Hellbound Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book Five) (5 page)

BOOK: Hellbound Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book Five)
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She crossed her arms over her naked body, suddenly self-conscious of her appearance. She hadn’t had clothing for nearly a century, and had become used to being nude, but that didn’t mean she liked it.

Recalling the first time they had stripped her bloody toga from her body, she huddled into herself. Rough hands had torn the cloth away and shoved her to the ground. The open wounds, where her wings had been, burned when she hit the ground. She could still feel the taint of the soil course through her veins as much as she could when the incubi had proceeded to sexually assault her.

She hadn’t been able to fight back and stop the attack. Without her wings she was powerless. To humiliate her even further, they had shaved her head. She had never given her appearance a second thought before. It truly didn’t matter to her if she was attractive, or not, as long as she could bring others happiness and joy. But, after a hundred years of being abused and degraded, she burned with hatred over the fact that her hair and clothing had been taken. She loathed the way she looked now, and had become a vain angel, seeking physical beauty. To make matters worse, the second anything grew back, either hair or wings, it was brutally taken from her again.

She had recently learned they were selling her hair and wings for favors. Apparently, angel wings, blood and hair gave demons power when consumed. Initially, Lemuel kept them for himself, but soon realized he gained more by curing favors from others.

The female on the cross screamed, drawing Illianna from the past. Swallowing the bile in her throat, Illianna focused on giving directions to the male that would hopefully minimize the female’s suffering. She had learned early on that she couldn’t deny her orders or they’d give her worse tasks. It went against every fiber of her being to inflict harm, and initially, she hadn’t been able to do what was asked.

Humiliating her had become a favorite pastime for Shax and Lemuel. They were close friends, if you could put a label to their twisted relationship, and shared her between their clubs. She preferred being with Shax because Lemuel had a grudge against her for some reason.

The crowd roared as more of the female’s blood was spilled and one more part of Illianna died. Sadly, it became easier to do what was asked as she lost more and more of her angelic traits. It was comply or endure constant torture and no being could withstand that amount of pain. Illianna was immortal and would survive the torture to be hurt again where the human slaves would perish and pass on to the next life. She had wished countless times for mortality so that she could leave this place and return to Heaven.

Illianna glanced away from the couple in front of her and noticed the demon was still staring at her. She shivered as much from the cold temperatures in the room as she did his regard. He looked pissed, making her wonder if she knew him. Closer inspection left her convinced that she didn’t know him. She would never have forgotten those hypnotic eyes.

Over the years, she had been forced to do all manner of despicable acts, some of them she’d even volunteered for, hoping to earn more freedoms or food, but she had never encountered this particular demon. Of that, she was certain.

Attraction burned through her body, making her question how much the darkness had taken hold. There was no denying that her time in the Underworld had changed her and she wasn’t entirely sure that she would be accepted back into heaven. If she was, she didn’t believe that she belonged with the bearers of joy and happiness any longer. Perhaps, she would join the Angels of Retribution. God only knew how loudly her soul had been begging for vengeance.

She wanted to be able to forgive what had been done to her and the ones responsible so that she could earn her proper place back in heaven, but she didn’t sense one ounce of that angel inside. All that was left was anger, bitterness, hatred and vengeance.

The couple she had been torturing for the past hour was done. The female hung limply, causing a lump to form in Illianna’s throat. She wished she could give this female a semblance of peace because when she woke, her pain was only going to be magnified. Illianna ought to know, she’d been there numerous times herself. Knowing better than to intervene, she watched as the male carried the female off the stage and she focused on the next pair to take their place. Her shift was far from over and she had to please the crowd or she would be punished later for a disappointing show.


Rhys couldn’t stand watching the angel any longer. He had to do something to help her. His body took over and his feet were moving towards the stage before he realized where he was going.

Dante grabbed Rhys arm, stopping him. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

Rhys jerked his arm from his Lord’s grasp. Down here they were equals, and he wasn’t about to be told what to do, especially, where the angel was concerned. “I will not allow them to do this to her any longer. I’m grabbing her and getting out of here.”

