Léopold's Wicked Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans) (39 page)

BOOK: Léopold's Wicked Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans)
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“Mon amour. Lovely as always. How was your day?” He casually swirled his wine and studied its legs against the light.

“Great. Mason’s doing well.”

“How soon do you think he’ll be ready to take over?” he asked nonchalantly. As the waiter passed, he nodded.

“Maybe another week. I think all that alone time without me really helped prepare him.” She picked up her glass and sipped her drink. “Did you get to see our baby girl today?”

“Oui. She’s doing well. And Logan and Wynter…let’s just say even though I don’t think they were in any way expecting a new pup, they’ll make wonderful parents. I’m sure they’re going to be quite busy.”

“I still don’t understand how Ava can be Rylion’s,” she stated with disgust.

“She’s not. I believe that, like you, the demon thought it had claim to her.”

“Delusions of grandeur is more like it.”

“Possession is possession. Even witches can sometimes achieve it. But one thing is certain; it was Perry’s body that created Ava with Mariah. After Rylion had killed Mariah, though, and then the baby, it claimed her soul or should I say, tried to. The water of the womb is perhaps the most vital water any of us will know in our lifetimes. The Lady saved her from the demon. No evil taints Ava,” Léopold confirmed. “Our little one’s going to be just fine. She’s going to be the belle of New Orleans someday.”

“Do you ever wish…I mean, you’re a vampire…” Laryssa’s voice went soft and she looked away. His hand on hers caused her to glance up to him.

“I won’t lie to you. I’ve always wanted children, but this life of mine, you see…it all died. And now that I have you, that’s all that matters.” Léopold sensed her sadness. They’d never discussed children. It was never an option….until now.

“You’re all that matters to me, Leo. It’s okay, really. I mean I never thought I could have kids, so it’s okay.”

“But if you could…would you?”

“With you?”

“But of course with me,” he laughed.

Laryssa took a deep breath and sighed. “Yes.” She hoped he wouldn’t be mad at her.

“Luca and Samantha are having a daughter.”

“I thought you said that she was a witch. They’re very lucky.”

“Ilsbeth believes it is a possibility.” Léopold gave her a small smile, waiting for her to put the pieces together.

“Us? No,” she replied, shaking her head. Getting her hopes up for something that was impossible would crush her.

“Oui. Us. Apparently, like witches, naiad can bring life…with vampires.”

“Don’t joke about this. It’s not funny.”

“Not joking.”

“I’m not ready to have kids yet but oh my God, if you’re serious, I’d love to have your children someday,” she confirmed.
I love you so much.

“You’d make a wonderful mother, ma chérie.” He smiled, pleased with her response.

Laryssa was his perfect soul mate. The vision of her swollen with his child nearly brought tears to his eyes. She simply had no idea how much he’d fallen in love with her, but he planned on telling her tonight. The waiter approached the table, setting their appetizers in front of them.

“Leo, I…” Laryssa began. The love in her heart felt as if it was going to burst if she didn’t tell him how she felt. She needed to say the words.

“You look very sexy tonight,” Léopold said, changing the subject. “I love when you wear skirts, do you know that?”

The dominant tone of Léopold’s voice sent chills up Laryssa’s spine. She licked her lips and gave him a small smile.

“Well, I do enjoy making you happy.” Laryssa felt his hand on her leg underneath the table and she jumped in her seat. The heat of his palm sent desire singing through her body. Knowing he’d sense it immediately, she picked up her fork and stabbed a piece of lettuce in an effort to act normally.

“So very glad to hear that, because I thought this would be the perfect place to continue our lessons.” Léopold let his hand drift to her knee.

“Lessons?” she croaked. “What lessons?”

“Perhaps I’ve used the wrong word. Experimentation. Oui.” His devious grin told her she was in trouble.

“Experimentation? With what?” Beyond her enjoyment of being restrained, they’d discussed how she’d enjoyed being spanked in front of Dimitri.
Oh God, not that. Not here.
Before she could protest, she felt him nudge her knees open, the cool air wafting up her dress. Looking around at the other patrons, she straightened her back as he began to tug up the hem.

“Um, Leo. What are you doing, darling?” She laughed as his fingers trailed up her inner thigh. Looking around the restaurant, she hoped no one could see what he was doing. Even though the white tablecloth obscured the view, Laryssa couldn’t stop the rush of heat that filled her cheeks.

“Saying hello.”

