King's Pleasure (5 page)

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Authors: Adrianne Byrd

BOOK: King's Pleasure
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“All right,” he called out. “Very funny. Where are you?” He glanced around again and strained his ears to hear even the slightest sound.
This would be the perfect time to at least have the girl’s name.

“I know you’re around here somewhere.” Jeremy smiled, still expecting her to jump out at any moment. All he could hear was the booming music from the party that he was supposed to be hosting. “All right. You’ve had your fun. C’mon out.”

No answer.

“If you’re trying to jack me, all you got is a wallet full of condoms,” he warned as he crept toward the back of the house again.

No answer.

She was still nowhere to be seen. His playful smile dropped.
What the hell?
He stood there for a moment and put his hands on his hips.

I should have known that she was too good to be true.

Then, the sound of running water caught his attention. He paused and tried hard to listen more closely. It sounded like it was coming from below him. He looked around and discovered a plank of wooden steps that descended and curved below the house.

“Okay.” He hitched up a smile and walked down. A few seconds later, he was able to make out that the running water was an outdoor shower. Sure enough, he found Baby Girl rinsing her lush body under the spray.

“Ahh. There you are.”

She turned and hit him with a dazzling smile. “Here I am.”

“I see you’re a woman who loves to play games.”

“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“How do you feel about getting my back for me?”

“Oooh.” He strolled toward her, grinning like a six-year-old on Christmas morning. “I think I can handle that, as well.”

“You’re a handy man indeed.”

Her sexy smile did funny things to Jeremy’s chest. One second it felt as if his rib cage was squeezing the life out of him, and the next his heart was melting into a pool of goo. The way the full moon’s glow shimmered made everything seem as if they were cast in a dream. It made sense; she had an ethereal Hollywood beauty and she was effortlessly seducing his mind as well as his body.

Jeremy reached for the liquid soap sitting on a wooden ledge, poured some of it into the palm of his hand. “Turn around,” he ordered.

“Yes, sir.” She followed his command, but then swept her hair over her shoulder so that she could watch him as he pressed his hands against her back and started working the soap into a lather.


Jeremy laughed. “You’re definitely a tease.”

“I’m not teasing you. You’ll get what you want in due time—especially after I had a sample out there in the water.”

“You liked that, did you?” Slowly, Jeremy’s hands moved in large circles. He couldn’t help but wonder at the softness of her skin, plus the heat that was rushing up his hands. He was experienced enough to know that this was not normal.

“Mmm. Has anyone ever told you that you have magical hands?”

“Well…I don’t want to brag.”

She laughed, and then turned around.

At the sight of her full-frontal nude body, Jeremy experienced another tightening in his chest. It took everything he had not to grab his arm like Fred Sanford and call on Elizabeth about having “the big one.”

Pleased by his reaction, Baby Girl’s smile grew as wide as the whole state of California. “What’s the matter? Aren’t you going to finish washing me?”

“I, uh…” His gaze kept sweeping up and down her body. “Uh…” Was his brain fried? How come he couldn’t think of a damn thing to say? Abandoning his verbal skills, he extended his hands instead and started soaping her breasts first. He made large circles around her globes, gently pinching them.
Damn, it’s hot out here.

Never mind that they were both standing under the spray of cold, icy water, the two were as hot as if they were stranded on the Sahara Desert.

Baby Girl bit her lower lip while her eyes dropped.

“You like that?” he asked. “Mmm-hmm.”

They moved closer and Baby Girl’s eyes sprung open when Jeremy’s large cock nudged her open thighs. Their eyes locked together for a long, heated moment—each wondering and wanting to make the first move.

Just when Jeremy was beginning to conclude that his silvery beach goddess had finally lost her own swag, she boldly grabbed hold of his cock and started stroking him.

His moan rumbled through his chest before he had a chance to stop it.

“You like that?” she tossed back at him.

Hell, yeah.
Were her hands made out of silk? Between the tightening in his chest and the tingling sensations rushing up and down his body, Jeremy was torn between plunging ahead or demanding that she call 9-1-1.

Then that beautiful laugh of hers filled the night as she leaned up on her toes and nibbled on his ear again. “Yeah, you like that.”

