Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga) (17 page)

BOOK: Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga)
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“Nothing, sorry. Is there any way we can free Besh before they load him on the transport?”

“He is probably being loaded as we speak, my lady, so besides taking a cruiser and gunning the ship down and hoping he survives the crash, I don’t know of a way.”

“Damn.” Double damn. Kaya was definitely in between the rock and the hard place.  Suddenly another issue came to mind. “J’Halle, how does a quiet lady’s maid suddenly become so knowledgeable about the inner politics of the Empire?”

J’Halle only smiled at her words. “My lady, there is a small faction of the Empire which has been very vocal about being anti-human. Don’t you think one of the most important men in the Empire would think to protect his mate with a bodyguard?”

“You’ve been my bodyguard all along?”

“Of course. The general understood you would bristle at having a bodyguard, so I was to assume the role of lady’s maid along with my sister.”

“He was right. But at this point, I can say I’m glad he did it. You may be saving our collective asses.”

Kaya needed more information on the Brox Catha and how she could prepare for this jump. Information, where would she find information? Aha! “J’Halle, take me to the library.”

“At once, my lady.” J’Halle looked at her curiously, but went along with her instructions before turning to her sister. “Be’in, stay and listen to what they are doing.”


The streets were quiet as J’Halle grasped her lady’s hand and navigated the streets to the library. The beautiful houses and gardens did not even register in Kaya’s sensory system on this trip. She was on a mission, and she had to save her love.

They reached the door to the library, and with a deep breath and a crossing of the fingers, Kaya pushed open the heavy door and the musty smell hit her face like a wave. She could find out what to do here, she just knew it. After walking into the main hall, she saw her friend Eetu. The librarian had been helping her over the past few weeks learn about the Aegarian culture. He beamed once he saw her and raced over to embrace her.

Eetu sensed her worry and frowned as he looked at her. “What can I do for you today, Princess D’Hanna?”

“I hope I’m turning to the right person.”

Eetu frowned, his eyes narrowing as he looked at her. “I am forever in your service.”

She paused a moment, fearful of trusting the wrong person. Kaya sensed she could trust this man. He’d done everything he could to aid her quest for knowledge, often admitting there had been mistakes made along the way. His honesty then gave her hope. The words flew from her in a flood, her nerves raw. “The entire ruling family has been abducted.”

J’Halle jumped in. “The Bel Tak and Olum Naucht are planning to overthrow the Empire. We need to use Brox Catha to get to the Princess to Hara D’Noll before they do and try to notify the Senate. I cannot go with her.”

Eetu’s eyes enlarged, but he stayed calm and thought over the words. He began to walk a short path, pacing as it appeared his mind was racing. Her stomach was doing flip
flops as she waited, wasting time they didn’t have. After a pause, he finally spoke. “And you do not even know how to use Brox Catha, yet you are willing to possibly die to save our worlds?”

“Not just our worlds, to save my love. Maybe I’m being foolish, but if he dies, I can’t imagine living without him.”

Eetu smiled down at her. “Then I think you need a Ga Hall warrior to help you save the day, my dear.”

“What’s a Ga Hall warrior?”

J’Halle interrupted, her face covered with awe. “The Ga Hall were a small sect of mystic warriors the Emperor employed for millions of years. The Bel Tak attacked their village nearly a hundred years ago, coming in the night, somehow slipping through their defenses and killing the entire village. Two warriors escaped that night. Dar Jin’s father was one. The other disappeared, never to be heard from again.”

“Dak Jin was a traitor. He was in league with the Bel Tak, and that is how they slipped past the defenses. I claimed it then, but because Dak was so popular with the Senate at the time, no one believed me, and I was exiled.”

Kaya’s eyes grew wide. “You’re the other warrior?”

“Yes, Princess. I made an oath over two hundred years ago to serve the Empire. I wasn’t able to save my people, but maybe I can help you save your love and the Empire as well.”

“What do we do?”

“I am well trained in Brox Catha. I use it almost weekly to gain more information for this library. You are not, but I think I can give you a way to come with me and survive the journey.”

“How’s that?”

“We go through together. Instead of you focusing on your destination, focus on me and you will follow me until I stop at Hara D’Noll. I did this many years ago with a pupil who was frightened of the transporter, and I did this to show him how simple it was. My pupil had said it took little effort and was the easiest trip he had ever been on.”

“Then let’s do it.”

“I have my own Brox Catha in the back room. Let’s go, Princess!”


Kaya stepped into the coffin-shaped box, which was standing on its end. She then realized it felt like a telephone booth and started thinking of a silly movie she had watched when she was a teen. Realizing the hilarity of the situation, she mumbled under her breath, “Something is amiss at the Circle K.”

“What was that, Princess?”

“Nothing. Nothing. I think the weight of the situation has got my nerves jumpy and I’m laughing to ease my anxiety.”

“Laughing I can deal with, crying I can’t. So laugh away.”

“I agree, Eetu.” She took a deep breath and released it on a sigh. “Are we ready?”

Eetu had been working on a few dials and knobs and had turned around to face her. “Princess, you need to look directly into my face. Remember my face throughout the entire journey. Focus on it and do not allow the memory of my face to leave you until you rematerialize on Hara D’Noll.”

“Yes. I understand.” She faced the older man and stared at his face for what seemed like an eternity.

“Have you got it, Princess? Are you ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s go.”

