Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo) (21 page)

BOOK: Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo)
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She fingered the tight-fitting deep green silk top—sleeveless, low neckline, way too short and didn’t come close to covering the pair of matching frilly lace panties she wore. She felt mostly naked, but had on more clothes than the woman making her do this. Angela’s curves were phenomenal and they showed to maximum benefit. Her small leather vest didn’t meet at the edges to cover her bare breasts. Leather laces crisscrossed, exposing four inches of skin on her chest. The vest ended at her midriff and to top everything off she wore a black thong that covered nothing. The most striking piece of her outfit was the silver collar that graced her neck. Her hair was pulled into a high ponytail and didn’t detract from the obvious ownership the collar signified. For a moment she envied Angela the feeling of being owned, but she shook it off quickly when Angela said it was time to go. Suddenly, she felt like a hundred butterflies fluttered around her stomach, and knew if the two of them weren’t raped it would be a miracle.

Angela explained that the guests on this floor of the hotel were all into the lifestyle and no one would look twice at their lack of clothing if someone got on the private club elevator. Lydia was meeting them in Damian’s office. Jewel felt incredibly uncomfortable with her face a mess, and even though she had taken the bandages off her knees and elbow, she looked like a child after riding a bike for the first time with no training wheels. She felt like one too. Her heart was going to beat out of her chest.

She glanced around as they made their way to the elevator and then breathed a sigh of relief when no one was in the hallway. The elevator was clear too. Angela only laughed at her nervousness. They went down two floors and when the doors opened they emerged into a darkened room with accent lighting on the side walls and recessed play areas, as Angela called them. She expected the sounds of screaming women and whispered her thoughts to Angela.

“It’s still early. There’ll be plenty of screaming later.”

Fuck, it was only a joke.

A woman walked past holding the leash of naked man while he crawled behind her. Jewel crowded Angela and the other woman grinned. Angela took her back to Damian’s private office and knocked on the door. A deep voice called out, “If it’s you Angela, come in.”

They entered and Jewel gawked. A man dressed in tight jeans and a white dress shirt sat on the end of his desk and a red-haired woman dressed in a deep purple corset, black short skirt, and impossibly high heels knelt facing him between his legs. Thank God his pants were pulled up and nothing was exposed or Jewel would have run from the room.

The man’s hand held a chunk of the woman’s hair and he didn’t seem happy. “If you hide another ball gag, I’m going to invest in one of the companies that makes them.”

The woman stared up at him. “The terms, the next time you play switch, will include one for you, if you do.” Her voice was hard.

“I really hate spanking you in front of company, but fuck you’re tempting me.”

“You would like nothing better than spanking me in front of the entire club and you know it. May I get up now and kiss you, Sir?”

He pulled on her hair as she stood. He then roughly pulled her head to his and kissed her. She kept her hands behind her, clasped at her lower back, until he loosened her hair and reached to bring her arms forward. He tenderly kissed the backs of her hands when their lips parted. “You’re killing me, Lydia.” His gruff voice dropped even lower.

Jewel hadn’t taken her eyes off the pair since entering the room, and was surprised at the tender look he gave the woman when he released her. He walked over and Jewel realized her mouth hung open. She snapped it closed, glad that she didn’t bite her tongue. The man was as striking as Krispin, but possessed far more power.

He hugged Angela. “She’s not behaving at all today. Krispin gave her permission to work with you, so maybe if you’re in the mood, you can relieve some of her tension.”

“Leave my sub alone,” Lydia said from behind Damian.

“Yes, dear.” The gorgeous man turned to Jewel. “And you belong to Matt and Stephon.”

She felt his non-existent touch clear to her toes and before she could answer, the redhead swatted his shoulder, causing him to move over with a low, husky laugh.

The woman took Jewel’s hand. “I’m Lydia and this toad is my husband, Damian. He’s just mad because our babysitter is on vacation and I’m managing the club tonight.”

“Who’s with Abigail?” Angela asked.

“Carl for now, but my husband needs to go up and rescue the poor man.”

“Yes, the sooner the better,” Angela said and turned to Jewel. “Their little one is a hellion.”

“Without Raul here she’s running wild.” Damian swatted his wife’s ass and then walked over to the elevator at the back of the office. “You ladies have fun tonight. If I don’t come out of this alive, please remember I went down under protest.”

Lydia laughed and then waived her husband away. There was a soft bing when the elevator arrived and another when the doors closed. She turned to Jewel, “It would be my pleasure to grab my bullwhip and take it to the person who attacked you. We could even wait there early tomorrow morning and if the scumbag comes back, I’ll strip every piece of skin from his body, very slowly, and keep a smile on my face while doing it.”

Jewel gave a sigh of relief. No pity, nothing but anger for what happened. She liked this woman. “Matt and Stephon have made me promise not to leave the hotel this weekend or I’d take you up on it.”

“Another time then. Let’s go grab a drink. I need a margarita. Damian is insisting on another child and I’ll be cut off from alcohol for another year. I just finished breastfeeding the tiger, so I want to enjoy a buzz while I have the chance. No alcohol for you tonight, Angela, you’re all mine.”

