Mia's Journey: An Erotic Thriller (27 page)

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Authors: John Rebell,Zee Ryan

BOOK: Mia's Journey: An Erotic Thriller
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“Politics have no relation to morals.”


Niccolo Machiavelli







Chapter 75


Five days later, Mia was standing next to her loving husband, on stage, just after he had declared his intention to run for Mayor. At least, that was the image he was working hard to maintain.


Mia’s wounds, for the most part, were superficial. Her bruising was fading, and she was healing. She was released from the hospital a week earlier. It was made very clear to her that if she didn’t play along, if she didn’t smile and return his loving gestures during this ball, that things would get much worse for her and the baby.

Mia didn’t know where Daddy was, or if he was indeed still alive but she had no other choice at the moment but to believe he was coming and follow along.

“Son, I’m going to borrow your beautiful wife for a little while. We have some things to discuss.” William Prescott spoke softly, his head in between the couple.

Mia shivered at his tone. It was polite on the outside but she could feel the threat just below the surface. Her husband simply nodded. He never looked at her or his father. Mia knew that he understood exactly what was happening.

The Elder Prescott gently grabbed Mia by the elbow and started to guide her towards the long staircase at the back of the ballroom. Mia’s first instinct was to pull back, to scream. Of course, she could do neither, especially with the crowd giving her and William such big grins as they walked past.

As they climbed the stairs, his grip got increasing harsh. By the time they reached the top and turned down a hallway, his fingers were digging into her skin. There was no one up there to hear her gasp and whisper in protest.

They stopped outside a room that had a keypad on the wall. William quickly punched in a code and there was a series of clicks. He then opened the large door and hastily shoved Mia inside. Panic ran through her. She was screwed. She would be in a locked room with no one in the mansion that knew or cared, she was in danger.

The panic gave her just a bit of courage. As the older gentleman started to close the door behind him, Mia ran towards it. She was no match for him, though.

Even though he was in his late 50’s, he was tall and trim, much like his son. If Mia didn’t know the horrible sins he had committed on his wife and other women, she would say he was an attractive man. She did know the sins he was capable of.

When she grabbed his arm, William simply threw her off.

“Nice try, bitch. Unless you brought a gun with you, your fate is in my hands for a while. How long do you think we have?” A slow wicked smile pulled at his lips. “How long until the crowd starts to ask Jr. where his loving wife is?”

Mia backed away and took stock of the room. It must be William’s private office, she thought. There was a large ornate desk with several leather chairs placed around the room.

“Now,” he spoke very slowly, with an even tone as he walked towards her. “You are going to play nice or I will have you drugged and your baby aborted. Understood?” William stopped just inches from Mia. He lifted a hand and stroked it over her cheek.

Mia cringed but tried to hide it best she could. One tear slid from her eye as she nodded ‘yes’. Her hands were balled into fists as the bastard’s smile widened. He then ran his hand down her neck, stopping to squeeze it. Not enough to hurt but enough to convey the message that he had the power here.

His hand then continued down. Mia’s gown had a sweetheart neckline. A fact that her husband had found very amusing early in the evening. His father now was enjoying it more.

His hand slipped in between her cleavage. Mr. Prescott grabbed one breast and roughly massaged it. Mia inhaled sharply as he squeezed even harder.

William continued to fondle her as he leaned in to kiss her neck. The smell of brandy was thick on his breath. Mia had a quick flash of pity for Mrs. Prescott.

He pulled back. “Remove your dress. We don’t want to ruin it. You still have to return to the party and hold hubby’s hand for the crowd.”

Mia did as she was told, her mind on autopilot now. Luckily, the skill of retreating into her mind was with her tonight. She waited, naked, as William finished removing his tuxedo.

“Now, because you tried to ruin my son’s life and therefore my life, you deserve more punishment than you are going to get here tonight.”

He stepped forward and grabbed a handful of Mia’s long dark hair. He yanked causing her to whimper.

“Make no mistake, you will get what is coming to you. When the campaign has slowed down, my son and I will take turns giving you exactly what you deserve.”

