High Witch (High Witch Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: High Witch (High Witch Book 1)
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Chapter 7

Brayden and Ariel arrived at a forest later that morning, to give Ariel time to practice using her magic. They left their horses to rest nearby, then stood together in the center of a clearing, facing each other. Brayden smiled.

“Alright,” he said. “What you did with your eyesight was amazing, but there’s so much you need to learn. You need to learn to control your magic with finesse. I want you to try to bring some leaves to us. Just relax, and concentrate.”

Brayden pointed to the trees circling the clearing, and moved a few paces away. Ariel held out her right arm at a large oak tree, wrinkling her nose, narrowing her eyes as she focused. She leaned her head back, as if she was frightened she’d uproot the entire tree, then twitched her index finger. She scrunched her eyes shut, waiting. Brayden was relieved to see a solitary leaf float towards her. He smiled.

“You did it! Ariel, you...”

Brayden gasped as the tree suddenly leaned forward, as if a giant was pulling it from the top, then all of the leaves became detached from the branches and began to hurtle towards them. The tree flung back upright, causing all the others around it to vibrate, dozens of birds squawking from within and flying away. Brayden stood there as he and Ariel became surrounded by piles and piles of leaves, right up to their waist. He frowned. Ariel grimaced.

“Try again?” she asked. He scratched his head.

“Why didn’t that work, Ariel? You were able to fix your eyes without them popping out of your head. Why couldn’t you bring a small leaf to us?”

She threw her arms up into the air. “I’ve only been using my magic a few days, after suppressing it most of my life. I can’t just do it perfectly straight away.”

Brayden clenched his jaw, as he tried to think of what to do. He didn’t want to become frustrated with her, especially as she was completely right. She had no experience — fixing her eyes was probably just a stroke of luck. He wanted to walk up to her, but didn’t think he could wade through the thousands of leaves. He suddenly found himself grinning.

“Brayden!” Ariel exclaimed.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “it’s just so cute. But this is serious, you’re right.” He rubbed his chin, trying to stop smiling. Then he thought of something.

“When you were concentrating on fixing your eyes, were you trying to be careful?’” he asked. “I don’t mean careful to hold back your magic, I mean careful of your
. Was it like a combination of letting out your full strength, but using part of your power to protect what you were using your magic

Ariel stood there thinking for a moment, then she nodded. “Yes. It was like I knew I had to completely release my magic, but I was using a layer of it to shield my eyes, so they would be okay. How did you know?”

He shrugged. “Just an educated guess. It’s obvious you have the ability to do what you want, you just need to think about things differently. The question is, how do we make you bring out that layer of protection at all times?”

He ran a hand through his short hair, looking around him. He smiled, something occurring to him. He looked at Ariel. “Use your magic on me,” he said. Ariel gasped.

“No! Are you mad?”

He smiled again. “No, it’s perfect. I can’t walk out of these leaves, so you have to help me out anyway. So, help me out.”

He crossed his arms over his chest and gazed at her. She glared at him, like she thought he was doing this just to annoy her. She looked around, threw her hair over her shoulder, then magically transported out of the leaves to the edge of the pile. She stood there for a moment, then held out her arms towards Brayden, staring intently. He started to feel very nervous.

Ariel stood quietly for a long time, arms still outstretched, then Brayden suddenly felt like an invisible field of energy was covering him. He felt the force surround his body, making his skin tingle, then was surprised to feel himself lifted off the ground. He was carried up above the leaves, then over to the other end of the clearing. His feet gently touched the grass near the trees, then Ariel walked over to him. She smiled at him.

“I didn’t kill you!” she said happily. He grinned.

“No, you didn’t. Thank you. Now, think about how you did it.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Like I said, I released all of my magic, but I used some of it to shield you from the strength. I had to focus on both things at once. But how does that help me with moving objects?”

Brayden chewed his lip. “It’s the same thing. If you’re bringing a leaf from a tree,  you imagine protecting the tree. Then you can release your magic, while holding back from causing such a huge impact. Do you think you could try?”

He gestured towards the trees, just next to them. Ariel turned and faced them, holding out her arm. She frowned, then wiggled her fingers gently, standing there silently. Nothing happened at first, the air still, silent; then the branches of one of the trees vibrated slightly, and a few leaves broke away and floated towards her. She held out her hand and they landed in her palm. She smiled again.

“I did it, Brayden. It was difficult, though. I need a lot of practice.”

Brayden stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her, making her drop the leaves. He kissed her neck. “Then practice. But you
do it. I’m very proud of you.”

He looked at her fondly, and she blushed. He tucked a few strands of her hair behind her ear, then stepped back again. She stared at him for a moment, then turned back to the trees. Brayden felt his heart fill up with love for her. He thought she was so lovely.


