Lost World (33 page)

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Authors: Kate L. Mary

BOOK: Lost World
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Jon is lounging on the bed, and his eyes move my way when I walk out. His face lights up, and without thinking, I pull the towel tighter against my body. I may think I’m falling in love with him, and I may find myself actually wanting him, and I may be carrying his child, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t going to take time for me to really relax when I see
look on a man’s face. Even Jon’s.

“It’s all yours,” I say, forcing out a smile.

He rolls off the bed and stretches his arms above his head dramatically. “I was thinking of not showering.”

I arch an eyebrow. “Is that so?”

“Yeah.” He walks over to the full-length mirror mounted on the wall and looks himself over. “I have this rugged thing going on. I’ve heard women really find that sexy.”

He’s right about that. Even with a couple days’ growth and hair that’s too long and dirt on his face, he looks good. I can imagine him as the model for some outdoor magazine or store. Any woman in her right mind would drool over him.

But the smell…not so much.

“The look is okay. I mean, you’re sexy as hell and you know it.” He grins and I roll my eyes. “The fact that you smell like a garbage can may have the opposite effect you’re going for, though.”

He lifts his arm and sniffs. His nose wrinkles up, but he just shakes his head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I smell fine.”

“Trust me, you don’t.”

He sighs and pulls his shirt over his head, tossing it on the floor. “Okay, you talked me into it. But just so you know, I am only agreeing to this so I can get laid. Otherwise, I would be totally against it.”

My stomach does a flip, then a flop, but I just snort and head for the closet, hoping to find some clothes. Maybe being dressed will ease my discomfort. “You’re a man. Of course you’re doing it to get laid.”

Jon laughs as he heads into the bathroom, and once he’s gone, I relax a little. Clothes will help. I want to be intimate with Jon, but I think starting out dressed and working my way up to the nudity would be good.

The closet is full of the typical clothes you’d find in a college dorm. T-shirts that are tight and short enough to show off a pierced navel, and strappy shirts that show more side boob than they should. Luckily, the long sleeve shirts aren’t as bad. I grab a gray shirt that boasts the name of some band who has long since turned into a group of mindless monsters, plus a pair of yoga pants. Might as well be comfortable.

Once I’m dressed I turn to brush my hair, then let out a laugh when I realize I don’t have any. How weird.

I’m curled up on the bed when Jon comes out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, leaving very little to the imagination. Even with as jumpy as I’ve been, I can appreciate him in all his muscled glory. He was fit the first time we had sex, but weeks of working hard on the road has made his muscles even more defined. Especially his arms and shoulders. They’re broad and strong, like they could carry the weight of several people on them. I’ve always loved broad shoulders.

Jon stops in front of me and grins. “No men’s clothes in the room.”

“You have some we took from the house.”

“True, but I thought I’d just go au natural for a bit. If that’s okay with you.”

When I don’t object, he drops the towel to the floor. I swear, my mouth waters. It’s a nice and unexpected feeling. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be able to look at a man without fear creeping up on me. But Jon makes it easy.

He lowers himself onto the bed next to me and leans down. His lips are just above mine when he says, “Is now a good time to start our lives together?”

I suck in a deep breath and work on controlling my pounding heart. “Typical man, always thinking about sex.”

“I didn’t think I was the only one.”

I laugh, but it’s cut short when his hand brushes across my stomach. Then up until it’s resting just below my breasts. He touches his lips against mine gently, testing to see if I’m ready, and my insides quiver. His green eyes hold mine, searching. Waiting to see what I’m going to do, and I love that he’s waiting for my cues.

Hesitantly, I put my hands on his bare stomach, then run them up his chest and over his shoulders. When my fingers move through his wet hair to the back of his head, I pull him closer to me. The second his mouth touches mine, flames burst through my body. He groans and pulls me against him. Hugging my body to his while his tongue sweeps into my mouth.

He grabs the hem of my shirt and moves it up, but once again he pauses to see if it’s okay. My heart thumps and I close my eyes, kissing him back, waiting for my body to relax. It takes a few seconds of Jon’s gentles kisses, but when heat sizzles through my insides, I give him the okay. He tugs on my shirt, and I sit up, breaking the kiss long enough for Jon to lift it over my head. His bare skin is hot against mine, and his hands are gentle. Patient and caring. My body gets hotter as we kiss, and soon I find myself reaching down to wiggle out of my yoga pants. I’m not wearing any underwear, and the second my pants are on the floor Jon is there. On top of me. Between my legs, moving against me as his mouth caresses mine.

But he still waits.

We kiss and touch one another, exploring. Savoring this moment like it will be our last. My skin burns where his stubble scratches against it, but in a good way. It’s a pleasant pain that tells me I’m alive. More alive than I ever thought I’d be again.

And all I want is Jon.

“Jon,” I whisper against his mouth.

“Now?” The word comes out like a sigh.

I nod as we kiss. As our tongues tangle and our bodies move against each other, moist with sweat and humming with desire. Jon eases between my legs, moving slowly. Carefully. He pulls his lips away, and his green eyes search mine. I nod again, letting him know I’m ready.

