My Wicked Devil (Club Wicked) (7 page)

Read My Wicked Devil (Club Wicked) Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Contemporaryu, #bdsm

BOOK: My Wicked Devil (Club Wicked)
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Fuck, she was a complicated woman. Keeping up with her mood changes would be a challenge. “Perhaps I wasn’t clear. Even if we could fuck until I passed out from dehydration, I wouldn’t with you, not tonight. You aren’t ready.”

She turned, tears trailing down her cheeks. Poor girl. She appeared to be one of those submissives who would come down hard after an orgasm. He made a note to have plenty of warming blankets, chocolate, and other comfort objects for the next time they met. Now, he just needed to convince her there would be a next time.

Closing her eyes, she tucked back into that almost fetal position. “It’s okay if you want to leave. I understand.”

He wanted to ask her what the hell she was talking about, then remembered Jesse mentioning that the second man she’d ever had sex with had dumped her after she wasn’t able to take his penetration. Suddenly angry at the callous asshole who would leave a vibrant woman like Kira in such a hurt state, he forced her to look up at him. “I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you.”

She reached out to his hand with the tips of her fingers, sighing when he curled his hand around hers. “Okay.”

“You could at least pretend to believe me, woman.”

Her soft laughter seemed to wash away some of her sorrow. “Okay, oh Masterful Lord Bryan. I believe you.” She glanced up, her eyes a little red from crying. “When can I see you again?”

“Would you feel comfortable coming to my home?”

“Um… No offense, but I really don’t know you that well.”

“I completely understand. But I would ask that you talk to Jesse and Hawk about me, Sunny too. You can trust that bratty little sub to tell you the truth.”

She gave him an offended look. “Hey, I like Sunny.”

“I like her too—her honesty is refreshing—but that girl would benefit from a good spanking.”

Kira wiggled her bottom and looked at him through her lashes. “Will you spank me?”

He grabbed a handful of her plush bum, then squeezed hard. He was fucking ravenous for her, and it was getting harder and harder to maintain control. Shit, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this turned on without any actual sex. It was bloody annoying how hard it was to maintain his self-control over a woman he just met. In an effort to cool down, he smiled at her and said in a teasing voice, “Only if you’re a good girl.”

The sudden heating of her gaze brought a renewed surge of blood to his already aching dick.

She traced the side of his neck, her fingertips tickling over his pulse. “What’s your phone number?”

“Do you need me to write it down?”

“No, I’ll remember it.”

He told her and made her repeat it back to him. “Text me, and I’ll give you my e-mail address. I’d like you to do me a favor.”

“What’s that?”

“I want you to e-mail me your sexual preferences and fantasies. Things that make you instantly hot. All the forbidden and taboo pleasures that you’ve never admitted but fantasize about. I want to make your every desire, your wildest fantasies come true. But I can’t do that unless you’re honest with me.”

Flushing, she looked down at his chest. “That’s kind of personal.”

He laughed and gently slid his hand between her legs, stroking her soft flesh until she moaned. “Darling, I haven’t even begun to become personal with you yet. If you’re going to submit to me, I need you to trust me. Yes, trust is something that needs to be earned, but please believe that I would never reveal your secrets.”

“I’ll think about it.”

He traced his thumb over her now hard clit and loved the way she bit her lower lip. “When you think about it, think about me doing all those lovely, dark, forbidden things to you, with you. Think about how much better they will be when I’m in control of your pleasure.”

A rush of wetness dampened his fingers where they were stroking her pussy, and a savage satisfaction gripped him. He slowly withdrew his hand and licked his fingers clean while she rubbed her pelvis against his with a little needy moan.

“Can you do that for me?”

“Yes, Sir.” She smiled up at him, her earlier energy returning. An electric buzz tingled over his skin. She stretched, then winced.

Instantly concerned, he helped her sit up. “Are you all right?”

“Yeah, just old lady aches and pains.” The small muscles around her eyes tightened, and she took a deep breath. “Trust me. I’d endure a hell of a lot more for what you did for me tonight.”

“Good, because I plan on putting you through hell and bringing you out the other side to heaven.”

“Arrogant, aren’t you?”