Jeremy turned his head and captured her lips in a kiss so powerful that he could’ve sworn the ground beneath them shook. From there, he was on a mindless roller-coaster ride that was as thrilling as it was frightening. When their lips finally pulled apart, the same question drifted through his mind:
who are you?

Baby Girl wore the same dazed and confused look for a brief moment, and then that cocky, confident grin hooked the corner of her lips before her knees dipped.

His brows inched upward in surprise, but then his breath caught in his chest when she lifted his cock and eased it in the direction of her full lips. The caress of her warm breath made his toes curl. He stood transfixed while she maintained eye contact as she opened her mouth. And it was the most beautiful, glorious mouth he’d ever seen wrapped around his cock.

“Ooooh, gaaawd.” He reached out and sank his fingers into her long hair.

She moaned as her lips painted his cock with coral lipstick.

“Shhhh. Oooooh.” Jeremy was vaguely aware of the reduction in his vocabulary, but it didn’t matter. Hell, nothing in the world mattered—nothing existed other than this woman—and her wonderful mouth. With her gaze still locked on him, Jeremy found it hard to remain cool while his face twisted into a thousand expressions. Pretty soon, even his one-syllable words were incomprehensible.

He needed to sit down—or fall down. Either way, it was going to happen and he had only seconds to choose. From the corner of his eye he noticed the stall had a small bench, and he quickly and gently eased his way over to it. However, the moment he lowered himself onto the bench, Baby Girl’s head accelerated and the sound of her moans and slurps played bass to the shower’s steady spray.

He couldn’t believe what was happening. His vision blurred as the task of just keeping his mouth closed became impossible. He was putty in her hands, and she knew it. All he could hope for was that she would show mercy.

And thank God she did.

Popping her lips off his cock, she smiled as she smacked it against her closed mouth. “I’m not ready for you to come just yet, Big Daddy,” she said.

Jeremy struggled to open his eyes. Honestly, he felt as if he’d been drugged.

“I have something else in mind,” she said, winking. With that, she stood, reached over and shut off the cold water that had been pelting her back, and walked over to his clothes draped over the wall on the other side of the wooden shower stall. From there, she found his wallet and pulled out a sleeve of condoms.

“I like a man that’s always prepared.”

He smiled as he started to stroke himself.
This just has to be a dream.

Less than five seconds later, he was wrapped and she was climbing up into his lap. When her knees touched either side of his hips, Jeremy held his cock straight up and then gave her the okay to slide her lush body down on him.

“Aaah,” Baby Girl moaned as she slowly eased down his shaft. Her mouth had the same trouble closing as his did a few minutes ago.

He couldn’t help but smile as the power ball zoomed back into his court. “That’s right, Baby Girl. You can do it.” He planted his hands onto her hips to help her out and when she seemed to stall three quarters of the way, Jeremy surged his hips upward and sealed the deal.


“There you go, Baby Girl.” He leaned forward and sucked one of her hard nipples into his mouth. From there, it seemed that the night was filled with the sounds of her sexy sighs and moans.

“You ready, Baby Girl?”

He waited a few seconds while she caught her breath, until she finally managed to open her eyes again, and gave a slight nod. Then it was on. Jeremy pumped his hips into her honeyed walls and watched as thousands of different expressions coursed through her face—all of them breathtakingly beautiful.

“Oh, gawd, you feel so good,” she chanted and grabbed hold of his shoulders.

Hell, the way her walls caressed and massaged his cock, she was an armful of paradise herself. As their bodies slapped together, and her honey glazed everything between, the new lovers witnessed the most earth-shattering fireworks exploding behind their closed lids.

The brief cooldown from the shower was forgotten as their body temperatures started heating up again. Wanting and needing more leverage, Jeremy grabbed Baby Girl around her ass cheeks and stood up.

She had just enough time to wrap her long legs around his waist to avoid falling. From there, Jeremy leaned her back against the stall and started hammering his hips as if the fate of the whole world depended on his making her come.

“Aah, aah, aah!”

“You want to come for me, Baby Girl?”




“What? I can’t hear you, Baby Girl.”

“Yes! Yes! Oh, God, yes!”

