Learning the Ropes (8 page)

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Authors: T. J. Kline

BOOK: Learning the Ropes
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Alicia was surprised by David’s anger. He’d kept it under control when she was at the trailer but something had suddenly unleashed it and she wondered if this wasn’t a sign she should beg off going tonight. David didn’t seem like he was any mood to go out, regardless of Chris’s assurance of a good time.

Chris shot him a warning look. “Cool it,” he muttered through clenched teeth.

David threw his hands into the air. “That’s right. I forgot. Everything has to be your way, doesn’t it, Chris?” David pushed past him and headed to the trailer, leaving Alicia staring after him wondering what just happened.

She chewed at her lower lip. Alicia felt bad refusing but she just didn’t want to deal with Delilah and her flunkies tonight. She just didn’t have the patience for them tonight. Just the thought made her sick to her stomach. “I don’t think I can deal with the crowds at Maverick’s.”

“Then let’s go to the Ole Corner and play pool. It’ll be nearly empty.”

The Ole Corner was a favorite with locals who just wanted a quiet place to hang out, away from the fake cowboys and even more fake groupies. It had smaller dance floors and wasn’t nearly as fancy as the bars where most of the out-of-town cowboys frequented. It also wasn’t filled with the women trying to pick them up. Delilah was sure to be prowling for her next victim tonight and that meant looking for someone in the money. Alicia arched a brow at Chris.

“Come on, Ali,” Chris prodded. “You know you don’t have anything better to do. You’re not going to ride either of those horses tonight. Besides, I promise, we’ll have a good time. So good we’ll all forget about today.”

Damn him and those puppy dog eyes. Damn him for knowing exactly what she wanted to hear. It was as good a place as any to have a pity party and at least she’d have good company.

“Fine,” she said, sighing. “But you’re buying me dinner.”

low whistle as Ali stepped onto the porch, glad he waited in the truck while David met her at the door instead of where someone would witness his reaction to her. She looked absolutely gorgeous. There was just something sexy about a girl who knew how to keep it simple and she’d certainly done that. Pairing her jeans with a short, flowing shirt held up by thin straps, she showed just a hint of her flat stomach behind her belt buckle. She’d never been one to wear much makeup but the little she did wear always seemed to accent her best features: her eyes and full lips. Chris felt the heat churning in his veins and settle below his belt. God, how he wanted to kiss those lips right now.

Down boy, she’s not your girl.

He knew he was an idiot. Chris shook his head and forced himself to tear his gaze from Ali and focused on his hands, gripping the steering wheel of the truck. She was David’s now; he’d stupidly made sure of that. They even looked like a couple, walking to the truck, hand in hand. Besides, he reminded himself he had absolutely no interest in relationships. Right?

Hell, he thought rubbing on hand against his temple, he had no interest past finding some sweet woman to dance with tonight at the Ole Corner.

Chris dared to glance up at Ali as David approached the truck and opened her door.
Who are you kidding?

Jealousy gnawed at his gut, eating away at the lie that protected him for years. The realization hit him between the eyes. Suddenly, the thought of holding Ali, of kissing those lips every morning, of being able to bury himself into her made him want to rethink his priorities. David opened the door, interrupting Chris’s ridiculous thoughts, and Ali slid inside, buckling herself into the seat between the two of them. The heat from her skin was almost palpable and he moved away from her.

“Hey, Chris. You look nice.”

“You, too.” Chris clamped his teeth together and stared out the windshield, refusing to look her way. It didn’t stop him from seeing the way David laid his hand on her knee possessively from the corner of his eye. As if Chris needed the reminder of who she was with tonight; the uncomfortable ache in his groin reminded him Ali wasn’t his. He shifted and forced himself to think about anything other than her firm thigh pressed against his, grateful that the Ole Corner was only a few miles away.

It took longer to find a parking spot at the bar than it did to drive there from Alicia’s house. Chris dropped the pair off at the front door, glad to put some space between him and the woman brushing against his shoulder as she exited the truck. She smelled good enough to eat, like strawberries on a hot summer day—sweet and tempting. He bit back the groan that threatened when her hand landed against his knee and he quickly moved away. Alicia gave him a curious glance but didn’t say anything.

