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short a time? “What’s wrong, angel?”

“I think you should eat now. I remember reading the

instructions on your pain pills. They said you should eat

something with them. I’m betting you haven’t.”

Sure he had. He had eaten the leftover fortune cookies he

found next to the putrid tea. Sam reached out and stroked the

side of his angel’s face. “I ate. Besides, there is only one

thing I’m interested in eating right now, and that is you.”

Sam feared he might have gone too far with that

statement, true though it was. But instead, he found he had a

woman suddenly in his lap kissing the shit out of him and he

was not complaining.

Mmm, if only he really could flip her over, tear off her

jeans and bury his face between those luscious thighs. The

thought nearly caused him to shoot his load right then in his

pants. But his bum arm was not conducive for that activity at

the moment.

In almost all aspects of his life, Sam was usually the

kind of guy who liked to take charge and be in control. But

sitting trapped, nearly helpless and one-armed beneath the

writhing, aroused body of a hot woman was just fine with

him. He had no problem with the way she grabbed his head

in both hands or the way she explored his mouth with her

sensuous tongue. He definitely did not have a problem when

she slid her hands lower and gently explored the pecs he

worked so hard on at the gym.

“Tell me if I hurt you.” Donna’s voice was husky near


Cat Johnson

his ear.

In this position, with her pressed against his throbbing

dick, he probably would not notice if she prodded an ice pick

into his wound, but he agreed. “I will. Promise.” Then he

covered her mouth again with his as his own hand did some

prodding of its own underneath her incredibly soft but far

too baggy for his liking blouse.

She moaned softly against his mouth when his hand

encountered her lace-covered nipple. He stroked the

hardened nub with his thumb.

“Take this off,” he instructed, tugging at the velvet top.

He had a brief moment to consider that request was a bit too

ballsy of him to make when she whipped the top off over her

head and flung it aside. A giant metal necklace slapped down

between her now nearly naked breasts.

Sam lowered his mouth to kiss the swell of each. Donna

was built like women should be, curvy, not like her skeleton

friend Barbie. He loved how her breasts practically spilled

out of the top of the bra. He displayed his appreciation by

paying appropriate homage with his mouth to each one

individually, but he kept encountering the giant necklace.

“What is that thing you are wearing?” It was impeding his

access to her lushness. Maybe he could get her to take it off,


“It’s my friend Grace’s lucky amulet. She wears it when

she is trying to pick up men.” Donna grinned down at him

and fingered the object.

Sam chuckled. “I’ll let you in on a little secret. You

don’t need any luck tonight, sweetheart. I’m a sure thing so

can you take that off before I get a black eye.”

Donna smiled and pulled the long chain off over her

head, leaned back and laid it gently on the coffee table

behind her, all while giving him quite a nice view of her

plentiful boobs. “Anything else you want me to take off?”

she asked.

Hell yes! Sam smiled. “Oh yeah. I can think of a few

things both you and I can take off. I am gonna need a little


Trilogy No. 108: Just Desserts

help though, since I’ve only got this one good arm.”

He never thought he would enjoy playing helpless, but

the anticipation of Donna stripping him naked while he did

nothing but watch her was very nice. And speaking of

stripping naked…

It was definitely not the aroma of the pizza that had Sam

salivating as Donna stood, kicked off her shoes and slowly

unbuttoned her black denim jeans. He swallowed hard as she

wiggled a bit and slid them down her long legs, stepping out

of them when they hit the floor.

“How’s that?” she grinned coming back and straddling

him again on the couch.

“That’s good for a start, angel.” He would not mind

when the underwear, which was covering far more than he

liked, followed the pants to the floor.

He had just slid the tip of one finger under the edge of

her cotton panties when her hand stopped him. He looked up

to see uncertainty on her face. Damn, so close. Sam stifled a

small sigh of regret.

“What’s wrong, angel?”

“I don’t want you to think I do this with everyone. It’s

different with you. You saved my life and Jade’s…and I

haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since that first

night in the hallway.”

Sam smiled at that. “I’ve been thinking quite a bit about

you since that night, too. Listen, angel, I want to get to know

you better. Even if all we do tonight is eat pizza together, I’ll

be happy. And if we do more…well, I’ll be happy then, too,

but I’ll still want to know you better tomorrow.”

The fact every word he said was the absolute truth

surprised the shit out of Sam, as did the fact that Donna was

upon him again immediately after the conclusion of his little

heartfelt speech, kissing him and unbuttoning his jeans.

Who knew the sappy true confession thing would work

like a charm to literally get into a hot woman’s pants? Sam

considered this as he snaked his fingers into her panties and

slowly began to stroke Donna’s warm wet slit to the


Cat Johnson

accompanying sound of her deep muffled moan against his

mouth. She was so hot…and hot for him. It was all he could

do to concentrate on what his hand was doing when she slid

her own fingers into his now open jeans and grasped his

length, standing at full attention now. Doing his best to focus

on her, Sam found the spot that would drive Donna crazy

and concentrated on doing just that, sending her into a body

shaking orgasm.

She shuddered in his lap and he couldn’t control a moan

of his own. Softly panting now, she broke the kiss. “I want

you, Sam.”

