Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga) (16 page)

BOOK: Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga)
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Kaya decided then he deserved a sign of her gratitude and love for him. She needed to show him how much he meant to her.

“Besh, lay down flat on your back.”


“Because you have given me pleasure after pleasure every time we make love, but I have never shown you my passion and my desire to please you, besides the dream visits we shared.”

“You please me every time you open to me and allow me to give you pleasure.”

“But I want to show you how much I love you. I want this to be about your desire.”

“Kaya, you don’t have to do this to prove your love. I see it in your eyes every night and again every morning when you awake. I see it in the way you have opened your body to me and trusted I would never hurt you. I see it in the fact you agreed to Join with me and be my wife.”

“I know I don’t have to. I want to. I want you to feel as good as I have these past few weeks.”

“Fine, but know I don’t need you to prove your love this way. I know you love me. But I can’t think of one male who would deny his wife if that is what she chooses to do. My body is yours.”

Besh lay down on the bed, firmly planted flat on his back and still nude from the night before; his manhood was already prepared for her ministrations. It rose high in the air, jutting out powerfully, showing the strength and virility of his body. She ran to the dressing room hoping to find a bottle of the oil which had been used on her body the day before, just prior to the ceremony.

She came back and stood beside the large bed, and noticed Besh was nearly shaking with desire, the unknown no doubt causing his desire to triple. She kneeled beside his prone body and drizzled a small amount of the oil on his legs and thighs, and another small amount on her fingers. She started at his feet and ankles, rubbing them and relaxing his muscles. He obviously enjoyed the feeling, as he was moaning low in his throat as a stroke here or a stroke there pleased him.

Kaya moved up to his calves and lower legs, massaging as she rose up his frame. She reached the knees and then thighs, feeling his body tense as she approached his manhood. His body jumped as her hands neared, but she felt he needed a little torture to heighten his pleasure, so she ignored the mighty cock and reached instead for the bottle of oil.

She spread more oil over his arms and shoulders, and starting at his fingers, she slowly massaged each arm, rubbing his tension away. As she finished his shoulders, she asked him to turn over. He growled deep in his throat, obviously wanting her torment to end, but he complied and turned to his stomach with a huff.

She sprinkled the oil over the back of his legs and began from the bottom again, moving up. She then covered his back and shoulder blades and massaged those areas with great attention to detail. She grabbed his shoulders and massaged once more, adding his neck to this stage of the massage. She then massaged his firm ass, truly enjoying his deeper moans of delight from this pleasurable spot, wondering how he would sound if he were on his back and her hands were in the same location.

“Okay, you growling beast, back over on the other side.”

Besh smiled at her from over his shoulder and turned faster than she thought humanly possible. She laughed at the look of childish delight written on his face and started massaging his chest with the sweet smelling oil.

“Woman, if you don’t hurry up and move your hands south, I will let loose my control and bury myself deep inside of you and ruin your little tormenting game.”

“I knew I should have tied you to the bed.”

He laughed, and then stared into her eyes. As he did, his pale blue eyes darkened with unspeakable desire for her. What she saw there brought tears to her own, and she had to suppress a small sob. No one in her entire life had ever loved her with the depth this man before her did. And then she chided herself for becoming a crybaby over the last few days. It seemed every show of love from this man brought her to tears.

Her hands wandered down his chest, covered his stomach, and started to tickle through the patch of tight curls which covered the base of his manhood. Those curls were much softer than those of any other man she had ever seen, and she could rub the silky hairs all day. But if she did he might revolt, so she got back to the task at hand. She used two shaky hands to grasp the base of his penis and thankful for the oils coating her hands and fingers, she began emulating the friction of her sex sliding over his hard cock.

He was tighter than a spring, seeming ready to explode even before she had barely begun. His body was so tense; the relaxing massage seemed to have no effect on his hard, virile body. She bent over to lick the head of his cock and tasted the sweet, sticky liquid which had already formed at the tip. She could lick him all night, the only man she knew who tasted like candy.

She increased the pace of her hands and licked the head as deep into her mouth as she could, the size preventing her from taking much, as she sensed his release was coming soon. His cries of pleasure and growls from his chest warned her to be ready. She kept her tongue locked against the opening in the head of his penis, ready to lap up his spent passion, pulling the orgasm from his body.

“K-a-y-a-a…” he groaned his release, holding her head tight to his sex with one hand, and he dropped back into the bed, spent, sated and on the border of sleep.

Kaya cleaned his sex off with her mouth, loving the taste of him, until he slid his hands under hers and dragged her on top of his muscled frame.

“You will be the death of me. Do you know that? I never knew sex with my mate would cause me to die from untamed passion.”

“We are only getting started, buck-o. You had better hope you can endure me and my needs.”

Just then the doors to the suite were thrown open, and soldiers came rushing into the room, with Dar Jin fast on their heels. Besh jumped up, shielding Kaya from the room.

“Lieutenant, what is the meaning of all this?”

“You, sir, are under arrest.”

“Arrest? For what charge?”

“For breaking the laws of Daya N’goul and seeing your mate before the period of Si’ ni mon was over.”

Besh stood openmouthed, looking at his second in command. Two of the soldiers grabbed Besh and tried to handcuff him. Besh fought the men off, throwing one across the room.

“General, we do not wish to harm you or your Princess, but we will take you both by force if we must.”


Besh turned a murderous glance at Dar Jin, never expecting his friend and fellow warrior to treat him with such disrespect, especially in front of his woman. But he looked at Kaya, and not wanting her to be harmed, he allowed himself to be handcuffed.

