Her Master's Voice (23 page)

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Authors: Jacqueline George

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Her Master's Voice
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She was undoing his belt and his zip, tugging wildly at his trousers. He lifted his hips and let her pull his clothes down to his ankles. “Oooh yes!” she said in triumph as she clutched his shaft, “I like him!”

He helped her by unbuttoning his shirt and shrugging it off. He was naked with a hot and beautiful woman ready to devour him. He reached around her and pushed her dress down over her hips. “Stand up,” he whispered and she stood in front of him, her dress falling in red folds to the floor. She was wearing the smallest of black lace panties. He reached for her and turned her. She pirouetted slowly to show her charms. Like many Indonesian women, she had narrow, boyish hips. Slim, brown, unashamed, she looked completely desirable.

He stared at her sex when she turned back, trying to make out what lay hidden in the black lace. He reached out to push her panties down but she quickly knelt between his knees, opening him up and reaching for his cock. He sat back and gave himself up to the sensations. She came very close to him; he could feel her breath on him. Her hands busily cupped his balls and worked his shaft as she examined his swollen plum. She looked happy as she brought his sex nearer and brushed her cheek with it. The electricity brought Tim’s heart to his mouth.

She reached out with her pink tongue and lightly probed under the head of his cock. She licked and smiled, and bent her head to lick some more. It felt agonising. She looked up at him from behind his vertical cock. Her smile was half-hidden behind its purple head. Her beautiful black eyes, carefully ornamented with mascara, liner and shadow stared knowingly at him as she moved nearer and hearer to his cock. She opened her elegant red lips and sucked the head of his cock slowly into her mouth.

It was too much for Tim. The sight of her and the feeling of her wet mouth had brought him to the edge of orgasm. She sensed it, and held still until his excitement faded a little and she could start to explore him. Using hands and mouth, she took him on a wild ride. She would lick and suck, pumping him slowly, feeling his excitement build to the limit, and then she would take him out of her mouth and wait. Again and again she led him to the edge and stepped back. It was torture.

Tim leapt to his feet and drawing her up, picked her up like a child and took her into the bedroom. He laid her on his single bed and she reached for his cock as he stood beside her, taking him into her mouth again. He reached for her panties. She tried to stop him with one half-hearted hand, but he brushed it away and eased her panties over her hips. A small patch of black hair appeared and then her cock, folded up between her thighs and held in place by the panties. As she helped him take her panties right off, it fell from its hiding place and lay limp across the top of her thigh. It was small and wrinkled, and its exposed head was soft pink. It gave no sign of standing.

Now she was completely naked she became more excited, moaning softly and rocking her head from side to side as she sucked him. It was riveting to see her writhing as she devoured more and more of his cock. He forced her back so he could get onto the bed, but she would not release him.

Tim found himself lying on his side, watching her busy hands and mouth consuming his cock. She had wriggled down a little and now as he lay the wrong way round on the bed her hips and thighs were beneath him. At her centre, her soft cock drew him to her. He bent his head and sucked it into his mouth. It felt soft and slippery, like the delicate flesh of a rambutan. It tasted clean and spicy. She gave a soft cry as he took her into his mouth and thrust her hips towards him. Small and soft, he could take all of her easily into his mouth. He started to suck and release her rhythmically, enjoying the swelling and stiffening of her cock as he worked on it.

She lost coordination as he sucked her and her movements on his cock became disjointed. She was moaning and pushing her hips up at him. He sucked harder and faster and then, without warning, his mouth was flooded with her cream. Dry tasting and smooth, she came as he pleasured her. She was giving up her orgasm to him, and the feeling excited him so much that he too came in great powerful spasms as she lapped eagerly at him and held him deep as they subsided.

When she was sure he had finished, she spun around to kiss his mouth. They lay together kissing, sharing the tastes of their orgasms, as she held him and felt his cock soften. She lay happily in his arms.

