High-Risk Fever (9 page)

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Authors: Lea Bronsen

BOOK: High-Risk Fever
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Dust particles swirled up and danced in the flashlight as she crept delicately along the middle traverse beam. She counted three rental rooms to her right until getting to the last cable, above the bicyclists’ room. The five-centimeter-wide hole had been drilled close to the beam. When she was a child, the ceiling plates had carried her weight, but she didn’t trust them now. She knelt on the hard wood, near the hole where the yellowish, crackling cable disappeared, and took a deep breath.

The first time she’d come here was as a curious eight-year-old. The frustration of hearing muted sounds from the tenants below and not being able to see anything drove her to bring a saw the second time. She’d widened the openings just enough to still be hidden by the ceiling lamps. As she’d lain, she would move the cables aside and peek through the holes. Couple after couple taught her a variety of sexual positions and techniques over the years. Enough to know her husband should divert a little more.

She leaned forward with a hand rested on the hard beam for balance and tugged at the old plastic cable. Thanks to the power loss, Todd and Micaela’s lamp was unlit, so they wouldn’t notice its tiny movements in their ceiling. She held her breath while inching the cable into the sawn breach and peeked through the hole, past the swaying lamp.

The bed stood underneath, and the guys came into view in the dancing candlelight, so near, goose bumps grew on her skin. She sucked in a breath. What if they saw her? No, the opening was too small and concealed by the lamp to be noticed.

Micaela lay on his back, eyes closed, naked body glistening with sweat. Between his spread legs, Todd knelt forward, muscular back hiding his lover’s chest. The gray sweatpants Todd wore looked strangely intrusive to the nude, almost frail thighs that he split. His hands trailed alongside Micaela’s tanned torso, and from the slow, bobbing moves of his blond head, he was either licking the feverish skin or placing kisses.

Her heart filled with warmth. If he took good care of her sick seducer, she would consider swallowing her jealousy. The guys would leave soon, whether she liked it or not, and she would probably never see them again. In the meantime, maybe they could teach her a few tricks in the erotic department.

With careful movements, she lay on the traverse beam. Its twenty-centimeter width was enough to support her body, and she placed a forearm under forehead and the other on the dusty panel underneath for balance. The hard wood bore into her lower ribs and flattened her breasts, but lying on the floor enabled her to gaze directly into the cable hole and witness the scene below.

Micaela opened his black eyes to look at Todd and gave an encouraging smile. Despite looking sicker than before—pale, perspiring, and breathing with difficulty—he radiated an amazing sensual charisma.

She couldn’t see Todd’s face, but he moved his hand to Micaela’s sunken cheeks and caressed them before placing a thumb against his mouth and prodding it between parted lips.

With a chuckle, Micaela closed his eyes and sucked while pushing Todd’s other hand down to his groin.

Todd laughed. “God, that’s hot!” His large torso hid the hand, but from the quick back-and-forth moves of his forearm and Micaela’s sharp intake of breath, he had to be giving him one hell of a job.

Then came the moment she’d prayed for; Todd withdrew his digit from Micaela’s mouth and sat back, offering an ideal view of the place where their bodies joined. His fingers eagerly worked his lover’s dark, erect cock, and underneath, the bulging front of his sweatpants poked against Micaela’s balls.

With a loud gasp, Micaela fisted his hands in the sheets and thrust his pelvis up. Sweat ran along his face, gluing black locks to his cheeks and forehead.

Todd chuckled and dropped the thick, purplish length on his lover’s stomach. “Okay, turn to your side.”

While Micaela obeyed, Todd moved backward to lie on his side so they faced each other.
Thank God
. Now she would be able to see every bit of erotic action between them in profile.

He ran his tongue up Micaela’s slick chest, trailing kisses to his neck before moving lower until his lips met the hard cock. Cupping Micaela’s balls, he took hold of the shaft with his other and rolled his tongue from the base of the girth to the swollen tip. His mouth lapped up the leaking seminal fluid and took the blushing head in slowly. Groaning, he devoured the cock before letting it break free from his lips, wet and slick with saliva. His tongue darted along the veined length again then lower to the sack, seeking the place between the balls and the ass.

