Love the Way You Lie (Stripped #1) (22 page)

Read Love the Way You Lie (Stripped #1) Online

Authors: Skye Warren

Tags: #Coming of Age, #Relationships, #mafia, #mob, #hero, #alpha, #dark romance

BOOK: Love the Way You Lie (Stripped #1)
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Yes, I admitted to myself, somewhat sheepishly. I had rejected my mother’s view that everyone was out to get me, but neither was everyone out to help me. I would do well to retain some of the wariness she’d instilled in me. A remote truck stop wasn’t the place to meet people, to make lasting relationships. That would be later, once I had started my job. No, even later than that, when I’d saved up enough to reach Niagara Falls. Then I could relax.

When my food came, I savored the sickly sweet syrup that saturated my pancakes. It would rot my teeth, my mother would have said. Well, she wasn’t here. A small rebellion, but satisfying and delicious.

The bell over the door rang, and I glanced up to see a man come in. His tan T-shirt hung loose while jeans hugged his long legs. He was large, strong—and otherwise unremarkable. He might have come from any one of those eighteen-wheelers out there, but somehow I knew he’d been the one watching me.

His face had been in the shadows then, but now I could see he had a square jaw darkened with stubble and lips quirked up at the side. Even those strong features paled against the bright intensity of his eyes, both tragic and terrifying. So brown and deep that I could fall into them. The scary part was the way he stared—insolently. Possessively, as if he had a right to look at me, straight in my eyes and down my neckline to peruse my body.

I suddenly felt uncomfortable in this dress, as if it exposed too much. I wished I hadn’t changed clothes. More disturbing, I wished I had listened to my mother. I looked back down at my pancakes, but my stomach felt stretched full, clenched tight around the sticky mass I’d already eaten.

I wanted to get up and leave, but the waitress wasn’t here and I had to pay the bill. More than that, it would be silly to run away just because a man looked at me. That was exactly what my mom would do.

Back when we still left the house, someone would just glance at her sideways in the grocery store. Then we’d flee to the car where she’d do breathing exercises before she could drive us home. I was trying to escape that. I
escaped that. I wouldn’t go back now just because a man with pretty eyes checked me out.

Still, it was unnerving. When I peeked at him from beneath my lashes, I met his steady gaze. He’d seated himself so he had a direct line of vision to me. Shouldn’t he be more circumspect? But then, I wouldn’t know what was normal. I was clueless when it came to public interaction. So I bowed my head and poked at the soggy pancakes.

Once the waitress gave me the bill, I’d leave. Simple enough. Easy, for someone who wasn’t paranoid or crazy. And I wasn’t—that was my mother, not me. I could do this.

When the waitress came out, she went straight to his table. I drew little circles in the brown syrup just to keep my eyes off them. I couldn’t hear their conversation, but I assumed he was ordering his meal.

Finally, the waitress approached my table, wearing a more reserved expression than she had before. Almost cautious. I didn’t fully understand it, but I felt a flutter of nerves in my full stomach.

She paused as if thinking of the right words. Or maybe wishing she didn’t have to say them. “The man over there has paid for your meal. He’d like to join you.”

I blinked, not really understanding. The gentleness of her voice unnerved me. More than guilt—pity.

“I’m sorry.” I fumbled with the words. “I’ve already eaten. I’m done.”

“You have food left on your plate. Doesn’t matter how much you want to eat anyway.” She paused and then carefully strung each word along the sentence. “He requests the pleasure of your company.”

My heart sped up, the first stirrings of fear.

I supposed I should feel flattered, and I did in a way. He was a handsome man, and he’d noticed me. Of course, I was the only woman around besides the waitress, so it wasn’t a huge accomplishment. But I wasn’t prepared for fielding this kind of request. Was this a common thing, to pay for another woman’s meal?

It was a given that I should say no. Whatever he wanted from me, I couldn’t give him, so it was only a question of letting him down nicely.

“Please tell him thank you for the offer. I appreciate it, I do. But you see, I really am finished with my meal and pretty tired, so I’m afraid it won’t be possible for him to join me. Or to pay for my meal. In fact, I’d like the check, please.”

Her lips firmed. Little lines appeared between her brows, and with a sinking feeling I recognized something else: fear.

“Look, I know you aren’t from around here, but that there is Hunter Bryant.” When I didn’t react to the name, her frown deepened. “Here’s a little advice from one woman to another. There are some men you just don’t say no to. Didn’t your mama ever warn you about men like that?”

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Other Books by Skye Warren

Standalone Dark Romance


On the Way Home

His for Christmas

Hear Me

Stripped Series

Tough Love

Love the Way You Lie

Better When It Hurts

Pretty When She Cries

Criminals and Captives Series


Dark Nights Series

Trust in Me

Don’t Let Go

The Beauty Series

Beauty Touched the Beast

Beneath the Beauty

Broken Beauty

Beauty Becomes You

The Beauty Series Compilation

Loving the Beauty: A Beauty Epilogue

Standalone Erotic Romance

Take the Heat: A Criminal Romance Anthology

Sweetest Mistress

Below the Belt

Dystopia Series



About the Author

Skye Warren is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of dark romance. Her books are raw, sexual and perversely romantic.

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Thank you to Shari Slade, Annika Martin, Leila DeSint, and Lina Sacher for your insights. Thank you also to beta readers Liz, Arc, Tiffanie, and Trish.

Many thanks to Leanne Schafer and Sharon Muha for your careful editing.

Thank you to Neda at the SubClub books for your work on the release. Plus Giselle at Xpresso Book Tours, Nicole at Indie Sage, and Debra at The Book Enthusiast for your help too. And thank you to all the bloggers who shared my cover reveal and new release.

Thank you to Sara Eirew for the gorgeous photo. So pretty!

Thank you to Paul at BB eBooks for his fabulous formatting, as always.

And last but not least, thank you to my readers, my Dark Room members, my Facebook fans, my twitter followers, my newsletter subscribers, and every reader who came out to support me in this release.


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. Except for use in a review, the reproduction or use of this work in any part is forbidden without the express written permission of the author.

Love the Way You Lie © 2014 by Skye Warren

Smashwords Edition

Cover design by Book Beautiful

Cover photograph by Sara Eirew

Formatting by BB eBooks

ISBN: 9781940518244

Table of Contents

Title Page

About the Book


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Thank You!

About Wanderlust

Excerpt from Wanderlust

Other Books by Skye Warren

About the Author



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