“It’s not arrogance when it’s true.”

Chapter Four

Bryan stood in front of the giant antique Moroccan mirror in his bedroom and took his jacket off for what had to be the tenth time. On his bed, scattered over the navy-blue silk comforter, were six more jackets, four pairs of pants, and three shirts he’d tried on and discarded. In a pile on the chair near his mirror were a variety of ties, suspenders, and cuff links.

Lawrence, his butler and surrogate father, was going to choke Bryan when he saw the mess he’d made of his closet. They’d been together since Bryan was four years old. When Bryan had been banished to the United States by his family after the sex tape scandal, Lawrence had followed him across the pond. His mother, the esteemed Lady Sutherfield, had sent Bryan seven hundred and fifty thousand euros in order for him to establish a financial consulting business in the States. At least that was what his parents told their friends. In truth it was hush money, payment for leaving without yet another stain to their illustrious name.

Closing his eyes, he forced his mind to stay in the present and not dwell on a time when he’d felt like a broken man. Things were different now. Not only was he older, but he also had turned that seven-hundred-and-fifty-thousand-euro investment into his own multimillion-dollar financial empire. He’d cashed in early on the fact that more and more people were going to be looking for a financial consultant as the US economy weakened. Unlike most of his colleagues, he offered services to those making under fifty thousand dollars a year. True, his lower-end clients didn’t get the in-depth attention that his wealthiest clients received, but they did get sound financial advice that helped them increase their own wealth. His company had a close to 100 percent retention rate for their customers, which meant when the client got wealthier, so did the company.

Bolstered by the thought of how many people he’d helped, people his parents would have seen as being beneath them, Bryan took off the jacket and tossed it onto the bed, deciding it was too formal for the mood he wanted to set tonight with Kira.

At the thought of the beautiful ember-haired woman, his lips curved into what was no doubt a stupid grin. When he thought about their time together, he’d become aroused to the point of jerking off and even more excited about seeing her again. She would be here soon, so he should stop fucking around with playing dress up like some teenage girl going on a date.

Striding over to the seating area tucked into a Moroccan-tiled alcove, he grabbed the printout of Kira’s e-mail and read it again. To his delight she’d gone beyond just listing her sexual preferences. She’d been rather honest about what turned her on, what she thought she might like, and what she was absolutely no way ever interested in. Or, as she put it, he was more likely to poop canaries than she was to ever want needle play.

While the imagery was somewhat vulgar, he found her quite funny. It was hard to keep a straight face around her, but he couldn’t let her use humor to try to break the mood between them. He needed her to be out of her mind with pleasure, literally. If the pain associated with penetration was mostly mental, he’d have to somehow get her to check out and just feel.

Not an easy task but also not impossible. He’d just have to try to get her deep into subspace, something that would take time, but he wouldn’t rush this experience with her. Kira deserved to have some joy in her life, to let her Master take her pain away. He’d fulfill all her desires, give her everything she could ever want or need.

She’d included four very detailed fantasies, including one that involved spanking. Tonight he planned on making that particular dream come to life, to show Kira that even as her arse burned from his hand, her pussy would burn hotter.

Multiple partners also seemed to be a running theme in her sexual interests. Fortunately she hadn’t indicated any interest in having more than one man at once, but she’d certainly had a bunch of fantasies about being with a man and another woman. While he noted that she went into great detail about her interaction with the other woman, there had been no mention of Kira’s male partner touching anyone but Kira. In his experience some submissives became extremely possessive of their Doms, while others were fine with open swinging. He had a feeling that Kira was more on the jealous side, so he’d act with caution and make it all about her pleasure. There were a few submissives he had in mind, a couple of lesbian submissives he knew who would love to be with Kira and wouldn’t pose a threat to his bond with her either. One of his personal favorite kinks was to watch two women play with each other.

The thought of his beautiful Kira getting her pussy eaten while he tortured her nipples made his dick stiff as a fucking board.