Eetu closed the door to the box and flipped a switch. Kaya could no longer see anything, except the face of the kind elderly man who had become her friend as well over the past few weeks. She held on to that vision, as it seemed her body was whisked away. She felt lighter than air and as if a wind were blowing through her whole body, like she was made of nothing at all. And through it all, she saw Eetu’s face. Around her planets loomed, galaxies shone brightly and comets soared, but Kaya ignored it all, scared she would lose the image she held fast to, afraid she would be left scattered to the heavens for infinity without saving Besh. She hoped to be able to witness the beauty of space sometime in the future, because it took all her control not to gaze around her at the colors which swirled into her line of vision.

Finally, after what seemed like eternity, Kaya felt whole again. She blinked several times and realized she was weighed down again, not floating, no winds billowing through her. It was dark, like the moment they had stepped into the box, and then Eetu’s face, not just the image she had held on to, was visible in front of her face.

“Well, Princess, you seem to be a natural at this.”

“You told me it was easy, and it was.”

“I lied. Thankfully you believed me. Come on, let’s find the Senate.” Eetu pulled the bemused Kaya through the door to the ending Brox Catha box, which was evidently on Hara D’Noll. This would be the first time she would see Besh’s home planet, and she had no time at all to look around her at the sights. They had opened the door to a busy city street.

At least, that was all Kaya could call it. Skyscrapers lined the street, towering so high above Kaya could not even see the sky above them. Darkness reigned, although she could not tell if it was night or day. Flood lights were placed here and there, flooding areas and leaving others in total darkness. There were vehicles zipping past them at unbelievable speed on the ground, as well as hovering vehicles zipping by in the air. There were three levels of vehicles in the air, and the winds whipping by them were almost ear shattering. Kaya clasped her hands over her ears and ran to keep up with Eetu. For an older man, he was spry. In the darkness of the night, if she lost him, she would be in serious trouble.

Eetu zigged and zagged around the city, so she could not even return to the point they arrived. After running through street after street, he stopped in front of a building that was totally flooded with light and had many people milling about in front of it and the stairs leading to the doors. Eetu paused to look up at the building and then looked over to Kaya. She looked into his eyes, where she could see the wariness already building there.

“Are you ready for the fight of your life?”

“They aren’t going to believe me?”

“No, Princess, they probably won’t.”

“I’m Besh’s wife and that has to count for something?”

“You have not been formally introduced to the Senate, so in their eyes, you are not married yet. If there was a member of Senate present at your Joining and they have made it back by now, they may stand up for you. If not, you may be in for a huge battle just to be heard by the collective group.”

Kaya stared again at the building. She realized if she did not succeed, Besh and his family might die. She loved this man too much, craved a future with him more than anything she could imagine. She had to succeed; there was no other alternative. “I’m ready. They
listen to me, and they
help me save them.”

Eetu looked surprised for a moment, and then smiled deeply at her. “That’s right, Princess. They will listen; we will make them.”

They began ascending the long stairs leading up to the doors. Once they reached the large double panels, Eetu stepped in front of her and pushed them open, grabbing the guard at the door by the throat. There was power in Eetu’s grip as the soldier dropped his weapons and held stone straight in Eetu’s frail hands.

“Bow to your Princess. This is General Besh Et Fatel’s newly Joined partner. You will allow her entry.”

The soldier slightly nodded his head as a roll of sweat stretched down his temple. Eetu released his hand, and the soldier recovered his weapons, scaring Kaya. She assumed he was about to take them into custody when he rubbed his throat and lowered to one knee, bowing at her feet as he told them to pass. Kaya was able to breathe again, and the pair rushed past the guard down a long hallway lined with tall doors. She prayed Eetu knew where he was going because she certainly didn’t.

Eetu nimbly led her through hallway after hallway, rushing at breakneck speed. Weaving through the throngs of people who wandered the halls was not easy, especially since many were not humanoid. She had no time to gawk at the odd species of creatures she saw at every turn. She wasn’t sure if she would ever get used to this world if she had a chance to stay with Besh and the Empire was saved.

Suddenly they reached a solid wall that seemed to have no way through. They both paused, Kaya because she was unsure of even where she was, awaiting Eetu’s direction. He banged on the wall in three places and unexpectedly the wall separated and began to open as a door. Kaya walked through the wall with her Ga Hall warrior at her side.

“How dare you interrupt our Senate!” A mass of grumbling and arguing went through the cavernous space. Kaya could barely fathom what she was seeing; she likened it to what the old Roman Senate meetings may have looked like, but exponentially larger. There were at least three dozen rows of benches along the oval wall of the space, and the space was at least as large around as two football fields. Football field was a good analogy because it was like a vast stadium surrounding a space for the Senate leader.

Again Kaya was shocked at seeing creatures she could never have imagined in her dreams, including a couple of creatures that could have graced her nightmares. Creatures of every color, shape, and size were held inside this auditorium. She stood staring openmouthed at the sights before her. There was even a delegate who looked to be made entirely of light.

The Senate leader was standing on a podium in the middle of the floor, glaring at the two of them with disgust and contempt in his eyes.

“Princess D’Hanna Et Fatel requests an audience with the Senate.”


Besh watched as Dar Jin stepped in front of his cell on the transport to Hara D’Noll. “Good morning, General.”

“Keep your sarcasm to yourself, traitor.”

“There was no sarcasm, General. I know what you think of me, but know this. I wish things could be much different.”

“Keep your lies to yourself.”

Besh watched as an older man stepped into the holding area and stood beside Dar. Dar’s obvious distaste for the man showed on his face; Besh noted this before addressing the man. “I should have known you were involved in this, Dak Jin. I never trusted you, as many do not with your reputation of dishonor. But Dar,” Besh turned to the man he considered a friend, “I thought you had overcome the family trait. The years in which you had stood by our family, earning our respect only to betray us now? You dishonor my brother’s memory.”

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