Stroke. Stroke

“Give Daddy all this good candy.”



Panic started to set in when Jeremy’s toes curled and his abdominal muscles clenched. The last thing he wanted to do was come before she did. But it seemed that he was on a ride that even he couldn’t stop. Before long, their groans and moans competed for dominance, and before they knew it they hurdled toward the finish line together in one long, silent orgasmic scream.

Chapter 4

aybe we should take this inside,” Baby Girl suggested.

Jeremy drew his head back from between her breasts and looked up into her beautiful face. At that moment, she could’ve suggested that they continued this wild night on top of the Empire State Building and he would’ve followed her.

“That is…if you’re not too tired.”

He blinked. “What? I know you’re not insinuating that I can’t hang.”

Baby Girl shrugged her shoulders, and then climbed out of his lap. “I’m just saying, you can rest if you need to.” She walked over to the other end of the stall and gathered up his clothes. “Tell you what. I’ll be inside if you want me.”

Amused, he watched her leave the wooden stall.
Oh, it’s on now.
He jumped up and raced after her. When he reached the back door of the beach house, he could see her through the glass in all her naked glory—beautiful ass, a gorgeous pair of natural tits and nicely groomed pussy that was absolutely calling his name.

“Lord, have mercy.”

“Are you going to run around outside the house all night or are you coming inside?”

“Aw. You really do like to play games, don’t you?” Jeremy reached and slid open the glass door.

Baby Girl stepped back, her full lips teasing him in a seductive smile. “There’s nothing wrong with making you work a little bit for what you want.”

He walked toward her. “Oh, this brother isn’t afraid to put in some work,” Jeremy said.

Her brows rose. “Is that right?”

Jeremy’s arms snaked out and grabbed her by the waist before she had another chance to dash off. “I’m not a man afraid of a little work.”

“Mmm.” Her arms looped back up around his neck as he pressed their bodies closer. “Good to know.”

Their lips came together for another sweet, decadent kiss. Jeremy thought that he was more prepared this time, but turned out—to his moaning and groaning embarrassment—that simply was not true. He tried to play it cool for as long as he could, but this woman kept hitting that spot up against the side of his tongue that not only made his dick as hard as a brick, but it even made his nipples tingle.

What the hell?

Meanwhile, he couldn’t seem to control his hands. They were already sliding away from her small waist to roam over her ass, which was smooth, soft and wonderfully squeezable. In fact, every time she hit that magic spot on the side of his tongue, he squeezed and parted her ass cheeks in a way that would make her moan as loud as he did. No sense in him being the only one sounding like he was on the verge of another orgasm.

At some point, she started moving, forcing him to walk backward. Hell, he didn’t care where they were going as long as she was coming with him. But then he bumped into something hard and she delivered a hard shove against his chest that sent him reeling backward.

“Heeey…?” He landed on his back on a soft couch that had at least two-dozen pillows on it.

“Comfy?” she asked, standing above him with her hands nestled on her hips.

He smiled, loving how she towered over him like an Amazon warrior. Yet he still had the same recurring thought looping inside of his head:
please don’t hurt me.

“What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” she inquired.

“Not yet. But why don’t you turn some lights on in here? I want to be able to see every inch of you.”

She walked over to the lamp behind the couch and clicked it on. “Better?”

“Much better.” His gaze danced over her curves again.

Grinning like a Cheshire cat, Baby Girl crawled up and over the arm of the sofa, and then up his long, muscular body. “My God, you look like somebody chiseled you out of milk chocolate,” she cooed. Then she dipped her head and ran her tongue over the ridges of his hard six-pack. “Mmm. Sweet.”

The air oozed out of Jeremy’s lungs in a long, soft hiss as he watched her wicked pink tongue as it rolled up the center of his body. He was so turned on that his cock jumped reflexively against his thigh.

“Now, since you’ve tasted me, you could give a brother a sample.”

Her brow hitched. “Just a sample?”

“Well, if you’re offering a brother all he can eat, then I can handle that, too.” He reached down and gave her ass a hard squeeze.

“I think that I can handle that.” But before she complied, Baby Girl slanted her mouth over his so that their tongues could dance and caress each other.

