My Wicked Devil (Club Wicked) (24 page)

Read My Wicked Devil (Club Wicked) Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Contemporaryu, #bdsm

BOOK: My Wicked Devil (Club Wicked)
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With those words Mistress Jennifer managed to turn Kira’s anxiety to arousal. Now it was Kira’s turn to make needy sounds. Mistress Jennifer took her hand from Kira’s hair and moved to stand behind Shy, pulling and pinching her nipples while Kira tried to work Shy’s small clit from between her pussy lips. The other woman kept her thighs locked tight, but every time Mistress Jennifer pulled on her nipples, Shy would arch a bit and give Kira a chance to suckle on her clit.

The murmur of the crowd faded, and the focus of her world slowly narrowed into that inner peace she now craved. Submitting was like taking a vacation from life. Kira could just exist in a world of pleasure and delicious pain, safe and protected by her lord. While it was Mistress Jennifer and Shy touching her right now, the fact that they only did so at Bryan’s sufferance made it hot. Her pussy was so wet she was afraid she would leave a wet spot on the floor before she was done.

“Two minutes,” Bryan called out. “Come on, Kira. Make that pretty bitch scream. You know she’s been dying for you to lick her.”

Remembering how he liked to make her scream, Kira sucked the top of Shy’s right labia into her mouth and bit down hard enough to sting. Shy responded with a full-body shudder and a moan of despair. Of course, Shy was a submissive. Kira knew from their conversations together that Shy was a masochist and loved pain. No wonder being gentle with the other woman wasn’t working as well as it should.

Kira was used to vanilla sex between women, not this kinky shit.

Emboldened and rather liking how easily she was now working Shy up, Kira bit and sucked over every inch of soft flesh she could get to between the other woman’s thighs. Shy trembled harder, her incoherent cries and begging for Kira to stop echoing in the room despite the loud music. With a harsh cry, Shy grabbed Kira’s head and parted her thighs, shoving Kira’s face against her sopping pussy.

Kira ate Shy like a ripe, juicy peach.

Within a matter of seconds, Shy began to cry out, and her little clit grew hard between Kira’s teeth. She bit down, and Shy screamed, her body shaking with her orgasm. Kira began to pull back, but Mistress Jennifer stopped her.

“Keep nibbling her clit. She’ll come over and over until you stop. Give her three orgasms.”

Licking her way from the entrance to Shy’s pussy all the way up to her hard nub, Kira did as Mistress Jennifer commanded and was rewarded by more of Shy’s screams as she orgasmed. After the third, Kira wanted to come so badly she was tempted to touch herself.

Bryan’s voice washed over her like a soothing balm, giving her something to hold on to before her desire swept her away. “Kira, come here.”

She immediately removed her face from Shy’s yummy sex and placed a soft kiss on the other woman’s thigh before turning back to her lord.

Crawling toward him, she let him see her desire, her need for him. Ever since the first time they’d had vaginal intercourse, she’d been like a nymphomaniac, wanting him constantly.

He sat on the black leather couch like a king, relaxed among his peers but still radiating a strength and charisma that made him shine to her like a flame in the darkness. Compliments from the crowd about how well behaved she was, how beautiful, and how obedient all stroked her psyche in a warm caress. It reminded her of the adoration of her fans at a movie opening, a heady mix of disbelief that they were talking about her coupled with pride.

When she got close enough, he pulled her onto his lap, her thighs straddling his. Then he kissed her. She gave herself over to him, delighting in his hungry sounds as he licked the taste of Shy from her lips, and he kneaded her ass possessively. She belonged to him, and he took very, very good care of her.

The trust that came with that notion allowed her to relax and spread her legs wider when he reached between them to play with her pussy.

“Bloody hell, Kira. You’re sopping wet.”

She panted, straining to keep from rocking on his fingers. He slowly worked her pussy, massaging her labia and bringing more blood to the area until it felt like her sex was going to explode from the need. The entire time she held his gaze, knowing he liked to see her every reaction. Right now there were no secrets between them. Every wall she kept around herself to protect her heart from the rest of the world vanished before him, giving him an open path to her soul.

