploding from flared nostrils. Her gaze—Aru's gaze—stared in unblinking hunger as Viera's rear passage relaxed and took those fingers deep inside.

Viera's clit was throbbing, begging to be touched, but she didn't let her hand wander between her legs. If it did she would come, and she wasn't ready for this to end. She was awash in an agony of sensation as Aru continued to plunge the ivory cock slowly in and out of her cunt, and his fingers deeper and deeper in her anus.

And then fingers and member both left her. With a squeal of dismay, she thrust her ass back toward him, needing to be filled, needing to feel him inside her. And then the tip of the fake cock was there, pressing against her rear entrance, pushing inexorably against that resisting circle of muscle. She pushed back against it, feeling her tight nipples rubbing against the sheets, her pussy tingling and releasing a flood of moisture, every nerve in her body hovering on the verge of annihilation. At last the ring of muscle gave way, surrendered to Aru's relentless invasion, and the cock drove into her, hard and deep. And she was coming, her voice high and keening in her own ears, her body seizing, her inner muscles convulsing as stars exploded behind her closed eyelids.

His fingers found her clit and began to rub, and he just kept thrusting into her anus with that cock she wished was his, and as one orgasm subsided, another stronger one began. She lost track of time, of herself, of reality, one climax rolling over into another as Aru fucked her on and on. When it was over, when her body could finally take no more and shut down out of self-protection, she collapsed on the bed insensate.

When she came back to herself, it was to find Inella unconscious, her cheek resting on Viera's lower back, arms wrapped tight around Viera's thighs. Shaking her head to clear the fog of satiation from her mind, she tugged free of Inella's embrace and looked for Aru.

His come spattered the carpet and floorboards where he'd knelt, but there was no other sign of him. He was gone.


Floppy as a damp rag, Viera raised a shaky hand to her hair and pushed it back from her face. Beside her, Inella lay senseless and unmoving. Affection and contentment overshadowed her dismay over Aru's defection as Viera ran a fond hand down the other woman's cheek.

“Wake up, my dear,” she whispered, nudging the woman's shoulder when she didn't stir. “Inella? Wake up, slumbering beauty.” Chuckling, she leaned down and pressed a kiss to Inella's mouth, letting her tongue play a little at the seam of her lips. Nothing.

In growing concern, Viera slapped the woman's cheek gently, then took her by the shoulders and shook her. “Inella! Wake up!”

Not even a twitch.

Her limbs wobbly, Viera staggered from the bed and hurried from the room, pausing only long enough to grab her robe from her own bedchamber and slip it on. “Aru? Aru!”

The candles on the stairs were beginning to gutter. The breeze from her passing snuffed most of them and the foyer and hall were cast in dimness. Rose petals fluttered about her feet, releasing a burst of fragrance that mingled with candle-smoke. There wasn't a sound to be heard but her own panicked breaths and the rush of blood against her eardrums.

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