Ariel practiced for several hours at the forest, rapidly gaining much better control over her powers. It was as if, once she knew how to think about her magic, she was able to improve very quickly. They rested briefly for a late lunch, then traveled until it was dark. They stopped for the night at a small, rundown inn, sitting in their room after eating a hot meal. Brayden yawned, feeling like he could go to bed, even though it was early. He looked at Ariel as she sat beside him on the bed, in the quaint room filled with old, rickety furniture, a dusty rug, and ripped curtains. He put his hand on her back.

“How are you feeling?” he asked. “Tired?”

She nodded. “I learned a lot today,” she said, “but there’s so much I don’t know. We’ve never really spoken too much about High Witches. I feel like I’ve been given all this power, but I don’t know why. Why me? Why wasn’t I just an ordinary witch?”

Brayden shrugged. “No one knows why a woman is chosen to be a High Witch. The story goes that whenever a High Witch dies, another is instantly born to replace her. It’s not something that happens to you later in life — a High Witch is always born with her power, like a regular warlock or witch. The difference is other people with magic usually have one or both parents with magic, but a High Witch can be born to people without magic.

“As to why you — I don’t know. Women with your powers could be born anywhere, to any family. There’s no way to predict it. All we know, from what’s been written down for centuries, is that there’s only ever three in the world at once. But, given how people with magic are often frowned upon all over the world, through no fault of their own, some women who are High Witches might not even find out, as they keep their magic hidden. Like you.”

Ariel frowned. “I just wish — I don’t know — that I could be enjoying getting to learn to use my powers, instead of having to run. I don’t want this, Brayden. I just want to be free. And to be with you.”

She looked down, fiddling with the folds of her skirt. Brayden reached over and took her hands in his, and she met his gaze. He drew her into his arms, holding her closely. He smoothed his hand down her hair.

“We’ll get through this somehow, Ariel,” he whispered. “I don’t know how, but we’ll get through it. I don’t want you to worry. I’m with you.”

She nuzzled his neck, sighing against him. Brayden wished he could protect her against everything. In the end, though, he knew this was mostly up to her. He completely adored her. He wondered if it was infatuation, but it wasn’t a simple case of being attracted to her — he loved so much about her. Her sweetness, her intelligence, the way she coped so well with what was happening to her. He loved her goodness, her heart. He knew some people never met someone they truly loved, but had he found her already? Was this her?

Chapter 8

They traveled for a few more days, stopping one afternoon at an empty field to rest for lunch. Ariel had been practicing every day, Brayden astonished at how much she’d improved. They sat eating under a tree in the cold day, sunlight shining through the clouds. They didn’t speak, both very tired from all the traveling. Ariel finally stood up, saying she needed to work on her magic some more.

“Try to focus on nature, like we discussed,” Brayden said. “Remember, you can draw from every source of magic there is, from wherever there’s power. You’re doing so well — try to master this now.”

Ariel nodded, then walked several paces away to the center of the field, standing in a large expanse of grass. Brayden watched her from where he sat, thinking she looked so beautiful. She looked at him for a moment, then shut her eyes.

She held out her arms, standing silently for a long while, her hair slightly blowing around her in the breeze. She remained still for several more moments, then gradually the wind grew stronger. Ariel’s hair flowed behind her, her skirt twirling around her ankles. Leaves swirled around her; a howling sound was in the air. The wind was focused on her, turning around her as she stood on the spot, as if she was at the center of a tornado. Flashes of lightning cut through the sky. A white glow illuminated her skin.

The clouds above them became grey and dark. Ariel stood, frozen, at the center of the tempest. The wind swirled around her, howling, screaming. She maintained control of the storm. Thunder crashed above them, interspersed with more lightning. Brayden shivered in the now freezing temperature. Ariel didn’t move. The air around them screamed, building until it erupted in a thundering cry. Ariel held her face up to the sky, the elements under her control.

Finally, she lowered her arms. The sounds began to fade. The storm began to dissipate. Gradually the wind died down, the clouds became lighter and grew apart, the thunder and lightning dissolved. Eventually, things were as they were. Ariel looked over at Brayden, the faint white light still touching her skin. He rose and slowly approached her. He stood before her in amazement.

“That...” he began, then had to clear his throat. He was still stunned. “That was astonishing. Ariel, you’re amazing. I don’t know how you did that.”

She smiled at him, the glow around her fading, her skin returning to normal. Brayden looked around them, wanting to capture this moment; take advantage of her control of her powers.

“Try to lift one of those rocks,” he said, pointing to a small pile of rocks in the distance, similar to the pile that had been in the yard at the inn.

