Ivorie's Surprise [Golden Dolphin] (Siren Publishing Classic) (21 page)

BOOK: Ivorie's Surprise [Golden Dolphin] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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When he felt her getting close to her orgasm, he changed rhythm to a short, swirling motion that brushed over her G-spot and made her moan and try to hurry him along. He pulled back until he had disengaged. He turned her partially over and delivered a stinging smack to her flank. “We may not still be in the dungeon, but I’m still in charge, sub. We’ll do this on my schedule, not yours. No topping from the bottom.” He could see her vagina clench in response to the smack and reentered her with a surge. He picked up his former rhythm and continued the slow, easy torture. She was panting and pushing her center against him as she tried for more, but he wasn’t going to rush.

“Oh please, Drew, hurry.”

“To whom are you speaking, sub? And don’t forget, don’t climax until I give permission.” He hid an evil grin.

“Okay, Master. I’ll try.”

“Do more than try, sub, if you don’t want a punishment of your own tonight.” He knew that giving that order often made it impossible for a sub to hold back. The more they tried, the harder it became as their body clamored for release. He could feel Ivorie’s body revving up and knew she was about to reach her limit. He could be Mr. Nice Guy and tell her to come, or he could push her a little more and hold back the command until she had earned herself another spanking. His hand itched to connect with Ivorie’s delicious derriere, and he wasn’t about to deny her or himself the pleasure. He ramped up his strokes until she flew over the edge into an earth-shattering climax. He followed her over into his own release. After they had both settled back down, he said, “You came without permission, sub. You know what that means, don’t you?”

“Yes, Master. It means a punishment.” He could see the gleam in her eye and knew she was anticipating another spanking. He was relieved that she wasn’t frightened, only excited.

He sat up on the edge of the bed, pulled her over his lap with her bare butt up in the air, and quickly landed several hard smacks. He knew the heat from his hand penetrated all the way to the center of her core when it sent her into another wild orgasm that exploded through her body. While she was still shaking with reaction, he caught her up against his chest and pulled a blanket around her. Tears streamed down her cheeks as small aftershocks from her megaorgasm continued to rock through her body. Then she just burrowed into him for comfort. “It’s okay now. It’s over, and you’re fine, baby. You’re fine.”

He knew he wanted her to always be fine. This trip had been an eye-opener for him, personally and professionally. He knew he had some changes to make, and he hoped Ivorie would be there to help him make them.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


On Friday morning, breakfast was served in the atrium, and good-byes were said as luggage was loaded onto the Riva by Wolf’s porters. Ivorie took a moment to take Petra aside and hug her. “Are you okay? Do you need anything? Help to leave here?”

“That is very kind of you, Fräulein, but I am fine. I think you misunderstood the nature of my relationship with Wolf, my Master. This is as I choose it to be. I am not here under duress or against my will. I love my Master more than life, and I know that he loves me. We have negotiated this relationship to meet both of our needs. You need not worry about me. Perhaps we will meet again, maybe at the club in New Orleans. Have a safe trip.” She smiled radiantly at Ivorie and kissed her cheek. “Thank you for your concern, but it is unnecessary.”

When they boarded the Riva, Drew pulled Ivorie tightly to his side. “Are you okay? You look a little upset.”

The scene in the dungeon the night before had been disturbing. Although she didn’t think Drew would be into something so extreme, she was still a little concerned. When she remembered what had happened, she thought that even Wolf had seemed to think Petra’s punishment was too severe.

“I’m okay. I was just concerned about Petra, but she tells me that she’s fine and that they have ‘negotiated’ their relationship.”

“That’s the case. Actually, they have a written Master/slave contract that specifies each of their duties, rights, and responsibilities. It’s not something I would want, but it works for them.”

“Wow. I guess I have a lot to learn about BDSM. It just seemed so harsh and scary.”

