Love's Embers (Canon City Series) (12 page)

Read Love's Embers (Canon City Series) Online

Authors: Lauren Marie

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BOOK: Love's Embers (Canon City Series)
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Chapter Eighteen

Lark stopped and picked up a pizza. She, Charlie and Gran enjoyed a nice dinner together. They laughed and reminisced about the past. Breaker was in wolf heaven and enjoyed leftover pieces of crust.

Charlie helped Gran wash the dishes, again, and then they took Breaker for a walk along the river. It was a cold clear night and they held hands for the first time ever as a new couple. They’d held hands when they were kids, but Charlie knew this was different. His heart thumped in his chest and he didn’t think he’d ever been so nervous.

“I hope you’re not too disappointed about this afternoon, Ducky.” She looked up at him and bumped his shoulder.

He let go of her hand and put his arm around her waist. “No, ma’am. No disappointment on this front.”

Her hand moved around his waist and she latched a finger in a belt loop. “Do you remember when we protected Canon City from the alien invasion?”

“Lord, yes. We carried our faithful saber sticks and our canteens were full of Androvian power juice. You were a great second in command.”

“Thank you, major general. You were very good at strategy and always fought heroically.” She smiled.

“Yes and we are protected even more since we’ve recruited master sergeant Breaker. He will protect us from evil vermin and birds. He has an ever-watchful eye.”

“Ever-watchful?” Lark laughed.

“Yes, he’s very devious that way.” Charlie pulled her into his arms and swung her around.

When they stopped, Lark looked up at him and touched his lips. “Ducky, remember yesterday we talked about your house not having furniture?”

“I have a vague memory of that, yes. Didn’t someone mention Playboy?” He moved his hand down and put his fingers into the back pocket of her jeans. He felt her jump and shake. “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing. It’s just chilly out here.” Her eyebrow arched. “Do you think Breaker’s been out long enough?”

Charlie stood still and then fought against Lark’s pocket as he tried to get his hand free. “Breaker, to me, boy.” He got his hand out and looked for the wolf.  “Did I mention to you earlier on the phone that I have a surprise for you?”

“I think you did, yes,” she said. “I do need to ask one question, Charlie.” She took his hand and pulled him around to her. He made sure he paid attention. “You do have real protection, right?” He felt his brows came together. “I’m on the Pill, and it’s not that I don’t trust you, but...”

Charlie looked at her and got what she spoke about. He smiled. “Oh, you mean protection. Yes, at least I used to. At one point in my travels I thought I wanted to be a lover. After those one-nighters, I decided it wasn’t worth it. I should have the leftover’s in my truck.” He took her hand. “Breaker, come on boy. Where is that wolf?”

Breaker bounded through the bushes onto the river bed and ran to them. He danced around them and loved the attention.

They walked quietly back to Charlie’s house. He unlocked the door and they walked in. The house was warm and it felt good after the cold night air. He saw Lark look down the hall into the living room and a smile spread across her lips when she saw his couch.

“Hey, your couch arrived.” She walked into the living room and leaned over the couch to look at it. He loved the view he got when he stood in the doorway.

“Yeah, the store delivered it early. I found the coffee table in the garage. It isn’t really my taste, but it will work for now.” He stood next to her and tilted his head.

She turned to him and unzipped her coat. “If the couch arrived, does that mean the bed is also here?”

He looked down at her and smiled. “Yes, it does and I need for you to wait here one second. I’ll be right back.” Charlie turned and ran out the front door.


She heard his truck door open and after a few seconds, it slammed. He ran back into the house and slid into the living room. “One more second, babe. Stay right there.” He turned and pounded up the stairs. She heard his footfalls on the ceiling and had to laugh.

Lark took her coat off and removed her boots. She knew that this evening would end up in his bed and felt warmth slide down her limbs into her pelvis. She was relieved she felt something that eluded her for the last several months. She heard him starte down the stairs and she turned around. He’d taken off his coat and boots, too.


Charlie turned into the living room and stopped in the doorway. Lark stood by the couch and in the darkened room he could see her only in shadow. It made him admire her more than he ever thought possible. She looked so beautiful.

She leaned against the back of the couch. “Ducky, do you think if we make love it will ruin our friendship?”

He crossed his arms and leaned against the door jamb. “No, I wouldn’t think so. We know each other’s history and we’re comfortable together.” He saw a look on her face that he couldn’t identify. “We’re still growing and we’re just taking another step.”

“What do you like?” she asked.

He heard the question, but felt a bit confused. “What do I like about what?” he asked and wondered where she was going with this conversation. The expression on her face told him it was serious.

“I’ve only ever been with two men. One of them was in college and he didn’t have any idea about foreplay. He just wanted to get it on and fall asleep.” She took a breath. “Thomas, on the other hand...” She crossed her arms and brought her hand up to her face. “He always wanted me to face away from him. The excuse being that he could play with my breasts easier, but I always felt he thought it gave him more dominance over me. He was into toys and he loved being sucked off. I’m just wondering if you have any favorite positions and such?”