Breath hitching, Micaela lifted his leg, allowing access. Todd licked the area with a new groan, teasing around the puckered opening before sneaking the tip of his tongue inside. Micaela closed his eyes and let out a long moan, his hard cock jumping, and laced trembling fingers in Todd’s blond hair.

Anne had never seen anything like this. Tremors of arousal shot through her pussy, and she held back a gasp.

Todd wet a finger on his tongue and positioned it near the opening. Another moan escaped Micaela’s throat as Todd rubbed the tender flesh and pushed inside. He grabbed the erection again and ran his hand along the rigid member, pumping in rhythm to his finger-thrusting before pushing a second digit into the hole. “See how much I love you, Mica.” He grunted, working both places at once with a grin.

As he added a third finger, Micaela gasped and jerked his hips forward, a grimace marring his face.

This intense, erotic scene topped anything she’d witnessed before, and she quivered as lust rushed through her, nipples hardening painfully against the beam.

Todd withdrew his fingers and moved up on the bed to meet Micaela face-to-face, their legs tangling. Groaning, Todd pulled down his sweatpants, and his thick cock sprang from the fabric, ready and dripping. He wrapped his fist around the purplish shaft and ran up and down the long, hard manhood before sliding it against his partner’s cock.

A new moan escaped Micaela’s throat. “You so fucking naughty.” Panting, he closed his eyes.

“Let me show you how much. Get on your back.” Todd gave him a playful slap on the ass, the sound resonating in the small room.

Micaela opened his eyes and obeyed, a gleam playing in his dark pupils.

When Todd moved together with him and knelt between his spread legs, their engorged rods nestled again.

Too bad—she wouldn’t be able to see his features anymore. Not that it mattered. The blissful grin on Micaela’s face and his wet, parted lips sufficed to feed her arousal. She almost succumbed to the need to fondle her breasts as her weight squeezed them against the hard wood.

Todd fisted his lover’s dark shaft, caressing the base before grasping fully, and worked his curled fingers up to its head. While thumbing the swollen tip, he slid a couple digits into Micaela’s ass again.

Micaela grinned as a wave of pleasure ripped across his brow. “Faster!” His panting became frantic, and he arched as Todd increased his pace, stroking like a porn star, his other fingers delving deep.

In the next moment, Micaela’s face twisted in ecstasy. A cry erupted from his lips and white semen spurted all over his stomach. Breathing heavily, trembling, he sank back into the sheets.

Todd chuckled. “I’m not done, sweetheart.” He collected thick, white liquid on his fingers and lubricated Micaela’s rear.

For a couple of seconds, he disappeared as his torso moved sideways, reaching out. He came back with a condom in his hands, opened it, and rolled it on his erection. He sat back a little, positioned his cock in front of Micaela’s waiting opening and, with slow precision, eased into him, entering the hole inch by inch.


Anne clenched her thighs as arousal ran around her body. Like earlier—when she was the one enjoying Micaela’s deep investigation—her pussy spasmed and dripped with excitement. She needed a cock inside!

Low moans rumbling in his throat, Todd glided out before slamming back in, grasping his partner’s hips and plunging forward. “Fuck, you’re so tight.” He filled him to the hilt before sliding out then ramming back in.

A grin spread across Micaela’s face. He wrapped his legs around Todd and ground his hips against Todd’s cock.

The smack of flesh against flesh filled the space, along with the men’s insistent grunts. Todd set a rhythm, glistening shaft gliding in and out, and Micaela arched his pelvis to match each thrust, writhing in the sheets.

Unable to be a passive witness anymore, she turned onto her back, careful not to lose her balance on the beam. She rolled up her skirt, snuck trembling fingers inside her wet panties, and gasped as they touched her slick folds of flesh. She wished to God these were Micaela’s fingers—or even better, his rigid cock—but the sound of his tormented voice in the room below would have to do for now.

She began to toy with her clit and brought the other hand to squeeze a breast and pinch its hard nipple. Her whole body quivered. She slid her fingers over the juicy lips of her cunt, inserting them deep into her throbbing pussy, circling inside, stroking her favorite spot. The rhythmic groans from beneath urged her on, drove her faster.

Wave after wave of intensity rushed through her, teasing, until a stronger roll of heat sent her over the top. Her entire body began to jerk and shudder. She thrust her hips high into the air and clenched her teeth to hold back a scream.

