Lady Star (16 page)

Read Lady Star Online

Authors: Claudy Conn

Tags: #sexy, #regency, #lighthearted, #claugy conn mandy

BOOK: Lady Star
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He considered her for a moment. She was
daring him, eh? Very well. “Why Star, I took it off you at the
Mermaid Inn some nights ago.”

He watched her as she took some moments to
compose herself.

“I see,” she said and leaned over and put the
button down purposefully on the small coffee table at their knees.
Her dark eyes were alive with inquiry as she stared at him and he
realized she wasn’t going to dissemble and she wasn’t going to
explain. Instead, she said softly, “Thank you.”

“Thank you? We both know I am aware that you
played a role that night.”

“And again, thank you, for returning the
button… which means I believe that you don’t mean to give me away
and I do thank you so very much.”

By God, she was magnificent! The thought
flooded through him and took over every coherent vibe in his brain.
It turned him into something primal, with a hunger he couldn’t deny
to himself was real.

He found he couldn’t resist the way she made
him feel and his response was feral. He scarcely murmured as he
scooped her into his arms in one deft movement, “Indeed…I think you
should show me.”

* * *

Star had led him into the library fully aware
that it was socially incorrect. Her brother was asleep upstairs and
they were completely alone. She saw her hands shake as she poured
his brandy and just barely got her trembling fingers under control
when she handed him the snifter.

Star knew what she was doing.
might be inexperienced in the art of making love, but she knew,
this was more than flirting. This was moving matters into obscure
nether regions where nice could turn into naughty. The notion made
her smile to herself.

She wasn’t playing games. She wasn’t going to
tease or be coy. She wanted this moment alone with him. She wanted
to take it as far as she could. She knew and understood the
consequences of doing so.

Even knowing and accepting, she felt a
moment’s fear. A sudden doubt touched her with logic. This was
unacceptable behavior for a good maid. Did she want to be a good
? No.
Faith no
. How utterly devoid such a life
would be.

Still…what was
doing? Was he
sincere? What was
doing? Would she take it as far
wanted to go?

She sat beside him on the sofa in a dimly lit
room alone, with his body so close to hers. She was headed for a
fall she told herself, but yes, one that would fill her with

Indeed. At least she was headed somewhere she
wanted to go…
to him
. She wanted to feel his arms around her.
She wanted to feel his lips on hers. She wanted so much and it all
centered on him. She couldn’t let him walk out of her life without
experiencing him fully—could she?

Suddenly, she was in his arms. His lips
softly brushed against hers, gently parted her lips and as his
tongue entered and waltzed with hers, a fireball in her head
exploded the air and the room into a white light. Her eyes were
closed, but she could see rockets flare and stars glitter!

He managed to work her tongue in a manner
that sent shivers of passion through her untested body.
—ha, she thought,
no more
. Would she regret
this in the morning? Would she regret this when he was gone? No.
She wanted this one night even if this was her one and only time
with him like this.

She pressed against him aware that she was no
longer in control of what she was doing. Star moved on instinct and
desire. Deep inside she felt as though something had been ignited.
One kiss followed another until she knew she was lost to him, lost
with him.

A cool draft hit her as he leaned away from
her and whispered her name, repeated it and offered, “Star…this is

“Hmmm,” she agreed. “Madness.”

“We must stop,” he told her.

“Hmmm, stop,” she answered. “In a moment…”
with which she offered up her mouth again and he took it, this time
almost wildly as his tongue plunged and taught hers just what he
wanted from her.

His hand had reached into her low cut bodice
and found her breast. He released it from its confines and fondled
her with an expertise that riveted her to him. She felt a gasp of
pleasure escape her lips.

The next thing she knew, he bent his head to
lick at her nipple and when she heard him moan, she felt a rush of
pleasure. He whispered, even as he suckled and fondled, “You beauty

She was filled with exultation and meant only
to tease when she answered banteringly, “Is this thanks

He pulled away at once, a frown on his face,
his voice touched with anger, “Is that what you are
your gratitude?”