Chris cleared his throat. “Okay, kids, you can have all the fun you want tonight. If I don’t find you right away, just come find me when you’re ready to leave. Otherwise, I’ll find a parking spot and join you inside.”

“You sure?” Ali asked, sweetly. “We can wait for you here.”

David barely tore his gaze away from Ali long enough to look at Chris and when he did it was filled with pent up fury.

Chris clenched his jaw. He knew that look and prayed that tonight wouldn’t end up with him backing David up in a fight. He looked at his partner pointedly “I promised David I’d make up for today, so go. Order me a beer and I’ll be right there.”

David’s eyes cleared for a moment, acknowledging Chris’s unspoken apology, before he helped Ali from the truck, curling his hand around hers as he pulled her toward the front door. Chris drove away before she could say anything else. He was beginning to think he should have come alone. Maybe he should just head over to Maverick’s and pick David and Ali up later. He wasn’t looking forward to watching David and Ali together all night. He was having a hard enough time ignoring the knot of pain in his chest as she took David’s hand and walked inside. He climbed from the driver’s seat, forcing himself not to slam the door. This was a stupid idea.

“Best way to forget one woman is to find a different one,” he reminded himself. Oddly, the thought didn’t bring him even a small measure of comfort. In fact, it made him feel pathetic and shallow.

Chris headed straight for the bar and ordered three beers, spotting David and Ali walking toward a single empty table in the back corner between the televisions and pool tables. There weren’t many seats left and, if this place was full, he could only imagine how busy the more popular bars must be. Laughter and shouting came from the back room just before a loud cheer encouraged someone to “take another shot.”

“Kinda busy in here tonight, Jeff.” Chris recognized the bartender as one of his high school football teammates. “Did David order yet?”

“Nope, what can I get for you?”

“What’s on the tap?” Jeff recited several brews and Chris ordered what he thought Ali might like. He turned as another shout came from the back room.

Jeff sighed. “I hate nights like this. It’s good for business but bad for the bar.” He’d no more than slid the frosty mugs onto the counter and finished wiping away moisture from the counter when the sound of shattering glass broke through the cheer of the crowd in the back. “See what I mean?” Jeff grabbed another towel, waving to a large bouncer partially hidden in the shadows across the room before hurrying to clean up the mess.

Chris maneuvered through the throng of bodies near the only television and moved past the makeshift dance floor near a beaten up jukebox blaring a Carrie Underwood song. He twisted his body to barely avoid being hit by a pool stick as he made his way to David and Ali through the crowd.

“Sorry!” the player apologized.

“No problem,” Chris muttered. He slid the frosty glasses onto the table as foam spilled over the sides and, reaching for his own, raised it in a toast. Ali and David followed suit slowly, as if they didn’t trust him. “Here’s to coming in second, if at all.”

Ali’s hand lowered her glass back to the table and a deep frown creased her brow. “That’s not funny.”

David slammed his mug back on the table and glowered. Chris cursed himself for bringing up a sore subject and tipped his head to the side. “I’m only kidding, Ali.” He set his drink down and nudged the hand curled around her mug. “Lighten up. It can’t be that bad.”

“Maybe not for you guys, but I’m tired of always coming in second. I had plans for that purse. I needed that money.” Her fingers traced random patterns in the frost covering her glass and Chris wondered if she realized she’d drawn a cloverleaf pattern, just like the one she’d ridden today.

David frowned at Chris, shaking his head in disgust, before chugging the brew in his glass. Chris wasn’t sure if the look was meant to remind him of how they’d lost today because of his throw or if David had something else on his mind. Okay, he messed up. It wasn’t like moping about it tonight was going to change anything. Why couldn’t he just get over it?

“Excuse me for a second.” David rose and headed to the bar, leaving Ali and Chris to wonder about his sudden departure. Chris watched as David placed an order, chatting with Jeff behind the bar.

“What’s with him?” Ali sounded hurt by David’s quick departure.

“I think he’s still pissed I missed that throw today.” He watched David slam back a shot glass of amber liquid. There was only one reason David ever touched hard liquor and it wasn’t because of a loss. Chris sighed. “Nope, it’s because he saw his dad today.”