A large tug came for CCB-1 next morning. First it towed
Sea Sprite IV
well clear and Tim and the crew struggled to drop an anchor from one of their little used winches. Then the tug went back to trap the CCB-1 anchor buoys and trip the anchors so they could be winched aboard. They stood and watched as CCB-1 pulled itself up to its last anchor. They pulled the anchor free and the tug took up on the tow as they recovered it. The tug set its bow at the horizon and soon the crane barge was diminishing in the distance.
Sea Sprite IV
would float alone until a tug could be spared to retrieve her. With luck they should have at least a day of fishing and maintenance before that happened.







Chapter 23


Sherry waited eagerly for Tim to return. She had spent the day tidying the house and preparing his dinner. Now as the light drained from the sky everything was ready. She had measured out the rice and it stood beside the stove. The water waited for it in the pan. She had chopped the vegetables ready for the wok, and a saucer held the garlic, ginger and spices that would go in first. Freshly shelled prawns were in the fridge, and a bottle of Niersteiner was getting really cold next to the ice box.

Once she had prepared the food and table, she had given herself a good hour to get herself ready. She had combed out her hair as far as it would go, painted her finger and toe nails, made up her face for an evening in High Society. Earrings, gold cross in her cleavage, bracelets, and finally her new ankle chain. She stood in front of the mirror completely naked apart from her jewellery and heels and admired herself. She had to admit she looked good. Of course, she still felt big and clumsy when she compared herself to the twins, but on the other hand she was not as fat as Ranji. She turned around to look at her bottom. Her hips looked wide and her bottom too big. She turned back to look at her front. Here she felt happier. She liked her breasts. They were a comfortable size, perhaps a little large, but she liked the way they stood out. Her pink buttons were erect and pointing, perhaps in anticipation of Tim’s return. She liked her waist and the shadow of her belly button. Now that she had decided to care for the small patch of unruly hair that decorated her sex, even that looked elegant. She felt vaguely dissatisfied with its colour. She would have been happier if it was not so dark. Could it be dyed, she wondered, to match her blonde hair? Or should she go back to having no hair at all?

All in all, she looked better. Not as sexy as she wanted to look, of course, but definitely getting better. She envied the twin’s dark colour, their slim figures and above all their strong black hair but then, she reflected, all the girls here have black hair. At least I’m special in one area.

She had turned from the mirror and put on her only clothing, a new black cocktail dress. It had been expensive and without Ranji’s urging she would not have bought it. It was a simple knee-length creation of black chiffon with a pearl slip beneath to stop it being completely transparent. Thin straps left her shoulders bare and the whole thing looked as if it could double as a nightdress.

As soon as they had bought the dress, Ranji whisked her off to a dressmaking cousin off Serangoon Road and they waited with glasses of tea while he shortened the dress to mid-thigh. The cousin, a thin bent man with a measuring tape permanently around his shoulders, had drawn down the steel shutter of his shop to protect her from the street as she modelled the shortened dress. What had been fashionably elegant before, had now become daring and racy. The cousin had shaken his head with disapproval but Ranji had clapped her hands in delight.

Now, wearing this dress, she waited behind the front door as Tim’s taxi drew up. Dressed as she was, she did not care to go outside. The gate clicked open and clanged shut, and Tim stood in the doorway. She reached shyly for his bag but he dropped it on the floor and held her at arm’s length.

“Wow—look at you!” he said as he examined her. “What a wife to come home to!” She felt herself blushing and he swept her up to kiss her.

Later, in the double bed that had been newly returned to their bedroom, she lay contentedly beside his sleeping form. It had been a good evening. The food had been perfect. Tim was not so tired from travelling that he could not talk and tell her about his adventures out at sea. She had told him about Hangchi but that did not disturb his plans for enjoying his days off. Finally, when she returned from taking the plates to the kitchen, he called her to him and she had stood beside his chair while he hugged her and kissed her. His hands ran up and down her back and she had shivered in excitement. Then he had slipped his hands under the hem of her dress and peeled it off her.