Hot, wet and sweet as hell, Jeremy didn’t mind the sugar rush that shot straight to his head. But he absolutely loved the extraordinary sensations that twirled and swirled inside him. In all honesty, Jeremy had never felt anything like it—and it was definitely a feeling that he could get used to.

When their lips finally pulled away, Baby Girl smiled. “I hope that you’re hungry.”

“Starved.” His lips hitched upward as he delivered a smack against the bottom of her ass. He watched as her eyes twinkled with excitement before she resumed her languid climb up his body. In no time, Baby Girl planted her knees on both sides of his head and he was face-to-face with her beautifully trimmed pussy. His chest tightened and if he didn’t know any better, he would say that there were butterflies fluttering behind his iron-hard abs, to say nothing of his cock, which was standing as straight and hard as a flagpole.

He reached up and parted her brown lips and was rewarded with the husky-sweet scent of her pussy. He could honestly say that if he died there tonight, he would be a very happy man. Lifting his head just as she widened her knees, Jeremy glided his tongue down the side of her soft, honeyed clit.

Baby Girl threw her head back and released a whining moan toward the ceiling. His second stroke made her knees and thighs tremble. From there, Jeremy pressed his face even closer while his tongue went deep.

Jeremy was pretty sure the words flowing from Baby Girl’s mouth were nothing but half-baked vowels and stuttering consonants. Encouraged by her reaction, he slid his hands around the corners of her thighs and took hold of her ample ass. Once he had a good grip on her, he feasted like a starved man.

Baby Girl dripped so much honey that it covered his fingers, so he used it as a lubricant and started stroking himself. Call him crazy, but one second he could’ve sworn that her body was a giant honeycomb and in the next, she was a field of strawberries.

Finally her free-flowing sound cohered long enough to call on God but soon dissolved into sigh and moans. Then she was as clear as a bell. “I—I—I’m coming.”

Instead of speeding up or intensifying his strokes, Jeremy slowed down…waaaay down. Baby Girl pressed her bottom down in silent urging. When that didn’t work, she started grinding her hips in an attempt to just use his tongue as a prop for her to find her own release.

Amused, Jeremy smiled, turned his head and absently peppered kisses along her inner thigh.

“No…no…please,” she begged.


“Please…don’t stop, baby.”

He continued pressing kisses against her trembling thighs. “Don’t stop what?”

“Please, don’t tease me,” she begged. “I need…”

“Hmm? What is it that you need, baby?” His lips moved a little closer to her open pussy.

“I need
it. Please.

It was the note of desperation in her voice that convinced Jeremy to end his torture and to give her what she truly needed. “All right, baby. Here you go.” He pulled her lips open again and dove in—his relentless tongue showed no mercy as it tugged and licked her clit. Next he pulled out his cock and started delivering short, stinging slaps to the bottom of her ass. With each smack, she gasped.

In no time, the beach house was filled with the sounds of her moaning and his smacking. Soon after, she cried out in a pitch just an octave shy of shattering glass.

And still he feasted.


Now she wanted—no, she needed—for him to stop. The aftershocks left her plump clit sensitive and she could hardly stand him blowing on it, much less his tongue’s continued brutal assault.

A second scream ripped from her throat.

Jeremy almost felt sorry for her.


Baby Girl’s legs collapsed, causing her body to almost smother his head.


After the third orgasm, Baby Girl was as limp as a wet noodle and Jeremy was the one grinning like a Cheshire as he cleaned her up. When he finally unlatched his mouth from her throbbing pussy, he had to physically lift her body up so that he could escape his erotic prison. Once he was sitting up, he looked over at her rosy bottom and gave it one more smack.

“I hope you don’t think that I’m through with you,” he chuckled as he reached in between his legs and started stroking his cock again.

“I—I need a minute,” she said, chugging in huge gulps of air. “Please.”

His laughter rumbled. “You got thirty seconds,” he told her, standing. “After that, you need to pick a position—any position.” He walked over to his pile of clothes that she had tossed onto the floor.

A few seconds later, he ripped open a condom and rolled it on. There was a small popping sound. He glanced down at the snug fit, but continued rolling the condom up his shaft.

“Are you ready?” he asked, walking back to the cushy couch.