Taking a deep breath to clear his head, he set the paper down and decided to just stick with his black pants and a white dress shirt. If things went well, he wouldn’t be wearing them for long. He wasn’t going to try any vaginal penetration with her yet. He would experiment with one of the things she’d indicated she was interested in trying but had never actually done. She’d put down that she’d always wanted to try anal sex. Bryan couldn’t wait to share that painful pleasure with her. The thought of being the only man to take her back there, to give her the sensations of her first anal orgasm had him gritting his teeth. While he wouldn’t be using his cock—he’d use a small anal plug instead—he still couldn’t wait to see her little arsehole stretched.

Would she scream? Would she cry out for more as she came all over his tongue with the toy shoved up her ass? His whole body ached with the need to fuck, and it took him a bit to come back down from that high state of arousal.

Mastering his own lust was going to be a challenge. He would have to keep himself on a very tight leash. Kira was absolutely beautiful when she orgasmed, and he’d like to see her do it over and over again. He needed to get her to associate pain with pleasure, so tonight he would arouse her to the point of being mindless with pleasure and then add a sting. If he did it right, if he was patient and really paid attention to her signals, he should be able to give her a nice endorphin-packed orgasm.

The thought of touching her, kissing her, sliding her body against his had his erect dick begging him for some relief. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something about her that just flat-out did it for him. Sure, she was a beautiful woman. He’d been with plenty of beautiful women and never had this soul-deep reaction, this craving for their presence. Being near Kira, feeling her energy, had been an absolute delight. It had also been absolute torture to not avail himself of her willing mouth, but she needed to know without a doubt that his pleasure wasn’t an issue. If she was aroused, he was aroused. Simple as that. All he needed was her trust in order to take her from ordinary arousal to painful ecstasy.

The best kind.

Another thing he’d bet no one had done for her before.

In an odd way, that made him feel even more protective of her.

His cell phone rang, and he pulled it out of his pocket, noticing Lawrence’s number. Once Lawrence had turned sixty, Bryan had insisted that he carry around a cell phone to call when he needed something instead of trying to find him in the gigantic Victorian mansion. It had taken some time, but the butler now texted him the information. Unfortunately, Lawrence also had an odd form of texting shorthand that made no sense to anyone but Lawrence.

Gst hz rived.

It took him a moment, but then he figured out that Lawrence was telling him that Kira had arrived. He tossed the phone onto the table and moved quickly to his bathroom, brushing his teeth and double-checking his appearance. Finger combing his hair, he gave himself a once-over and nodded at his reflection.

His submissive was here, she was counting on him, and he wouldn’t let her down.

* * * *

Kira pulled her opalescent white McLaren F1 through the now open wrought-iron gates to the entrance and into the massive circular drive before Bryan’s fabulous home. No, wait, home wasn’t the correct term. This was a manor. While her town house in the city kept her more than comfortable, there was something to be said for estates. Bryan’s boasted a gorgeous Victorian mansion, probably built in the 1850s. She was glad she’d taken the chance on coming here tonight. True, she’d questioned everyone about Bryan and had been assured over and over again that he was a good man, but how well did anyone really know anyone else? Just in case, she’d left a note on her kitchen table at home about where she was going and who she was going to be with. Paranoid? Yes, but a little extra safety never hurt.

As she slowly made her way up the drive and more of the home came into sight, she smiled at the obvious love and care that had gone into the stately mansion’s upkeep. She’d gone through a phase where she’d been obsessed with everything Victorian, reading all she could find on it, and that information helped her appreciate his home. In her opinion, learning something new was always beneficial, no matter what the subject. While she hadn’t gone to college, she’d traveled the world and educated herself with whatever struck her fancy. It led to a rather esoteric knowledge database, but she kicked ass at Trivial Pursuit.

When she eased her car around the winding curve leading to his home, she slowed down to take in the details of the trim and the warm color choices of the exterior. Brass lanterns hung on either side of the large front door, illuminating the second-story wraparound porch for a few feet in either direction. A white painted set of curving stairs led up to the second-floor entryway, while the first floor was a series of French doors with heavy cream drapes blocking the view. An enormous boulder sat between the two stairs, and a natural looking waterfall tickled down the boulder into a hidden drain. Small water plants added bursts of color to the fountain, and Kira rather liked the contrast of old-world architecture and the naturally raw water feature.

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