“Wolf is a sadist, and Petra is a masochist. They have their own set of hard limits. Every relationship is different, but theirs seems to work for them.”

The trip back to the ship seemed to pass more quickly than the trip out to the plantation. Ivorie was glad that Jenni was feeling more herself as was evidenced by her improved color and her insatiable curiosity about what had happened in the dungeon the night before. Ivorie had to promise to give her every detail when they had a private moment after lunch before she was satisfied.

was scheduled to leave Manaus at four o’clock, and Ivorie was ready for a quiet afternoon at the pool with a good book. After she had checked on e-mails and things in the office and when she was sure everything was under control, she changed into her white bikini and settled on a chaise next to the pool on the top deck.

Manaus was the turnaround point of the cruise, and they would be heading back down the Amazon that evening. The next scheduled stop was Parintins, another small river town approximately three hundred and fifty miles downriver from Manaus. She was disappointed that they had missed the famous Boi Bumba Festival that was held every June, but she was looking forward to a day of shopping and sightseeing nonetheless. After that, they would just be cruising downriver for a day and then back out into international waters for another day until Tuesday when they would be stopping at Devil’s Island off French Guiana.

Ivorie was looking forward to some time alone with Drew. They were already on day thirteen of their twenty-four-day cruise, and each day seemed to go faster than the one before. Before she knew it, this fabulous trip would be over, and she would be back in the office. She hoped it would not be with the old “Mr. Blessingame.” She didn’t think she could face that.



Chapter Forty


Golden Dolphin
—Devil’s Island, Six Nautical Miles off the Coast of French Guiana, October 22, 2013—Tuesday 8:00 a.m., Day Seventeen of the Cruise


Drew looked up from the contracts spread across his lap and the chaise as Ivorie walked out on the private deck off the Master Suite to join him. She held a tray with two cups of steaming coffee and fresh donuts from the galley. The white silk caftan she wore was semitransparent, although he doubted she realized that. He was definitely enjoying the view as she put the tray down on a table and leaned back against the railing. The breeze blew her hair back and gently pushed the caftan into every crease and curve of her body. It was a sight worth seeing. He pushed the contracts aside and gestured for her to join him on the chaise.

“Did you want to go ashore and see Devil’s Island? I think I’m going to pass. I want to finish these contracts. I’m sure you could go with Jenni and Chris.”

“No. I think I’ll just relax on deck and get some sun. Devil’s Island just seems like too sad a place.”

“Not a garden spot? I think I agree. We could always go back to bed,” he said hopefully. He just couldn’t seem to get enough of her, and the days of this trip were slipping through the hourglass faster than he’d like—only one more week and they would be back in Key West. He had to wonder what would happen when they were back to real life.


* * * *


Ivorie put her cup down and turned into his arms eagerly. She was storing up memories one by one. She knew that the office and the beginning of the cold weather in New York awaited her at home, and she didn’t know what else their return to the city would bring—maybe a continued closeness, or maybe a return to their previous relationship. He hadn’t really told her how he felt about her, hadn’t offered any words of love, only the love and tenderness expressed in their lovemaking. Oh, she knew he enjoyed her body and her company, but she also knew that vacation relationships rarely survived the real world. She knew how she felt about him. She loved Drew—the caring, sweet, funny, sexy man she had come to know. She didn’t think she could stand to be in a relationship with Mr. Blessingame—the autocratic, sarcastic, and cold man she had known at work. It was almost like he was two people to her. It was as though the good and bad sides of his personality were in a struggle for supremacy. She knew that was ridiculous, but that was how she felt. She knew she wanted to stockpile as many sweet, sexy memories as she could before the dream ended, as she was pretty sure it would, one way or another. She just wished she knew what he thought and felt.

