Into the Azure: A Fantasy Bad Boy Romance (10 page)

BOOK: Into the Azure: A Fantasy Bad Boy Romance
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Chapter 3

The King grunted and again threw me to the floor, my pitiful figure small and shaking on the cold stone. He rose from his chair and began furiously pacing around the room, his footsteps shaking the plates and cups on the table. His cape flapped behind him as her stroked his chin, his cold, grey eyes dancing around the room in confusion. I laid there with my head to the floor, only look at him out of the corner of my eye, afraid to make contact with him.

What was he thinking? What was he going to do? Did his queen want me dead? Of course she did, I thought, of course she wants you dead you foolish girl, why would you ever think any differently of that wicked creature. She had seen the way the King had looked at me upon my first arrival to the kingdom, the way his eyes danced across my body as he dried me from my bath. I was her sole competitor and she would have liked nothing more than to see my severed heat on the castle walls.

I leaned my head against the stone floor and began to cry silently, sure that my king was about to end my short life in the Azure. For a place that held so much beauty, more magic than any land my mind could have ever conceived on its own, it sure was a cold and harsh world.

I felt the tears begin to stream down my face effortlessly. They rolled down my neck and dropped against the floor. I looked up at the King, hoping that he would notice the pitiful look on my face, hope that maybe he would feel something for this poor slave girl, hoping that he would not brand me with a hop iron and then banish me from his existence. I don’t think I ever could have dealt with having to be out of his arms reach, the mere thought of it simply sickened me.

The King paused and gazed out the window. The sun was shining and I could see the rolling hills of the Azure through the window. The distant shout of the guards floated through the open window, the brief neigh of the horses filled the room. I clenched at my ragged linen, trying to regain control of myself as the king walked up to the window and closed it with a slam. The room became suddenly silent and he walked to my feet. He stared down at me as if he were contemplating my whole existence. My body felt limp under his massive feet, his boots just at my nose so I could smell their sweet leather.

“You’re going to be a problem, you know that,” He said in a deep tone, tapping his foot and raising his hands to his waist.

He knelt down to the floor and sat on his knees by my side. He took his hands and cupped the around my tear stained face, bring my head up to meet his. I look deep into his eyes, looking for an answer as to what he was going to do next. His gloved hands were warm on my skin, his touch comforting and not rough. He was always rough with me when his Queen was around, as if abusing me in front of her made him feel bigger and stronger. As if he had anything to prove to that vile woman.

He held my head tighter as he searched over my face. He moved his fingers under my eyes to wipe away the tears that were now flowing freely down my cheeks. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he had felt bad for the way he had just treated me. I could tell that he was just putting on a show for the foul woman, but his rough touch still made me weep.

I grasped for his leather cape and began to cry even harder that I had before, grasping onto him like a lost child. He brought up his arms and drew me in to his embrace. His arms were warm and comforting. I buried my face into the leather of his uniform and let out a deep sigh of relief. I should have known that my King never would have hurt me unless she was around. He pulled me in closer and I dug my hands into his back, scratching at the smooth surface of his cloth as I breathed him in deeply, almost trying to inhale him all together. He pushed me back for a moment and picked up the hem of my dress again, examining the small hole. He rubbed his thumbs around it and furrowed his brow.

“My guard, he takes care of you, does he not?” He asked, his face almost full of concern

I nodded my head, my voice not allowing for me to even make a peep.

He stared back down at my garment and slowly began shaking his head. I could tell now that it was not me he was angry with, but my poor excuse for a guard. I breathed a silent sigh of relief knowing that my King was not angry with me.

“He has not been doing his job then,” he said, dropping my garment to the floor.

He lifted his hand to the table and picked up a fine napkin and wiped his hands off on it, as if I was something dirty he had just touched. He then reached over to my face and wiped away the residual tears that were still soaking my face. He caressed every portion of my head before he threw the cloth to the ground. He reached out his arms and took his hands in mine, pulling me to my feel. I felt woozy upon standing and steadied myself against his firm body, scared that I was about to fall over. The King wrapped his arms around me, helping me stay on my feet. I felt the sudden rush of elation rush over my body as I held him close to me. I let my knees grow weak from under me hoping that he would hold me closer to him, hold me tighter, all I had wanted was to be in my Kings arms.


