Ivorie's Surprise [Golden Dolphin] (Siren Publishing Classic) (14 page)

BOOK: Ivorie's Surprise [Golden Dolphin] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Let me think about it. It sounds like it would be really interesting, but I’m still not sure about the Dominant/submissive thing.” He could see that she was hesitant but hoped she would trust him enough to take the chance by the time they arrived in Manaus in several more days.



Chapter Twenty-Five


Santarém, Brazil, October 12, 2013, Saturday Morning


On Thursday morning, after the debacle on the dock at St. Bart’s, Eugenia and Frank had been fortunate to catch a private flight from St. Bart’s to Santarém, Brazil, the first Brazilian port of call for the
Golden Dolphin
. When they arrived, they had to locate a guide and transportation into the interior. They were again waiting for the
Golden Dolphin
to catch up to them.

Eugenia thought they should check out some locations away from the city to set up a base of operations. They couldn’t very well detain Ivorie in the middle of the city while Eugenia made her attempt to board the
Golden Dolphin
and reconnect with Drew. She had given it a lot of thought, and she planned to tell Drew that Ivorie had tired of the journey and decided to return to New York.

Eugenia and Frank had been able to rent a vacation villa of sorts a short distance outside of the city. It was not luxurious, but it was on the river, quiet, and secluded. The jungle closed in around the bungalow, and the heat and humidity were oppressive. They had also been able to retain the services of a local guide who owned a beat-up old Jeep and a river boat. They, of course, had not told him anything about their plans, but he didn’t seem to be the type to object too strenuously as long as there was money in it for him.

Eugenia could see that Frank was becoming less and less enamored of the whole plan. She hoped she didn’t have to sweeten the pot with additional money or personal favors in order to keep him on board.

If they were unable to get a good opportunity to catch Ivorie alone and snatch her in Santarém, they would have to follow the
Golden Dolphin
up the Amazon River to the other inland ports of Boca da Valeria and Manaus and possibly back down the river to the coast until they saw their opportunity. Eugenia was hoping it would be sooner rather than later. She was not enjoying the sojourn in the jungle. It might have been okay aboard the luxurious ship, but on land she found she did not appreciate the stifling humidity, muddy water, and the thick, impenetrable jungle with its bugs of every description and the threat of wild animals thrown in for good measure—as if the bugs weren’t enough.
This plan had better succeed with all the effort and sweat I’m putting into it


Chapter Twenty-Six


Golden Dolphin
—International Waters off South America, October 13, 2013—Sunday Afternoon, Day Eight of the Cruise


Ivorie and Drew, as well as the other passengers, were enjoying a leisurely cruise down the South American coast. The passengers all ate, drank, slept, made love, swam in the pool, read their Kindles, and played in the various theme rooms and the dungeon, and then they ate, drank, and slept some more. Ivorie and Drew paid another visit to the Medieval Bedchamber but still had not visited the dungeon. The food on board was five star, and the accommodations were beyond luxurious. Evenings were spent on deck enjoying the magical array of stars and the moonlight on the water, or in the lounge drinking and dancing. It was a very affluent, relaxed, and congenial group of people who all enjoyed the D/s lifestyle and so had a lot in common.

Ivorie and Drew had just had lunch on deck with the Turners and then returned to the Master Suite to spend some time in the hot tub on their private deck. Ivorie had changed into the skimpy white bikini she was still a little reluctant to wear up on the main deck. The deck off the Master Suite was private enough to sunbathe in the nude while they were out in open waters, but this close to shore there was a lot more boat traffic, and she felt uncomfortable being nude. She had not been into the office since Friday afternoon, although she had kept up with e-mail on her iPad.

“Don’t you think maybe you should check in at the office?” Drew asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“Why? It’s Sunday and nothing is going to be going on. I’ve been checking for e-mail on my iPad.”

“Oh, I just think we should pay the office a visit.”

