Love For Hire (15 page)

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Authors: Anna Marie May

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

BOOK: Love For Hire
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different now was the feeling of being taken care of, almost as if he were being worshiped, and that was a feeling he could get used to very easily.

The dildo was slowly pressed deeper inside him, and as usual, after the first few moments of resistance, his hole gave way, accepting the dildo as if it belonged there.

When it was finally all the way in, Jayden wiggled his ass, wondering if he was supposed to be feeling something, when suddenly the object started to buzz, hitting his prostate with every vibration.

“Oh…!” Jayden screamed, back arching off the bed. Now he knew what all the fuss was about, and yes, he was totally on board with doing this more often!

The chuckle he could barely hear over the rush of his blood surely belonged to Matt, but Jayden felt as if the ocean were crashing over his head and through his body, drowning out the world around him until his sole focus was on his ass and the buzzing thing slowly driving him insane.

He hadn’t thought it could possibly get any
, but then Matt proved him wrong—suddenly, Jayden’s aching dick was engulfed in a hot, warm, sucking cavity, and the scream leaving his throat at that moment was a sound he had never thought he was capable of producing.

He knew without a shred of doubt this was going to be over embarrassingly quickly, but since he was currently suffering from lust overload, he couldn’t find it within himself to care. His male pride could be nursed back to health later on.

“Yes, just like that!” he encouraged as Matt nibbled on the head of his cock, licking him as if he were a lollipop and making smacking noises. He surely must have driven people wild when he was younger if he had ever employed the technique he was using now on innocent candy.

Jayden’s balls tightened, his hips arched skyward, and then a scream tore free from deep within, nearly shattering the windows with its intensity.

His seed shot down into Matt’s throat while the man just kept on sucking, swallowing as much as he could, milking him until nothing was left, and Jayden didn’t even notice the dildo being removed because he was already passing out, slipping into a lust-induced coma.

What a way to go.

When he came to, he found himself snuggled firmly against a very male chest, feeling numb in almost every part of his body. He was sated, his limbs were loose, and his brain was only very slowly firing up again.

That was an orgasm he would remember for the rest of his life, and he hoped he had barely scratched the surface of what else was to come during this short holiday.

Sex clearly wasn’t going to be a problem between him and Matt, and surely the rest would fall into place.

He became aware of Matt ruffling his hair, playing with a few loose strands, and eventually he managed to form a few words. “I didn’t do anything for you.”

“Don’t worry.” Matt’s voice could only be described as purring when he answered. “I came from simply watching you.”


“Yes.” Matt chuckled while he kept on playing with Jayden’s hair.

Jayden couldn’t understand Matt’s fascination with his head, but the motion felt good, so who was he to grumble about being petted?

“You’re beautiful to watch, you know.”

Jayden snorted. Seriously? If Matt thought he was the pretty one in their relationship, then the man desperately needed to get himself some glasses.

“Wait!” Jayden’s eyes snapped open as he recalled how amazing Matt’s mouth had felt on his dick and realized they hadn’t used any protection. “We forgot the condom!” he exclaimed. When he tried to move, he found that for all his gentleness, Matt’s hold on him was firm; he couldn’t move at all.

“Don’t worry,” Matt said soothingly, continuing to stroke Jayden’s hair. “I’m clean and I know you are too, so we’re all good.”

Of course Jayden made a point to get tested regularly, but he also made a point of never doing anything without protection, because one time was all it took to be screwed for life. He opened his mouth again to protest, but no words came to his lips when Matt pulled his head back, angling it just right so he could kiss his breath away.

“Don’t worry, trust me,” the man repeated, and with a sigh, Jayden let it go.

He was going to pay better attention the next time, but in a way, Matt had a point. What was done was done; no use in crying about it now. Matt probably got tested regularly, and so did Jayden. Still, he wasn’t going to allow himself to be carried away a second time. He wasn’t about to start gambling with his health regardless of the good sex on offer.

The question caught him off guard. How had they gone from sex without protection to Matt calling him beautiful?

“Uhm,” Jayden hedged, unsure what to say.

“I came from simply watching you surrender to my touch. Do you think I’m usually this easily pleased?”

“Uhm… no?” Jayden offered. Watching someone else in the throes of passion could be quite a turn-on, but it usually wasn’t enough, at least in his experience, to send someone over the edge.

“I think you need to be taught a lesson,” Jayden could hear Matt grumble while he valiantly tried to recover the pleasant sensation of having someone ruffling his hair. He moved his head upward and then sideways, looking for the elusive hand to resume stroking, as if he were a cat leaning into the touch. He might even attempt purring if Matt would just start playing with his hair again.

Instead, he found himself roughly shoved out of the bed and then dragged over to a big, tall mirror. It was one of those ancient pieces that could’ve been taken right out of some gothic romance novel. The mirror itself was oval-shaped and tall enough to be bigger than anyone standing in front of it. It also had ornaments all around it, which gave it a delicate look despite its size.

It was pretty, but Jayden wondered what it was doing in a bedroom Matt liked to use, because the guy didn’t seem the type to go for delicate. Then again, maybe a former girlfriend had bought it, and Jayden was pretty certain Matt was the kind of guy who was too lazy to throw things out if they didn’t bother him.

 When he was standing naked in front of the mirror, all he wanted to do was turn around and ogle Matt’s equally naked body, because of the two of them, he was the one built like a Greek god.

Jayden knew what he looked like, after all; he was nothing special, but Matt was a blond god with smooth, muscular limbs and a body to die for. Why wouldn’t he want to take every chance he got to stare?

Instead, Matt wouldn’t let him turn around or even shift in his grip. He was standing right behind him, using his big paws to keep Jayden in place. With a long-suffering sigh, Jayden resigned himself to seeing this play out. Maybe if Matt was quick about it, they could go back to bed and resume more interesting activities.