Fear unlike any he’d ever felt swarmed through him.  Never before had he the responsibility of another’s safety entrusted to him.  She could be a target for his father’s political foes.  Kaya didn’t understand his world or the politic factors that raged like a tempest under the surface, nor did he ever really want her to know it all.  He had to ensure her well-being if it were the last thing he did.

“Go to my parent’s rooms and stay with them until I can be cleared of this.”

“Your parents already left for Hara D’Noll this morning, Besh, dear boy. You will be returning this afternoon on the next frigate to your home world.”

Dar’s interruption made Besh’s head spin.  “A frigate? It will take a month or more to return via frigate. Why are you holding me for so long before allowing me to have my day in court?”

“We think you need some time to reflect on your crimes.”

“Dar, why are you doing this?  After all my family has done for you?”

Dar paused, sadness sweeping over his face.  He stood frozen, looking at Besh, his jaw tight and his eyes dull. “Don’t make this any harder, General.”

“Harder for whom?  Me, or you?  You’ve a lot to answer for.”

Dar sighed, his shoulders sagging.  “I’ll never atone for my sins, no matter how hard I try.  The list continues to grow.”

“Then stop this.  Don’t do it.”

“I wish I had the choice, Besh.”  Dar’s shoulders rose once more as he closed the door on whatever weakness he’d touched within him.  “Come, guards, let us get the
ready for transport.”


Kaya sat silently as the guards began to cuff her husband, shocked into inaction. She was unsure of what she could do, or even who to turn to.  If Dar was one of his closest friends and allies, who here could help her now? Then the words of Meet Sook Nu ran through her mind like a slap to the head
. “Et Fatel will get himself into great trouble if he abuses your body. He knows the law. If he is caught inside you he could be killed.”
Did Dar know of the nighttime dream rendezvous they had both played a role in? Had he witnessed them the day before their Joining? Could Besh being her teacher cause him to break the law, enough for him to die over?

All this was racing through her head and just as suddenly she realized as they began dragging Besh out of the rooms that this might be the last time she ever set eyes on him alive. She screamed and dove for his body, wrapping herself around him.

“Please, noooo, let him go. He’s done nothing wrong … you can’t take my husband away; we have just Joined. There must be some other way … noooo!”

“Kaya, my Princess. Do not cry, we will sort this all out in due time. Do not worry yourself so, it will be fine.” Besh continued to soothe her with his words, but it was not enough; she was overwrought with emotion. She had just found the love of her life to then have him stripped from her arms, stripped from their bed, taken into custody over a stupid rule?

“Kaya, gather your things. Find my sister and get a transport to Hara D’Noll. Promise me you will find my parents and stay with them where you will be safe.”

“I promise,” she whispered to him through her tears. She watched him walk out the door as Dar grabbed her by the arms and held her back, preventing her from following him up the stairs and into the hall.

“I will arrange the transport for you,
My Princess
. Pack some belongings, and you can leave within the hour.”

“Like hell. Leave me be,” she screamed as she threw the huge man off of her. Her body fueled with adrenaline, she pushed him halfway across the room, allowing her to grab her gown and race from the room.

As she was running down a hallway nude, she searched down each long hallway for a familiar face. Just as she turned another corner, a firm hand grasped her wrist and pulled her into an alcove in the wall. She tried to scream, but a hand clamped down over her open mouth, preventing the alert.



Chapter Nine


Familiar brown eyes stared deep into Kaya’s. J’Halle held her tightly to her, with her hand over her mouth. Behind her stood a fearful looking Be’in.

“My lady, do not scream, I am here to help you,” J’Halle whispered. “I am going to remove my hand, and I need you to listen to me.”

Kaya nodded, thankful to see her lady’s maid.

“The Bel Tak landed here this morning, along with the Hi Ni Shin, and they have abducted every member of the Emperor’s family, including the Emperor and Empress. Lady Sigh was here, as were both of the General’s younger brothers. Word has it the other sisters have been captured as well as the Regent.

“I am not sure why they did not capture you as well; maybe they do not consider you a threat to their plans. I have seen Dar Jin conversing with the Bel Tak. Also, the Great Olum Naucht of the Ha Ni Shin is here, with some of his warriors. The Ha Ni Shin were once allied with the Bel Tak, and evidently their inclusion in the Empire was a fallacy.

“From the looks of it, the Ha Ni Shin are still allied with the Bel Tak, and Dar Jin is their inside informant. With all of the ruling family incarcerated, they will take over the Empire easily. The only chance we have is to reach Hara D’Noll before they do and warn the Senate and get them to raise an army. The only way we can get to them before the transport is to use Brox Catha.”

“Then let’s do it, let’s go. Point out the way.” Kaya was more scared at this moment than she had ever been in her life, but she would do anything for Besh. She had no knowledge of Brox Catha or how it worked, but if she would save her love and his family, she would do it.

“It is not that simple, my lady. Brox Catha is a device which many train for years to be able to use before they even take their first jump. It changes your body into separate molecules, and you travel to where you need to go in the blink of an eye, after focusing on your destination, and there you rematerialize. You have never even been to the home world, so you cannot visualize it. You are untrained. Even trained men have been hurt, and a few have even lost their lives. But I don’t know of another way to reach the home world and not raise notice by trying to send a communication.”

“Then you go. Go warn them of this. Or better yet, take me with you.”

“Being artificial, no, we cannot use the travel device. Our molecules would be unstable, and we could never rematerialize and that would leave you in the middle of Hara D’Noll alone. I am unsure if there is anyone in the village besides the General who can even do the jump.”

“So, we need to either free Besh or I need to make the jump and pray I make it in one piece. Some decision … do I choose the rock or the hard place?”

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