Missy's Gentle Giant (34 page)

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Authors: P D Miller

BOOK: Missy's Gentle Giant
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“Did you see the babies?  Are
they all right?”

“I haven’t seen them, but the
doctor says they’re fine.”

“No deformities, no problems?”

“How are you feeling?”  He
hadn’t thought of the babies yet.

“A little tired.  It wasn’t so
bad, Ben.  Just took a little more time.”  She smiled.  “You’re
not angry or upset are you?”

“Why would I be?”  He glanced
up to see Dr. Garcia with a wheelchair.

“Come on Melissa, I’ll take you
down to see your babies.”  He smiled.  “You know Ben was so worried
about you he hasn’t even seen them yet.”

Missy smiled at Ben when he reached
under her, picked her up and put her in the wheelchair.  He possessively
took the handles of the chair from Dr. Garcia and pushed her toward the

“I thought I’d be able to take care
of them in my room.”  She smiled at the doctor.

“Yes well, since they came early
and are fairly small, the pediatrician thinks we need to keep them under
sterile conditions for a while—just to be sure everything is fine.”

“You need to rest anyway,
honey.”  Ben added.

Dr. Garcia smiled at Ben. 
“You know, it’s good Missy is strong.  We were lucky she managed to stay
pregnant so long.”

Missy glanced up and wondered if
Ben was angry because there were two sets of twins rather than one.  His
eyes didn’t show anger, but they didn’t show how he felt about fatherhood

“I—I suppose so.”  Ben stopped
at the nursery.

Dr. Garcia went a few more steps,
pushed open a door and motioned for them to enter.  “We’re keeping the
babies in a special room so you can come in and visit them.  You’ll have
to put on gowns and masks—”

Ben took the offered gown and
helped Missy pull her arms into it.  She adjusted her mask while he put on
a surgical gown which was much too small and made him look even larger. 
The mask kept a smile he might be wearing from her, but she could see a hint of
embarrassment in his eyes.  Slowly they entered the nursery where four Isolettes
held their four tiny little children.

Ben groaned audibly and stared at
them with unbelieving eyes.  Such tiny little things.  Missy’s
miracles, Missy’s gifts to him.  He sat in a chair facing her and watched
as the nurse handed her their first born son.  His eyes were glued to
Missy with fascination as she placed the child on her lap and gently examined
him by touching his face, his ears, then his hands and feet. 
Unconsciously he counted fingers and toes as she inspected the child’s tiny

Missy glanced at Ben and saw his
fascination, his eyes wanting to touch the baby too.  She lifted him and
held him out to Ben.  Their eyes met, and she saw tears swimming behind
his eyes.  His inspection was just as careful and precise.  Not an
inch of the baby was left untouched as his massive hands gently touched his
beautiful son.  By the time Ben had inspected the fourth born, a little
girl, tears were freely rolling down his cheeks.  Still, he hadn’t said a

The words he wanted to say kept
catching in his throat.  Holding one of the babies close to her breast,
she watched his huge finger skim over the baby’s nose and her tiny lips. 
She couldn’t tell what he was thinking.  At least he didn’t seem
angry.  When the nurse signaled it was time to leave, Ben rose with his
tiny daughter and kissed her forehead through his mask.  He went to the
other Isolettes and kissed the other three children too.

All the way back to Missy’s room,
Ben pushed her chair without saying a word.  He lifted her onto the bed,
went outside while the doctor checked her and came silently back inside. 
For several moments he just stared at her, and then he sat on the side of her
bed, lowered his head to her breast and groaned.  Her arms flew up to his

“There are so many things I want to
say, and I can’t.”  He pulled her hand up to the bracelet with his and
Connie’s name.  “For Connie too.”  His hand said before he unhooked
the bracelet and dropped it in Missy’s hand.  “This belongs stored away
with your trouble gown, I think.”  He kissed the space between her breasts
and reached for her hand.  “Thank you for our babies.”  His fingers
said.  They are us, our love, all of us.”

“Yes Ben, us, our love and
us.”  She smiled with happiness.  “With our babies the pain of our scars
has been erased.” 


*    *



Copyright 2009
Penny D. Miller

Published by the

Revised July


If you liked
this novel, look for more under my name, P. D. Miller, at the Kindle
Store.  I have the following romances listed:

Chasing Maggie

Love in the

Dream Chasers

He’s My Son

Julie’s Hiding

Mike’s Second

Roel’s Promise

Special Charms
for Jen

The Cigar Box

The Lion’s



Critiques of
these novels are welcome


More information about these novels
and samples can be found on my website at


All rights reserved.  Except
for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or
in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or
hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any
information storage or retrieval system is forbidden without the written
permission of the copyright holder, Penny D. Miller at Pen Line Productions,


This is a work
or fiction.  Names, characters, places and incidents are either the
product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events
or locales is entirely coincidental.


This edition is
published by arrangement with the author, Penny D. Miller

If you have any
questions, see needed corrections or wish to see other novels by this author,
she may be contacted at
[email protected]








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