Marriage Mayhem (18 page)

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Authors: Samuel L. Hair

BOOK: Marriage Mayhem
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“Come get this bitch before I kill her!” Jermaine yelled into the phone. “I wanna press charges! I want her locked up! Send someone out here, right now!”
Momentarily, Stevie and Alexus were watching cartoons but they could not help but hear the screams and yells. Stevie cracked the door enough for him to peep without being seen.
“Stevie, put on your shoes and coat and get Alexus dressed. We've got to get the hell out of here because this bitch-ass nigga called the police!” Karen yelled.
When the police had arrived Karen and her kids were already gone.
After a few hours had passed, Karen finally put her pride on a shelf and called Jermaine. Actually, because none of her family members would allow her to live with them, she had no choice but to try and make peace with Jermaine. It was hot, she and the kids were tired from walking, and she desperately needed a shower, so she made that call. She needed to feel him out, see whether he was still angry or not. Jermaine apologized to her, as if her were wrong, and accepted her and her kids back into his household. Then he phoned the police department to inform them that he wanted to drop his complaint.
Later that night, Karen sexed Jermaine so damn good that the memories from earlier had been once again erased from his mind.
The following day he took her and her kids to the mall on a shopping spree.
Due to the e-mail Karen had sent to Barbara, Jermaine had not heard anything at all from the publishing company. His agent had also attempted several times to contact Barbara and had left several messages, but Barbara simply would not return them. The fact of his book not being published due to his wife's actions bothered Jermaine, but he prayed each day for time to heal the damages and threats that were made by her to his publisher.
Karen raised hell about one thing or another every day around the house. The fact of her having been on her death bed was not a wake up call, and the disrespect, name-calling, and physical abuse continued. As a matter of fact, she had gotten worse. Every suggestion or opinion that Jermaine voiced, Karen disagreed with him. Each time he made plans she always wanted to do something different. They just could not see eye to eye on anything and deep inside that really bothered Jermaine.
Another heated argument occurred one day when Jermaine asked Stevie to rake up some leaves that were scattered all over the backyard. Like always, Karen interfered.
“Why don't you rake them, Jermaine? Why are you always picking on Stevie and trying to make him work?” asked Karen, with an attitude.
“It's not that I'm picking on him, Karen. All I'm trying to do is teach him responsibility at an early age, that's all,” stated Jermaine.
“Responsibility, my ass! You hate Stevie, and you know you hate him!” Karen yelled.
“If I hate him, then why in the hell did I make sure he had a Christmas? Why do I buy him all the latest shoes and clothes if I hate him so much? And why do I buy him expensive video games each week, and give him my hard-earned money if I hate him so much?”
“That's only a front, and you know it. You hate my kids and I know you hate my kids.”
“You're brain is all fucked-up, Karen. How in the hell could I hate your kids, and love you?”
“Man, you don't love me. You just can't find anyone else to suck your dick and fuck you as good as I can. You don't love me; you only want me for sex.”
“If I didn't love you, I would have left you when you pulled that knife on me not even a month after I married you.”
“What-the-fuck-ever! I wouldn't have given a fuck if you did. What you fail to realize, Jermaine, is that just like you came along, another sucka will come along too,” Karen stated, and then turned and walked away.
Because Karen did not work anymore, she had lots of free time to do basically whatever she wanted. Being unemployed was typical for her, but being broke and having to ask Jermaine for money became a problem to her.
Karen came up with the idea of becoming a call girl one day while online.
Hell, I need my own money. I'm tired of depending on my tight-ass husband. Every time he gives me money or does something for me or my kids I have to hear his shit and I'm tired of it. Hell, as good as my sex is I should be able to make at least two or three hundred dollars a day.
She smiled at the thought.
Eager to act out her thoughts, Karen dropped off the kids at Jewell's and then went back home and changed into a tight skirt that revealed her nice rounded butt and smooth legs. She then appraised herself a few moments in the mirror. Satisfied with her appearance, she then grabbed the keys to Jermaine's Beamer and split.
I've got to go where the money is,
she thought while driving.
Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Orange County, here I come. I'll tell Jermaine I'm job hunting.
Her first stop was at a restaurant in Beverly Hills. A waitress seated her at a table that sat in the center of the restaurant where she could get all the attention she wanted. Within minutes men began making passes at her and offering to buy her drinks. Three of the men were doctors, three of them were lawyers, and the other two were contractors. Karen conversed openly with them, especially on the subject of sex. Her conversation toward sex was so persuasive
and tempting that each of the wealthy men had offered her a few hundred dollars for a quick piece, but she was on a totally different page than that for the moment. She was after something more worthwhile with greater rewards. She exchanged telephone numbers with each of them but for the moment that was it. I'm gonna get all I can out of these muthafuckas. They want good sex; I want an apartment, a weekly al
lowance, a couple of credit cards, and a nice car. This is America; noth
ing is free or cheap,
she thought.
So far, Richard, a Caucasian doctor, was the only applicant that Karen was really interested in. He had also been the only one willing to fulfill Karen's expensive requests right away. After a forty-five-minute conversation, Richard offered to rent Karen an apartment or a suite at the Holiday Inn and to pay her rent in advance for the first three months. He also offered to provide her with a substantial weekly allowance and to purchase her a decent car. That sounded fine and dandy to Karen, but she felt that she had to clarify that because she was a call girl, that she would not be devoted to only him or be obligated to meet any of his demands other than sex. He agreed.
“I'll take care of you, as long as you take care of me. I'll provide you with money, a nice car, a wardrobe, whatever you need, as long as you take care of me, and as long as you put me first,” explained Richard.