William released her hair and shoved her back. “On your back, on the desk.”

Mia stumbled back a few steps. She wasn’t sure why but in that moment something small snapped inside. It was like Daddy was wrapped around her. She wasn’t going to just bow to this son of a bitch. When her feet came back under her, she stood up straight and stared at Mr. Prescott.

He just stared back. His expression was one of annoyed expectation. It was like he was daring her not to listen to his direction. Mia took that annoyance and turned it into anger.

She lunged forward and slapped him as hard as she could across his face. He was stunned for just a second and then he reacted. William grabbed Mia by both arms and spun her around. He held her tightly against his chest, arms crossed and pinned.

Mia bent her head and bit his arm that was holding her just above the breasts. Mia bit down with as much force as her petite jaw had. She was rewarded when he instantly released her and cried out in pain.

“You fucking cunt!” He inspected his arm and Mia saw that she had drawn blood. “If you want, I can give you an abortion right now.”

Reluctantly, she crawled up and laid down. William stepped closer and stood in between her legs. That wicked smile looked even more menacing now. He moved a hand up to one of Mia’s nipples. Without care, he pinched the hardened peak. He tugged, slowly.

“Come on. Let me hear you.”

Mia tried her best to stop the whine that flowed from her. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction but it didn’t matter. He would only continue the pain until she did give in.

He pulled and twisted for a few more seconds, until he had heard enough of her pained whimpers.

“I fucking hate you. You may have your fun now, but Daddy will never let you live.”

“Shut up or I will make this much worse for you.”

Elder Prescott grabbed his cock and pressed it to Mia’s pussy. He took his time sliding it in, watching every moment. When he was completely inserted, Mia had the thought that he was much smaller than Daddy. If the circumstances were different, she might have giggled. The thought that she had been used to the Prescott men’s small dicks for so long.

Mia closed her eyes and closed her mental cage as William started thrusting in and out of her. He was making disgusting male groans and breathing heavily.

After what seemed like a very short time to Mia, maybe something else that she had been used to before Daddy, William spoke.

“When I pull out, I want you on your knees. I’m going to fill that white-trash mouth of yours, but don’t swallow. You hold my load.”

After a few more shaky thrusts, he pulled out of Mia. Without even thinking, Mia sat up and climbed off the desk. She came down on her knees in front of her father-in-law with her mouth open. He laid the head of his cock on her bottom lip and started to stroke his cum into her mouth.

Mia had to use all of her strength not to vomit. The warm thick liquid pooled on her tongue. The smell and taste of cum hit her nose and taste buds. Hearing him call her name as he came added insult to injury.

For one painful moment, while this man was cumming into Mia’s mouth, her thoughts centered on Daddy. She could almost hear him, she thought.

Her mind moved back to her present situation as William stepped back with his empty cock in his hands.

“Stay put. Don’t swallow.”

Mia’s eyes were burning from trying to stifle her gag reflex. His taste was bleeding into her. She watched in horror as she saw his next intentions. Her father-in-law moved over to his pile of clothes and retrieved his cell phone.

Holding it up, he spoke with an evil tone. “Let me slowly drip from your mouth....and smile.” Again, Mia complied.
What a great picture
, Mia thought as tears rolled down her face and cum poured from her lips.


“Murder begins where self-defense ends.”


Georg Buchner







Chapter 76



“We need to discuss our little problem.” William Prescott walked around an end table and took a seat near his son.


“Which problem is that?”

“The little problem that is growing inside your wife. You know it has to be dealt with. No spawn of ‘Daddy’ is going to even have the slightest chance of inheriting anything from this family.”

“Oh, yes, that problem. That will soon be taken care of.”

Jeffery stood and walked out of the room. He returned a few minutes later holding a small plastic container. He sat back down and opened it, showing his father the syringe inside.

“What the hell is that?”


“Isn’t that a cancer drug?” William’s face wrinkled in confusion.