“His dad? Colt Greenly? He’s a legend.”

She looked confused but Chris kept his mouth shut. It wasn’t his story to tell. “Tonight might not have been the best night for a second date,” Chris warned as he watched David toss back a second shot. He didn’t want to betray David’s trust but he didn’t want Ali to speculate about what happened either. “Let’s just say, not everyone is a fan of Colt Greenly.”

“Should we go?” She looked past Chris to where her date was drowning his sorrows in a third shot. David glanced over his shoulder at them and shook his head, heading back toward the table juggling three more beers.

Alicia frowned and Chris could see the uneasiness in her dark eyes. Chris swallowed the last of the beer in his glass. “I’m going to go see what he’s doing. I’ll be right back. Hang tight.” He felt bad leaving her waiting at the table as he intercepted David near the dance floor.

“Feeling thirsty?”

“Chris, I’m not in the mood for your games tonight,” David warned. “You can either take one of these or get out of the way.”

“How many shots was that? Three?”

Chris glanced back at Ali as she bit her thumbnail, trying not to look anxious. If he were David, he wouldn’t leave her at the table alone for long. She’d end up with one of these other cowboys trying to pick up on her. Women who looked like Ali did tonight deserved to be showered with attention. If David wasn’t going to do it, there were at least ten guys in this bar, him included, who’d be happy to fill in.

For how long? How long would you be content with one woman?

Chris clenched his jaw, irritated at the direction of his thoughts, and turned on David. “Look, I get that you’re pissed at your dad, but you’re on a date. Act like it and quit ignoring her. Ali doesn’t deserve this so sober up and show her a good time.” He grabbed one of the drinks from David’s fingers. “And I’m done for the night so those were a waste.” He left David standing on the dance floor and took the glass to Ali. “I’m going to play a game of pool, want to join me?”

“I . . . uh . . .” She watched David approach. “Maybe later.” Her voice was quiet, tentative. He could understand her discomfort. What he didn’t understand was David’s stupidity.

“Just let me know. I’ll be over there.” He pointed at the farthest pool table where a busty brunette in a tight tank top and skin-tight jeans was racking for a new game. “Giving her a few pointers on her game.”

Alicia laughed quietly and shook her head and Chris felt the relief course through him. At least he’d made her laugh. “You never change, do you?”

He shrugged. “Why mess with perfection?” Chris saw her glance at David heading their direction. He didn’t want to be a third wheel on their date. In reality, he wanted to whisk her away himself, but knew he’d only hurt her. Chris gave her a cocky grin.

Chris arched a brow and gave David a pointed glance.

Cowboy up.

turning into a train wreck and Alicia wasn’t sure how to stop it from crashing at the end of the track. What should have been a good time, playing pool and having a few drinks with a guy she grew up with and a guy she was starting to like a lot, had quickly turned into an angsty pity party. David hadn’t wanted to talk about his father; that was obvious when the mere mention of the man sent him ordering another round of shots. She glanced across the room where Chris sat glaring at them from the pool table and watching her like a hawk. She was ready for the night to be over. Of all the bad dates she’d had in the past, this one was easily topping the list.

“Thank you! Oh, you’re so sweet!”

She heard Delilah’s voice before she even caught sight of her sliding through the front doors and closed her eyes. Could this night get any worse?

She glanced across the table at David, frowning down at the numerous shot glasses of yellow liquid, lined up in front of him, like he was divining some sort of mystic spell from within them and realized she wasn’t getting any help from him tonight. There was only one way she was going to be able to tolerate Delilah tonight—either with liquid courage or by forgetting her existence entirely; either way, it was impossible without one of the glasses David was hoarding. She reached for one, snagging a lemon wedge, and tossed it back, stuffing the citrus between her teeth, grimacing. The tequila burned her throat and she coughed, pounding a hand against her chest.

Delilah slid next to David. “What are you doing over here, cowboy? Come join us at the winners’ table.”

David blinked at her dumbly, as if he was having trouble focusing. With the number of empty shot glasses in front of him, Alicia was surprised he hadn’t passed out yet. He squinted at Delilah, leaning close before backing away and looking at Alicia, confusion etched on his face.

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