ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror (34 page)

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Authors: Michael Weiss,Hassan Hassan

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The brainchild of Sir Mark Sykes: James Barr, A Line in the Sand: Britain, France and the Struggle That Shaped the Middle East
(New York: Simon & Schuster, 2012), p. 12.

The agreement was, and still is, a synecdoche: Ian Black, “Isis Breach of Iraq-Syria Border Merges Two Wars into One ‘Nightmarish Reality,’”
The Guardian
, June 18, 2014

Al-Baghdadi had earnestly taken up: Constanze Letsch, “Foreign Jihadis Change Face of Syrian Civil War,”
The Guardian
, December 25, 2014,

On July 11 2013, Kamal Hamami: Paul Wood, “Key Free Syria Army Rebel ‘Killed by Islamist Group,’” BBC News, July 12, 2013,

“We are going to wipe the floor with them,”: “New Front Opens in Syria as Rebels Say al Qaeda Attack Means War,” Reuters UK, July 13, 2013,

Similarly, when ISIS “accidentally” beheaded: Richard Spencer, “Al-Qaeda–Linked Rebels Apologise After Cutting Off Head of Wrong Person,”
The Telegraph
, November 14, 2013,

It kidnapped revered opposition activists: “Rule of Terror: Living Under ISIS in Syria,” Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, United Nations, November 14, 2014,

it established monopolistic checkpoints: Tareq al-Abed, “The Impending Battle Between FSA, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria,” Al-Monitor, July 31, 2013,

ISIS sent a car bomb to the base: Lauren Williams, “Islamist Militants Drive Free Syrian Army Out of Raqqa,”
The Daily Star Lebanon
, August 15, 2013

ISIS then expelled the brigade: Ibid.

In late December 2013: Michael Weiss, “Has Sahwa Hit the Fan in Syria?”
NOW Lebanon
, January 8, 2014,

Among the buildings targeted: Ibid.

Fares had taken to comparing: Ibid.

“The reason Kafranbel became . . .”: Ibid.

On New Year’s Day 2014: Ibid.

the brigade accused it of exceeding: Ibid.

the Islamic Front stated in a press release: Ibid.

This new mainstream front, Saoud told us: Interview with one of the authors, January 2015,

The last group to join this budding Sahwa: Ibid.

If these demands were not met: Ibid.

On January 5 the Islamic Front announced: Ibid.

A quaky truce brokered: Ibid.

Al-Jolani blamed ISIS for the week: Ibid.

ISIS had raised a defiant slogan: Richard Barrett, “The Islamic State,” The Soufan Group, November 2014,

Abu Omar al-Shishani . . . signed: Yossef Bodansky, “The Sochi Olympics Terror Threat has Links to Camps in Syria that are Supported by the US,”
World Tribune
, January 24, 2014,

On February 2, 2014, global al-Qaeda: Liz Sly, “Al-Qaeda Disavows Any Ties with Radical Islamist ISIS Group in Syria, Iraq,”
Washington Post
, February 3, 2014,

His real name is Maysara al-Juburi: Abu Bakr al Haj Ali, “Abu Maria: The Nusra Leader Behind the Split with IS in Syria?,” Middle East Eye, November 14, 2014,

ISIS further claims: Nibras Kazimi, “The Caliphate Attempted,” Hudson Institute, July 1, 2008,

A recent study conducted by the Carter Center: “Syria: Countrywide Conflict Report #4,” The Carter Center, September 11, 2014,

By Damascus’s own admission: Kyle Orton, “The Assad Regime’s Collusion with ISIS
and al-Qaeda: Assessing the Evidence,” The Syrian Intifada blog, March 24, 2014,

One advisor to the regime told the
New York Times
: Michael Weiss, “Trust Iran Only as Far as You Can Throw It,”
Foreign Policy
, June 23, 2014,

Some of this may owe to ISIS’s financial: Ibid.

