Love is Only a Whisper (Whisper Series) (21 page)

BOOK: Love is Only a Whisper (Whisper Series)
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Leaving with Natalie that night hadn’t been one of his
brightest decisions. She was a long-time acquaintance. She always made it known
she was interested in something more. But he’d chosen to ignore it not wanting
to destroy their friendship. But everything changed when she took him back to
her house and her bed.

He made another wrong decision and fell into a casual sexual relationship with no strings attached. After few weeks, she’d become clingy. He ended the sex portion of relationship abruptly with no regrets and never looked back.


She laughed softly. “Is that all I’m going to get? I think
we’re more than hello, don’t you?”

He squinted, stared at her and waited.

“It’s been a long time.”

“Has it?”

“Six months, four days and sixteen hours.” She laughed
cruelly. “But who’s counting.”

“Don’t do this, Natalie. It’s over.”

“And you couldn’t tell me that?”

“I did tell you and I meant it. You chose not to believe it.”

When she’d called him to inquire about the picture of him and another woman in a magazine, he’d refused to tell her the woman had been a potential client and not a date. He hadn’t wanted her to get any ideas of reconciliation.

“I thought we were friends, Ashton. I deserved more than that.”

“You wanted more. I told you at the start it would never be
anything serious.”

“I’ve known you a long time. I thought…” She took a deep
shaky breath. “I thought it meant something.”

“I never gave you any indication that I was looking for a
girlfriend, companion, or a wife.”

“You’re a cold-hearted ass, Ashton.”

He chewed the inside of his jaw to keep from saying
something that would’ve hurt her. She knew exactly what type of man he was. Why
pretend their sexual encounters had been special? “So I’ve been told.”

She blinked. “Didn’t you feel anything for me?

No one could dispute the fact that Natalie Blackstone was a very beautiful woman and any man would be glad to be with her. The sex was good but not great. It was nothing to what he had with Nicole. It didn’t even come close.

There was a natural poise about Natalie that made you realize right away that she was her own person. She was everything most men would want in a woman, smart, savvy in business and wealthy in her own right, but she wasn’t what he wanted. Ashton always appreciated the fact that Natalie stood on her own. But she changed, calling throughout the day and evening, trying to get him back into her bed or asking him to escort her to some event or other. It irritated him. He wouldn’t be pressured into anything.

“You don’t want to hear the answer.”

“Try me.”

“It was sex, Natalie. Once the act was completed, I was

She glared at him. “You son of a bitch.” She threw her long blonde hair over her shoulder, and struggled to regain her composure. “You told me marriage wasn’t for you…that you would never get married. Those were your exact words. But you married Nicole.”

“My marriage is off limits.”

“You didn’t fool me, Ashton. I saw the way you watched her
when you didn’t think anyone was looking. You were pathetic.”

He lifted a brow but remained silent.

She snickered and continued. “Ah, you thought your lust for
your brother’s girlfriend was a secret? I’m nobody’s fool. Is she the reason
you stopped seeing me?”


“Then what was it?”

“I don’t normally explain myself or the reason I end a relationship, but I’ll allow you this once. What you and I had was no more than me scratching your itch and you doing the same. You’re a beautiful and intelligent woman. I enjoyed your company…for a while. But never did I, not once, consider making it something permanent.

I want to make myself clear so there’ll be no misunderstanding
when you repeat it, Nicole is what I want.” He stared hard at her. “I won’t let
anything or anyone come between us. Do you understand me?”

“I see.”

“I hope you do.”

“Then it’s true.”

He glared.

“I heard the rumors but chose to ignore them.” She threw a
curt laugh.” Did your brother know you were seeing his girl behind his back?”

“Be careful what you say or repeat, Natalie. You can say
whatever you want when it comes to me, but I won’t tolerate lies about my wife.”

“What is it about her?” Her voice quivered, “Granted, she’s
attractive. I’ll give her pretty. She’s short and too curvy. Some men may like it
but it’s nothing special. I’ve never seen you date a woman like her.”

“You’re treading on uneven ground, Natalie.”

“What does she have to give you that I don’t have?” Her
voice rose and people near them stopped talking to listen.

“Calm yourself. It’s not a competition. Nicole completes me.”