I felt him run his massive hands over the back of my body before he lifted me up by my thighs and placed me on the table, knocking cups over and sending a fine dish shattering to the ground. The cold, smooth surface of the table felt frigid against my bare skin. The King placed his hands on my shoulders and tried to steady me. I held my arms tightly behind me, trying to draw him in more, wanting his touch. He lifted his hands to my face and forced me to look at him. His face was nothing short of beautiful, a picture of perfection against a picturesque background.

“My child,” He whispered, his voice sending a long chill down my spine and making my stomach turn.

“If my guard is not taking care of my head mistress properly, this is something I must know and something you must tell me. I adore my head guard, and think of him almost as a brother of mine, but do you remember what I told you when you first set foot in my kingdom?”

He looked at me nodding his head, waiting for the answer, when all I could really remember from that day was the way I had felt underneath his hands. His soft touch as he dried off my tender, fragrant skin. I remembered the way he had spoken to me, but not his words. I remembered his voice, but not what was coming out of his mouth. I remembered the Queen as she caught us in a moment of almost unstoppable passion, the way her scepter had felt as it gashed a hole in the side of my head. I remembered how I hated her, how I had wished for her to die immediately upon meeting her. I thought of the way she had almost sung to my King before almost knocking the head off my shoulders, how she had nearly cast a spell on him with her voice, how her siren song had transfixed him. I remembered the ball of poison she kept around her neck, and how I had hoped that it would fall into a drink of hers.

But, in that moment, I did not remember his words.

I gazed deep into my Kings eyes and shook my head unknowingly. He looked at the floor and sighed, my heart dropping as I felt his disappointment with me sink into the pit of my stomach. He grabbed at the side of my face and looked at me again, his eyes now wide and kind, like the King I knew, like the King I had met. Like the King I had fallen in love with.

“My child,” He started, his voice now soft and understanding, “What I said was is that I must have zero margin for error in my kingdom, and that it was up to you, and solely you to keep thing like this,” He picked up the hem of my dress and shoved it into my face, exposing my bare legs, “to happen, you must know better and I do trust you, but this must never happen again.”

He placed my dress down over my thighs, slightly touching my tender skin with his gloved hand. I saw him stare down at my bare skin and he paused for a second, letting his fingers linger right along my most tender parts. I quivered and moved myself forward ever so slightly, wanting his touch, needing his hands on my body.

He stood there hovering over me, looking at my body with an inquisitive look on his face, as if he were trying to understand what to do with me next. He finally took his gaze off of my legs and lifted it back to my eyes. My breathing was shaky as I stared at him, this masterpiece, my King.

“You know,” He stared, placing his hands on either side of me and leaning in, “the Queen does not hate you.”

I chuckled to myself and almost rolled my eyes at his words.

“She does not,” he said insistently, “She just happened upon us when we were together and it made her mad with jealousy. It is not easy being with a powerful King and growing old, especially when you have all of these young human women coming into your castle and bathing in your house.” He moved his massive hand over my thighs, his touch hot on my skin. I swallowed deeply and tried to hold onto his every word, tried to simply process what exactly it was that he was saying to me. I wanted to hold onto this moment forever, his smooth hands touching me, face so close to mine I could fee his breath on my skin.

“And you, my little darling, are just about the most precious thing in my entire kingdom,” He said, rasping into my ear.

I felt his gloved hand move up my legs and between my thighs. He moved his hand slowly up and began caressing the lining of my cotton panties. I began panting with desire, my blood turning to sheer lava in my veins as he neared my most sensitive parts.

“You do promise to be a good slave girl from now on, don’t you?” His leather hand slid under my panties and caressed my sensitive mound, quivering to be touched by him.

I spread my legs and leaned back, placing my hands around his neck. I looked down at his groin and could see his massive, throbbing manhood pulsating against his tight, leather uniform. I almost gasped when I saw his length. Before I could get the breath out of my mouth he had me pinned against the hard wooden table. In one swoop of his hand he ripped my panties clean off my body as if they were made of paper. He pressed harder down onto my, pushing in my chest with his heavy hands as he unzipped his uniform and revealed himself to me.

