Killing Them Softly (10 page)

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Authors: Roy Glenn

BOOK: Killing Them Softly
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Angel stopped walking and faced me. She looked me up and down then tilted her head. "I’d like that," she said, and dug around in her purse for a pen, and something to write her number on.

We exchanged numbers and said goodbye, with a promise that we would be in touch with each other soon.

Once I saw Angel leave the club, I went to the bar to join Avonte. It was getting late, and I wanted to fuck her one more time before I went home. As I got closer to the bar, I saw Avonte standing there. And standing right next to her was another cutie dressed in dark purple leather. She was about the same height and build as Avonte. But where Avonte’s hair is short, this woman had long, black hair that was parted in the middle, and hung down the middle of her back. Her dark completion and dark eyes made her very sexy. Even though I was happy with the sex I was having with Avonte, I wanted her, too.

Chapter Fourteen


I waited by the bar for what seemed like a long time, waiting for Devin to come back from the bathroom. I looked around the club, but I didn’t see him anywhere. I took sip of my drink and moved to the beat of the music, thinking about how I was enjoying my new life. I was finally living life on my own terms, and I wanted to experience it all. I wanted to experience everything that life had to offer. Devin was a big part of that. I especially liked the way he treated me, and the way he made me feel. Devin treated me like I was a queen, and when we made love, it was like nothing I’ve ever experienced.

I enjoyed my life with Devin. We saw each other practically every day. After spending so much money on hotels, Devin decided to rent a small apartment close to his job. We’d spend the rest of the night together until I drained Devin, and send him home to sleep with his wife. Most days, I’d leave when he left and go back to my apartment

I still hadn’t told him very much about myself. At times, I felt bad about that, but I liked the way things were with Devin. I didn’t want to spoil things by dragging all that money into it. I knew from experience that money had a way of changing people. Making them do things that under normal circumstances, they wouldn’t even consider.

I took another sip of my drink and wondered what was taking Devin so long. "Hello," a female voice said to me.

I turned to see a woman standing next to me, wearing a dark purple leather jumpsuit that zipped in the front, which she used to display a healthy cleavage. "Hi."

"That’s a real nice dress you’re wearin’. Where’d you get it?" the woman asked.


I have to say, she was wearin’ the hell out of that leather, but I wasn’t about to tell her that. I turned away and took another sip of my drink. "Saks, huh?" the woman asked. "You gotta have wild dough to shop there."

"Actually, it was a gift."

"Yeah, you got it like that," she said, and looked me over. "What you think?" she said, and held out her arms. "You think I could get some nigga to drop nice shit like that on me?"

I finished my drink and signaled for the bartender, before I gave her an answer. "Honey, the way you’re wearing that leather, I’m sure getting men to do what you want is not your problem in life."

She put her hands on her breasts. "You think?" she asked.

We both laughed, and I knew she was trying to hit on me. I looked at her again. I could tell that she was a little on the ghetto side, but she was a beautiful woman, and sexy as hell. I’ve never told anybody this, not even Tyrone, but I’d been with a woman before. I never told anybody about my lesbian freshmen year.

Her name was Amy Cranston. She was my roommate. She was a gorgeous blonde from California. They used to call her Everybody Wants Amy, because every boy on campus wanted her. One weekend during first quarter, we had both just gotten back to the room from different parties. We were both a little drunk, and were talking and giggling about the night we’d had.

After a while, I got up and started getting undressed to get ready for bed. Those days, I slept in a big T-shirt and panties. I didn’t really think anything of it when Amy stopped talking as I took off my bra. Once I was in the bed, she stood up. "Avonte."

"Yes, Amy."

"There’s something I just gotta tell you. Something I’ve wanted to tell you since I got here."

"What now, Amy?"

When she started taking off her clothes, once again, I didn’t think anything of it, until she came and sat down on the bed next to me. "Avonte, I’m a lesbian," Amy said, giggling. She slid her hand under the cover and began rubbing my thigh. "And I’ve wanted you since I walked in this room."

I lay there paralyzed and in shook. My roommate, Everybody Wants Amy, was easing my panties to one side, and I felt her finger on my clit.

"I’ve never done anything like this before," I mumbled. "I mean with a girl."

Amy eased the covers off of my body, and began lowering her head. "Just relax, Avonte. You don’t have to do anything."

My secret relationship with Amy lasted for the rest of the school year. During the summer, she transferred to UCLA, and we never communicated after that. Since then, I hadn’t been approached by any other woman. That is, until now.

"So, what’s you’re name?" she asked.

"Avonte," I said, thinking that there was no harm in talking to her.

"Qianna Patterson," she said, and held out her hand.

"Good to meet you?"

"So, uh, let me ask you a question; you here by yourself?"

"No, I came here with somebody. He’s gone to the men’s room."