“Yes, Mistress.” Angela seemed happy to say the words.

“Here, put this on.” Lydia handed Jewel a yellow bracelet. “It’s a bright color so the Doms and Dommes can see it in the club and no one bothers you. If for some reason anyone misses it, just say no and they’ll leave you alone. Angela tells me you’re new to our lifestyle and decided to take on our dual bad boys?” Lydia took Jewel’s hand and led her from the office.

“Yes, I guess.”

“You’ll have lots of questions tonight and there are no stupid ones. Just ask and either myself or Angela will explain. I’m planning to work with Angela a little this evening. Krispin left me a few instructions and he’ll be disappointed if I don’t find the time.”

Jewel looked over her shoulder at Angela. She walked with her head down, but had a slight smile on her face.

“Stop smiling, Angela. You’re not supposed to like what I have planned.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Jewel ordered a margarita, remembering what Stephon said about drinking alcohol if she wanted to. If there was any time she needed a drink, she had a feeling tonight was it.

They moved to a table and Jewel sat down, but felt extremely uncomfortable when Angela knelt on the floor beside Lydia. Lydia handed her a bottle of water. “Drink as much as you need and then place the bottle between your legs and hold it there.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Lydia turned to Jewel. “You look shocked.”

Jewel realized Lydia was speaking to her. “Um, I guess I am.”

“Krispin is worried about Angela being away from him, so I’m helping out a little. After her and I play, she’ll show you around and the two of you can talk about what you see. Do you have any questions so far?”

Jewel’s eyes repeatedly returned to the large carousel that took up much of the front space of the club. “What’s it for?” Her voice sounded nervous even to her ears.

“It’s kind of like a timeout. You’re welcome to ride it if you want. Our rules state any sub on the carousel is off limits except to their master. Or an unclaimed sub can get on, relax, and unwind. It’s very soothing. I bring my daughter down here in the mornings sometimes.”

The comment stunned Jewel. “You bring your daughter here?”

“I know this is a lot for you to take in, but this is who we are. We don’t apologize. My daughter sees me in these or similar clothes all the time. I’m not ashamed of this, and my daughter will grow up knowing what goes on here. She’ll be too young to come in at any time but the mornings for many, many years. At that time, she can choose to check out this lifestyle or take another path. Quite a few of us suffered because of what and who we are. If Damian was another woman we wouldn’t hide the fact we’re gay. It’s really not that different.” Throughout the entire recitation Lydia’s voice stayed calm and even.

It made Jewel feel ashamed. “I’m sorry. That was really rude of me. I’m doing my best not to judge and I appreciate you explaining it to me. It makes perfect sense now. I’m looking at being in a relationship with two men. I would never hide it from my child.”

“You’re catching on, Jewel. You’ll see some things tonight that will make you uncomfortable. Hell, they still make me feel that way sometimes. If you don’t want to watch, walk away, ask questions, and reserve your judgment until you have time to process things.”

“I can do that.” Jewel let out a relieved breath. She knew she could do it.

“Are you ready to play, little bird?” Lydia asked.

“Yes, Mistress. I’m more than ready,” Angela answered, her excitement apparent.

“You might not like me very much before we’re finished, but please blame your evil husband.”

“I’d be happy to, Mistress.”

Jewel walked with Lydia to a back alcove having no idea what awaited.


Chapter Twenty-four



Rehearsal went well. They played a few tunes, but only to test microphones and electrical equipment. The day dragged and both he and Matt were impatient to get the weekend over with. They loved their fans and if it wasn’t for the attack on Jewel they’d have managed to leave her without their hearts feeling this heavy. Stephon worried about her having nightmares. He knew Angela would hold her, but he wanted Jewel to lie between him and Matt so they could offer comfort. He wasn’t used to feelings of possessiveness with women, but with Jewel, he didn’t even want another woman in bed with her.

They checked in at their hotel, tried to rest, and then met in Krispin’s room before they were scheduled to head back to the coliseum.

“Have you spoken with Jewel?” Krispin asked.

Matt lounged on the floor holding his guitar. “After we landed. We told her we’d call tonight when we get back to the room. We’re hoping she takes a nap today so she’ll be awake.”

“She’ll be up. They probably won’t even get back to the room until after midnight.”

Stephon didn’t like what he heard and his voice tightened. “Why is that?”

“Angela’s taking her to the club.”

“What?” Matt stood suddenly and ran his fingers through his hair.

“You didn’t know?” Krispin chuckled slightly. The man was evil.

Stephon looked at Matt and saw the trepidation on his face too. “No, we didn’t and it’s too much for her. Yesterday morning a man attacked her, and then she learned about us a few hours later. Christ, you think she’s ready for a full excursion into a BDSM club? I can’t believe you let Angela go without you.”

“I was worried about her and made arrangements with Lydia. They’ll take good care of your lady.”

Matt rested his hand on Stephon’s shoulder. “It’s probably better that her first time is with the two of them. They’ll help her understand and answer questions she might not ask us.”

“Either that or run screaming. If she’s not at the hotel when we get back I’m kicking your ass.” He looked straight at Krispin. “After this we don’t have a public show for months and your bruises might fade by then.”

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