Meeting Destiny; Lachlan’s Story (Annalese and the Immortals) (8 page)

BOOK: Meeting Destiny; Lachlan’s Story (Annalese and the Immortals)
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“Honored guests, we come tonight to bear witness to the naming of the first hybrid born in one hundred and fifty years. Created out of the love that Lachlan has for his mate, Annalese, the babe came into this world surrounded by friends and family and shall rightly be named in the same company. Annalese, name your son.”

She stood with Lachlan, Michael in his arms. “We have chosen Michael Vladislaw Dracul Tepes as our son’s name. The crowd fell dead silent. “Michael is taken from Lachlan’s middle name, and the rest is for Vlad, Lachlan’s sire and my dearest friend.”Vlad was speechless. He had to walk outside to hide the tears he had in his eyes.

“Vlad.” Lese went up behind him and placed her hand on his back. “Is the name okay? I should have asked. I just thought it should be a surprise.”

He pulled her into an embrace, aware Lachlan was there, but needing the closeness of his friend. “Lese, Lachlan. I am literally speechless. I am humbled by your choice. It’s a strong name for the future prince, don’t you think? Thank you both.” Vlad released her to her mate.

Lese spoke to Lachlan in her head.
Lach, I think we should start tonight. The nanny can take care of Michael. I think Vlad needs it. I’ll go to him after everyone is gone. Give me a few minutes, then join us.

Lachlan returned her thoughts with his own.
Angel, I love ye, nobody else in the world would do what yer gonna do. Yer an amazing woman. And if me sire needs me to share me mate, I can do that, but only for him. Never for another man, ever!

She smiled at him as they rejoined the guests. She’d worn red that night on purpose. It was Vlad’s favorite color. She thought it may help set the mood.
How to seduce your mate’s sire in three easy steps
, she thought, and laughed

The crowd dispersed, and she kissed her mate. “Lachlan, I love you more than life itself. Please don’t be jealous or freak out.”

“Aye, angel, never. Not of Vlad. I’ll take Michael and feed him. Get him settled and come find me.”

Annalese found Vlad out on the balcony. “Hey, big guy. The party was awesome.” She took his hand, interlaced her fingers with his. He looked down for a moment, then relaxed and just enjoyed the feeling.

“Does your mate know you’re here with me?’

“Lachlan knows where I am. I’m exactly where I should be. Would you like to talk? We don’t have to. I can just stay here and hold you.”

Vlad fumbled for speech. “Why? Why Annalese would you choose to be here with me over your mate and son? I don’t understand.”

She chose her words carefully. “Well, to be honest, I love you Vlad. Not the same as I do Lachlan, but I still love you. And I think you quit loving yourself a long time ago. I want to help you. I’ll do whatever you need me to, whatever will bring you back to the Vlad I met last year.”

“Do you know what you’re saying, Lese? Lachlan would never let you.”

She stopped him. “Yes, Vlad, he will. We talked. He knows you need help.” She touched his chest. “Let me help you.”

Gods-damned. She was gorgeous was all he could think. And she wore red. How she knew had to be Sophie. Vlad knew what he needed, but Lachlan would never forgive him. So instead he gathered her in his arms and held her. A few minutes later, he felt lips on his neck. Oh, dear gods. “Annalese, not a good idea.” She continued to kiss and bite him. “Ah fuck.” He grabbed the back of her hair and crushed his mouth to hers. She kissed him back ferociously. The kiss broke and his eyes met hers. “Lese,” was all he could say.

“Damn, Vlad, you kiss pretty damn good for an old guy.”

He smiled at her.

“I think I need to go out for a while. Ah, therapy.”

“No,” she said.

“No?” Vlad raised an eyebrow.

“Let me. Please.”

Vlad took her hand and let her to his chambers. Inside, he took off his jacket and shirt, kicked off his shoes, and stood before her. He slipped the straps of her dress off her shoulders and kissed them. “Fuck, I feel so guilty, but I want you to touch me so fucking bad I don’t care.”

Lese had called Lachlan explaining what was happening. He told her to let him know when she wanted him. Lese put her hands on Vlad’s chest and kissed his gorgeous upper body. She called Lachlan. She noticed Vlad was becoming a little aroused—not much but something was happening. Lachlan quietly entered the room and Vlad immediately stepped back.

“No T., she’s here for you. So am I. Let us, okay?”

Vlad moved back toward Lese and nodded. She went back to biting his nipples and running her hands up his back. Lachlan stood behind his mate kissing her shoulders. Lese made a move for Vlad’s belt. “Don’t stop me, Vlad. You need this,” she said as she undid the belt and then the trousers. They hit the floor. Nothing left but the silk boxers.