“Um, hello to you, too. You do realize we’re in a restaurant…a very busy restaurant?” she whispered.

“Oui, I’m acutely aware of our location. You know, I’ve been thinking about that day on the dock.”
The spanking.
She projected her arousal at him and his cock jerked in response. He grinned and gave her a knowing look. Léopold couldn’t wait to test her limits. “I see you do remember.”

“Yes, I remember clearly. It was…”
Embarrassing. Erotic. Hot.

“So I thought, why not experiment further?” Caressing her soft skin, he edged her panties with his fingers. He could feel the heat emanating from between her legs and sought to tease her mercilessly.

“But Leo,” she began, but was unable to finish as he slipped his forefinger underneath the flimsy fabric. He brushed through her slick lips and pressed a single finger up into her. She closed her eyes and grabbed onto the cloth napkin. Trying not to let anyone know what he was doing, she opened her lids and sighed. “Please.”

“Shhh…you wouldn’t want everyone to hear you now, would you?” He laughed “You’re wet, mon amour. So nice.”

“Leo,” she breathed as he pumped into her core, circling his thumb over her clit. Biting her lip, she shot him a sideways glance.
Is he crazy? Someone’s going to know. We’re going to get thrown out of the café.
As if he could read her exact thoughts, he upped the ante.

“Don’t worry your head about what’s going to happen next. I got you a gift.” He gave a broad smile and winked. Withdrawing his hand from her underwear, he swiftly reached into his pocket and retrieved the pint-sized silicone horseshoe-shaped device he’d bought her. He easily concealed the toy, which was no more than two inches long. When his hand fell back to her lap, she’d closed her legs. “Open, pet. Or would you prefer a spanking?”

Laryssa shook her head back and forth, completely shocked that he was pressing her with this game. Overwhelmed with her own lust, she vacillated between doing as he said and running away from the table. Dear God, the man tested her. It was frightening and exhilarating, but all the while, he had a way of tapping into her darkest thoughts.

“What’ll it be?” The side of his lip curled upward, but his tone told her he was completely serious.

Laryssa took a deep breath and blew it out. Her heart skipped a beat as she complied with his instruction. She resisted the urge to leap off her seat as the smooth outer layer of the toy brushed over her pussy. As he slipped the tiny vibrator inside her, she rocked from side to side on her bottom, causing the overlapping design to brush her clitoris. From her swollen nub to the thin stretch of nerves inside her, she was tantalized every time she shifted in her chair. With no area left untouched, she swore she’d come by the end of her appetizer.

“Leo…Oh my God. What is that?” She watched intently as he withdrew his hand from underneath the table, licked his fingers and then proceeded to drink from his wine glass.

“Hmm…you are much tastier than any culinary delicacy.” He picked up his fork and began to eat his salad. His eyes caught hers and she frowned. “Just a bit of fun. Sweet torture for both of us, I expect. You’re not eating. Come on now, don’t waste your dinner.”

“Are you kidding?” she responded, trying to keep her voice down.

“Do I ever?” He continued eating with a glint of amusement in his eye.

By the time their entrees arrived, Laryssa was nearly undone. As she scooped a shrimp out of her étouffée, the device pulsed inside her and she muffled a squeak. Her eyes landed on Léopold who grinned.

“What are you doing?” she asked, keeping her voice steady. The vibration ripped over her clitoris, deep into her pussy, causing her to drop her utensil. She gripped the edge of the table as desire rolled through her. She studied Léopold. “How are you doing that?”

“Not a witch, I’m afraid. A man must keep his secrets. Now remember, dear Laryssa, don’t make too much noise. You’ll have an audience.”

“You’re evil.” A spasm of pleasure rolled through her again, and she coughed, trying to disguise the loud moan that threatened to escape her lips. Deciding fair play was in order, she picked up a breadstick and seductively slid it into her mouth, never taking her eyes off of Léopold’s.

“I prefer to think of it as doing you a favor…expanding your horizons and such.” Léopold’s cock hardened to steel at the sight of her trembling with need. The scent of her arousal saturated his nostrils. He didn’t think he could get any harder until the little temptress plunged the rod into her mouth. Sucking his breath, he adjusted his erection. At this rate, he’d be the one coming at the table. “The food’s delicious, no?”

“Leo,” she groaned.