A second later, a series of growls, two distinct voices, sounded below.

No time to recover. Trembling, burning inside, she turned to look back through the cable hole, almost falling off the beam in the process, and placed her hands flat on the panels for balance. No way would she miss this final act.

Todd was banging hard and fast into Micaela, pumping into him. In the next moment, his whole body seized with a last frantic cry—and he collapsed on top of his lover, slick with sweat, gulping large breaths.

Legs still around him, Micaela wrapped his arms around his back, laughed, and kissed his forehead.

It was the order of things. The two men belonged together.

Drained, her pussy pulsing with aftershocks, she closed her eyes and willed her breathing to slow.

Meanwhile, familiar sounds from the surroundings emerged, filling the sudden silence. Wind gusts played with the treetops in the garden, and rain clattered on the roof tiles in a chaotic rhythm, much like her heartbeat.




Chapter Eleven



Anne awoke with a start. What the hell was that? A shutter slamming against the window frame? Or a tree branch hitting the wall?

The rain had stopped during the evening, but from the whooshes outside, the wind was still violent. Above the bedroom, a few loose roof tiles clattered. She’d never heard anything like this storm.

Pulse beating in her neck, she sat up and scanned the black room, but couldn’t discern a thing. The battery-operated digital clock on her bed table blinked 1:13 a.m. She had slept a little over an hour. Brian snored on his side of the bed.

Little by little, the events of the previous day came back. After witnessing the hottest gay sex scene ever from her hole in the attic, she’d climbed down to her bedroom and pretended to take a nap. Brian had come home a half hour later, soaked and exhausted. He’d joined her under the sheets but hadn’t touched her or spoken about the damages at the neighbor’s house before falling asleep. After a while, she went downstairs and handled the household for the rest of the day—cooked dinner for the tenants, cleaned the living room, and called the authorities about the power loss. Thank God her mobile worked, but how long would its power last?

Todd appeared a couple of times to get food and water for Mica—as she liked to call her seducer, after having heard Todd use this pet name—and she scoured his face for a hint that he knew about her peeping. But no way could he have seen her; the secret would remain intact.

She regarded him with a different eye. What she had witnessed connected her to them as if she had participated in their act.

There—another knock. On the door.

She grabbed the flashlight and slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Brian.

Todd stood in the dark hall, flashlight in hand, wearing only sweatpants. A deep frown marred his forehead. “Please.” His voice was constricted. “It’s Micaela.”

“What? What about him?” She closed the door behind her.

“He can’t stop coughing. I’m really worried about him.” He grimaced. “What do I know? Soon he’s gonna cough up blood.”

Oh God, no. Not that

Alarm paralyzed her muscles, clenched her throat. This was it; the time to act. Leave the safe shelter of her home, go out into the unknown, and seek help. She’d prepared for this since Micaela got sick, but now that the cold, hard fact hit her in the face, she wasn’t ready.

She swallowed and gave a faint nod, wanting him to think she was in charge. “I-I’ll get dressed.”

“Thanks.” Todd took a deep breath. “We’ll meet you downstairs.”

“Yeah. Okay.” Her head spinning, she nodded again and pivoted.

While his footsteps disappeared down the hall, she opened the door and stepped inside the bedroom. Brian was still snoring. She didn’t want to ask him to bring Mica to the doctor. At the same time, she didn’t want to be responsible for driving him in a raging storm at night. Was she up to the task? What if the car didn’t start? What if no one could help and Mica couldn’t be saved?

A rush of cold ran up her spine and numbed her all the way to her fingertips. She closed her eyes and held back a whine.

Shh, don’t panic. Be rational.

He wasn’t mortally ill. But his recovery depended on her ability to act under stress.

Mechanically, like a robot, she dressed in the dark. The shutters banged against the window frames. How could Brian sleep?

She grabbed her purse, mobile, and car keys and stepped out into the hall. Her flashlight shone on the bare floorboards as she passed the tenant rooms and headed down the stairs.

Scorching coughs filled the silence, and she froze. The image of Mica in pain, curled like a wounded animal on the floor, flashed in her mind. She winced and resisted the desire to cover her ears and block the awful sound.

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