He grabbed her face again crushing her to him. He felt a twinge in his shorts. Gods, maybe she was fixing him. Lese took the knife that Lachlan had and looked straight into Vlad’s eyes. “You’re gonna feed me tonight.” She cut his left nipple and he was instantly hard. She latched on and began to draw from him. The more she drew, the harder he got. Lese took Vlad’s hand and placed it on his erection. He slipped himself from his boxers and began to do what needed to be done. Lachlan moved behind him and held him so he could stand. She kept taking and it was so good, he was spilling all over and shouting her name.

Lachlan held Vlad up and reached around to kiss his mate. Gods she was incredible. “Sire, how ye feel?”

Vlad responded, “I can never thank your for this, you know that right? This was the single most selfless act I’ve ever witnessed.”

Lachlan nodded. “I think me mate has run ye a bath. Go to her.”

Vlad went into the bathroom and he was right. Lese had the tub full, smelling of jasmine. How could two people be so selfless? “Annalese, I—”

“Vlad don’t. I am here for you. So is Lachlan. Whatever you need. Now let’s clean you up.” She took his hand and smiled at him.

He stepped in and settled in the water. Laid back and just let the hot water sooth him. Lese washed his hair which was longer than Lachlan’s and cleaned up the rest of him. She left him to soak with a scotch.

“Lach,” she climbed into the arms of her mate.

“Thank you, angel. I didna realize he was so bad. When he’s done, bring him to our bed. Maybe he can sleep then. Go tend to him. I’ll go and wait.” He kissed her so sweetly, she just melted.

“Hey, big guy,” she said. “How are you doing? Feel better?”

In her head she heard,
Annalese, thank you. I feel incredibly sated and overly guilty all at the same time.

Lese spoke aloud. “Why?” She didn’t understand.

“I shouldn’t want my son’s mate, but I did. I still do. I know how wrong it is, but I do nevertheless.”

“Come on,” she held out her hand. “Let’s get you dry and dressed. I’m taking you with me to our room. I’m going to sleep in between the two most beautiful men on the planet. Yes, Vlad, don’t argue. And you’re going to sleep tonight.”

He gave her the nod. The famous Vlad nod.

That night Vlad slept. It was the first time in months he was peacefully sleeping the day away, held in the arms of a woman he damn well shouldn’t want, and her mate—his fledgling son.

The next evening found Lachlan bathing and dressing Michael. Lese was watching her mate with their son. Lachlan was such a proud daddy. “Aye angel, he’s grown already. I forgot how fast hybrids grow. Only seen one in me life.”

Lese just watched this big brutal Vampire be reduced to a babbling idiot by his son. And it was an incredible sight to behold.

“Where’s Vlad? Was he here when you woke up?” Lese was concerned for their friend.

“Aye, he was here. Said to tell ye he was going to sit in the gardens awhile. Ye should go to him. See if he wants to talk about what happened.” She kissed her mate, lips parting, tongues dancing. Gods, she loved this man, but the other held a place in her heart too, gods help her.

She found Vlad sitting on the same bench where he’d made his confessions to her. She sat next to him, saying nothing. He took her hand, interlaced his fingers with hers and they both sat in silence. Vlad broke first. “Annalese,” he looked straight ahead. “What you did to me, for me, with me…you and Lachlan both…”

She stopped him. “Vlad, it’s OK.”

He inhaled. “You don’t understand, I slept, really slept, the entire day. And the other thing, Vampires are sexual creatures by nature. But that I’ve never done in the company of another. Yet with the both of you, it felt natural, normal. Fuck, I think I am really seriously screwed up. And worst of all, I still want you, wrong or not. I want to be in you, Annalese. I need to figure out how to stop wanting you for our friendship, for my bond with Lach, and for Sophie. She is my mate for Christ’s sake but all night I dreamt of making love to you, with you. And damn me, with Lachlan too. This is so fucked up!”

She squeezed his hand. “Would it shock you if I told you that you’ve stolen a piece of my heart, Vlad? I may be completely in love with Lachlan, but I love you too.”

“Ah yes, but loving me and wanting to share your body with me is not the same thing. And where does Lachlan stand in all of this? What would happen if he knew I had carnal desires for his mate and for him? I think I may be beyond anyone’s help, my dear Annalese.” He stood up, gathered her in his arms and passionately kissed her. “I must leave for a while. I need a few days to sort this out. Please let me.” He pulled away and left her standing in the garden.