“Yes, but it can also be used to terminate pregnancies.” Jeffery smiled proudly. “One injection and my lovely wife will miscarriage. No fuss, no muss.”

William sat back in his chair taking in the information.

“How long does it take to work?”

“She will lose the baby within the week, most likely.”

“How did you get your hands on that?”

“I have friends. Anyway, that’s not important. What is important, is that I will simply stick this needle into Mia and our problem will flush itself away.” He made a disgusting gesture with his hands then closed the container.

“Jeffery, sometimes you can be useful, it seems.” A crooked smile spread over the father’s face. “When are you going to do it?”

“Right now.”

Mia covered her mouth with her hand to stop the sound of her gasp reaching the men. Her eyes were wide with terror as she eavesdropped.

Mia ran back to her bedroom. She knew that she only had minutes until her husband descended on her with his abortion drug. Of course, she could fight him off this time or maybe the next few times but eventually he would succeed.

Jeffery was going to find a way to kill her baby or her. It was only a matter of time. If it wasn’t the drug, it would be something else.

Mia decided right then that she would end things first. She was going to kill him or die trying.

She scanned her bedroom looking for a quick weapon. There was a large lamp, a glass vase, and a fireplace poker. Perfect. She ran over to the fireplace and grabbed the would-be weapon. She quickly ran back to the door, standing off to the side so when the door was opened, she would be behind it.

She only had to wait a few moments before she heard footsteps. Mia was lucky, it seemed. Her husband was coming alone. There were only one set of shoes coming down the hall. She gripped the poker tightly and held it back, over her head.

Mia’s heart was racing as the door slowly opened. She heard her husband cautiously enter the room. After he had taken a few steps in and was clear of the door, Mia kicked it shut.

Then with no hesitation she stepped into her swing. The poker slammed against Jeffery’s neck. As the hook part hit, Mia pulled back to inflict more damage.

Jeffery dropped the container he had been carrying and grabbed his throat. He fell to his knees gasping. Mia was pretty sure she had crushed his windpipe, or at least done severe damage. Still trying to inhale, he then crawled towards her.

When he got to her feet, her husband grabbed her leg. Mia thought he looked almost cute begging for help. She stepped back roughly, pulling away from his hand.

Jeffery fell forward when Mia didn’t grab his outstretched hand. When it came to rest on the floor, Mia lifted the poker high and stabbed it straight down with all her body weight.

If he could breathe, she was sure the screams would have been award worthy. As it was, though, Jeffery’s whole body was jerking back and forth as strange gurgling noises came from his mouth.

The poker hadn’t stabbed through his hand but the puncture wound was deep. Blood spurted out and covered the floor. Mia pulled the poker back up, taking his hand with it for a few seconds.

When he finally freed his hand, Jeffery fell back. He was grabbing his wounded hand and his face was now a deep shade of red.

Mia stood over him just watching. His face slowly turned blue. She hadn’t realize that when people stop breathing, they really turn a purple-blue color. She thought it was just an expression. She was mesmerized by it for a few seconds.

Finally, she turned and bent down, retrieving the glass container from the floor. Mia took out the syringe and dropped the box. Laying the poker down, she got on her knees next to her husband. She stared into his eyes and saw his terror and pleading.

“You wanted to abort my baby. I’m going to abort you, instead. So in a way, this is just a very ‘late term’ abortion, Jeffery.”

She kept watching as she lifted the drug. Mia brought the needle down, and injected the contents into Jeffery’s carotid artery in his neck.

His whole body shook violently and his teeth clamped together in a rictus, trapping his tongue between them. Mia watched as in his pain and desperation, Jeffery bit through his own tongue. Blood flowed out his mouth and pooled underneath him.

Mia, sickened by what she had done, decided it was time to show a bit of mercy. She retrieved the poker and stood. With one final motion, she brought the metal poker down. The poker went through his teeth, entered his mouth and embedded deep into his skull.

“You were always so proud of your ‘poker face’, Jeffery,” Mia said quietly, looking down at his corpse.


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