My eyes close on their own and my nails dig into his back as Hadley Lucas fades away. This is Jon and Ginny. This is a new start for me. A new beginning that will have the happily-ever-after ending I always wanted.


JON AND I LAY TANGLED TOGETHER on the tiny bed. His head resting on my stomach as I run my fingers through his hair.

He turns his face so he’s looking at me, his ear pressed against my belly button like he’s listening for our baby’s heartbeat. “We should get you checked out. Richard said there were doctors.”

He’s right. I know he is. I can’t be that far along, but with the way we’ve been eating and living, it would be smart to see a doctor. And sooner rather than later. But I’m still adjusting to the idea, and I’m afraid seeing a doctor may set me back. Like a recovering alcoholic taking a drink after years of sobriety.

Jon lifts his head when I don’t answer. “We can use it as an opportunity to check the place out.”

“Okay,” I whisper even though my body trembles just thinking about it. About acknowledging the truth to someone other than Jon.

But I do want to see what they’ve done with the town.

Jon and I get dressed, then head over to Gretchen’s room to see if she wants to come. When she opens the door, she has a big grin on her face. She’s wearing makeup and her hair is clean. It goes down her back in long, red ringlets. She’s wearing skinny jeans and a form-fitting shirt, along with a pair of black Ugg boots. Gretchen looks like she’s ready to go to the mall.

“This room is a gold mine! Makeup and hair products and clothes. I feel like a real person again!” Her eyes move over my face and her smile falters a little. “Don’t you want to put some makeup on?”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself,” I say. “But it isn’t important to me.”

That’s an understatement, really. The less like my old self I look, the better. This way, maybe people won’t recognize me and I can live the rest of my life as Ginny.

Jon puts his arm around my waist protectively. “Do you want to go with us to have a look around?”

Gretchen smiles again, but it isn’t as bright as the first one. “Yeah. That sounds good.”

Guilt squeezes my insides. I shouldn’t have made her feel bad about wanting to look pretty. She’s just a kid, so I can’t blame her for feeling that way. I probably would have wanted the same thing when I was her age.

Gretchen grabs a fleece jacket and pulls it on before stepping out into the hall.

I nudge her with my elbow as we walk, flashing her a smile. “You look good.”

“Thanks.” She tugs on the jacket like it doesn’t fit. It looks perfect on her, though. “Am I being shallow?”

“No. You’re coping. It’s normal.”

“What about you?” Gretchen asks, narrowing her blue eyes on my face. “Don’t you want to cope?”

I let out a deep breath and shove my hands into the pockets of my too-big sweatshirt. “I’m going to let you in on a little secret, Gretchen,” I say, keeping my eyes straight ahead. Jon’s hand tightens on my waist like he knows what I’m about to say. “Before we met you, I went through something that should have destroyed me. It almost did, to be honest. Makeup and clean clothes may help some people feel like this world is returning to normal, but it isn’t going to do it for me. I don’t know what will, but I’m working on it.” I glance toward Jon, and an involuntary smile curls up my lips. “Maybe it’s Jon.”


Gretchen doesn’t look at me. She zips her jacket up and shoves her face down, hiding her mouth under the collar like it’s freezing and she’s trying to keep warm. I can just make out the pink of her cheeks.

After that, we’re silent as we head down the stairs, then out the front door. Outside, the sun reflects off the blanket of snow, making me squint. The chill in the air is magnified after being in a building with heat, and when a cold breeze hits me, a shiver shakes my body. There are a few people milling around, but not many. So far we’ve only seen a handful of others. But it’s the middle of the day, so most people are probably working. Especially since they are trying to get as much of the city cleared out as possible before spring.

I catch sight of the same guy who opened the gate when we got here heading our way. His head is down and he has a bow slung over his shoulder, as well as several knives clipped to his belt. Only one gun, though. He looks up when he’s five feet from us, smiling when he sees Gretchen. His eyes move over her appreciatively, and even though the look isn’t directed at me and it’s most likely innocent, it makes my whole body tense. The urge to protect her is so strong I have to plant my feet firmly on the ground so I don’t step in front of her.

The guy jogs over, stopping in front of us with a huge grin on his face. “Hey there! Get all settled in?”

“Yes,” Gretchen says, her smile once again natural and bright. “Got a shower and clean clothes. It’s a nice change.”

“Tell me about it. I’ve only been here for two weeks. When I first arrived, you probably could have confused me for Bigfoot.”

Gretchen giggles, and Jon looks down at me, rolling his eyes. I smile and shrug, even though I still feel uneasy about this guy. I’m probably just being paranoid.

The guy grins and holds his hand out to Gretchen. “I’m Mark.”


They stare at each other without blinking for a few seconds like this is a movie and a romantic theme song has started playing. This time I’m the one rolling my eyes.

“Not to interrupt,” Jon says, clearing his throat. “But Richard told us there was a hospital set up somewhere.”

Mark rips his eyes away from Gretchen so he can focus on Jon. “Oh yeah. I can show you where it is if you want. Give you a personal tour.” He winks at Gretchen, and she giggles again.

“Thanks,” I say, “we’d appreciate that.”

“Sure thing. Follow me.”