She made her way to the kitchen where her mate and son were. These two were the light of her life. She took her son in her arms and held him tight.

“Angel, what’s wrong?” Lach came to her. She kept tight to Michael. “Did ye find me sire?”

“Yes, I found him. He’s going to go for a few days. He says he needs to clear his head.” She kissed her son and thanked the gods for her miracle.

“So tell me lass what he said, so I understand what’s going on here.”

And she did—all of it. She couldn’t keep anything from her mate. She thought he’d flip out, but no; he was truly an amazing creature.

“Aye lass, we Vampires are sexual by nature and there are times we take a same-sex lover. We don’t see it as the human world does. It’s not a gay or straight thing for us. ‘Tis a sexual thing. And before ye ask me, yes, I have. ‘Twas a long time back, but I did it just the same.”

“I thought he just missed Sophie, but I’m not so sure now, Lachlan. But enough about Vlad. Michael is due for a nap, and I’m sure I’m due something too,” she giggled. He knew exactly what she wanted. He’d probably never tell her, but watching her last evening was the single most arousing thing he’d ever seen. And he was still sporting the erection to prove it.

Three days had passed with nothing from Vlad. Lachlan was starting to worry. He’d called his sire using the blood bond, but got nothing. He knew his mate was bound to Vlad now too. So he thought he’d ask her to try. She was in the sitting room teaching Michael how to sit up. Not yet three weeks old, and he was sitting up and taking solid foods. That boy had a mouth full of teeth already. Incredible was all he could think. Annalese was such a beautiful sight with the babe in her arms. By the gods, how he ever managed it was a miracle.

She looked up and smiled. “Hey fang boy, guess what? Come see who else has fangs!”

Lachlan opened Michael’s mouth. “Well I’ll be a son of a bitch. Me lad is getting his Vampire teeth already.”

Lese smiled and showed him the bite on her arm. It was still oozing blood. “Shit, angel!” He licked the wound to seal it. “Aye Michael, ye donna bite your mom, we doona do that. We doona bite at all, little prince.” Lachlan thought he really understood.

“Angel, I need a favor from ye. I’ve been trying to call Vlad. I feel him, but he’s not talking to me. I think it’s because of his feelings for ye. And I’m a wee bit worried. He’s not himself. I need to talk to him, explain to him I understand how he feels. Just because I loved ye first doesn’t mean he doesn’t love ye too. I need to tell him, we can work through it all. He’s my best friend, me sire. I canna lose him, angel.”

“I know, Lach. He’s so confused. I’ll go sit in the garden and see if he will respond to me. I feel him too. And I feel emotions on top of just feeling him through the bond.”

Lachlan knew she would. “Aye. What do ye feel, angel?”

“Confusion. A lot of confusion. And love and desire, longing, lust. A whole lot of things. But more than anything, he’s torn. He’s the strongest of his kind, yet he feels so weak and vulnerable. Let me try to see if he’ll come home.”

“Do whatever it takes, angel. He needs to be here home with us.”

Lese went to their “spot” in the garden on the bench. Closing her eyes, she felt the bond and knew he was feeling her too. “Hey big guy, I know you hear me. Talk to me, Vlad. It’s me, Annalese. You know you can tell me anything.”

She waited for quite some time on the bench and finally he spoke. “I am sorry I’ve caused you worry. I am just afraid to come home. I have so many feelings I don’t understand. I can’t focus....”

She was losing him. “Vlad, please come home. Talk to me.” She felt him pulling away. “Vlad don’t, I need you! All of us need you, but me especially. Please Vlad, don’t make me beg.”

She heard him sigh. “How can I ever face Lachlan? I am falling in love with his mate. This is so wrong, Annalese.”

“Vlad, come home. Please come home. He knows, Vlad. He knows. And it’s OK. Just come home!”

With that he was gone. She sat a little longer. When she finally stood to go back to the house, she heard him. She spun around to see him standing with Mehmet just at the edge of the garden. Her eyes filled with tears and she just stood there thirty feet from him, not knowing if she should go to him or stay where she was. He turned to Mehmet, embraced him, and then Mehmet was gone. He looked straight towards her. Vlad finally broke. He held his arms out and she went to him. He held her like he’d never held anyone before.

“Annalese, gods, I’m sorry I’ve hurt you. All of this—it’s wrong. I should not be falling in love with you. I have a mate and you have my son. This is such a mess. Forgive me. If I cannot find a way to fix my feelings I will leave this world. I cannot continue to cause hurt to those I love.” Vlad didn’t release her. He just held on.

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