“No, no, no.” Charlie walked to her and took her hands. He held them to his chest. “Babe, I’ve read about the weird games that people play and I’m not all that interested in dominating anyone. I’m not into playing games either. I’ve always liked the idea of sharing the moment.” He kissed her hand. “Besides, I don’t think that I’d like you in black leather and I’m so not ready to be spanked.” She smiled and he felt glad and relieved. “Lou, you’ll always be my best friend. I’ll never do anything to hurt you, ever again. I swear it.”

“The hurt was all a long time ago. Don’t you think it’s time we let it go?”

He looked at the letters on the mantel. “Maybe we should have a sacrificial burning of the letters.”

Lark turned and reached for her coat. “I’ve been carrying this around since Saturday morning.” She pulled his letter out of the pocket. “It’s a good idea to get rid of them.”

He took the letter out of her hand and looked at it. He threw it on the couch, Breaker jumped up on the cushions and then lay on top of it.

“Let’s do that later. Breaker stay,” he told the wolf. He put his arm out for her to take. “I want to show you the surprise. Come with me.”

They walked up the stairs, but when Lark started to turn left to go to his old bedroom, he pulled her to the right.

“I’m the master of the house now. I get the big bedroom,” he said in a low tone and laughed. They turned into the room and he let her wolk ahead of him. “What do you think?” He put his hands on her shoulders and stood behind her.

“Oh Charlie, it’s wonderful,” she whispered.

Charlie had set up the bed in the middle of the long wall so he could look out the windows when he lay down. Lark’s old nightstand sat next to it and her dresser was against the wall by the closet. He’d made the bed and even turned it down. Around the room he’d set up and lit several candles which gave the room a warm glow.

“I found the candles in a box in the garage. I think I’m going to need some lamps. The ceiling fixtures don’t put out much light,” he said into her ear.

“Ducky, you’ve become an old romantic.” She turned and wrapped her arms around his waist. “It’s so nice.” She put her head on his chest.

“Lou.” He ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her neck. “Are you feeling all right about all of this?”

“I’m having a shy moment.” She looked up at him. “It just occurred to me that you might want me to take my clothes off. You’ve never seen me naked.”

“Oh Lord, you’re right. I didn’t think about that.” Charlie swallowed.

“We are adults and I’m sure we’ll both probably act like kids and giggle our heads off.”

Charlie became more nervous, but when he looked into her eyes he felt warm and calm. He put his hand on the side of her face and leaned over to move his lips along her chin and jaw. “Should we bite the bullet and undress each other or turn our backs and meet under the covers?”

“What if you stand on one side of the bed and I’ll be on the other? We’ll each take off one piece of clothing at a time.” She opened her eyes.

“Yeah, we could do that. It would be sort of like strip - not poker, since we’re not playing cards - strip something. I’m sure at some point I won’t be nervous and will want to strip you myself, but let’s try your idea for now.”

They parted at the foot of the bed and stood on either side. “Wait a minute; you have on more clothes than me. You’re wearing a bra.” He grinned.

“No we’re equal, you have on a long sleeved under shirt. Oh wait, are you still au natural?” He nodded his head. “I do have more on. I’m wearing panties.”

“If you leave them on, do I get to take them off?”

“Sure, but what if I take the panties off and leave on my socks?” She teased.

“I hadn’t thought of that. Would it bug you if I took them off and kissed your toes?” He looked across the bed at her.

“I’ve never had my toes sucked. I’ll have to think about that. Are you ready?”

“Ladies first.”

“What a gentleman,” she said. She put her finger on her chin and looked up at the ceiling, as though faking thought. She reached down and pulled her sweater over her head. She held it out to her side, let it drop and showed off her white lacy bra.

Charlie thought he might fly over the bed, but contained himself. “Nice bra.” He unbuttoned his flannel shirt and pulled it out of his pants. He copied her and let it drop to the floor. He showed off his undershirt and acted like a body builder.

“Nice,” she laughed. She bent over and took off one of her socks.

“I see, you’re going to tease me. I, my darling, am a bit bolder.” He touched the top of his pants and acted like he was going to unzip them. He then pulled at the bottom of his under-shirt and took it off.

He saw her nod her head. “What’s the scar on your stomach?”

“Appendicitis. I had to get it removed in Baltimore. You’re stalling.”

Lark put her thumbs in the top of her pants and undid the button. He watched as she slowly let the zipper down and turned to the side. She slid her pants down and arched her back which made her bottom curve out. She wore white lace bikini panties that matched her bra. She sat on the edge of the bed to get them all the way off and then bounced up on her feet.

Charlie felt his mouth go dry. She was beautiful and he wanted desperately to get his pants off. He’d put up with a semi-hard on all day, but now it pushed against his zipper. He leaned over and took off a sock.

