Love is Only a Whisper (Whisper Series) (25 page)

BOOK: Love is Only a Whisper (Whisper Series)
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Nodding, Nicole hugged her back. After Sally left, she leaned
against the closed door deep in thought. Brent was a dilemma that needed to be
rectified before it caused irreparable damage in her marriage.

The loud ring of the doorbell jarred her. She frowned
because she wasn’t expecting anyone. The guards didn’t let anyone on the
property unless they were on the security list. She opened the door. Brent
stood there looking tired and unkempt.

“Hello, Nicole. May I come in?”




In the Sinclair building, Ashton stood at the large glass office window, with his hands deep in his slacks pockets and stared out at downtown Dallas traffic moving on the busy streets.

His office was equipped with everything needed, a private shower, a sitting room with a small clothes closet, a large sofa, and a built-in minibar and fridge.

He pinched the edges of nose, inhaled deeply, and turned to the large desk filled with software designs that needed his review and approval, but work was the last thing on his mind. Nicole, the beautiful and feisty woman who was his wife and mother of his unborn child, occupied his every thought. What was it about her that held him in her grip? Yes, she was gorgeous but he’d been with better looking women through the years. Never had one held his attention for more than a few weeks. Her large hazel eyes could cut him down to size with one look or make him feel like he was ten feet tall. There were no games or agendas with her. She spoke her mind and didn’t need his money or fancy trinkets to be happy.

He was enthralled and he loved her with every fiber of his
being. So much so that it scared the hell out of him.

Her spirit was pure. It touched him but made him feel unworthy.
He ran a hand at the back of his neck, relieving the tension. When in the hell
did he become a poet? She was turning him into mush…and he didn’t care. He frowned
when he noticed a slight tremor of his hands, a continual quaking that moved
through his fingertips. For the first time in his life he was afraid. It made
the air he breathed burn in his lungs.

The issue of Brent lay simmering between them and wouldn’t
die on its own.

His best friend Brody walked through the office door. He was
dressed casually in cowboy boots, black jeans and a black shirt. Ashton

“Don’t you know how to knock?”

Brody didn’t answer but instead moved to the corner of the
room that housed a built-in refrigerator. He grabbed a bottle of water and
flopped in a chair in front of Ashton’s desk. Brody screwed the cap off the
bottle and took a long drink.

“What’s got the bear roaring this morning?” Brody eyed him.

“What bear?”

“Never mind. How’s the marriage thing going?”

Ashton sat in the chair across from him. “Can’t you find
anything else to talk about except my marriage?”

“Nope. It’s the number one topic in the Dallas. When I got your call after the ceremony, I was surprised. You didn’t tell me before you left the ranch that you were going to propose to Nicole.”

“She’s pregnant.”

“Ah…that explains it. Congratulations.”

“No, it doesn’t. Baby or not I wanted to marry her.”

“I see.”

Agitated, Ashton took another deep breath. “Why are you

“Well, buddy, I was hoping you could treat a friend to a full
lunch—none of those tea sandwiches your housekeeper is famous for serving. 
Since you have a standing reservation, how about we head to Callahan’s? I
could do with a good rare steak and theirs is the best around.”

“Some of us do work, you know.”

“Come on, give me a break. I’ve been working all morning in
the office. You know I get rattled if I sit behind a desk too long. Besides you
need to eat.”

“Alright, I can spare you an hour and no more. I want to
surprise Nicole and get home early for a change.”

They both stood and headed toward the door.

“Hmm…Whenever has the great Ashton Campbell Sinclair III
left the office in the middle of the day to go home?”

“Since I found a woman I wanted to go home to.”

Brody smirked.

“Go head and make fun. Your turn is coming.”

“Don’t count on it. Anyway, I’ll follow you home after lunch so I can retrieve
racquet you borrowed and never returned. I have other ones but my racquetball game has been off without it.”

“No problem. I would like you to get to know Nicole better

Brody opened the door and Gia, Ashton’s sister, almost fell
through the door.

“Oh, excuse me,” she said.

“Hey, Gia,” Ashton said.