“What do you have up your sleeve, Mr. Blessingame?” Ivorie was suspicious. He just looked like he had a plan. Drew with a plan was a dangerous thing, but then she gave in with a shrug. “All right, if you insist. I’ll run down there and then be right back. I’ll just throw a skirt over my bikini. I’ll see you in a few…”

“I’ll come with you.” He had that gleam in his eyes. She didn’t trust him for a minute, but it was his office after all.

Ivorie looked over at him in surprise. So that was it! The realization of Drew’s intentions finally dawned on her. She should have known. A frisson of excitement went down her spine as she thought of her office fantasies.


* * * *


When they were in the office, Drew sat in his desk chair and cleared the surface of his desk while Ivorie checked the computer for e-mail they both knew was not there.

“Why don’t you come over here and sit in my lap, Ms. James? Maybe I’ll dictate a letter.” He grinned at her.

“That is so cheesy, Mr. Blessingame.”

“I’m a cheesy guy, Ms. James. Now get over here.”

She cautiously approached his chair, and he had her in his lap before she knew what hit her. He crushed his lips down on hers in a stunning kiss. Drew sank luxuriously into her mouth, exploring at a leisurely pace. She was as sweet as candy, and her mouth surrendered to his assault. He ran his hands down over her pert breasts.
I do love these breasts, but I love this gorgeous butt even more
. She was every man’s fantasy—beautiful, smart, sweet, and loyal. She was a hell of a woman wrapped up in one stunning package.

“You know, Ms. James, this letter you left on my desk has a typo in it.” They both looked at the sheet of white paper that was suspiciously blank.

“Oh, no, sir! I’m so sorry. It was completely my fault.”

“Well, I’m afraid I’m going to have to punish you for your carelessness, Ms. James.” Drew laughed to himself. He’d had this exact fantasy at the office on a couple of occasions when Ivorie had let a typo slip by her. He had never imagined he would actually get to implement it. He yanked her quickly over his lap, pushed her short, white denim skirt out of the way, and pulled her bikini bottom down to her knees. She struggled and tried to get off his lap, but he placed his big hand in the small of her back and held her firmly. He reached down and kissed the adorable twin dimples at the base of her spine.


* * * *


Ivorie gasped as the first stinging slap landed square on her upturned bottom. She hadn’t thought he would really do it, but she realized now that she was about to get her first spanking! She struggled to get off his lap, but his leg was now across her calves, and she was helpless. A second smack landed on her defenseless bottom, and she squealed. By the time the third smack made contact, a tingle of desire had migrated down from her stinging butt to her pussy. She couldn’t believe what she was feeling. Two more smacks that were sharply stinging, but not really painful, landed on her bottom. He rubbed his hand soothingly over her hot flesh before he leaned down and planted a light kiss on each cheek. He slipped his expert fingers down between the cheeks she knew had to be red until they grazed over her slick center. She was embarrassed to realize that she’d had a very strong reaction to the spanking. She squirmed as he played with her needy pussy. He slipped two fingers into her sheath, and she clenched around them.

He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “That was for putting me through hell for the last few days.” Then he continued in character, “Ah, Ms. James, I think you enjoyed your punishment. Let’s see if it will help you focus on your work from now on.”

“Oh, Mr. Blessingame, I’m so sorry. I’m sure it will.” She raised her bottom a little and clenched around his expert fingers again, hoping to encourage him. He lifted her off his lap, stood, and pushed her bottom-up over the edge of his desk.