"That’s too bad." Qianna took a step closer to me.

"Why’s that?" I asked, knowing what she’d say.

"’Cause you and me coulda had some fun together," Qianna said, as Devin finally came to the bar.

"Hey," Devin said, and kissed me on the cheek. "Did you miss me?"

"Yes, baby. I was starting to get a little worried."

"I ran into an old friend from college."

"Where is he? I’d like to meet him."

"He left," Devin said quickly, and pointed at his drink. "This me?"

"Yes. That should tell you how long you’ve been gone. Your ice has started to melt."

"I’m sorry, Avonte. I promise to make it up to you later."

"Is that your man?"

"Yes." I turned to Devin. "Baby, I want you to meet somebody. This is Qianna. Qianna, this is Devin."

Devin smiled. "Nice to meet you."

"Good to meet you, too, Devin," Qianna said, shaking his hand.

"I’d buy you ladies a drink, if I could ever get this guy’s attention," Devin said, and tried in vain to get the bartender’s attention.

When Devin turned away, Qianna leaned to me and whispered. "He’s kinda cute. You should see if he wanna play with us."

"I don’t remember saying that I wanted to play."

"Oh, you wanna play with me, brown sugar," Qianna said, and eased her hand between my thighs. I felt like I was back in college that first time with Amy. It felt like a current of electricity had shot through my body. I thought about the promise I made to start experiencing everything that life had to offer. "Go ahead. Ask him. I bet he’ll be down for it."

She was right about both of us. I wanted to play with her, and Devin was definitely down for it. It just took me a while to get up the courage to ask him.

When we got to the apartment, as soon as we walked through the door, Qianna ran her hand across Devin’s leg. She grabbed Devin’s face and kissed him. Devin stroked my thighs, and I unzipped his pants. Devin stepped out of his pants and immediately went right back at Qianna. I was beginning to get a little jealous that he was showing her so much attention, but I had to remind myself that it was my idea to do this.

As quickly as I could, I took off my dress. "Damn, you fine as hell," Qianna said, and began sucking my nipple.

"Ain’t she," Devin said, and attacked the other nipple.

Soon, we all were naked and had eased our way onto the couch. I took one of Qianna’s nipples into my mouth, and Devin quickly went for the other. Qianna leaned back and held Devin’s head in place with one hand, and squeezed her breast, while I licked and sucked the other.

Qianna looked down at me while I gently sucked her nipple. "Come here. I wanna taste you."

I stood up on the couch and lowered myself to her face. Qianna spread my lips while she made circles around my clit. She slid her tongue inside me and sucked my lips. She was rough, but it was turning me the fuck on. It wasn’t easy, but I steadied myself against the wall. I felt my body begin to tremble as she sucked my clit, and licked it with the tip of her tongue. I looked back at Devin. He had crawled between her legs and was making Qianna quiver in ecstasy with his finger, and his tongue.

Qianna sucked my clit and it grew harder. I began to feel my body convulse, so I got down from there. "Where you think you goin with that sweet pussy?"

"To the bed."

Qianna pushed Devin’s head out of the way and followed behind me. Devin wasn’t far behind. I laid across the bed and spread my legs. Qianna literally dove in between them. Devin quickly got in behind her, pulled her hips up and thrust himself inside her. "Oh! You got a big dick. Let’s see if you know how to use it."

I lay there in complete ecstasy, while Qianna worked magic with her tongue. I got so turned on watching Devin slam his body into Qianna, squeezing my nipples, while she feasted on me. Devin pulled completely out of her, and then slammed himself into her again. When he was inside her, Devin smacked her ass as hard as he could. Qianna lifted her head from between my thighs long enough to say, "That’s right, nigga. Get that pussy."

Qianna took two fingers to her lips and moistened them. Then, she slid them inside me and zoned in on my G-spot.

"You like that?" she asked.

I closed my eyes and started thrusting myself onto her hand. Qianna had me dripping wet—wetter than I’ve ever been—man or woman.

I looked at Devin, his eyes were closed, and he was pumping away. I could tell by the way he was breathing that he was about to come. I guess Qianna could tell it, too. "Don’t you bust that nut inside me. Come on my ass."

After a few more hard stokes, Devin pulled out of her and sprayed her cheeks. When he was done, Qianna spun around and took Devin into her mouth. I gently massaged my swollen lips, while I watched Qianna sucking and stroking him. Once his dick was firm again, Qianna turned around, put his dick back inside her, and then dropped her head between my thighs.

Qianna licked me with the tip of her tongue. When she slid her tongue inside me, she sucked my clit until it grew harder, and my body began to quiver. "Oooh shit!"

Chapter Fifteen



That’s all I can fuckin’ say. All that good-ass pussy Avonte carryin’ around between them thighs, and that horse dick Devin got, shit. And judging from that big-ass rock on Avonte’s finger, they got money, too. I hit the fuckin’ jackpot.