Kellen gaped at him while Dante glowered. “And then what? How far do you think you will get before those goons stop you? You know what will happen then, don’t you?” Dante spat, his words barely audible. The reminder of their precarious situation brought a sliver of clarity to the fore.

Cursing, Rhys rubbed his chin. Everything in him was itching to sweep her up and take her out of there. The sight of the silver collar and chains were so wrong on that delicate creature. She wasn’t the most beautiful female he’d ever seen. In fact, she was the opposite of his type with few curves and her slim build. He preferred a voluptuous female with big breasts and long, silky hair. Yet, he was drawn to her like no other and wanted her more than he’d ever wanted anything.

“I can’t leave her here. Nothing you can say or do will convince me that I need to turn around and walk out of this club without her,” Rhys replied honestly.

Dante’s mouth tightened and he pulled Rhys to a table off to the side and shoved him into a chair. Dante kept close-lipped while a waitress took their order, but the moment the waitress scurried to fill their order, Dante was leaning over and snarling, “Is this about your beast? If you need sex there are plenty of females to choose from all around us.”

On cue, a female djinn approached their table. Her green skin glowed in the low lighting of the club. The sway of her hips and curl to her lips told Rhys what she had in mind.

Stopping next to Dante, the djinn ran her hand across his shoulder and purred, “I haven’t seen you before. I would never forget such delicious males. I live upstairs, let’s go have a good time.” Batting long lashes, her tongue snaked out, licking full red lips.

Dante captured her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it. Rhys’ inner beast had been restless since entering Hell, and, at the female’s invitation, clamored for action. He wanted to accept the offer, but the urgency to help the angel was too great.

Dante’s deep voice caught Rhys’ attention. “Rain check, pet. If we go upstairs with you now, we will never leave this place.”

“Who says you have to? I can keep you entertained and fed for as long as you’d like,” she countered and unzipped her top, revealing large, lush breasts. Rhys noticed Dante and Kellen immediately respond to the sight. Rhys had to admit that her breasts were tempting. Dark green nipples hardened under the scrutiny and she ran slender fingers over them, pinching and tugging the turgid peaks. She was his exact type, yet his gaze traveled back to the naked angel on the stage.

Right now, all he wanted was the fragile, broken angel. Dante and Kellen could go with the djinn, Rhys was taking the angel. He’d love to get lost in her for decade or two. His sexual need had him shaking. Being back in his father’s realm was affecting him more than he anticipated. Or, perhaps this was part of the test for this circle. Nothing else made sense as to why he was so drawn to her.

Clearly lost to the seduction, Dante smiled and reached over, latching onto her breast while Kellen leaned forward and licked the other one. The female threw her head back and moaned, wrapped her arms around the males’ shoulders and tugged them closer to her body. It took every ounce of Rhys’ control not to join in. He couldn’t go much longer without sex, but now wasn’t the time, and this wasn’t the female he craved.

“Sorry, sweetcakes, but if we don’t deliver a package to Lemuel within the hour, we won’t be able to come back and spend time with you,” Rhys interjected, shoving Dante and Kellen away from the djinn.

She quickly paled. “Lemuel?” her voice croaked as she zipped her vest. “Find me when you get back, handsome?” she murmured, hurrying off. Apparently, she was familiar with what happened when his father was disappointed.

“Fuck, that was close. Thanks,” Dante exclaimed, running his hand through his hair and lowering his head. “We will need to get laid soon.”

Rhys nodded and accepted his demon brew from the waitress delivering their drinks, taking a sip of the caustic drink. It burned all the way down his throat and reminded him, yet again, of his time in Hell. It hadn’t been all bad. There had been many nights with his friend and fellow cambion, Brodie, where it had been all about partying, drinking and enjoying females. Those had been the best times, at least until his father had killed Brodie to punish Rhys.

“We need to be on guard. We can’t forget about the tests in each circle and I have no doubt that the test for this circle will come in the form of losing ourselves in pleasure. Now, back to your question before we were interrupted. This thing with the angel isn’t about my beast at all. It’s about avoiding a war with angels,” Rhys explained, unable to shake the feeling that this was connected to three irate brothers.