“I'm gonna hold you to your word, so please don't make any promises you can't keep,” said Karen, smiling.
“That's not my style, Karen, but before we get seriously into this, do you mind giving me a sample of what you say that's so good, and that will keep any man coming back? I've run across lots of women that say they have the best sex in the world, but ninety-nine percent of them were total disappointments,” said Richard.
“I've definitely got some come-back pussy, baby, and a sample for you is no problem at all,” replied Karen. “I'm desperate to see what you're working with anyway.”
After Richard had given the waitress an extremely generous tip, he and Karen left the restaurant holding hands. She then followed him to Holiday Inn where he rented a suite.
Karen whipped sex so good on the doctor that he purchased her a Nextel cell phone and added her to his plan, gave her five hundred dollars cash, and paid the rent on the suite for the next two months.
“You are so amazing, Karen. No woman has ever made me feel the way you just did. I need you every single day of the week.”
“That sounds good, honey, but I'm out to make my money, and I explained that to you. I hope you don't begin getting too obsessed with me and get jealous if you come over and a client is here.”
“Have you been listening to me? You don't need another man, Karen. I'll take care of all your needs and desires.”
“Sorry, baby, but we've already discussed that.”
“Well, I guess some of you is better than none of you,” replied the doctor, smiling.
“That's a good way to look at it, honey.”
She then took his limp penis in her mouth and sucked it until it was fully erect, then rode the hell out of it. His penis was very small, but this was business.
After they departed a few hours later, Richard begin to continually call Karen's cell, but seeing his name appear on the caller ID screen she ignored the call.
she thought.
He's falling in love already. If the rest of them get hooked as quickly as he did I'll be set for life.
She smiled at that thought.
When Karen made it home that evening Jermaine was furious.
“Where have you been?”
“I'm a grown-ass woman, Jermaine. You're not my mama or my daddy, and I really don't feel that I have to answer to you each time I walk through this door,” she replied, and then walked away.
“Who gave you permission to take my Beamer and to use my credit card!” he asked angrily, following behind her.
“I don't need permission. Have you forgotten that I'm your wife? What's yours is mine.” She faced him, smiling.
“If you were the type of wife that makes me feel like what's mine is yours, then it would be different, but you're not. You are a disrespectful, ungrateful, sneaky, street-slick, unappreciative woman that thinks she's got it made. That's what you are. The next time you take my damn credit card without asking, I'm gonna have your ass arrested.”
“My ex-husband tried the same thing, but the police looked at him like he was stupid when he told them we were married and living together. So go right ahead and make yourself look stupid if you like,” she replied, smiling, and then walked away again.
Then suddenly her cell phone began vibrating. She glanced at her caller ID and saw that it was Bernie, one of the contractors she had met earlier.
She had made it clear to each trick that her price was two hundred dollars per visit, and not to call unless they were ready for business at that moment.
Karen ran to the restroom to take the call. The contractor was seeking right-away action. Once she was finished with the call, she approached Jermaine. By that time he had calmed himself.
“By the way, I found a job today.”
“Is that right? Doing what?”
“I'm an on-call computer-tech trainee.”
“Computer-tech trainee, huh? How much does it pay, and where's it located?”
“My salary varies depending on how many calls I make, and the job is in L.A. That was the only place I could find a decent paying job. As a matter of fact, I just received a call from my trainer to go on my first job. Isn't that something?” she replied, smiling.
“Why didn't you consult with me before making the decision to drive my car to L.A. everyday?”
“You don't consult with me before you make decisions, so why should I?”
“Number one is because you're driving my car, and number two is because I don't trust your judgment on certain things.”
“Well, I won't be driving your car much longer, you can bet on that, and as far as you not trusting my judgment, oh-muthafuckin-well,” she replied, and then walked out of the house.
After a month of being in business Karen was amazed by the amount of money she had earned. She had earned close to two grand her first week of business, and the rewards from her second week reached twenty-five hundred.
Business for Karen was booming, but the married life was beginning to stress her out more and more by the day. It was basically interfering with her business.
Getting married was just something Karen had done during her times of struggle and not having a steady place for her and the kids to live, but now since she had it so good she regretted ever marrying Jermaine. It was real simple: she just did not love him.
Now that her call-girl business had shown profits, she didn't have to depend on him anymore. She had begun to seriously entertain thoughts of moving on without him. Her goal was now to make fifty to sixty thousand dollars her first year, and then retire and open some type of legitimate business.
One day, while Karen was inside her suite counting her earnings there was a soft knock on the door. Richard had phoned her earlier and told her that he was leaving his wife and wanted to discuss plans for their future together.
“Richard, I've told you over and over that I'm not ready for another relationship,” Karen had said to him.
“But why? I can give you the world, baby. I can assure you and your kids a good life, Karen, and then you won't have to do what you're doing to make money. I want you to belong to me and only me. I don't want to share you anymore. My mind is made up, and I've already initiated a divorce. I'll see you when I get off,” said Richard, determined to convert Karen into a housewife. He was not used to being rejected and would not accept no for an answer.
Leaving the shoebox full of money on the bed, Karen approached the door.
“Richard?” she called out.
“Nope, sorry, this isn't Richard, it's David.”
Damn, it's that kinky real estate man
, thought Karen, and then opened the door.
“Why didn't you call before coming, David? I've asked you not to come by without calling first.” She let him inside and then closed the door.
“Thank God you're not busy with a client,” David said, and then sat his carryall bag on the sofa.
“I have an appointment with an exclusive client in an hour and a half, so we'd better make this quick, David.”

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