I Won't Give Up (5 page)

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Authors: Sophie Monroe

BOOK: I Won't Give Up
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We pulled
down the long winding driveway
coming up to the massive house. Luke
pulled up the last part of the circle before
the car off
. He
rubbed the top of my hand reassuringly before we opened our doors. Luke
put his hand on my back as we walked to the front of the door. He
grabbed the giant lions head knocker
on the door
nd gave it a large smack announcing
of our arrival.
Moments later m
y dad opened the door with a big dunderheaded smile.

“Kids, I’m so glad you made it today.”
He said all
googley eyed.
It made me even angrier
, h
ow dare him look so happy when the rest of us were broken.

“Yep, I bet you are.
” I said popping on the p.
gave me a light push
from behind
so I was
over the threshold
The house
have been
the mansion from
Edward Sissorhands.
I felt my hands start to tremble as she approac
from around the corner

“We’re so happy to have you to our home.” Gig
walking up to my dad and wrapping her arm in his
. S
tupid bitch
I wanted to claw he
r eyes out!
I screamed repeatedly in my head.

“You look, um, nice Fiona.”
She said
. Well of course now that she was spending my dad’s money she was dripping with diamonds and wearing designer everything.
She had on a blood red cashmere sweater dress
and black Prada pumps. Her red lips were taunting me, she wants to play, I’ll play the game.
“Maybe you’ll want to borrow it
one day? Slut suits you!” I t
hrew back with
in my voice
She chuckled at me but disguised it as a cough.

“Enough!” My dad
yelled. “Fiona can you at least
try and
make an effort?
And w
hat the hell are you wearing
? Y
ou look like a h

He was angry; good!

You know what they say
lasts night’s
eye is this mornings hooker murder
ed in a back alley look
Just the look I’m going for.
I’m going to have to sell myself if
here keeps spending like she is.
” I sneered.
The way he looked at me hurt me even more than anything he could say, he was angry and disappointed.

“Please, lets go sit in the parlor.” Gigi
the way to a very opulently decorated room.
The walls were cream, the very posh drapes were hanging from floor to
. The chandelier that was hanging had been replaced with one that was oozing crystals. Pieces of custom upholstered furniture were placed strategically around the room, a sofa, loveseat,
and a chaise lounge surrounded by mocha colored end tables. In the corner sat a curio filled with crystal decanters and goblets filled with what appeared to be very expensive whiskey. I couldn’t even begin to put a price on how much all of this cost!

“Nice to see you’re spending our inheritance Gigi.”
It was as if Luke
exactly what I was thinking,
which surprised me.
Normally he was the
suffer in silence type.
I laughed amusingly a
s if it were possible to spend our entire inheritance, I’m sure she’d try but my family came from old money,
of it.
My dad
turned and
backhanded him

“You will not disrespect
like that! E
specially in
home. I am your father and you will respect my wishes. Do you understan
His neck muscles were bulging and his voice was very angry, I’ve never heard him talk that that. T
his cold man was not our
father. M
y dad woul
d have never spoke
to us
like that
ut things change I guess.
I grabbed Luke’s hand
pulling him towards the front door

It’s t
ime for us to go Luke. We’re obviously not wanted here.” I felt
tears start to fall,
my mascara
running down my face. Luke opened the door
slamming it with as much force as his could muster before opening the car door
for me.

“Are you okay?” I asked
through the tears
that wouldn’t stop
, he reached across me and pulled out a napkin from the glove box and handed it to me.

“I’m fi
ne, can’t say I didn’t want to give him a taste of his own medicine
after that though.”
Hurt was written all over his face,
I could tell he way lying.

“She’s such a gold-digging,
bitch.” I spat.

“I don’t know about you but
since we ran out before eating whatever they had catered
I’m starving so why don’t I at least take the hooker to
a late
He was trying to make light on
the s
I couldn’t help but laugh
a little

I’ll go to lunch with you but
do you think
maybe we
ould go ho
so I
change I’m not exactly dressed to go out in public

“Hey you wanted to wear that I’m not taking you home to change.”
He teased.
I rolled my eyes at him a
s he sped out of the driveway. W
e dro
wntown and pulled into The Barn. It was actually an old barn converted into a restaurant known for it’s fried goodness
Jack used to bring me here all the time… I quickly shut my brain down.