Baby Girl glanced over her shoulder, looking sexy as hell with her flushed face and wet hair.

“Anything you like,” he repeated, stroking himself. “Remember, I’m here to fulfill your request.”

“Is that right?”

“You know it.”

“Well, in that case…” Baby Girl pushed herself back up onto her knees.

Jeremy could still see his hand print on her lush bottom and it made him that much harder. He moved up behind her, and this time paddled her butt with his iron-hard cock. “Are you ready for another round, baby?”

“I’m more than ready,

Jeremy grinned. “You really are a trip. You know that?”

She laughed, and then pushed back on him so that his dick was sausaged between her ass for a few strokes. But then she sucked in a long breath as he eased his shaft down to the entrance to her pussy.

Once again, he didn’t just surge inside of her. He held back and waited.

Baby Girl moaned and wiggled her butt. When that still didn’t get her what she wanted, she rocked back trying to impale herself.

Jeremy gave her a firm whack on the ass for her trouble.

She gasped and shuddered while more honey dripped onto the head of his cock. “Please,” she begged.

“You sure you can handle this? Maybe you need another break?”

She did a half-moan and laugh. “You’re sooo wrong.”

He chuckled. “All right. If you think that you can handle it.” He thrust up his hips, but his cockiness dissipated when her slippery walls tightened around him. Inch by glorious inch, he experienced something akin to a nuclear meltdown. Beads of sweat broke out along his hairline, his chest muscles constricted around his heart, his legs turned to rubber and his toes curled so tight that he was almost certain that they were digging into the hardwood floor.


For Leigh, she was sure that she was losing her mind. There was just something exquisite about the way he felt inside of her. Earlier, she thought that maybe it was the adventure of being outside and the danger of them being caught or seen. But now she knew that the extraordinary pleasure was all him. He was the sole reason her body was behaving the way it did. He elicited the bad girl inside of her.

She absolutely loved it—even if it was only for one night.

Just when she thought that she was filled beyond capacity, her sex daddy started stroking—slow, but deep. Her mind spun like a pinwheel as every emotion rippled through her like a tidal wave. Her fingers dug into the throw pillows on the couch, and when that didn’t help, she dropped her head and bit into one.

“Awww, damn. You’re so tight,” he gasped raggedly.

It was the first hint for her that she was having the same effect on him that he was on her. With her teeth ready to tear the pillow fabric, she mustered the strength to start thrusting back on him.

From his reaction, she knew it had thrown him—jacked up his rhythm and control. His hands gripped her hips, but if he thought that was going to stop her, then he had another thing coming. She rocked harder—faster. His gasping for air made him sound like a child’s choo-choo train. She didn’t care that the hard slaps against his pelvis and thighs was intensifying the burning pain in her bottom. She was just enjoying the power too much.

Finally, she pulled her teeth from the pillow and indeed a pile of cotton burst from the seams. She was far from caring. Leigh craned her neck over her shoulder and watched his twisted expressions. Before she could revel in her victory, three orgasms took her by surprise, detonating in quick succession.

She cried out and tears raced from the corners of her eyes. Her legs liquefied and threatened to collapse. Then suddenly, he stopped.

“Stand up.”

Leigh blinked. She wasn’t sure that she had heard him correctly.

“C’mon.” He slapped her on the ass.

She backed up so that she could stretch her legs off the edge of the couch and plant them on the floor, all the while keeping their bodies connected. Once she’d completed that task, her lover barked out another order.

“Grab your ankles.”

Leigh’s belly fluttered as excitement coursed up her spine.

“C’mon. hurry up.”

Leigh dipped her upper body all the way over and grabbed her ankles.

The stroking resumed and what Leigh got were deeper and whole lot more intense sensations ripping through her. If it weren’t for the fact that his hands were locked around her hips to anchor her in place, she would have crashed against the hard floor just from the pleasure of it all.

Soon, every nerve ending exploded like Fourth-of-July fireworks and God only knew what the jumble of words that tumbled out of her mouth meant. As for the man behind her, his moans and groans had long stopped sounding human. She was nearing something like her sixth orgasm when he exploded and howled toward the ceiling. Slowly he stepped back and disconnected their bodies.

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