As a Western intelligence source told the
Daily Telegraph
: Ruth Sherlock. “Syria’s Assad Accused of Boosting al-Qaeda with Secret Oil Deals,”
The Telegraph
, January 20, 2014,

Frederic Hof . . . wrote: Frederic C. Hof, “Syria: Should the West Work with Assad?” Atlantic Council, July 10, 2014,


It was this established patronage system: William D. Wunderle,
A Manual for American Servicemen in the Arab Middle East: Using Cultural Understanding to Defeat Adversaries and Win the Peace
(New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2013).

the Baath Party regarded: Carole A. O’Leary and Nicholas A. Heras, “Syrian Tribal Networks and their Implications for the Syrian Uprising,” The Jamestown Foundation, June 1, 2012,

Protestors called for “
fazaat houran
,”: “
- فزعة حوران - إهداء للثورة من شباب سوريا
” YouTube video, 7:28, posted by Shaam Network S.N.N., April 1,

Overall, tribes account for 30 percent: Nasser Al-Ayed, “Jihadists and Syrian Tribes,” Global Arab Network, November 6, 2014,

Because Deir Ezzor connects Syria: Peter Neumann, “Suspects into Collaborators,”
London Review of Books
, Vol. 36, No.7, Apil 3, 2014,

Sometime in the summer of 2012: Karen Leigh, “In Deir Ezzor, ISIS Divides and Conquers Rebel Groups,” Syria Deeply, August 11, 2014,

Members of the Karbala joined: Interview with Wael Essam, November 2014.


They did not bomb the [ISIS] headquarters until June: Martin Chulov, “Isis Fighters Surround Syrian Airbase in Rapid Drive to Recapture Lost Territory,”
The Guardian
, August 22, 2014,

“There is a clear shift in the ISIS strategy . . .”:
“ISIS Take over Syria Army Base, Behead Soldiers: Activists,” The Daily Star Lebanon, July 26, 2014,

Assad’s own cousin, Douraid al-Assad, is quoted as saying: YouTube video, 7:29, posted by Syria.truth, September 15, 2014,

When the Syrian Air Force finally escalated: Anne Barnard, “Blamed for Rise of ISIS, Syrian Leader is Pushed to Escalate Fight,”
International New York Times
, August 22, 2014,

“[I]t’s imperative that, in addition to force, there be an appeasement . . .”: Price et al., 2014.

“What they do is attack the weaker units . . .”: Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, “’Syria is Not a Revolution Any more—This is Civil War,’”
The Guardian
, November 18, 2013, www.

In an obituary for Jazra, journalist Orwa Moqdad wrote: Orwa Moqdad, “A Rebel Killed by Rebels,”
NOW Lebanon
, December 19, 2013,

One military commander: Hassan Abu Haniya, “Structural Construction of the ‘Islamic State,’” Al Jazeera Center for Studies, November 23, 2014,

Before that, ISIS was thought to have earned millions: Scott Bronstein and Drew Griffin, “Self-Funded and Deep-Rooted: How ISIS Makes Its Millions,” CNN, October 7, 2014,

Germany’s foreign intelligence agency: “German Spies Say Isis Oil Isn’t Money Gusher,”
The Local
, November 7, 2014,

Zakat is extracted from annual savings:”Zakat FAQs,” Islamic Relief UK, accessed January 18, 2015,

ISIS also imposes taxes on non-Muslims: The Islamic State blog,

While donations from foreign sponsors: US House Financial Services Committee, 2014.

ISIS seized millions of dollars: Bronstein & Griffin, 2014.

It has also seized large stockpiles: “Dispatch from the Field: Islamic State Weapons in Iraq and Syria,” Conflict Armament Research Ltd, September 2014,


in one of his first press conferences:
Jay Solomon, “Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi Pledges to Unify Iraq in Fight Against Islamic State,”
Wall Street Journal
, September 25, 2014,

“The Americans approach us to leave . . .”: Phillip Smyth, “All the Ayatollah’s Men,”
Foreign Policy
, September 18, 2014,

According to Human Rights Watch: “Iraq Forces Executed 255 Prisoners in Revenge for Islamic State Killings—HRW,” Reuters, July 12, 2014,

On August 22, 2014, the Musab Bin Omair mosque:
“Iraq: Survivors Describe Mosque Massacre,” Human Rights Watch, November 2, 2014,

The Badr has lately been accused of:
Susannah George, “Breaking Badr,”
Foreign Policy
, November 6, 2014,

“The [United States] is basically paving the way . . .”:

Indirectly supported by US warplanes: “US Military Conducts Air Strikes Against ISIL, Airdrops Humanitarian Aid Near Amirli,” United States Central Command, August 30, 2014,

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