Mistress Jennifer leaned against the arm of the couch close enough to touch and watched Bryan work Kira into a frenzy. “I hate to interrupt before you give your girl her well-deserved orgasm, but Kira still needs to pick which anal plug Shy is going to wear.”

Bryan’s thumb halted right on top of Kira’s clit, and she shivered. “You are quite right. Kira, choose.” He turned her on his lap and tucked her up against his side.

There were seven club submissives standing before her in various states of dress, both men and women. Each held a closed gleaming wooden box. Almost in unison they opened the boxes, and the crowd that still gathered around them murmured. Inside each box on a bed of red velvet were gleaming silver butt plugs. The boxes were arranged so the submissive on her left held the smallest one, while the submissive on the right the largest.

Aware that the crowd was watching them and feeling the need to give them a good show, Kira turned her head to look at Bryan. “My lord, may I take a closer look?”

He nodded, and she stood, smoothing the diaphanous material of her robe over her curves and earning a little growl from her lord. Shy knelt off to the side, next to her Mistress, a content look on her face as Mistress Jennifer stroked Shy’s hair.

Biting her lower lip, Kira walked first to the smallest plug. The submissives kept their gazes lowered, allowing her to look her fill without being stared back at. When she reached the middle-sized plug, she paused as if considering but continued on. There were two plugs left. One almost as big as her closed fist and the other one the size of a fire hydrant. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t that big, but to Kira, it would be like trying to have a car park in her asshole. She couldn’t imagine Shy taking it without needing surgery afterward.

Kira turned back to Bryan and Mistress Jennifer, who were both watching her with small, almost identical devilish smiles. She decided to play the moment up a bit. “Mistress Jennifer, you do plan on fisting your submissive tonight, don’t you?”

Without hesitation, Kira took the second to largest plug with a sparkling blue crystal base. On impulse, she opened her mouth wide and slid the plug in, wrapping her lips around the slim part of the plug to hold it in place, sucking on it. Bryan almost jumped up from the couch but managed to restrain himself. God, she loved that, being able to drive him crazy with desire like he drove her insane with need. Her submission, her efforts to please him never failed to bring a positive reaction and she reveled in it.

Lowering herself as gracefully as she could to her knees, she crawled over the thick carpet to Mistress Jennifer. Behind her, one of the men made a soft, pained noise, and Kira shook her ass, earning another groan. According to society, she should feel ashamed and degraded. Good girls never, ever had sex with anyone but their husband behind closed doors with the lights off. Only sluts would do the kind of kinky play she was a part of now, or a damaged and weak-willed woman who craved abuse. But that wasn’t the case. She felt alive and powerful in a way she’d never felt before. Here among Dominants strong enough to run entire countries using their charisma alone, she was the one who was making them feel good. Making their arousal spike and their collective attention hone in on her like a diamond lash.

Reaching Mistress Jennifer’s feet, she sat back on her heels and let the other woman pull the anal plug from Kira’s mouth.

Before Mistress Jennifer could say anything, Bryan reached over and pulled Kira to him until she knelt between his thighs. With lust blazing through him like a bonfire, he jerked his leathers open and brought out his cock. The veins on his erection stood out as he stroked himself once, gathering precum for her on the tip just how he liked it. To think, three months ago she would have been repulsed at the idea of eating his seed, but now she couldn’t wait to make her lord come undone.

He put his arms back on the couch, an imperious figure looking down at her with complete control. “Suck me. You may use your hands and mouth.”

She smiled at him, glad he was giving her the chance to prove her worth to him. Oh, she was more than aware of the jealous stares some of the submissives and Dominants were giving her. Lord Bryan was well-known within the club for his skills as a Dom, but Kira was the first woman to completely capture his attention like this.

Feeling territorial, Kira took as much of her lord down her throat as she could, enjoying his grunt of surprise at her aggression. She sucked him hard and fast, staking her own claim for all that were watching that he was her Dom, her Master, her lord, and she could please him better than anyone else.

All too soon Bryan jerked her up by the hair. “Enough.”

His cock bobbed against her lips, and she sighed, making his thighs clench. “Yes, my lord.”