The slight twitch in his cock signaled that a certain part of his body wholeheartedly agreed with his idea.

“This is what I see,” Matt said slowly, his voice dropping low. Jayden couldn’t quite suppress the shiver wracking through his body as the deep sound washed over him.

“You hair is neither black nor dark brown; it has a shade of its own that is uniquely you.”

Jayden couldn’t help but snort, because
? Had Matt been sniffing glue while he was sleeping? Or was he trying to audition as the new voice for Hallmark greeting cards?

Either way, his hair was dark brown, thank you very much, and it definitely didn’t have a shade of its own. There was nothing even remotely remarkable about it. He was about to voice his concern for Matt’s rapidly slipping sanity when the man continued.

“It is also soft to touch, like velvet,” Matt crooned and proceeded to prove his point by lazily running a hand through Jayden’s thick locks.

Without having any control over it, Jayden leaned into the touch, allowing his eyes to slowly fall shut. Hmm… this was pure bliss! There might have been a purring sound of sorts leaving his lips, but he would never admit to it.

“Your eyes are this deep shade of green that reminds me of jade.” Matt’s deep voice kept on rumbling, and even though Jayden didn’t want to open his eyes, he found himself compelled to do so.

Jayden tried to see the man Matt was describing, but for the life of him, he couldn’t. All he saw was an unassuming man being held by his new lover. But then, didn’t they say beauty was in the eye of the beholder?

“Your slanted eyes also give you a cat-like look, which is very appealing and very exotic in a way.”

Exotic… appealing….

This was getting better and better with every passing second. Was Matt pulling his leg? He couldn’t honestly be serious about this, right?

“And as if your face wasn’t beautiful enough on its own, you’re just the right size. You fit perfectly in my arms.”

No sound left Jayden’s lips then: he was too startled to do anything but stare wide-eyed at the mirror. Was this some declaration of love?

“You’re lean and you could probably use a little bit more fat, but what really caught my interest was the grace with which you move. You don’t even know how you light up any room you walk into. You touch everyone you meet, and what makes your allure even more compelling is the fact that you’re unaware of it.”

“I think you need to get yourself a doctor,” Jayden managed to say, torn between blushing fiercely red at the compliments and worrying for Matt’s sanity. “As soon as possible.”

Matt laughed, but instead of moving away, the man moved even closer, leaning forward to nuzzle Jayden’s neck.

Having someone nuzzling his neck was a weakness of his, and of course Matt would latch onto his chance of making Jayden’s knees weak, driving him to the brink but not quite going far enough. Evil, evil man.

“This is how I see you,” Matt mumbled into Jayden’s ear, his hot breath ghosting over his skin, causing goose bumps to travel up and down his body. “You’re beautiful to me.”

Jayden could’ve argued the point, but there was no reason for him to. Should he really complain because someone thought he was beautiful? Eventually, Matt would change his mind and see the real him, but until then they would have a great time, and he would walk away from this with memories lasting a lifetime.

There was no doubt in his mind that Matt wasn’t in this for the long haul. A man like him would never commit to someone like Jayden unless it was for fun. He didn’t doubt Matt was serious about him; he wasn’t lying or stringing him along with empty promises. But Jayden had finally managed to get one lesson through his thick skull, thanks mostly to Matt: if something seemed too good to be true, it usually was. Eventually this fairy tale would come to end. But until then, there was no rule against enjoying every waking moment, and Jayden fully intended to live life to the fullest while he could.

It didn’t even occur to him to wonder why, in all his thoughts about a future without Matt, it was always the other man leaving. He never saw himself walking away, as if deep down he had already accepted that Matt was
for him. He still didn’t believe in the concept of soul mates, as he was simply too jaded to believe love could last a lifetime. Deep down, though, he was romantic at heart, and sometimes the heart and the brain didn’t quite agree on a topic.

 Matt’s half-hard cock was poking his backside, and while Jayden’s eyes remained closed, a smirk spread across his face. He pushed back, wiggling a little bit until the shaft was pressed comfortably between his cheeks.

“You up for another round?” he said with a smile.

He could hear the smile in Matt’s voice when the man answered, “Oh, I’m up, all right.”

Jayden snorted, pushing back into Matt, and he would’ve sworn he could feel the man’s pack twitch as it hardened even more.

Jayden wouldn’t say he was timid or submissive by nature, but frankly, his sexual experience had sort of conditioned him to always do what the other person wanted him to do. Still, when the sudden need to shove Matt on the bed and take control overtook him, he simply went with it.

He turned around, and this time Matt’s strong arms gave way. Obviously, he no longer saw any need to restrain Jayden.

With a wide smile, Jayden faced his lover and took a moment to run his own appreciative gaze over the man’s body. Fair was fair, after all; he had spent a fair few minutes describing how he saw Jayden, and the young man saw no reason to deny himself the pleasure of taking his fill as well.

His gaze wandered over sleep-tousled blond hair to startling sky-blue eyes and a nose that might be slightly crooked, but instead of looking odd in his otherwise perfect face, it gave him the little bit extra that, in Jayden’s opinion, elevated Matt from gorgeous to being a god.

Matt was a little bit taller than he was, and at a first glance his body seemed lithe and lean, but there was a hidden strength there. If anyone bothered to look twice, it would be hard to miss. His ripped chest and flat stomach, followed by muscled, strong thighs, had Jayden licking his lips appreciatively, signaling that he couldn’t wait to taste what he was seeing.

His mouth watered in anticipation of what was to come. Matt then crawled all the way up the bed until his back rested against the headboard, his eyes still trained on Jayden as if he didn’t want to miss a minute of what was to come.
Blink and it will be gone….

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