There was complete silence as Brody and Gia’s eyes locked. 
Ashton’s head swung back and forth between the two of them. They were staring
at each other, neither moved.

“Brody step aside so Gia can come through the door.” Still
neither moved. Ashton tapped his friend on the shoulder. “You want to move

Brody dropped his eyes and stepped back.

Ashton frowned. “What you need, brat?”

“Will you stop with the name calling? It’s getting old.”

“Okay. Brat. What can I do for you?”

She rolled her eyes. “I thought maybe we could do lunch.”

“Brody and I are on our way to Callahan’s. You’re welcome to come.”

“No. I don’t think so. Maybe another time. I have errands I need to run anyway. I guess now is as good time as any. I’ll see you later.” She backed out of the door and hurried down the hall. His friend stepped into the hall and watched her. Ashton glanced at Brody’s face as he closed the office door.

“Brody, is something going on with you and Gia?”

“No.” He walked toward the private elevator.

The doors opened and they stepped in. “Then what the hell
was it that passed between the two of you?” Ashton said

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Brody hit the Lobby

“The hell you don’t. Something happened. The two of you
locked eyes and became statues. I know chemistry when I see it”

“You’re crazy. I’ve known Gia all her life.”

“She’s young.”

“So is Nicole.”

“This is different.”

“I know she’s your sister…and I’m an Indian.”

“What the hell? You being an Indian have nothing to do with
this. Don’t get twisted.”

“Don’t worry, friend. Gia is safe from me.”

“You’re going to be thirty-five soon.”

Brody stared at him. “You turn thirty-five before I do, so
what’s your point?”

sister.” Ashton shrugged. “Even though she
projects a tough girl exterior, she really is a softie inside. I don’t want to
see her get hurt.”

“You have nothing to worry about. I’m not interested in your


Ashton slipped into the powerful Maybach parked in his
designated spot. Brody slid into the passenger seat and slammed the door.
Ashton stared at him.

“Can we go, please?” Brody said

Ashton started the car and pulled out into the busy

Chapter Sixteen


Nicole stepped back and let Brent through the door. Closing it slowly, she observed him for a moment. This wasn’t the Brent she was used to seeing. He was agitated, which was uncommon because he never let things get to him. His eyes were red and his blonde locks looked as if he ran his fingers through them a few times. She detected the smell of liquor.

He placed a hand at the back of his neck. The gesture
reminded her of Ashton when he was tired. It was his way of relieving stress.

“Ashton isn’t here.”

“I know,” he said, slurring his words. “I came to see you.”

“Are you okay?”

“Why? Don’t I look okay?”

“You didn’t answer the question.”

“I’m great.”

She walked into the library, leaving the door opened.

“Can I get you something to drink or to eat? Mrs. James
made a fresh pitcher of ice tea but there is also lemonade.”

He frowned. “Ice tea? Lemonade? I’m not hungry but I’ll take
a whiskey.”

She moved toward the mini-bar.

“Sit down. I’ll get it myself,” he said.

“No need.” She poured a small amount of amber liquid into a
glass, handed it to him, and then sat on the sofa. His hand shook as he
balanced the glass between his fingers. She winced when he threw back the
whiskey in one gulp. He refilled the glass and sat beside her. He whirled the
liquor around in the glass, not looking at her.

“What’s wrong, Brent?”

He slammed the glass on the coffee table in front of them.
She jumped when he grabbed her arm in a tight grip.

She struggled to get up but he held her tighter.

“Let me go, Brent.”

His face now close to where it was almost touching, he
asked. “What’s wrong? You afraid of me now?”

“No. But I’ve never seen you like this.”

Again, she tried to twist her arm out of his strong hold,
but it only tightened his fingers around her forearm. “Let go of me, Brent,” she said again.

“I can’t touch you now?”

“You’re hurting me.”

He released her arm and stood. “Sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I would never hurt you.”

Nicole also stood, rubbing her arm. She moved to create
space between them “We need to talk like rational adults. If not, then you can

“I said I was sorry.,” he ground out and started to pace “ Everything is going downhill.. Life is off balance…out of sync.”