Her hand moved instinctively to dole him a
slap across his handsome face, but he caught her wrist and
chastised amiably, “But sweetheart, you are the one who suggested
just that,” his voice was cold, his eyes colder.

“You are insufferable!” she said. What had
happened? What the devil had just happened?

“Still, I want you. In the meantime, you need
not keep me quiet by…seducing me, if that was what you were doing.
I mean to help you and your brother, whether you want that help or
not. . I don’t need payment…of any kind.”


Is that what he thought? Oh no. He thought
she was trying to bribe him with seduction to keep her secret. She
adjusted her clothes in a huff and her mind worked wildly. How
could he think that of her? She went rigid as she pulled away from
him and scooted to the far end of the sofa.

He frowned, “Change your mind, then? I
promise to help and you no longer wish to show your gratitude?”

Her arms were crossed over her middle, “That
wasn’t what I was doing,” she snapped.

“No? What were you doing?”

Hurt, she threw at him, “Getting a bit of
experience from an expert, nothing more.”

His brows drew together. “I am not certain
you mean that, so I shall ignore it,” he said and reached out to
touch her face.

Still furious she pulled back, too late
realizing he might have been trying to apologize in his way.

She was however, not in the mood for an
apology and held herself stiffly in place, giving him a hard

“It would be so much easier for me to help
you and your brother if you would but trust me,” he offered on a

She wanted to trust him, but in truth, no
matter what she felt for him, he was a stranger. He could take what
he learned and use it against them.

How could she tell him that Vern had turned
to thieving to keep house and home?
Oh faith
! What a tangle
she was in? Now, she had another problem and it was one that would
no doubt leave her a spinster.

She was certain, completely certain, that she
would only love one man and that man was Sir Edward. He, on the
other hand was from what she could see, simply wiling away his time
in Rye. She was certain he thought of her only as a diversion. Only
a moment ago when she was about to throw herself at him, that had
been enough. Suddenly, she wasn’t so sure it was.

She avoided eye contact and said, “Sir
Edward, you may wish to help us, but it isn’t necessary. We have
friends that we can rely on…
should we
assistance.” She felt something in her throat constrict. She
wouldn’t cry. She must not cry.

Her words silenced him most effectively.

She saw at once that she had hurt his pride
as he sat up and eyed her sadly. She was immediately sorry for

He said grimly, “Right then, even now, I am
not considered a friend…or trusted to help you? Very well, as you
wish. I shall not force my services or attentions on you.” He got
to his feet and Star thought she would burst out crying.

“I did not mean that the way it sounded…” she
tried as she also got to her feet.

“Oh, but I think you did. I had hoped you
might rely on the friendship I offered, but I see it is a false

She took his hands, “No, don’t go like
this…you kindly helped us through a difficult evening. You returned
a button to me and said you would keep my secret. I do count you a
friend…I do.” Her sense of humor tickled her and she suddenly
twinkled at him, “Though, my friends have not stolen kisses

 “My saucy girl,” he interrupted
immediately and swept her back into his arms, “Answer me this. Did
your kisses? Did my hands go where they were

She found she could not meet his gaze and he
chuckled before he told her, “Ah, just as I thought. I bid thee
goodnight, sweetheart, for I do not trust myself to remain a moment

He turned and she watched his retreating form
as he left her alone in the library. She knew that she had freely
given her kisses to him. She had so very wanted him to touch her
intimately and…she wasn’t sure how far she would have gone. No,
that wasn’t the truth.
She would have gone as far as he would
have taken her.
Her cheeks burned with this knowledge.

In spite of the seriousness of the moment,
Star smiled to herself.

She was in love with Sir Edward. She was
completely and totally in love with him and something about
everything he had said and done made her think she might have hope
that he felt the same.