The vibrations increased in intensity, bringing her closer to orgasm. The room turned hotter and hotter as the assault on her pussy continued. Reaching for the buttons on her shirt, she undid one. She grabbed at his pant leg and dug her fingernails into his thigh. Stifling her panting breaths, she tried to figure out how he was operating the device. With one hand on his fork and the other on the table, the mystery only continued. Her eyes quickly roamed the room, terrified that someone would hear her, discover the tremors racking her body.

“Come for me, pet. Come in front of all these people,” he encouraged, loving how uninhibited she was. While it was true he’d instigated their exhibitionistic play, she’d embraced it with passion. As her orgasm began, he offered her his hand. The only thing that would have made the moment any better was if he’d been inside of her himself.

“I…I…Leo…Oh my God…I’m…”

“Shhhh….just let go.”

As her release slammed into her, she crushed Léopold’s hand and dropped her head. Small high-pitched grunts escaped as she let the climax shudder through her body. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and she closed her eyes. As the convulsions began to cease, she panted for breath.

“You are the most stunning woman I’ve ever met in my life,” Léopold praised.

“Home. Now,” she gritted out, unable to control her thoughts.

“But you haven’t finished…” he laughed.

“Oh, I finished. We’re leaving. Now,” she demanded forcefully, pushing out of her seat with the palms of her hands on the table. Brushing her damp hair out of her face, she strode across the room, aware that Léopold was following in her wake.

Léopold threw money on the table, and hurried after his wanton naiad.
Absolutely spectacular,
he mused
He’d never met, nor would he ever meet again, a woman like her. He hurried in front of her, opening up the door so she could pass through it.

Laryssa, blazing in desire, couldn’t get home fast enough to make love to Leo. Striding through the courtyard, she hardly noticed anyone around her. The only thing that mattered was getting out of the restaurant. As she brushed by the maître d’, who attempted to flag down Léopold, she caught sight of Dimitri at the bar, grinning like the cat who hadn’t just eaten the canary but its whole nest.
Fuck. What is he doing here?
Certain it had something to do with Léopold, she spun and saw the broad smile on his face.

“Hey cher,” Dimitri said, letting his eyes roam over her.

“What are you..?” she began but was interrupted.

“You have something of mine?” Léopold asked his friend.

“Why yes I do,” Dimitri drawled, continuing to smile at Laryssa.

“Merci beaucoup, mon ami,” Léopold said, opening the palm of his hand.

“Any time, bro,” Dimitri laughed.

Laryssa’s eyes widened as Dimitri dropped a quarter-sized remote control into Léopold’s palm.
Dimitri had been controlling the toy?
Too aroused to be angry, she feigned indignation.

“You…” she stammered and pointed to Dimitri. “I cannot believe you let him talk you into this. Bad, bad, bad wolf.”

“And you,” she pinned her eyes on Léopold who looked sexier than ever. With utter dominance, she approached and grabbed him by the tie, forcefully yanking him toward her, “are a very naughty vampire….one who deserves his own little punishment. You had best get me home…I believe you owe me.”

“You heard your woman,” Dimitri laughed. “Time’s a-wastin’“

“That it is,” Léopold responded. Without giving Laryssa warning, he scooped her up into his arms and shoved through the front door with the back of his shoulder.

Giggling, Laryssa kicked her feet and pressed her face against his white dress shirt. As Léopold kissed the top of her head, she began to undo his buttons, gliding her hands underneath the crisp fabric, caressing his chest. Within ninety seconds, he’d rounded the corner of the block and was frantically punching his finger at the security pad.

With a light buzz, the door clicked open and he captured her lips with his. Using his foot to slam it shut behind him, he stumbled into the foyer with her in his arms. He heard buttons sprinkle all over the floor like little discs doing a tap dance and realized she’d split his shirt wide open. A bite on his shoulder sent a jolt to his cock.

Laryssa couldn’t get enough of him. Aggressively, she tore at his clothes, biting and licking at his skin. Her feet landed shakily on the floor, and she ripped his shirt all the way off of him. Lifting her arms so he could bare her, she moaned at the loss of contact. She was hardly aware that he’d undone her bra until it slipped to the floor. Reaching for him, Laryssa speared her fingers up into his hair, clutching at his head.

His lips found hers again. In frenzy, they passionately kissed, his tongue sweeping up against hers. Seeking, questing, he stroked her mouth with a hungry urgency. Laryssa savagely returned his kiss, fiercely claiming him for her own. Immersed in each other, their bond flourished, escalating their intimacy.

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