“Do you want to talk about it? We always could share

He stopped and stared at her. “Yeah, we did but things have
changed. You’ve changed.”

“I’m still your friend.”

“Tell that to your husband. My brother.”

“Ashton doesn’t dictate my friends.”

He laughed harshly and threw his hands up. “If you believe
that then you definitely don’t know Ashton. He rules everything around him.
Haven’t you realized that by now?”

“Let’s leave Ashton out of this because whatever is
bothering you have nothing to do with him.”

“Really? How blind can you be? It’s always Ashton. The
golden son who gets everything. You were mine. But once he saw you, he decided
you would be his. It didn’t matter to him that you and I were close.”

“Brent, you’re being ridiculous. There was nothing between
Ashton and me until recently. You were married to Melissa when our relationship
began. You still have my friendship.”

“What if I want more?”

Confused, she
asked, “What are you saying?”

“I need you.” He took her hands into his “I want you in my life…my home, my bed.”

She laughed nervously, trying to make light of the words.
“I’m sure your wife wouldn’t appreciate a third party in your bed.”

“Dammit, it’s not a joke.”

She tried to reason with him. “Melissa is your wife and she
loves you.”

“I have asked her for a divorce.”

“What’s gotten into you?” In a panic of confusion, she said,
“You need to stop this foolishness. It’s getting out of hand.”

“After we kissed in the gazebo, I knew then I’d made a
mistake marrying her. I should’ve ended it right then and there. But I didn’t.
I tried to make the marriage work but you were never far from my mind.”

“The kiss was a mistake and shouldn’t have happened. Brent, please
listen to me. This can’t—”

“Yes, it can. I know you married Ashton thinking I was lost
to you. But I’m not. Let’s leave together…right now. I’ll make sure you get a
good lawyer for the divorce. Everything is going to be the way it should’ve
been from the beginning. You and me together.”

“Stop it!”

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” He laughed and then sighed. “I’m sorry I’m moving too fast. I’ve thought about this for a long time and now you’re just hearing about it. Okay. I know I’m rushing you but I’ve already purchased a condo in Houston. Ashton would never think to look for you there.”

“Have you lost your mind? I’m not leaving my husband.”

He frowned. “Why? Are you afraid of him? Don’t be. I’ll
protect you. He’ll never get near you.”

“Listen to yourself. How could you even think something like
this? Ashton would never hurt me.” She took a deep breath to calm her nerves.
“I’m in love with him. I’m not going to leave him.”

Brent stared at her in confusion. “Is this a joke?”

“No it’s not.”

“How in the hell did this happen?”

“It doesn’t matter how. It just did.” She threw up her
hands. “Who can decipher love? There are so many components to explain. But
know I speak the truth when I tell you I love him.”

He snorted. “You’re making a mistake. I’ve heard women talk of his reputation. “He’s known to give a great fuck.” He sneered. “I don’t think he’s ever left a woman unsatisfied. Do you think you can hold him? Don’t kid yourself. Once he grows tired of you, he’ll dump you.”

“Screw you, Brent.”

“Sex is not love, Nicole.”

She laughed harshly. “After all this time, you still don’t
know me? So I won’t even attempt to explain my relationship with my husband.”

“Now you’re the one being ridiculous.”

“It’s best for you to leave.”

“Ashton will destroy you. It’s not in his nature to commit to any woman. You’re making the biggest mistake of your life.”

“It is none of your concern. It’s my mistake to make.”

“I won’t let it happen.”

“Brent, I’m not the young scared girl you knew for so long.
I’ve grown up. I don’t need you to fight my battles any longer. I can do it

“Don’t think because you were a virgin he’ll change for you. You’re a novelty. He’s not going to suddenly see the light and become the man of your dreams.”

“Wow. I never noticed it before. You’re jealous of your

He laughed cruelly. “I can have or get anything Ashton has.
There’s no reason for jealousy.”

“Except you can’t have me,” she said softly.

“Really? It’ll only be a matter time before I convince you
of the truth about Ashton and then we’ll see.”

“Even if you could, it won’t make me come to you. I love my husband and I’ll always be faithful to him.”

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