Yeah, I could tell by the way Avonte looked at me when I grabbed these titties, that she was wit’ it. And you show me a man that ain’t down for sex wit’ two women, and I’ll show you a faggot.

I knew that he would, but I guess Avonte didn’t ’cause that bitch assed around for over an hour before she even got around to askin’. But it was cool. The three of us hung out, drank, danced, and had a good time. My boy Devin was steady buyin’ drinks like they was water.

It was like the nigga was tryin’ to get us drunk so he could fuck both of us. I had to laugh ’cause the shit was on, and he didn’t even know it. He coulda saved that money, or better yet, he coulda handed that shit to me. Shit, I was ’bout to tell him the deal myself, when Avonte finally told him.

We were all on the floor dancin’ together, and me and Avonte had that nigga sandwiched in like a burger. I was in front of him and Avonte was behind. I can still see the way his facial expression changed when she whispered that shit in his ear. "What?" he asked. Then she told him again, and his eyes opened wide.

That nigga’s neck snapped ’round and he looked at Avonte, then that neck snapped again, and he looked at me. I smiled and stuck out my tongue.

"Hell yeah! Let’s get the fuck outta here," Devin said, and dragged us off the floor.

I had hit the fuckin’ jackpot! Not bad for a bitch four weeks out of Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for Women. To be honest, this was exactly what I’d been visualizing ever since I saw them talkin’ ’bout
The Secret
on Oprah.

Every night after lights out, I’d lie in bed and visualize; I would visualize myself havin’ good sex and plenty of money. I’d see myself at the mall tryin’ shit on, then goin’ to the register and payin’ for it. I’d see myself walkin’ through the mall with my arms fulla bags of shit I bought. I’d see myself at the clubs, dressed in my new shit, turnin’ every head, man and woman, in the club. I would see myself on airplanes, flyin’ to the islands and shit for the weekend. I was feelin’ so fuckin’ good after visualizing all that shit, that I’d start playin’ wit’ myself. Then, I would visualize me havin’ good sex.

Avonte pushed my head away from her, and I rolled over on my back, and she quickly crawled between my legs. Avonte reached between my thighs and fingered my clit with one hand, while she squeezed her breast with the other.

Devin stood over me and I stroked himself, and I took him into my mouth again. I liked suckin’ his dick. Avonte very deliberately spread my lips and sucked my clit, but the whole time, she was staring at Devin. Avonte slid her tongue inside me, and sucked my moist lips gently. I felt her body quiver as Avonte licked my clit with the tip of her tongue. Avonte sucked my clit and it grew harder. My thighs pressed together and my body convulsed.

Devin looked down at Avonte’s ass up in the air, and stepped away from me. He fell in behind her, held onto her hips, and entered her slowly. He got into a long, rhythmic stroke, while he watched me squeeze my nipples. Devin pulled almost completely out of Avonte, and then slowly entered her again.

As Devin lay down, Avonte lay next to him, gliding her hand up and down his erection. I got up on the bed and lowered myself onto Devin’s face. He reached up with his hands, and ran them across my titties. He ran his tongue along my lips and started to lick my clit.

I watched Avonte gliding her hands across his skin to his now throbbing hardness, and slowly begin to massage it. She straddled his torso and eased herself down on it. She moaned her pleasure while continuing to slide up and down his dick. I rested my titties gently on Avonte’s back, cupped my hands under her titties, and squeezed her nipples, while I nibbled and sucked on her neck and shoulder.

Avonte repositioned herself on his dick, so she would be facing me. We kissed and explored each other’s bodies with our hands. As Devin licked and sucked my dripping wet pussy, he pushed himself as deep as he could inside Avonte.

Devin made me come, and Avonte came right behind me. We both lay down on either side of Devin. He was still rock hard. Devin began kissing Avonte, and I started strokin’ his dick and squeezing his balls. Then I took Devin into my mouth. Avonte got up on her knees and ran her hands over my body. She started from my ankle then rubbed along my leg. Then she joined me between Devin’s legs. "Let me have some of that," Avonte said.

"It’s big enough to share," I mumbled. We made him come hard. Avonte took Devin’s face into her hands and kissed him. I watched them kissing and ran my hands over my body. Devin was watchin’ me squeezin’ my nipples and fingerin’ myself. He eased away from Avonte’s lips, crawled over her, and took one of my nipples into his mouth. I leaned back and held his head in place with one hand, and squeezed my nipple with the other. Avonte moved my hand out of the way and began suckin’ my nipple. Yeah, this is the shit.

With my newfound friends, Avonte on my right nipple, and my boy Devin suckin’ like a greedy crack fiend on the other nipple, that old temper of mine was a thing of the past. From now on, it would be nothin’ but good sex for me.

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