Mark leads us through the snow-covered campus, pointing out things as we go. Gretchen is at his side the entire time, hanging on to every word like he’s spouting off Shakespeare.

“The cafeteria is over there, and next to it in the old science building is the main headquarters, along with the armory. Just past that is a small administrative building they’ve modified to use as a hospital. We haven’t cleared out the real hospital yet. It’s on the other side of town and will probably be the last thing we’ll get to, but we were able to get some medical supplies from other places in town to tide us over.”

“Wow.” Gretchen is on the verge of gushing. “It sounds like you know pretty much everything about this place.”

Mark grins down at her and straightens his shoulders. “Not everything, but I’ve worked hard since getting here. We all have to pitch in if we want this to work.” He’s still staring at her when he stops outside the administrative building and motions toward the door. “Delivered as promised.”

“Thanks for your help,” Jon says, pushing his way between the lovebirds so he can open the door.

I take a step forward, but stop when I notice Gretchen is still drooling over Mark. “You coming, Gretchen?”

“I was going to see if Mark wanted to show me around a little bit more.” She doesn’t even look our way. “A more personal tour maybe?”

I’m torn between the desire to roll my eyes and the urge to tell her to use protection. I’m not the girl’s mom, but it isn’t like she has anyone to tell her what to do anymore—if ever. I don’t want her to make a mistake…

“Gretchen,” I say, drawing her name out so she’ll know I’m serious.

The girl’s eyes snap toward me and her mouth puckers up. Typical teenager.

“Be careful.” I tilt my head toward the door of the makeshift hospital so she’ll get my point, but won’t be embarrassed.

Gretchen’s eyes get big, then she nods emphatically, her red curls bouncing around. “Oh, I will.”

Jon chuckles and nudges me toward the door. “Come on. We’ll see you later, Gretchen.”

We step inside and find the lobby of the building set up like it’s a waiting room. A few chairs line the walls—all currently empty—and there’s a desk with a woman who looks to be in her fifties sitting behind it. She’s reading a paperback book, and she’s so engrossed in it that she doesn’t glance up until we stop in front of her. Even then, I swear she has one eye on the pages.

“Can I help you?”

“Um…” I shoot Jon a glance while shuffling my feet. “We were hoping to see a doctor. Not sure if you need an appointment or—”

“Dan!” she yells over her shoulder. “Patient here to see you!”

She goes back to her book before waving her hand toward the door at her back. “Go on. He’s probably just napping.”

I look at Jon, but he just shrugs, and together we head on back without so much as a thank you. She doesn’t even seem to remember we’re standing here, anyway.

The doctor is not sleeping, as it turns out. He’s chomping down on a granola bar when we walk in, and his mouth is so full he has to wave toward a door. He tries to smile and I think he even apologizes, but it’s hard to tell.

The room he points to has a couple chairs in it and a desk pushed off to the side. It’s piled high with the type of medical supplies you’d see in a regular doctor’s office. Cotton balls and Band-Aids, tongue depressors. That kind of stuff. There’s also gauze and rubbing alcohol.

The doctor walks in behind us and swallows, then gives us a real smile. “Sorry about that. You caught me on my break.”

He’s young. Probably fresh out of medical school—if he even finished—and kind of nerdy-looking. The glasses he’s wearing have a wad of tape at the corner, but even then they keep sliding down his nose. He pushes them up with his middle finger as he looks us over.

“I’m Dr. Murray. You can call me Dan, it’s no big deal.”

Jon and I stand in the middle of the room for a few seconds, unsure of where to sit or what to do. Finally, Jon grabs my arm and sits, pulling me into a chair at his side.

“I’m Jon, and this Ginny.”

Dan takes the chair across from us, grinning. “Good to meet you. What can I do for you? You don’t look sick or hurt, so…” His eyes move over us both. Then he shrugs.

“I’m pregnant,” I blurt out, then blush. It’s only the second time I’ve said the actual words out loud, and it hurts just as much as it did the first time.

The doctor sits back and takes a deep breath. “Okay. Since you don’t look pregnant, I’m going to assume this is a post-apocalypse baby.”

“Does that matter?” Jon asks.

“We’re not sure.” Dan crosses his arms and presses his lips together like he’s trying to decide what to tell us.

I assume he’s waiting for an answer, so I say, “It happened after.”

The doctor relaxes, then looks at Jon. “So you’re the father?”

“Yes,” Jon says firmly.

It might not be true, but either way, the father was immune. I know that’s what the doctor’s getting at. Right now, I have no interest in getting into the details of the last few weeks of my life. If we need to address it later, we will.

“Then we suspect the baby should be okay,” Dan says, picking up an empty chart and a piece of paper. He plucks a pen out of his pocket, then frowns. “We’re less certain about babies that were conceived before this started.”

I can only think about Sophia. Wherever she is, she’s carrying a baby that was conceived before all this, and I know her husband died from the virus.

“Do you have any reason to think babies conceived before might not be immune?” I ask, leaning forward.

Dan coughs like he wasn’t expecting that question. “Um, well. Yes. We had a baby born last week. A boy. He only lived a couple hours.”

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