His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3) (25 page)

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Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency romance historical romance

BOOK: His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3)
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When was that?” Emily

Two months later,” Dillon
stated flatly. “It never occurred to us that the one time we let
our passions get out of control a child would be

Oh, dear.”

We were married quickly and
quietly and I was actually happy, if not feeling some pressure
though. My parents were another matter altogether.”

I would imagine

They refused to acknowledge
the marriage and the child. In fact, they would only support my
family if I returned to school and stayed away from Rose. What
choice did I have? Without funds, I couldn’t take care of my wife
and child,” Dillon defended. “I was also so terribly young and
afraid of the responsibilities I now faced.”

Did Rose stay with her

Yes. Our daughter was born,
but I was in school and not allowed to leave to visit.”

How awful for

It was. Do you remember
when your father arranged for a visit to some Roman ruins when you
were about ten?”

Yes. He’d never done
anything like that before. We had a marvelous time though.” She
paused and looked at him. “You weren’t with us.”

No.” He smiled. “My parents
thought I was. Your father arranged it so I could return to Rose
and see my child.”

It was so like my father to
do something of that sort.”

She was so small and
beautiful. Rose had named her Celia,” Dillon continued quietly. His
mind returned to that time and place. “Rose was still weak from the
birth and recovering slowly.”

Emily took a few steps toward

My parents were still upset
and began petitioning for an annulment,” he stated bitterly. “I
wrote and assured Rose that it was not my wish and that I would
fight it with everything I had, but we both knew that at seventeen
I had very little power.”

Did they

I spoke to your father. He
knew a number of powerful men at the time and was able to hold off
any ruling without my parents ever knowing that I was behind the
fight. I couldn’t openly defy them even then because I needed my
quarterly to provide for my wife and child. I was torn

Emily reached up and put a hand on his
arm in an effort to comfort him.

That summer, while Celia
was learning to crawl, Rose caught a fever. She was gone in a
matter of days, leaving my daughter without a mother.”

Emily gasped, tears came to her eyes.
“That poor child.”

Needless to say, my parents
halted all attempts at obtaining an annulment. Now they had more
power over me.”

How so?”

They will continue to
financially support my child. When the time comes for her debut
they will see that she has a full season. However, if I fail to
marry properly, not only will the funds will be cut, but they will
also deny my daughter and give her the cut direct. They have also
hinted that they will allow society to believe my daughter was born
on the wrong side of the blanket.”

Emily gasped. “They are her

Who have never laid eyes on
the girl and have no intention of doing so unless I fulfill their

How old is

Thirteen, and even more
beautiful every day,” Dillon answered with a proud

Do you to see her often?”
she asked hesitantly.

I spend two months in the
summer with her and my uncle brings her to London during the
season. I dine with her almost every day and we walk in the park
during the early morning hours.”

I’m surprised no one has
seen you.”

I’m careful.” He shrugged.
“My parents and I don’t discuss Celia. They haven’t changed their
mind and I have since ceased my attempts. My relationship with
Celia is a secret as is my relationship with you. Except, nobody,
other than family and Marius, and now you, knows of Celia’s

Not even Noah, or the

No,” he stated flatly. “It
was one of the conditions my parents insisted on. They would be
livid if they learned that Marius knew.”

How does Celia feel about
all of this?”

She has understood from a
young age, unfortunately. She does share a close relationship with
my uncle, for which I am grateful. And, she resides with her
mother’s parents, who love her beyond distraction. So she has that,
and she knows where my heart lies and why I am forced to be away
from her. For one so young, she has been incredibly

Soon, now you will be able
to have her with you always.”

Dillon smiled down at her. “I am glad
you feel that way. I was afraid you would not

Of course I understand. I
lost my own mother as a child and my father when I was not much
older than your daughter. She should be by your side whatever the

Dillon felt as if he had finally been
granted freedom. He would have all he wished, finally. Unable to
contain himself he lifted Emily and kissed her fully on the mouth.
“I love you.” He settled her back on the ground.

Emily was not smiling. “You shouldn’t
say that to me.” She started backing away.

Why not? It’s the truth.
Certainly you suspected.” Dillon stalked after her. What had he
said wrong?

It’s impossible.” She
continued backing away, tears filled her eyes.

It changes nothing, unless
you don’t return my feelings.”

It doesn’t matter if I
return them or not,” Emily argued.

Of course it matters. We
could be happy, the two of us. We could live in the cottage, where
no one would bother us. Of course I would be required to be in
London often, but I would visit you at every opportunity. You would
want for nothing and I would protect you with my life.”

Emily’s eyes grew large.

All happiness fled from Dillon. “No?
Can you deny what we share?”

I will not deny our

Is it the cottage? Are you
so used to living in the lap of luxury that you aren’t willing to
give it up to be with me?” He couldn’t believe she was rejecting
him after everything they had shared and been through.

You know it’s not the
cottage and it has nothing to do with my feelings.”

I explained so you would
understand my position. I cannot believe you would deny me,

I can’t believe you would
even ask.” Emily turned from him.

