ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror (28 page)

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Authors: Michael Weiss,Hassan Hassan

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To distinguish the latter from disfigured veterans: Brian Owsley, “Iraq’s Brutal Decrees Amputation, Branding and the Death Penalty,” Human Rights Watch/Middle East, June 1995,

The regime thus introduced a proscription: Napoleoni,
Insurgent Iraq
, 146.

Some of Iraq’s new-minted faithful: Joel Rayburn,
Iraq After America: Strongmen, Sectarians, Resistance
(Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 2014) 101.

Most of the officers who were sent to the mosques: Rayburn,
Iraq After America
, 102.

Many graduates of the program, Rayburn notes: Ibid.

One such person was Khalaf al-Olayan: Rayburn,
Iraq After America
, 113.

Mahmoud al-Mashhadani showed the folly: Rayburn,
Iraq After America
, 114.

“If you talk to the Shiites, they understand . . .”: Interview with one of the authors, October 2014.

It was for this reason that George H. W. Bush: Gordon & Trainor,
The Endgame
, 5.

The elder Bush had hoped: Ibid.

The violent implementation of democracy: Rayburn,
Iraq After America
, 105.

It was carried out by a twenty-siex-year-old Moroccan man: Carolina Larriera, “Remembering Sergio Vieria de Mello Ten Years After the Attack on the UN in Baghdad,”
The Huffington Post
, October 19, 2013,

This “embellishment” evidently included the diplomat’s role: Christopher Hitchens, “Why Ask Why?: Terrorists Attacks Aren’t Caused by Any Policy Except That of the Bombers Themselves,”
, October 3, 2005,

“According to Harvey, it provided Zarqawi’s men the cars SSO provided the vehicles . . .”: Gordon & Trainor,
The Endgame
, 22; “Iraq’s Security Services: Regime Strategic Intent—Annex C,” Central Intelligence Agency, April 23, 2007,
; “Special Security Organisation—SSO: Al Amn al-Khas,”
, last modified July 28, 2011,

The idea was, if you understood who the terrorists were: Derek Harvey interview with one of the authors, October 2014.

According to a study conducted by the Jamestown Foundation: Murad Batal al-Shishani, “Al-Zarqawi’s Rise to Power: Analyzing Tactics and Targets,”
Terrorism Monitor
Vol. 3 No. 22, The Jamestown Foundation, November 18, 2005,

The same month Tawhid wal-Jihad bombed the Jordanian embassy: Riedel,
The Search for Al Qaeda
, 100, 105; Lawrence Joffe, “Ayatollah Mohammad Baqir al-Hakim,” obituary,
The Guardian
, August 29, 2003,

In fact, it was al-Zarqawi’s father-in-law, Yassin Jarrad: Napoleoni,
Insurgent Iraq
, 108, 160–161; “Imam Ali Mosque,”
, last modified July 9, 2011,
; Bassem Mroue, “Alleged Al Qaeda Militant Is Hanged,”
The New York Sun
via The Associated Press, July 6, 2007,
; Ben Wedemean, “FBI to Join Mosque Bombing Probe,”
, September 1, 2003,

It went on to state, “The unhurried observer . . .”: Musab Al-Zarqawi, “Letter from Abu Musab al-Zarqawi to Osama bin Laden,” Council on Foreign Relations, February 1, 2004,

nemeses was the Badr Corps: For the sake of consistency, we have chosen to use Badr Corps throughout, however, it was eventually renamed the Badr Organization.

“[T]he Badr Brigade . . . has shed its Shi’a garb . . .”: Ibid.

If we succeed in dragging them into the arena of sectarian war: Ibid.

That figure may have been exaggerated: “Iraq: Islamic State Executions in Tikrit,” Human Rights Watch, September 2, 2014,

Members of the first two categories were then carted away elsewhere: “Iraq: ISIS Executed Hundreds of Prison Inmates,” Human Rights Watch, October 30, 2014,

Al-Zarqawi proved a dire pioneer: Brisard,
, 142–43.

An imprecation was then recited by his captors: Brisard,
, 131.

Though Al-Zarqawi retained an audiovisual squad: Brisard,
, 143.

Writing to his former protégé: Riedel,
The Search for Al Qaeda
, 103.

However, as former CIA analyst Bruce Riedel has observed: Riedel,
The Search for Al Qaeda
, 102–03.

As scholar Michael W. S. Ryan has noted: Michael W. S. Ryan, “Dabiq: What Islamic State’s New Maga[tt_news]=42702&cHash=0efbd71af77fb92c064b9403dc8ea838#.VLGK7caJnzL

Before Blackwater attained international notoriety: “Four Blackwater Agents Hung in Fallujah Iraq March 31, 2004,” YouTube video of ABC broadcast, 2:41, posted by WARLORDSMEDIUM, December 11, 2011,

The failure of foresight seems staggering: Gordon & Trainor,
The Endgame
, 23, 56–57.

According to Wael Essam, a Palestinian journalist: Interview with the authors, November 2014.

The beheading of Nicholas Berg: Gordon & Trainor,
The Endgame
, 113.

The main American weapon against Zarqawists: Gordon & Trainor,
The Endgame
, 114.

McChrystal assessed that the threat posed: Ibid.

By then adept at the uses of psychological warfare: Bergen,
The Osama bin Laden I Know
, 364.