“What the hell does that mean? We’re not at war with the angels,” Dante pointed out, sipping his own drink.

“Don’t drink that shit,” Kellen warned. “You have no idea what they’ve put in it, and, like Rhys said, we need to be on our game. Goddess, you’d think you two would know better,” Kellen finished, shaking his head at them, making Rhys curse.

“Fuck,” Dante echoed, setting his drink down. “You need to explain a bit more about what you mean by a war with the angels, Rhys.”

Rhys pushed his drink away and folded his hands on the top of the table to hide his nerves. “About a month ago, three angels visited me and accused me of kidnapping their beloved little sister. They explained a seer had told them Illianna’s disappearance was connected to me. They threatened to tear the Tehrex Realm apart to find her and didn’t care who they killed in the process. Trust me, they were pissed and out for fucking blood. And, before you ask, I have no fucking idea why this prophet connected me to the missing female. I’ve never even had sex with an angel. Anyway, these males visited me again when Gerrick’s mate was killed…holy shit…that’s it,” he muttered, the obvious suddenly dawning on him.

Watching the angel pace the stage as they set up the next act, he noted how nervous she was, yet somehow managed to keep her composure.

Rhys continued as pieces fell into place, “We lost the amulet during that fight because Gerrick used his time-tracing to save Shae’s life and that event forced us to come here where this angel is being held hostage. That’s how she’s connected to me. The brothers appeared in the middle of the battle, saying something about their sister’s death. It didn’t make sense at the time. But now it does. I’m supposed to save her.”

“I think you’re reaching there, Rhys. We aren’t taking the chance. If they are her brothers, we can tell them where she is when we get back,” Dante countered with a raised eyebrow.

Rhys glared at the Cambion Lord. The male was being unreasonable. Or, maybe Rhys was. Either way, it didn’t matter because he wasn’t leaving the club without this angel. “Let me be very clear. I am not leaving without her. You can help me devise a plan or you two can go ahead without me.”

“Have you considered that this is
test for this circle? This could be a trap,” Kellen added, crossing his arms over his chest.

Rhys hadn’t considered the idea. He paused and examined his urges, but after several minutes didn’t detect any sort of malice or trickery. Evzen had warned them to watch out for negative energy or malevolence when they encountered roadblocks.

“That is a valid point, Kellen, but I don’t believe this has anything to do with testing me. I think that djinn was part of our test, bro, not the angel. I can’t explain it, but she must go with us. You haven’t considered that the Goddess placed us in her path to save her so she can aid us. It’s not a coincidence that we happened to enter this bar of all places in this circle,” Rhys asserted.

“Dammit, Rhys,” Dante growled and Rhys sensed his capitulation. “I don’t like this one bit. We haven’t even begun our fucking mission and already you are throwing a huge curveball into the mix. Alright, genius, how do you propose we sneak her out of here?”

Rhys watched the angel as she gave the new male instructions. Apparently, he didn’t care for what she’d said because he grabbed hold of one of the chains running from her neck to her wrists, jerking her forward. The angel was no wilting willow as she scowled and yanked her chain from his hand, shoving him away. Rhys liked her spunk, and was glad to see her fight back.

“The only place we are going to be able to get to her will be in the private chambers,” Rhys offered, lowering his voice so they weren’t overheard.

“And, where would those be?” Kellen asked, turning his untouched drink in his hands.

“I have no idea,” Rhys murmured.

The three of them fell silent as they watched the stage. Rhys sat up straight when he watched the couple head backstage before another couple entered the stage from the same direction. “Backstage. They will take her there after she’s done. It’s our best bet.”

“And then what? Walk out the front door with her?” Dante countered.

Rhys smiled at Dante, “No, we’re going to sneak her out the back.”

“We aren’t going to be able to sneak her through the barrier to the Third Circle, you do realize that, right?” Kellen said suddenly, his face etched with concern.

“Shit,” Rhys cursed. “We have to find the demon who encrypts the slave bands here. We find them and convince them to remove Illianna’s collar.”

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