Ariel turned to them, and held out one arm. She moved one of her fingers, and a grey, fist-sized rock rose from the pile, hovering in the air. She moved her fingers again, then the other rocks joined the first, delicately balanced at head height, floating as if they were on water, as light as leaves. Ariel flattened her hand, and the rocks gracefully dropped back down to the ground. She turned to look at Brayden. She smiled.

“It’s easy, now,” she said. Brayden moved up to her and drew her into his arms.

“You’re wonderful,” he breathed, embracing her, holding her close. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and Brayden smoothed his hand over her hair. He couldn’t believe how amazing she was. He held onto her, mesmerized by her. His body was tingling just holding her. He felt her tremble.

“I hope I can save us,” she said, her breath against his neck. He couldn’t take it any more. He cupped her chin in his hand and kissed her, hungrily moving his mouth over hers, his other hand clutching her hair. She held onto him and he pressed her against him, unable to control his feelings for her. He groaned, loving how she tasted, the feel of her lips, the touch of her tongue moving with his. They clung to each other, unaware of anything around them. He couldn’t believe how good it felt. He began kissing her neck, and she moaned in his arms. His body was on fire for her.

“Oh, Ariel,” he breathed, wishing more than anything they were somewhere private. He was desperate for her. He kissed her lips again, then held her to him, his heart racing. She put her arms around his neck, and gently nibbled his ear. He couldn’t breathe.

“We should get moving,” he said, barely remembering his own name. “We can’t...I mean...we have to...oh, Ariel, you have to stop that.”

She laughed, stepping back a little from him. He gazed at her, consumed with thoughts of her. She looked back at him, a mischievous smile touching her lips. Oh, how he loved her.

“Not here, not when we’ve got a madman after us,” he said, kissing her roughly then taking her hand, leading her back to their things. She laughed again. He was addicted to her. Her laugh, her touch, her beauty — but, really, her. Her heart. Her soul. He wanted to love her for the rest of his life. To protect her. To always be with her. He wouldn’t be able to stand it if he lost her. He would do anything to keep them together.


They lay in bed at another tavern that night, after traveling for the rest of the day. Brayden lay on his side, staring at Ariel, lying with her naked after they’d finished making love. Their arms were stretched out, holding each other. She wasn’t embarrassed in front of him anymore. Their bond was stronger now. She had a small smile on her lips, gazing into his eyes. He looked at her, his heart full.

“Tell me what you’re thinking,” she asked him. He looked at her, wondering if he should say it. Wondering if he could.

“I love you, Ariel,” he said. She looked at him fondly, then gently kissed him. He brought her close to him, cuddled her against his chest. She sighed.

“I love you, too,” she whispered. “More than anything. More than you could possibly know.”

They lay in silence. Brayden closed his eyes, not wanting the moment to end. He held her gently, loving how she felt against him. She loved him. It was all that mattered.

“Brayden?” Ariel asked a while later, a question in her voice.

“What is it?” he said.

She hesitated for a moment. “You know we can’t run forever,” she said quietly. “I’ll have to fight the other High Witch eventually.”

Pain cut into his heart at the thought. “Don’t think about that, Ariel. That’s not an option. We
to keep running. It’s the only thing we can do.”

“But Brayden, you said she saw me go to the inn, and meet you. What’s to stop her seeing where we go next?”

He shut his eyes, clenching his jaw. The thought had occurred to him, but he stubbornly refused to acknowledge it. He wanted them to keep moving, because at least they were
something. Moving stopped him dwelling on the thought of Julius and his witch catching up to them. Stopped him dwelling on the fact that Ariel was right — they’d find them, eventually. He faced her, and looked at her with sadness.

“Do you really think you could kill her?” he said. “Because that’s what it would take, Ariel. You’d have to destroy her. And, while your powers are amazing, she has years of experience over you. If we keep running, at least we have more time. More time together. I don’t want...”

His voice broke, and he shut his eyes tightly. She kissed him, and he held onto her. He didn’t want to think about it. He didn’t want to face it.

“I can’t lose you,” he whispered. She kissed him again, and again. She kissed away the solitary tear that rolled down his cheek. She put her hands on his face and brought his head to rest against her chest. He held her tightly. He wanted to stay in her embrace forever.

“It’ll be alright,” she said. “It’ll be alright somehow. You saw what I did today. That wasn’t nothing, Brayden. That wasn’t nothing. And her heart is full of darkness and hate. My heart is full of love. You can’t tell me that’s not more powerful.”

He loved her hope, her belief. “I hope you’re right,” he said. She stroked his hair.

“You’ll see,” she whispered. “Love will win. Somehow, love will win. Trust me. I believe it with all of my heart.”

He held onto her. They lay in each other’s arms all night. Brayden fell asleep listening to her heartbeat. He dreamed of standing with her in a field, her in a white dress, getting married to him. He dreamed of love winning. He dreamed of love winning.

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