“I need to be buried inside you, Ivorie. I can’t wait.” She heard him quickly unzip his jeans. He fished a condom out of his pocket, rolled it on, spread her thighs as far as they would go, and slid into her tight passage. Her pussy was hot and wanting, and she pushed back to meet his forceful initial stroke. He began to move slowly and easily, thrusting in and out in long, luxurious strokes as he unerringly hit her sweet spot. He pushed her over the edge into an exquisite climax and then followed her over into his own shuddering completion. He collapsed over her back, breathing heavily, before he said, “There are no words.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven


The Bridge of the
Golden Dolphin
—Off Santarém, Brazil in the Amazon River Basin, October 15, 2013—Tuesday 8:00 am, Day Ten of the Cruise


Golden Dolphin
was waiting out in deep water for the river pilot, who had been hired for the trip upriver, to board. Captain Cortelis and Chief Mate Dragados, in conjunction with the navigator, had decided to be safe rather than sorry and engage a river pilot for the entire river portion of the trip. They were also waiting for the compulsory harbor pilot to board and take them into port where the ship’s documentation and passengers’ passports would be presented to the Brazilian customs officials.

Santarém, although a typhoon-class harbor, was small, but the channel depths could accommodate the
Golden Dolphin
as well as the larger cruise ships that regularly docked there.

“Con, I spoke with a friend of mine on one of the Carnival cruise ships that regularly make the trip upriver and got a good recommendation for Juan Cortez. He’s a very experienced river pilot,” Alex said as he sipped from his mug of steaming black coffee.

“Good to know. I hope the harbor pilot is as experienced. This is a really small port. I’ll feel better when we’re safely docked.” He dipped his hand into his trouser pocket and pulled out a dog biscuit to toss to Saltydawg, who was currently stretched out on his bed in the corner. The mud-brown dog flashed his silly grin and snapped up the treat. Then he wandered over to sit beside Con’s legs and waited to be scratched. Con bent down and absentmindedly ruffled the short-legged, chunky dog’s ears. The ship’s mascot was an experienced tension reliever and nerve settler, and he earned every biscuit he got.

Alex continued. “These Amazon River cruises are very popular with cruise ships much larger than the
. I’m sure they’ve got it down by now. Of course, that’s no reason not to be on alert for any problems. I guess all of the passengers will be going ashore after being at sea for three days. They must be getting anxious to get off the ship. Casey has posted the shore leave schedule for the crew in the crew’s lounge as well.”

“Ah, I see the pilot’s boat. We should be able to make way shortly. Make arrangements to top off the fuel tanks as soon as possible. The chef has a list of provisions ready, and he and the cook are going on a scouting mission ashore as well.”


* * * *


Ivorie and Drew were just finishing breakfast on the upper deck with a group of other passengers who were anxious to watch the docking procedure and get ashore.

“Jenni and I are going to go shopping and do a little sightseeing. I know you have that conference call with Japan at ten o’clock. It will be ten at night in Tokyo. Maybe you can still meet us for lunch. I’ll have my cell phone.”

“Just be careful. I’d rather you girls got a driver just to be safe.”

“Okay. But I’m sure we’ll be fine.”

“Humor me.” Ivorie could see that he was a little anxious about her going ashore without him. While the
Golden Dolphin
rode the waves as steady as a rock, Ivorie really couldn’t wait to get some solid ground under her feet again.

Ivorie and Jenni were among the first passengers to debark. There was a line of taxis and other vehicles and drivers waiting to pick up fares for the trip into the city and a day of sightseeing.

As they stepped onto the dock, a short, squat native driver with a wide smile and a courtly bow gestured them toward his ancient Jeep. Ivorie and Jennie looked at each other, smiled, and Ivorie said, “Why not? Let’s go. I can’t wait to see some of Brazil.” Ivorie did not notice the tall, dark-haired man sitting in the front seat as she and Jenni got into the back of the Jeep. When she did notice him, she presumed he was the driver’s helper. He was quiet and did not join in the driver’s tour guide chatter.

Ivorie and Jenni chatted about what they expected to see in the market. Both having read the available tourist information, they hoped to find some native crafts and gift items. “I’d like to get some hand-loomed throws for my family room. Some of the ones I saw online were gorgeous. The kids are always battling over who gets which quilt when the weather cools down.”

“I hope I can find some of that handmade lace,” Ivorie responded. “I also want to see the ‘meeting of the waters’ where the Amazon and Tapajos Rivers run side by side without mingling. They say you can see two distinct colors of the water.”

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