“The Barn Luke seriously you know I hate this place.”

“But I love it and since I’m buying and you look like a hooker we can’t very well go to any of the other
establishments can we.”
He joked

“Fine. But I’m ordering everything on the menu.” I said
sticking my tongue out at him
before hopping out of the car.

He opened the door and I walked inside to the smell of greasy food
We went
to the back
and grabbed a
. A
bleach blonde bimbo wearing way too much perfume came over and asked for our drink orders.

“I’m Janine.
I’ll be your server today.
” She purred to Luke.

“I’ll have a Jack and Ginger.” I ordered.
She didn’t even look at me as she started writing it down. Then Luke intervened.

“We’ll have two C
okes.” Luke said and I gave him the death glare.
The waitress laughed and rubbed her
hand on Luke’s forearm before walking away.

this has to stop
, I’m
really fucking
about you
I let it go on for long enough but
you’re starting to fall into a black hole.
You’re my baby sister and I literally couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you.

“I know.” I started crying again.
Everything was falling apart.

“Fiona we’re not all like dad you know. Honestly I don’t know why he left, I mean Gigi’s okay looking and sure she’s young but I think he’s going to regret it eventually and we’ll have each other and he’ll have nothing. So just keep that in the back of your mind okay?” I nodded. The waitress was back with our

“Are you ready to order.”
Janine asked.

“I’ll have the bacon
burger and onion rings.”

“I’ll have buffalo wings, mozzarella sticks, the bloom
ing onion with extra sauce,
potato skins
with extra bacon
and the chicken quesadilla
.” She was writing her ass off an
Luke was just chuckling to himself.

We talked a little more before our food arrived. She put my five plates in front of me and I was starting to kick myself knowing I’d never eat all of that food. I started picking at the quesadilla when I felt a tap on the shoulder.
I turned and groaned internally
when I saw him standing there looking sexy as fuck

“Hey C
He said happily. He does have a nice smile.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“Are you going to eat all that food?” He
before sliding into th
e booth next to me. “Are you her
boyfriend?” He asked Luke who
was giving him a once over.

“No I’m the brother

Cooper Kinley.” He said extending his hand. “Nice to meet you…?”

“Luke, Luke Prescott.” He
gesture. “How do you know Fiona?”

“Crash here almost killed me last week. We haven’t actually had a real conversation since she’s always running away from me.” He smirked and started digging in eating my buffalo wings. I smacked his hand but he ignored it and kept eating.

“Do you mind?” I spat.

“Crash what the hell are you wearing? You look like you’re for sale.”
He teased.
Why did he have to look so damn hot, he smelled
delicious; I can’t do this!

I need to go to the ladies room.” He stood up and I scooted out and headed for the door
not to the ladies room but
I needed to get out of there. His
scent was intoxicating, mouthwatering.
I hated him even though I
didn’t know him;
t was easier
for me
to put up a front than it was to get hurt again.
I was turning into a man-hater
. At the rate I was going I
was probably going to end up alone with a million cats
or at least thirty
I clambered into Luke’s car
and pulled out my iPhone going through my music playlist before finding something to listen to
. I looked up and
one of
the girl
that was sitting with him the other day at lunch stroll towards the entrance, Tabitha Davenport. She was a total bitch
she slept around with anything that could pitch a tent
. F
igures she was his type.
Bad boy, skanky girl.
I took out my phone and texted Luke telling him I
needed to go home, now
He came through the door a minute later.

“He likes you, you know.”
He said closing his door. “I like him Fi. He might be good for you.” He said matter-of-factly.

“Can we not talk about
I don’t like him. Plus he was obviously there to meet the infamous Tabitha

“It’s not like that, Tabby
asked him out and with him being new he doesn’t know her reputation. I did hint to him though but he’s a big boy he can take care of himself.”

I asked repulsed.

“That’s what she likes to be called.”
“How would you know? Wait never mind I don’t want to know. I think I’m going to throw up.” Just the thought literally made me sick to my stomach. As soon as we were stopped in the driveway I threw my door open and stomped all the way to my room and slammed the door.

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