I love you,” he

It doesn’t matter.” Emily
hastened away. “Don’t talk to me of this again.” She ran and kept
running. Dillon thought to give chase but he was too angry and he
was sure as hell wasn’t going to beg her.

* * *


How could he suggest that she become
his mistress? She knew his reasons. She knew of his love. His
confession was bittersweet as it came with an insulting
proposition. Did he truly believe she would happily take up
residence in the cottage while he lived a life in society with
Claresta? Did he actually think she would welcome him with open
arms whenever he had a chance to visit knowing that he was spending
the same quality hours with Claresta trying to beget an heir? No
amount of love in the world would be enough for her to lower
herself to such a position and she couldn’t believe he would
actually suggest it. Perhaps she never really knew him. Apparently
his mother knew him much better for she had already warned Emily of
what Dillon planned on proposing. What a fool she had

Ellings was waiting for her to return
and ushered her into a private room. “Does your distress have
anything to do with what occurred between Claresta and

Though tempted, Emily would never
reveal to the duke what his future son-in-law had just proposed.
She couldn’t hang that dark cloud over their relationship. She
should at least give Claresta the chance at a happy future. “I
really would rather not discuss it.”

If you say so, dear.”
Ellings pulled an envelope out of his pocket. “I was waiting
because a message arrived for you a short time ago.” He handed it
over to Emily.

It is from Pevensey.” Emily
tore it open and began to read before she sank onto the settee.
“No. It can’t be.” Tears wailed in her eyes.

What?” His Grace quickly
sat next to her.

Aunt Beatrice and Uncle
Henry took a fever. They died,” she stated as shock of the
situation sank in. “I’m alone.” Emily looked up at Ellings and new
tears flooded.

He put an arm around her shoulder and
pulled her close and Emily cried into his coat.

I am so sorry, dear. Is
there anything I can do?”

She sat back, sniffed and wiped her
cheeks with the back of her hands. “I need to leave. I need to
return to Pevensey. The solicitor said I am needed for the final
arrangements and the reading of the will. Might I have your

Of course,” Ellings assured
her. “Would you like us to accompany you?”

Emily shook her head. If they came, so
would Claresta. She had too much to deal with already, facing this
knew grief. “No. I would rather be alone. Thank you.”

The duke accepted her response. “When
would you like to leave?”

As soon as possible, if you
don’t mind.” The sooner the better. She didn’t necessarily want to
rush to Pevensey, knowing what awaited her, but she didn’t want to
remain here either. This was the perfect opportunity for her to
leave the house party. Unfortunately, it had come as a result of
her only living relatives’ death.

As she stood to leave the room, the
duke stopped her with a hand on her arm. “Emily, you are not

This brought a new wave of tears to her
eyes. If only he knew why she couldn’t ever be a part of his family

Emily was packed and ready to leave
within the half hour. She didn’t want to waste a moment or risk
seeing Dillon again. Her anger was building and it was much easier
to deal with than her hurt. The loss of her aunt and uncle were
another matter entirely. Given her emotional state, she would
probably cry during the entire trip to the village and she
preferred to do that alone.

She was just entering the carriage when
Claresta called out to her and exited the house. Emily supposed it
was too much to hope for that she could make a complete

Emily, I am so sorry for
your loss. Is there anything I can do?”

Emily forced herself to be pleasant,
though she was far from feeling charitable toward the young woman
at the moment. “No, thank you.”

You will write if you need
anything? I hate to think of you going through this

I will endure, but now I
must be going.” Emily closed the carriage door and settled into the

Have you spoken with
Dillon?” Claresta asked anxiously.

Yes,” Emily answered
coolly. She knocked on the roof of the carriage and it began to
move. Overcome with guilt for treating Claresta in such a way when
it really wasn’t the girl’s fault, Emily leaned out the window and
called to her. “Congratulations on your betrothal. I am sure you
will be happy.” Then Emily collapsed back in the carriage, as tears
spilled down her checks after as the words left her


* * *

Dillon spent a good deal of time
walking and thinking. What had gone wrong? He didn’t doubt Emily
loved him, so why the rejection? Did she not want the
responsibility of a daughter, who would in a short time be making
her own appearance in London? That could possibly be it. He knew
well enough that Emily had avoided society for as long as possible.
She had also served as Claresta’s teacher and mentor for the past
eight years. Perhaps she didn’t want to repeat the same experience.
It was the only reason that came to mind. Did she think that
Celia’s existence meant there would be no other children? Children
they would have and raise together? Perhaps that was what she was
afraid of. If only she would have given him a reason.

He had battled within himself to do the
right thing to protect his daughter and after finally finding a
way, Emily turned him down flat. Dillon didn’t know whether to be
hurt or angry. Most certainly he was flabbergasted.

With no conclusion made, he returned to
the house. He and Emily would discuss this and he didn’t care who
was present.

But Emily couldn’t be found. Some
guests said she’d departed. Left in the duke’s carriage. He
couldn’t believe the events of the past few days had driven her
away. Someone had to know where she went. That someone was His
Grace, whom Dillon found seated in the parlor awaiting dinner with
Noah, Taylor, Phoebe, Claresta and the duchess.

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