Chapter Fourteen


MISS MADISON TURNED to her two escorts and a
frown descended over her features. She was undecided. She could see
that both Jules and Miles wanted to be invited inside the Berkley
house. It was the polite thing to do. But… and that was the heart
of the matter, ‘the but’ because
it would not serve.

She was sure they wanted to seek out Star and
Vern and find out more information regarding Vern’s extremely
extraordinary appearance at the Sefton Ball. Instinct made up her
mind for her.

“Miles, Jules…thank you both for seeing me
home. Please extend my thanks with yours when you return the Sefton
coach to them. It was most gracious of them to loan it to us
tonight.” She turned for the front door.

Miles reached out and touched her cloaked
arm. “Hang it, Georgie. We are coming in with you.”

Georgie had known Miles most of her life and
knew just how to handle his exuberance. She put up a haughty chin
and said in a voice that would brook no insolence, “Goodnight,
Miles. I am certain Star and Vern are both tucked in by now, so you
shall just have to wait until morning to see them.” She turned to
Jules and gave him her hand. Her smile was soft, her voice softer
still, “Mr. Stamford, allow me to tell you what a wonderful time I
had tonight…thanks to you and your kindness.”

Jules wanted in just as much as Miles did and
Georgie knew this. She also knew he was too much of a gentleman to
do more than bow over her hand. She was, however, quite surprised
when he said, “Ah, but, I thought we settled it that I am Jules and
you are Georgie?”

She nodded and her eyes twinkled into his. He
grinned like a boy and continued, “Very well then, Georgie,” he
said jovially. “The pleasure was all mine. I can think of no better
way to spend an evening than in your delightful company and if I
wanted to go in now with you, it would be to extend that pleasure
for a few more moments.”

She laughed and said, “Indeed, very cleverly
put, but I am never easily fooled, sir.”

Miles made a choking sound and said, “You two
make me quite sick. What stuff and rubbish you London beaus are
forever throwing at a woman. Well, Georgie has too much good sense
to take in your gammon, Jules.”

Georgie turned an arched brow to Miles and
asked, “Why Miles, don’t you think me delightful company?”

Miles Denning had the good grace to stammer
before he snapped, “That…that is not what I meant, and well you
know it!”

She laughed and took pity. “So I do. Good
night gentlemen.” She allowed Jules to push the front door open for
her before she turned, closed and bolted it on them.

A moment later, she picked up the skirts of
her tight fitting gown and hurried upstairs to Star’s bedroom. She
gave Miles and Jules no choice but to wait till morning, but she
had no intention of doing so. If Star was already asleep, she meant
to wake her.

She burst into the room she would be sharing
with her friend and was not in the least perturbed to find the room
(with the exception of the light thrown off from the low burning
fire in the grate) in darkness.

Georgie went right up to the four poster bed
that housed her friend, drew away the cover Star had pulled over
her head and demanded, “Well?”

* * *

Star had heard her friend’s entrance and knew
in advance what was coming. She dove under her covers.

Georgie’s demands drew a resigned laugh as
the covers were flung off her and a cool draft hit her in the face.
Star knew her friend too well to believe she would let the matter

Her brother’s outrageous entrance at the
Sefton Ball had been a completely startling and stressful event.
What followed had been a confused piece of heaven, for being with
Sir Edward was like having a foot in hell and paradise all at

She had thrown herself into Sir Edward’s
expert arms. So indeed, she had a great deal on her mind and
perhaps it was time to confide in Georgie?

Georgie plopped on the bed and said,
“Miserable girl. Laughing after such a night as we have had?” With
which she did in fact laugh. She fell backward onto the bed and
holding her midriff released all the pent up concerns with a fit of
nervous mirth.

Finally, both girls collected themselves and
Georgie leveled a look at her friend and said, “Now, don’t try to
fob me off for I won’t have it. Tell me at once, what the deuce is
going on?”

Star pulled her friend up alongside her
against the headboard. Georgie, clothes still on clamored under the
covers and waited expectantly before Star said, “So I shall…don’t
you want to change into your nightdress and be comfortable?”

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