“My King,” I nearly screamed before he covered my mouth with his hand and lifted a single finger to his face, telling me to be silent.

I nodded with his hand still over my mouth. I tried not to scream, tried not a wail out in ecstasy as he parted my tender lips and thrust his mass into me. I fell back against the table, grabbing at the edges of it so hard I was sure my fingers were going to break. He thrust into me with a force that was almost shattering.I felt my body go numb with pleasure as he filled every inch of me, the table rocking beneath us, send plates and cups shattering to the stone floor.

I felt him begin to throb inside of me and I felt my hips begin to pulsate, wanting to finish with him in unison. I shoved my hips into him, trying to take him all in, not wanting one inch of his to escape me. I felt the rush of orgasm flow though my body as I sat up and grabbed at his back. He picked me up off the table and held me tight under my bare ass. I tensed as I felt him explode inside of me. I felt my body tremble like an earthquake as I released my pleasure onto him, both of our cum mixing together inside of me, leaving me feeling warm and full.

Chapter 4

I squeezed at his shoulders as he placed me back down onto the table and pulled himself out of me, leaving me with a sudden empty feeling, all I wanted was more of him. I could have stayed locked in our passionate embrace forever.

He steadied himself against the wooden table and pulled his still throbbing cock back into his tight leather suit. Sweat dripped down his brow as he gathered his thoughts, I laid on the table and felt our juices flowing out of me. In that moment, I could not help but feel absolute elation as to what I had just done. It felt as if I had just found what I had been searching for my entire life. I had no thoughts of home or the guard, just sheer pleasure.

He looked at me, still panting as a wide grin spread across his face. He pulled me up off of my back and kissed me hard on the lips. I touched the sides of his soft face, wanting to never let him go, wanting to stay locked to him. He pulled away from me and smiled.

“My darling” He gasped, his voice still out of breath, “It would be best if no one in the kingdom knew of our fondness for each other.”

I felt my heart sink as he uttered those words. I knew he wanted me, I knew that he wanted ONLY ME. I held back the tears as he kissed both of my hands and then ran his hand down my face.

“There, there, this is no reason for my beautiful one to cry, we will meet again,” he leaned his head down and kissed both of my hands again.

He slowly lifted himself up and stood tall in front of me. He patted his hand against my cheek and then walked out of the room, pausing by the door to give me one last look. He looked me up and down, inspecting every inch of my shaking body and then slipped out the door, closing it quietly behind him.

I feel back against the table and threw my arms over my head. What the fuck just happened? I questioned myself. Before then I had many sexual adventures, but nothing that felt the way he did. He felt like absolute perfection against my body, I could still smell his leather suit against my skin.

I laid there for what seemed like an infinity before I heard someone walking down the hallway. I jumped off of the table and adjusted my dress, not wanting anyone to know what had just happened. I looked to the ground and saw my ripped panties laying on the floor, I hurried and grabbed them, shoving the cloth into my pocket.

I listened as the footsteps neared and then passed the door and I breathed a deep sigh of relief. I touched my most sensitive parts and could still feel him oozing out of me. Through the window I heard his voice shouting commands at the guards. His tone, as always full of strength and defiance. I rushed to the window and gazed out from the side, not wanting to be seen. I saw him as he marched across the courtyard and towards his carriage, his head held high, looking regal like the King that he was. Then following him was a figure that made my heart turn sour; the long emaciated form of the Queen, rushing at his boot heels.

I clenched the stone windowsill and I felt my heart turn black and my blood to ice. He took her by her bony hand as one of the guards opened the carriage door. He led her into the cabin, slightly bowing his head as her bony frame crawled inside. My stomach turned and I began shaking with rage.

It should have been me with him.

I should be by his side.

I swallowed deeply as the carriage took off and disappeared underneath the covered bridge. I clenched my fists as I closed my eyes and made my fateful vow; I was the Kings, and I was going to do everything in my power to make him mine.

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