Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga) (20 page)

BOOK: Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga)
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As she cleaned him, the suckling of Besh’s fingers causing electric shocks to travel straight to his cock, making it swell and become impossibly harder. His heartbeat echoed in his ears, and his stiff cock throbbed with that same tempo. If he did not gain entry
soon, he would die. His experiment would have to wait; he could not taste her with his lips again until he released his cum deep inside her body.

He snatched his hand away, sliding her ass on a pillow and raising her feet high
into the air. Moments later, he plunged into her wet heat in one swift motion. She was so wet and ready from his earlier ministrations that he glided in without protest. They both moaned loudly at the joining of their bodies. He stilled,
enjoying the feeling of being rooted deep inside her. She instinctually moved her hips, begging for the motion that would give them both pleasure, but he waited, even though the clinging wetness of her body wrapped around his cock was too much for him to bear.

Once ready, he slipped his cock from her and pounded back into her willing flesh. He started a hard rhythm, pounding her sex, shaking the bed, and making her scream. He moved his body to be closer and felt her womb at the end of his cock. Besh felt the familiar pressure building in her again, as he did in himself. His cock was in heaven, delighted by the
heat of her molten channel. He knew it would not take long for him to crash over the edge; so he slowed his speed and caressed her pussy with his cock. Slowly in and out, reveling in her body and how good it made him feel.

She begged for him to speed up again, to harshly take her, but he could not, he had to enjoy this as long as he could ... he never wanted to leave her body. To stay in her arms, in her pussy forever would be his version of the afterlife, his own version of the human nirvana, but his own body betrayed him, and he could no longer withhold his release. He began ravaging her beautiful pussy with his hot, hard dick. He pounded against her, and the slapping sound echoed in the room, as he plundered her body.

The pressure in his body heightened even more, as he sensed it build higher in hers. She was so close. Bodies pounding together, pressure building even higher, he couldn’t imagine anything better. Both screamed out their pleasure, both crested at the same moment, their releases mingling within her. They dropped to the bed, spent and limp.

Before sleep overtook them, Besh pulled Kaya into the circle of his arms.

“I love you, my Princess. No matter what happens, know I love you with all my heart for the rest of my life.”

Kaya kissed the underside of his strong jaw. “I love you, my General. We
be together again.”

The pair held on desperately to one another and finally drifted off to sleep.



Chapter Eleven


Besh awoke with a snap as he felt someone putting pressure on his chest and arms. He opened his eyes to see Dak Jin standing over him.

“I thought you would never awaken. You sleep like the dead.”

Here is my opportunity
. Besh grabbed the man by the neck and slowly began strangling, refusing to allow the traitor to gain another breath. Dak lashed out against him, scratching, punching, kicking, but the grip Besh had on the man’s throat was immovable. Because he could not get air, Dak could not scream for help, so he began to kick the walls, the mat, anything to get his troops’ attention before losing consciousness. Besh pulled Dak to the center of the small cell, in hopes the man could not be able to reach the walls to gain help. Unfortunately, it was no good, as Besh heard heavy footsteps racing down the outside corridor.

Dak was close to losing consciousness, so Besh hoped he could knock him out and then battle the soldiers before he was again caged like a beast. Luck was on his side in that moment, and he felt Dak go limp in his arms. He held on to his neck for a few more seconds, to make sure he truly was unconscious, and threw him to the floor just as the first soldier entered the cell. Besh attacked with the ferocity of a wild beast, the only thing on his mind saving Kaya and returning her to where she belonged, by his side.

Besh easily disabled the first soldier, stealing his weapon as the next three gained the door. He had only seconds before one of these men would raise the alarm and Besh’s attempt at escape would be foiled. He blindsided the second, aiming his weapon at the last man in the pack, hoping to prevent any of them from escaping to warn the rest of the ship. He blasted twice, just as one of the warriors grabbed him by the hand and three bodies landed on top of each other in a heap, unmoving.


Kaya awoke to the sounds of busy activity in the outer rooms. She gathered herself, washed her face and hands quickly, and went to join the group. When she walked into the room, she saw warriors swarming, all dressed in the battle gear she had first seen in her café. She stifled a scream and started thinking of the best way to exit unnoticed, when she saw Eetu. He was standing in the middle of the group of soldiers smiling across the room at her.

“Princess, I believe your American Westerners would say the cavalry has come.” He beamed at Kaya, as she still stood stunned on the fringes of the room. “The Senate believed you! They are collecting the troops, and these men are here to protect you. We need to hurry to the palace. Come!”

Kaya stood still, unsure if she were still dreaming or if she had heard correctly. The cavalry most certainly was there, she thought to herself as she saw the dozen warriors around the room. Mente was also there, speaking to one of the soldiers with his helmet off. The man looked just like Mente, only younger, and actually a couple of inches taller, making him the giant of giants. When he turned to look in her direction, she knew this was definitely Aataar, as he had the same warm green eyes she had first seen on Mente.

She pushed away from the wall she had been holding on to for dear life and walked toward Eetu. Her friend grasped her hand and led her out the door with a full accompaniment of soldiers guarding her from every angle. She was whisked into one of the vehicles she had seen flying through the air at unnatural speeds. The vehicles were huge, able to fit herself, Eetu, Mente and all the armed guards attending her comfortably, with room for more. Soon they were on their way to the palace at breakneck speed.

They reached the palace gates in no time and were quickly ushered inside. The vehicle stopped in front of a large set of intricate doors, with fine details which reminded her of the lace skirt she wore for her Joining ceremony. Two soldiers opened the doors for her to walk through, and she entered the most luxurious place she had ever beheld. Sights she did not even know existed were held in just the entryway alone.