He took her right there. He had swept the table’s clutter to one side and lifted her onto it. She lay on her back with her legs resting over his shoulders while he bent to devour her. He had taken her for dessert, licking, sucking, probing, using his tongue and fingers to sweep her from orgasm to orgasm. When he judged she could take no more, he had sat back in his chair. In a daze she had looked at his big wet smile between her upraised thighs for a moment before he scooped her up and carried her to the front door so she could push it shut. He had carried her up to their bed and rolled her onto all fours. Standing beside the bed, he had taken her from behind with slow forceful thrusts. The joy of him filling her had quickly re-ignited her orgasms and she was barely conscious when he pulled her hips hard against his thighs. His cock had thrust deep and far inside her, and he emptied himself into her in powerful animal spurts.

Now she was glowing beside him. Completely contented and completely relaxed. Her pussy purred as it savoured the memory of his assault. With Tim beside her again, she felt untroubled. She was in love and happy.

Hangchi met them in the Pavilion. While they waited for their lunch, he got straight on with telling them what had been happening.

“Firstly, the information in the letter you brought was good. Probably missing the first visit was a blessing. I expect that was just to build confidence and perhaps pay a small deposit. This time we saw the real transfer of cash. We were waiting for one Aidil Wiranto to appear on the passenger list from Balikpapan, and he came just as we expected.”  Hangchi looked at them to make sure he had their attention.  He seemed to enjoy telling the story.

“Of course, he was just a courier. Not at all interesting. We wanted to know who he was doing business with and where the money would go. I was there when he arrived, up in the SeletarAirport security office, watching the television screens. We tagged him as soon as he presented his passport and watched him go for his bag. He was carrying a flat briefcase but had checked in a soft hold-all. He came out of Customs—we let all non-Europeans go straight through that night—and was met by a taxi driver with his name on a sign. The driver took him outside, past the regular taxis and into the car park. It wasn’t an ordinary taxi, but one from Johor Baru with its sign covered over with a ‘Not in Service’ cap. The driver was Chinese, but that’s no surprise from JB, and the cab had someone else waiting in the rear seat. They all took off but didn’t go far. Just to the nearest hawker centre where the two passengers got out.” He paused to sip his drink, and perhaps for dramatic effect.  

He smiled at his audience and continued. “That was when we first got a look at the man in the car; we know him well. It was Older Tan, he works for the Irishman. Aidil was carrying his bag and still holding the briefcase. They went to a payphone and Tan made a call. Afterwards we found it was to another payphone in Toa Payoh. He spoke for a moment and gave the phone to Aidil. After he had taken his turn, he passed the briefcase to Tan who hopped back into his car and drove off. Aidil was left to find a bus into town, which is a good sign of how unimportant he is. He’s checked into the Merlin and is acting the part of a tourist. Perhaps he is a tourist and the holiday’s part of his reward.

“Anyway, Older Tan took off but he didn’t head into town. I guess we should have realised that he might be going straight to Malaysia—why else use a Malaysian car? Seletar’s no distance at all from Woodlands and the causeway, so we had a bit of a panic. I had to call a security alert at the checkpoint to slow him down while I tried to find Alistair.”

“Alistair?” asked Tim in surprise.

“Yes, your friend. He’s the one I talk to over there. Semi-unofficially of course. Fortunately he was in town and not escorting his two young nieces around the east coast tourist resorts. Fortunately. He managed to organise a tail, and the taxi went to a charming little Chinese establishment called the Lucky Path Club, where Tan got out. And the Lucky Path Club is owned by... can you guess?”

“The Irishman?” answered Tim and Sherry together.

“Well, well. What nasty suspicious minds you both have, but you’re right. The Irishman.”

“That’s good then. You know where the money went, so you can arrest him and find out where the guns are,” said Sherry.

“Not so easy.” Hangchi took a sip at his beer. He was holding back, almost hesitant. “We’re stuck. That’s the truth of it. We know money’s been brought in to pay the Irishman, but we don’t know how much or why. We don’t even have the money. Alistair couldn’t organise a raid on the club, because he had no evidence of a crime. If he had raided but only come up with a briefcase of money, so what? There’s bound to be a good excuse for it. Brought from Indonesia to buy a shipping container of toothpaste or something. We don’t even know how much was in the briefcase.

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