It would be the Saudi billionaire’s enterprise: Riedel,
The Search for Al Qaeda
, 105.

It was also accompanied by F/A-18 Hornet jets: Gordon & Trainor,
The Endgame
, 117–18.

In total, three “torture houses” were uncovered in the city: Gordon & Trainor,
The Endgame
, 119.

Roughly a quarter of all insurgents killed: Lt. Colonel Kenneth Estes,
US Marine Corps Operations in Iraq, 203-2006
(Marine Corps History Divistion), 66; CQ Researcher,
Global Issues: Selections from CQ Researcher
(CQ Press, 2014), ebook.

America was waging a “total war against Islam,”: Napoleoni,
Insurgent Iraq
, 183.

In December 2004 bin Laden answered al-Zarqawi’s bayat: Ibid.

The title was somewhat deceptive: Riedel,
The Search for Al Qaeda
, 105.

As Bruce Riedel recounts, some al-Qaeda ideologues: Riedel,
The Search for Al Qaeda
, 12–13.

Here the thirteenth-century Islamic theologian: Riedel,
The Search for Al Qaeda
, 100.

Al-Zarqawi was thus seen as upholding: Riedel,
The Search for Al Qaeda
, 105; Napoleoni,
Insurgent Iraq
, 150–53.

As Riedel puts it: Riedel,
The Search for Al Qaeda
, 106.

He had the United States and its European allies: Riedel,
The Search for Al Qaeda
, 106.; “Mapping the Global Muslim Population,” PewResearch, October 7, 2009,

He had, according to his Saudi admirer: Riedel,
The Search for Al Qaeda
, 105.

One insurgent stronghold was Haifa Street: Gordon & Trainor,
The Endgame
, 123; “Haifa St, Baghdad, Iraq,” Google Maps, accessed January 17, 2015,,+Baghdad,+Iraq/@33.3263295,44.3705687,12z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x15577f4a7ecb0a21:0x808bf83e3e9c97e9

Haifa Street in particular was a totem: Gordon & Trainor,
The Endgame
, 123.

In Dora [yet another district of Baghdad infiltrated by insurgents]: Ibid.

The ease with which Mosul collapsed: Gordon & Trainor,
The Endgame
, 124.

They were especially brutal to any Iraqi soldier: Gordon & Trainor,
The Endgame
, 126.


Al-Zarqawi’s sinister strategy hewed closely: Translation of
The Management of Savagery
by William McCants. Abu Bakr Najri,
The Management of Savagery: The Most Critical Stage Through Which the Umma Will Pass,
May 23, 2006,

On February 28, 2005, a suicide bomb killed: Warzer Jaff and Robert E. Worth, “Deadliest Single Attack Since Fall of Hussein Kills More Than 120,”
New York Times
, February 28, 2005,

In one horrifying instance: “Interview Col. H.R. McMaster,” Frontline End Game, June 19, 2007,

“If they perceive failure, they may take other actions . . .”: Gordon & Trainor,
The Endgame
, 36.

“[Al-]Zarqawi, or the Iraqis he had working for him . . .”: Interview with one of the authors, December 2014.

It also contains the largest phosphate mines in the Middle East: Napoleoni,
Insurgent Iraq
, 190.

Building on Adam Such’s experience in Hit: “Anbar Before and After The Awakening Pt. IX: Sheik Sabah Aziz of the Albu Mahal,” Musings on Iraq blog, January 23, 2014,

In the Albu Mahal’s Hamza Battalion: Hannah Allam and Mohammed al Dulaimy, “Marine-led Campaign Kill Friends and Foes, Iraqi Leaders Say,” McClatchy DC via Knight Ridder Newspapers, May 16, 2005,

The graduates of the Qa’im program: Gordon & Trainor,
The Endgame
, 172; Rayburn,
Iraq After America
, 110–11.

A third of the Desert Protectors’ members quit: Ibid.

Appalled by how the Sunni boycott: Col. Gary W. Montgomery and Timothy S. McWilliams, eds.,
Al-Anbar Awakening: From Insurgency to Counterinsurgency in Iraq, 2004–2009
, Vol. 2, Marine Corps University Press, 2009,

Its first initiative was to encourage Sunnis: Monte Morin, “Officer Killed by Suicide Bomb Had High Hopes for Ramadi,”
Stars and Stripes
, January 9, 2006,

On the fourth day of the glass factory drive: Monte Morin, “Suicide Bomb Kills Dozens of Iraqi Police Recruits, Two Americans,” Stars and Stripes, January 6, 2006,

Still too vulnerable to al-Zarqawi’s strong-arm tactics: Stephen Biddle, Jeffrey A. Friedman, and Jacob N. Shapiro, “Testing the Surge: Why Did Violence Decline in Iraq in 2007?”
International Security
, Vol. 37, No. 1, Summer 2012, 20.


Sunni voter turnout was around 80 percent: Rayburn,
Iraq After America
, 119.

Additionally, less moderate non-AQI insurgents: Gordon & Trainor,
The Endgame
, 191–92.

Kanan Makiya, a scholar of Baathist Iraq: Kanan Makiya,
Cruelty and Silence: War, Tyranny, Uprising, and the Arab World
(New York: Jonathan Cape, 1993).

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