“You’re lying,” she screeched. She took a deep cleansing
breath. “She’s too young and not one of us. She knows nothing about who you are
or what you need. There are generations of blue blood in your veins. Her
parents owned a chain of
grocery stores
for God’s sake.”

“Stop, Natalie. You’re embarrassing yourself. I don’t want
to be cruel but I will.”

“Ashton?” He wife’s soft voice came from behind him. He
turned, wrapped an arm around her, and smiled.

“Hi, sweetheart.” He kissed her lips. “You finished with my

“Yes. I believe she did get around to introducing me to
everyone in the room.”

Natalie cleared her throat. Ashton frowned at her.

“Darling, this is Natalie Blackstone. Natalie, my wife,

“Hello, I’ve seen you at functions but never been formally
introduced.” Extending her hand, Nicole smiled. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Really?” Natalie’s lips curled tightly with disapproval. “How
old are you? Twenty at the most?” Her eyes roamed the length of Nicole’s body.
“I can see why Brent was interested. But I can’t for the life of me see how you
snared Ashton.”

Nicole’s eyes widened. “Pardon me?”

Ashton stepped into Natalie’s space. “I’m warning you,

“How did you get Ashton to the altar? He always swore he
wouldn’t get married.”

Nicole’s back stiffened. “That’s something you’ll have to
ask him.”

“Dammit Natalie—”

His wife placed a hand on his arm but kept her eyes on
Natalie. “I can understand how you feel, but attacking me won’t get you
Ashton. I may be young, but age isn’t a factor in our relationship. I know
everyone is wondering why he married me.” She laughed softly. “I didn’t do
anything. He came to me.”

“Touching,” Natalie spat out. “I never thought I would see
the day that Ashton Sinclair would be put on a leash.”

“Evidently you don’t know Ashton. He’s his own man.” Nicole
sighed in boredom.

“No woman can hold his interest for a long period of time. That’s
something I know from experience.” She spun on her heels and walked away.

“You should’ve let me handle her, Nicole.”

“I don’t need you to fight my battles. She’s probably not
the only woman from your past I’ll come across.”

“It’ll never happen again.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

“No woman from my past will

She observed him for a moment. “Natalie still wants you.”

“Not my problem. Anyway, it was over before it began.”

“Evidently she doesn’t know that.”

“I’ve never lied to her or any woman. I don’t pretend to be a saint but I’ve never lied to any woman.”

He watched the emotions cruise across her face. She was
thinking. He could tell because she chewed on her lower lip.

“You can ask me anything, sweetheart and I’ll tell you the
truth. Do you believe that?”

She was silent for a long moment that he didn’t think she
heard him, but finally she said, “Yes, I do.”

He relaxed his shoulders. He leaned over and he whispered
against her ear. “How about we skip out, go home and christen the bed?”

She laughed. “We did that when I came to your house months
ago. Remember?”

“Yeah, I do and what a memory, but this time it’s different.
You’re sharing my bed as my wife.”

“Ashton, we just can’t leave. These people are here for us.”

“Really? I don’t remember anyone inviting us to a party.”

“Your mother would have a fit if we left.”

“She’ll get over it.”

“Be nice. I won’t be the cause of your mother’s anger.”

“I want to be alone with you. He brushed the wisp of hair at
her temple.

Giving in, she grabbed his hand and they moved toward the
door, responding to congratulatory greetings as they went. They almost made it
out but Ashton’s mother stopped them.

“There you are. Come, lunch is served,” Alexa said.

“We’re leaving, Mother.”

His mother’s lips thinned. The heightening of color told Ashton
she wasn’t pleased. But before she could say anything, his father appeared and
slid an arm around her.

“You two leaving?”


“Do you want to take some food? Our cook can ask the caterers
to prepare carry-out containers.”

“No, don’t bother. I called my housekeeper before we left San Francisco. I’m sure she’ll have a meal waiting for us.”

“Are you sure? It’s really no bother at all,” Camp insisted.


“Don’t I have any say in this?” Irritation was evidence on
Alexa’s face. “I haven’t seen Ashton in over a month. I was hoping to spent
time with him and…Nicole.”