“Oh baby, I want you more.”

“I, um, have condoms in my purse. I need you to know

that I don’t usually carry them around with me. Grace made

me take them in case we…you know.”

Sam smiled. At least this Grace seemed to be on his side.

He would have to thank her later. “That’s fine, angel. But

you will have to do the honors for me since I’m one-handed

at the moment.”

Her face softened again at the reminder that he had taken

a bullet for her. Damn, he would have gotten shot long ago if

he knew women reacted like this to it. On top of that, the

thought of her soft, gentle hands rolling the rubber down

over his cock as he did nothing but watch was really a turn-


She nodded. “I can do that for you.” He watched with

absolute glee as she pulled a strip of half a dozen foil

packages out of her purse. He could definitely put a nice

dent in her inventory the way he was feeling.

His eyes nearly rolled back in his head as her hands

caressed him and then slowly covered him with the

necessary evil of the latex shroud.

When they started dating for real, he’d get tested or

whatever she wanted, but he would somehow get her to go

on the pill. He wanted to feel her surrounding him without

anything between them. He had never wanted that so badly

with any other woman he had sex with. That, as well as the


Trilogy No. 108: Just Desserts

fact he already had them seriously dating long term in his

mind, didn’t faze him as much as he thought it would.

He could worry about that later. Right now, Donna was

standing again and pulling off her bra and panties. His mind

could only do so many things at once, and watching her was

more than he could handle.

“Damn, you are so beautiful.” He watched her with pure

male appreciation.

She shook her head. “No, I’m not. But thank you


Sam shook his head right back at her. “I’m not going to

argue with you now. Just get that sweet ass of yours over

here so I can prove to you I’m right. You are beautiful,

angel. Every damn inch of you.”

She smiled and came back to him, close enough he could

loop his good arm around her waist and pull her down to

him. He couldn’t resist a quick nibble of one breast before he

said. “I’m sorry I won’t be much help. You’ll have to do all

the work.”

In actuality, he wasn’t sorry at all. The thought of Donna

above him, directing the action, nearly did him in before he

even got inside her. But he thought it would be polite to

apologize anyway.

“I don’t mind. I like it on top.”

And there you go; they were perfect together. That

thought fled as Donna grabbed his erection and guided him

into her, sliding down his length. Sam drew in a deep

shaking breath, releasing it with her name. He never said a

woman’s name during sex. It was just safer that way. The

moment it left his mouth he knew he was in big trouble. Shit,

now he’d have to introduce her to his sister and mother.

What next, a ring? And why didn’t that seem farfetched?

That was even more frightening.


Cat Johnson

Chapter 9

Bracing herself against the sofa back with one hand on either

side of Sam to support her weight without hitting his wound,

Donna rose above him, lowering herself again with a

shudder. Never had a man felt so good. Sam filled her


He said everything right, too. Okay, he was no Byron or

Shakespeare, but this man of few words sure knew how to

pick the ones that would do her in. She had no control

around him. It was as if some sex maniac possessed her. The

pizza had not even arrived before she was on top of him. If

she lost him because she had jumped him like this, she

would never forgive herself.

That thought made her falter in the rhythm. But not as

much as when Sam grabbed her head with one hand and

pulled her mouth down to his. He broke the deep probing

kiss only long enough to say her name. It did not even sound

crude when he followed it with ‘fuck me’ afterwards.

Instead, the command made her shiver and want him more.

His voice melted her to the very core and she felt the

familiar but nearly long forgotten pleasure begin to build

within her again. It had been a long time since she had

ridden a man like this, but lucky for her, it was just like

riding a bike. She ground her pelvis against the base of him,

rubbing her clit in hard, slow circles as her breath began to

catch in her throat.

“Oh, Sam,” she cried.

“Oh yeah, baby,” Sam groaned as Donna felt her own

muscles begin to rhythmically squeeze him within her.

His growl sent her careening over the edge into a full-

fledged full-body orgasm that had her crying out, probably

loud enough to wake the neighbors.

Sam bucked beneath her and with a shout of his own,

she felt him pulsing his own release within her.

She managed to keep from crushing his hurt arm during

the monumental event, but it had been a struggle. She had


Trilogy No. 108: Just Desserts

been absolutely lost in both the man and the moment, and

both were incredible.

Now, she collapsed exhausted against his chest, taking

care to avoid his wound. “That was…” she couldn’t come up

with a word that did not sound corny and ridiculous.

“Amazing,” Sam supplied easily with a smile.

“Yeah,” Donna agreed.


“Yes.” She loved that he called her that.

“You can stay as long as you want, and believe me, I

want you to. All night long and all day tomorrow, too, if you

can, but right now could you get off me? I drank so much

coffee before you got here so I wouldn’t fall asleep on you

again that I really have to pee.”

Donna could well understand that. She giggled. “Of

course. Sorry.”

Sam grinned at her. “You have nothing to be sorry

about. Believe me. I’ll just be a sec.”

“Um, will you be okay, with one arm and all?” She felt

her face grow hot.

He smiled. “I can handle it. I do think I’ll change out of

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