Ivorie kissed his throat and ran her tongue down his chest until she latched on to one of his flat male nipples. She sucked and nipped at each of them and then continued down over his smooth chest until she reached his belly button. She delved into the sexy depression before exploring further south until she reached the top of his skimpy, white bikini bathing suit. She really loved the way he looked in that suit. She ran her hand over the thick ridge of his erection. He raised his hips to help, and she pushed and tugged until she had stripped it off him. His erect member greeted her with a bob, and she took it between her lips, kissed the tip, and began to pleasure him with her mouth. She sucked, and licked, and kissed her way up and down the shaft while she held the base in her hand. She loved the intimacy of giving him pleasure this way. She played with his cock and teased him until he was at the edge, but before she could bring him to orgasm, he quickly rolled on a condom, pushed her down, tugged off the bottom of her bikini, and plunged into her as his cock throbbed in time to her heartbeat.

He stroked her with a merciless rhythm until the exquisite pleasure broke over her like a wave. She arched her spine as her orgasm spun out of control, and his shaft jerked against her womb. She felt the pulsing stream of hot semen jet into her center through the condom he wore. He smiled down at her, radiating supreme male satisfaction. She knew she had the look of a woman who had come hard and loved every minute of it.

Chapter Forty-One


Golden Dolphin
—San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 26, 2013—Saturday 8:00 a.m., Day Twenty-One of the Cruise


Ivorie was sipping a cup of the galley’s very excellent
café con leche
on the private deck of the Master Suite. The
Golden Dolphin
had made port in Bridgetown, Barbados and St. John’s, Antigua before docking in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the last port of call before returning to Key West. They only had until nine o’clock that night to sightsee, shop, and hopefully visit one of the stunning white sand beaches outside of San Juan, and she was anxious to get going.

“Have you been here before, Drew?”

“No, but I’ve heard the rainforest, El Yunque, is a must see. Let’s rent a car and see how much we can accomplish. Definitely El Yunque and the beach. I’d like to snorkel, roll around in the sand with you…” He laughed, and she knew she was blushing. “Maybe have dinner in Old San Juan before we have to be back on board the
. Then we have two days at sea before we’re back in Key West. I’m going to hate to have this trip end. It’s been great, much more than I expected, in every way.”

Ivorie made arrangements with Casey to rent a car. Once in the car, they drove out of the port and headed straight up into the mountains toward El Yunque, the Forest of Clouds, a twenty-eight-thousand-acre tropical rainforest which was the only tropical rainforest in the United States National Forest System. Drew parked the car and purchased some of the fresh, hot meat pies called
that were sold on the side of the road by local vendors. They took off down one of the many well-marked hiking paths. Enormous ferns and banks of wildflowers crowded the path. After an hour or so of walking down the slippery, muddy path in the near one-hundred-percent humidity, Ivorie was getting tired. When they came around a curve in the path and saw a beautiful, small waterfall pounding down into a boulder-strewn pool, Ivorie broke into a huge grin. “Let’s rest here for a while. This is gorgeous.”

Drew pulled the empanadas and two cans of Coke out of his backpack. He handed the food to Ivorie before he settled down on a rock next to her. He smiled at her, flashing the dimples she just could not resist. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking? After we eat, if there’s still no one around…” They had not seen a soul since they’d parked the car and bought the food.

“You’re crazy!” Ivorie laughed up into his leering face.

“Yeah, crazy—for you.” He brought his head down and kissed her. Ivorie finished her meat pies and chugged some of the Coke.


“Still thinking…” She bundled up her wrapping paper and can and put them into Drew’s backpack before she stood up, started pulling her T-shirt over her head, and said, “Last one in’s a rotten egg!” She stripped off her shorts and was splashing into the water toward the waterfall.

“I have noticed that you do not play fair, Ms. James,” he called after her as he grabbed a condom from his pocket and stripped off his shirt and jeans. He followed her into the water and pulled her under the edge of the waterfall. He kissed her as the cold water pounded down on their heads and shoulders.

“You’re going to drown us!” She sputtered and giggled as she tried to struggle out of his tight hold.

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