The cavernous foyer was made of a translucent glass-like material. Stairs floated out of nowhere, leading to higher floors, where she could only imagine what kind of wonders they held. The ceiling looked like the heavens she had barely caught in the corners of her eyes as she traveled the Brox Catha and was so realistic, she thought it really was the heavens above her. Stars shot here and there above her head as she watched. Servants were lined along one wall in beautiful uniforms, and all were beautiful in every shade of the rainbow and beyond.

The group was led to the back of the house and into a room with a large table and chairs surrounding it. And it brought to Kaya’s mind an executive boardroom on Earth, but different, something out of a science fiction movie. The table, made of the same translucent glass, levitated in the center of the room, as did the seats around it. The Speaker of the Senate as well as a few other faces she thought she remembered seeing there the day before and two warriors were already seated. The Speaker motioned for her and Eetu to be seated in the two empty seats in front of them. Eetu sat instantly, but Kaya stared at her seat for a moment, scared of possibly doing it wrong and landing on her butt in front of these men and women. Eetu, noticing her pause, grasped her hand and whispered for her to just sit down. She did and the meeting began.

“Princess D’Hanna, we owe you a debt of gratitude for what you have done thus far. We scanned the Inoc world and found several Bel Tak ships. We also located more Bel Tak scattered around the Empire, all in seats of power, readying for a surprise attack. We have sent our fleets to destroy them. We’ve got word that they have liberated the Emperor and Empress, as well as most of the ruling family.”


“We have sent a ship to intercept the transport and free your husband, your majesty.”

“What about his charges?”

“Princess, we have not enforced that rule in eons,” the speaker said with a chuckle. “Couples through the galaxy break Si’ ni mon daily; I even did as a lad. It is an old law that should have been dissolved millennia ago, but we tend to hold our ruling class to a higher standard, so General Et Fatel was trying to do the right thing. As long as he only met with you, and you both never participated in intercourse before the Joining ceremony, then you have done nothing wrong. He will not stand trial, and he will be freed.”

Kaya bit her tongue, hoping they would not outright ask her if they had participated in pre-Joining coupling because she was a terrible liar. But again, it was a silly rule in her eyes as well. They were consenting adults, mates about to Join, what did it matter? She stayed blessedly silent and listened to the plans the men were covering with her for finalizing the battles, when a soldier entered the room and went down to the end of the table to confer with the speaker.

As Kaya watched the warrior converse with the speaker, she saw the frown deepen on his face. The Speaker met her eyes with a sense of dread that gave Kaya goose bumps all over her body. He then closed his eyes tightly and shook his head before placing it in both hands. After a pause, he looked up, right into Kaya’s horrified face. She sensed the news before she was told.

“A ship intercepted the transport your husband was on. It was destroyed. There is no one left alive.”

“Noooooo!” Her world spinning in front of her eyes was the last thing Kaya remembered seeing.


Kaya awoke in a soft bed in a beautiful room filled with mementos of a lifetime. She wasn’t sure where she was and still felt groggy. She sat up to survey the room she was more closely. Once she was seated, she saw a form across the room stand up and walk toward her. As it came closer, despite her blurred vision, she recognized it was the Empress. The woman sat down on the corner of the bed and gazed down lovingly at Kaya.

“I wondered when you would awaken. You have been asleep for two days, my dear. How do you feel?”

Kaya looked up at the Empress, confused.
Two days, why have I been asleep for two days?
Her mind reached out for the last thing she remembered before that moment. Suddenly, the truth hit her like a train, and she began sobbing uncontrollably. The Empress pulled her into her arms and rocked her like she was a child, rubbing her back and whispering words of love and sympathy.

They sat locked like that for nearly an hour, Kaya unable to move from the comfort of the woman’s arms, afraid of what would happen next and sure she could not handle any more to come.

Finally, once Kaya’s sobs had subsided, the Empress sat back and looked down into her face. Wet marks scarred her beautiful face, as she had wept along with Kaya. “My dear, I hurt as much as you. He was such a beautiful child who grew into a strong man, a man who deserved to finally have the love he had waited so long to have.

“You saved our Empire, and most of our lives, and for which we can never repay you. But know as Besh’s mate and the savior of our worlds, we will care for you for the rest of your life. You are welcome here or on any planet in the system, for as long as you want, and we will supply your every need and have guards protecting you. And from this point on, you are in every way my cherished daughter and will be treated as such.”

Kaya gazed up into the Queen’s warm face. “Thank you,” she whispered and hugged the Empress again, her sobs returning. After a few more moments, Kaya pulled away. “I’m sorry. I should let you go. I’m sure you have better things to do than to sit here playing nursemaid to me.”

“My dear, all of our hearts are breaking, but yours the most. I can’t think of a better way to spend my day than to care for the broken heart of my son’s wife.” The Empress smiled down at her and caressed her cheek. “You cry now until your heart cannot cry anymore, and when you have tears tomorrow or the next day, you come and find me again, and I will be there to help you shed them.”

So she did. She cried until her body could not cry any longer. The Empress had lain down beside her in the large bed and had held her for hours, letting her get every tear out. Kaya sat up, needing to stand and walk, to stretch the muscles that were screaming from being so overwrought. The Empress continued to lounge on the bed, watching Kaya investigate the items that decorated the room.

“Whose room is this?”

“It is mine.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll stop peeking through your things.”

“You aren’t peeking. If there was something I did not want you to see, I would have told you so.”

Kaya smiled and continued to investigate the objects surely collected over a lifetime. She gazed at clear golden orbs suspended in midair, beautiful flowers sculpted out of some sort of clay, and lovely gems uncut in pure form. Then she found something that caught her eye—a box that had a screen of some sort.

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