She did the same and took off her last sock. She arched her eye brow. “One sock and one pair of jeans. Hmmm...what will it be?”

He couldn’t take it anymore and opened his pants. He slid them down and copied her turning to the side. He pushed his bottom out and looked at her as sexy as he could manage. He puckered his lips and sent her an air kiss.

Lark whistled and looked at his bottom. As he straightened, he noticed her eyes looked at his penis. He was definitely ready to go. He got his pants off and turned to face her.

“Hmmm...what will it be? Panties or bra?” He smiled.

She reached around her back and loosened her bra. “When you said you’d take my panties off it gave me chills up my back and made my pelvis very warm.” She pulled the straps down and slid it off her arms. She held it out to the side and dropped it on top of her sweater. “You better take your other sock off,” she said.

He looked up at her eyes and then walked around the bed and put his hands on either side of her face. He gazed into her warm blue eyes. He leaned in and barely touched his lips to hers and felt her warm breath surround him. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered and pressed his mouth to hers.

He straightened briefly and looked down at her chest. He could see the bruise spread up to her collar bone and neck. He lightly ran his fingers over it. The color was pinkish purple and

he could see what looked like finger prints on her breast. “Does this hurt?”

“It’s a little tender.”

“You’ll let me know if I’m hurting you, right?”

“I will, but I don’t think you’ll make it uncomfortable. What was it you said?
Kiss it and make it better.

Charlie felt all the blood rush to his shaft and thought he might pass out from too much happiness. He turned her and whispered, “Lie down and let me get those panties taken care of.” While she flattened out on the comforter, he leaned over and took off his other sock. When he looked back he sucked in his breath and held it. He looked down at her. Lark put her sore wrist over her head and her other arm was at her side.

Charlie let his breath out. “Sweetheart, I have to say something now, before I get hypnotized and don’t make any sense. I love you more than anything else on this planet.” He looked at her body and then up at her eyes. “I’ve always loved you.” He leaned his knees against the bed and ran his hand up her leg. He wrapped it around her thigh. “The first time we kissed kept me going for a very long time, but when we kissed in the hallway the other night...” He suddenly couldn’t find the words he wanted to say.

She reached her hand out to him. “I know, darling man.”

“No, see...I’ve read a lot, but I’ve never really done much and...”

“Charlie, we have all the time in the world. We’ll teach each other.”

He felt calm and very warm. He leaned over and kissed her above her V. The skin on her stomach was so soft. He licked around her belly button and felt her legs part. Her feet hooked around his waist and pulled him towards her. He kissed his way up to her breasts and lightly sucked a nipple. His mind raced, but he felt so calm. With his tongue he traced over to the bruised breast and kissed it. He heard her moan and looked up.

“Did that hurt?”

“God, no. It feels great,” she whispered and arched her back pushing her breast up to him.

He explored her chest and took note of what made her moan and what didn’t. He finally slid the rest of the way up to her and felt his shaft rub against her wet, warm folds. He kissed her neck and chin and found her mouth open and waiting for him. Their tongues danced and pushed against each other and he nibbled on her lips. His hand moved down her side and felt her hip. He moved up and his shaft slid up and down along her core. He hummed low in his chest at the warm slick feel that came from her and felt an electrical charge run through his system. His penis twitched and he wanted to be inside her desperately.

“Oh Ducky, who’s teasing now?” she sighed and moved her pelvis to continue the rubbing.

He lifted his hips and moved his hand into the curls around her folds. She was so warm and he wanted to take her now, but didn’t want to rush anything. His middle finger slid into her channel and she sighed and moaned at the same time.

“I thought you said you didn’t know much? This is incredible, babe.” She arched her back again and he moved his finger around in circles. He found her spot with his thumb and tickled it lightly. She continued to move her pelvis and he watched her face. Her eyes were mostly closed but would suddenly open and she would let out a groan. Her head turned to one side and then the other and her hands grabbed onto his shoulders. When her face came back around, she took his hand and pulled it up to her mouth. She bit and licked his fingers, sucking on each one in turn.

Charlie felt the blood pump in his penis, but knew he couldn’t take her yet. He wanted to give her the pleasure he’d read about in all those magazines and only experienced a few times. He wanted her to know it was him giving her a gift. He pressed his thumb harder on her spot and picked up the speed of the circles. It amazed him to watch her; the expressions that passed over her face were gorgeous. Her head snapped back onto the bed and she started to pant. She held his hand against the side of her face and moved her hips against his hand.

“Oh God, Charlie, yes, don’t stop, please don’t stop.” She panted harder and her back arched and held. His thumb continued to circle and his finger slid in and out of her.

When her breathing started to slow down, he slid his finger out, took hold of his penis, and put it to the opening of her channel. He adjusted his arms on either side of her head and pushed his shaft all the way in. When she raised her legs and wrapped them around his waist it made him enter her further. She felt so warm and her muscles tightened around his penis, which caused him to groan and give her a pump.

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