With a slight grimace, he attempted to tuck himself back into his leathers. She waited patiently for him, knowing he would tell her what to do next, that she didn’t have to guess his desires. From her right came a high feminine scream, and she looked over. Mistress Jennifer had Shy up on one of the tables and was shoving the fattest part of the anal plug into the submissive’s stretched asshole.

It did not look fun at all.

Bryan leaned forward and whispered into Kira’s ear, “Don’t look so horrified, love. Shy and Jennifer have been together for three years, and Shy’s body has been trained to take large objects.”

“God have mercy. She’s going to split in two, my lord.”

He laughed. “She may be walking bowlegged, but do you really think Mistress Jennifer would hurt her? Think of how much care Jennifer took with you when you were injured because you didn’t safeword out. Mistress Jennifer loves Shy and is giving her what she needs.”

Kira considered this and nodded, feeling a bit less guilty about being the one who’d picked out the enormous plug. “I sincerely hope my lord never decides I need something like that in my ass.”

He laughed and nipped her neck before leaning back. “Stand up and follow me.”

She did as he commanded, and as they passed Shy, Bryan slapped the other woman’s ass, earning a laugh from the crowd and a wail from poor Shy. They crossed the room quickly, with a dozen or so people trailing after them. Bryan didn’t seem put off by their audience, but then again, he was probably used to that having been raised in the public eye.

They reached a white Lucite table in a corner of the room near the bar. It had metal rings going all the way around the edges and it didn’t take her long to realize it was a bondage table. A shiver of apprehension went through her. When Bryan put her on the bondage table at home, it usually resulted in her becoming a sweaty, crying, blissed-out mess by the end of the scene. She wasn’t sure if she liked the idea of being that undone in front of so many people. During the whipping scene, she’d had a sense of privacy from being unable to see those that were watching her. Now she could make eye contact with her observers, and she felt very exposed. In fact, the idea upset her, killing her desire and leaving her cold.

He tapped the surface, and she came to his side. Leaning close, she whispered, “Yellow, my lord.”

Immediately he pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead. “What is it that has you so scared, my beautiful girl?”

Now that he was asking her to vocalize her fears, she had a hard time putting those vague feelings to words. “I-I don’t like the thought of people seeing me cry.”


“It’s…it’s too personal.” She swallowed and looked up at him, pleading with him not to make her do this even though her hedonistic side wondered how many orgasms he would give her. “My tears are only for you, my lord.”

His mouth softened, and he stroked her cheek with his knuckles. “You are so sweet, but I’m afraid that won’t get you out of this unless you wish to safeword out. What if I wanted to share your tears with the people watching? Of anyone on earth the members of Wicked would value your honest emotions for the treasure of submission that it is. There are some who have not had that experience in a very long time. I want share how beautiful you are when you submit, and I want you to show the other subs what wonderful things can happen if they trust their Dom. The people here watching us now are here because they value your submission. Look at all the other people and scenes they could be observing instead. Realize what a great compliment they are paying you with their attention.”

She took a deep breath and tried to calm her racing pulse. From here, she could see that at various spots around them there were other scenes going on, including people openly fucking. Hell, poor Shy was somewhere in the area they’d left behind getting ready to be fisted in front of everyone. Kira thought about that and took a quick glance at the crowd watching her. All the chairs and couches surrounding them were now filled. While most of the Dominants had submissives at their feet, there were a few single Doms who watched her with a hunger that burned her from head to toe. Near the stage, two female submissives knelt together, apart from the crowd and totally focused on Kira and her lord. The yearning in the women’s gazes made Kira’s heart ache, and she realized anew how very lucky she was to have found Bryan.

It made Kira’s worry of a few tears seem insignificant.

Besides, right now she’d given Bryan complete control of her to do with as he wished, and so far he hadn’t disappointed her. And most importantly he’d never once pushed her beyond what she could endure. While he did work to expand her boundaries, if she said stop, everything stopped.

But she didn’t want it to stop; she wanted more even if she was slightly embarrassed by her own very kinky needs.

“I trust you, my lord.”

He smiled at her and gave her a soft kiss before murmuring against her lips, “The greatest gift any Master could ask for.”

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