“Alexa, sweetheart. They just flew in today. Let them go
home. Besides they are newlyweds and want to be alone.”

“Thanks, Dad.” Ashton shook his father’s hand, followed by a
quick hug. He then kissed his mother’s cheek. “Mother, thanks for the party.” With
a hand in the small of Nicole’s back, they left the room.

Once in the car, Nicole turned to him. “You know you’re in
big trouble with your mother. If she didn’t like me before, I know for sure now
that she doesn’t.”

He frowned as the driver pulled out of the driveway. “Why
would you say that?”

“Ashton, your mother has always been distant when it came to
my relationship with Brent. I never knew if she approved or not. At least, she
tolerated me and was cordial. But with you, the heir apparent, I’m not so sure.
I don’t think she likes the fact that I’m your wife and not one of those high
society ladies with the perfect pedigree.”

He captured her lips in a slow kiss. “I don’t care what my
mother or anyone else thinks. I have exactly what I want.”

Chapter Thirteen


“Hello Mr. Sinclair. Welcome home.” A woman with dark
brown hair sprinkled with gray smiled at them as they walked into the foyer of
Ashton’s house. She appeared to be Mexican, around fifty, or maybe older.
Nicole couldn’t tell because her skin was a smooth bronze and held no wrinkles.
The smile on her face was genuine and warm. Nicole liked her immediately.

“Thank you, Mrs. James. Let me introduce my wife.” He
propelled Nicole forward. This is my bride, Nicole Sinclair, and Nicole this is
Mrs. Carmelita James. She’s been with me for ten years.”

“Twelve years, sir, but who’s counting?”

Nicole laughed and stretched out her hand.

Mrs. James shook it enthusiastically. “Welcome and
congratulations on your marriage.”

“Thank you, Mrs. James. It’s nice to meet you.”

“The same here. Your food is in the warming oven. I’ve prepared braised boneless ribs, rosemary chicken, scalloped potatoes and salad. I also made a German chocolate cake. I hope you like it.”

“It sounds delicious. But you didn’t have to go through the
trouble of making such a meal.”

“It was no problem.”

“Well, I appreciate it.” Nicole looked at Ashton. “I would
like a shower before we eat.”

I’ll go and get everything ready.” The housekeeper moved to leave the room.

“Mrs. James, you don’t need to stay. We can serve
ourselves,” Ashton said.

She looked at him
skeptically. “Are you sure?’

Nicole countered.
“Positive. We’ll be fine.”

“Well, I’ll leave you two to enjoy your meal,” she said and
walked away.

Ashton touched her cheek. “I wanted you first night in our
home to have memories.” He kissed her deeply.


“I know. A shower and then food. Come, let me lead you to my
lair and the shower in that order.”

She laughed and followed him up the stairs.

Even though, they had made love a few times, Nicole was still shy undressing around Ashton. She’d been in the bedroom before but this was the first time that she really looked at it. It was very masculine with mahogany furniture. The only brightness in the room was the ivory silk panels that hung at the tall double windows on each side of the bed. There was a beautiful marbled fireplace directly in front of the bed. A lovely settee sofa and matching chair showed the only femininity in the room. Large sliding glass doors open unto the balcony, which were partially open letting in the breeze.

Their suitcases had been delivered while they were at
Ashton’s parents’ house. Nicole opted to take a change of clothes and undress
in the bathroom. She could hear his soft laughter when she left the room,
finally drowning it out when she turned on the shower.




Ashton thought about joining Nicole in the shower but fought
against it, wanting to give her privacy.

A breath caught in his chest, causing tightness. “Nicole is my wife,” he uttered softly. It was surreal but saying it out loud made it reality. Strange, how easy he accepted that she was already an intricate part of his life and home. A missing part of him had been found. He stripped his clothes and headed to the shower in the bedroom across the hall.

He’d done some unsavory things when it came to getting
Nicole. Seducing her was one of them but he didn’t feel one ounce of guilt. If
he had to do it all over again, he would. He never thought he would get married
nor have children. To be frank, children never crossed his mind. But now that
Nicole was pregnant, it was all he thought about. A little girl who looked just
like her would be his choice, or maybe a son with a combination of him and her.
He didn’t care. He just wanted a healthy baby.

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