Navy SEAL Romance: MC ROMANCE: Axel (Bad Boy Alpha Male Military Romance) (Military Suspense Protector Romance) (18 page)

BOOK: Navy SEAL Romance: MC ROMANCE: Axel (Bad Boy Alpha Male Military Romance) (Military Suspense Protector Romance)
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"I'm sure you'd rather not here about an old woman's troubles" Sarah joked, trying to deflect the intensity of Brody's statements.

"One yo
re not old, and two, it's eight PM on a Tuesday night, there's nowhere else I gotta be, except in dining hall and tonight's enchilada's" Brody said screwing up his nose, his eyes glimmering. He leant back in his chair, crossing his legs, his manner casual, his eyes and mind alert, watching.

"Well, I do have somewhere to be" Sarah said teasingly, but in reality she was looking forward to going home to her cat and meal for one and some trashy reality TV. Is Brody flirting with me? The idea suddenly popping into her thoughts, Of course not, he's just trying to be friendly. Her heart fluttered in her chest, and she felt the heat rise in her cheeks.

"Of course" Brody hesitated, as if he wanted to say something further, before turning his attention to the paper in his hand. Scanning the paper, he looked for something to ask her, something that wouldn't make him look stupid, but would give him a valid reason to be there. "I was wondering about the sources you cited, Jemma and Reynolds is considered a controversial text, yet you have used it in the essay essential reading list" Brody could predict what would come next but he loved to listen to Sara
s musical voice. As Sarah talked, Brod
s eyes never left her face and he found himself entranced by the older woman. When Sarah had finished, Brody leant forward in his chair, his gaze catching hers.

m a good listener, if you wanted to grab a beer and talk about i
” Sarah smiled sadly, she found herself wanting to go out with Brody more than anything, but she knew it would cause nothing but trouble.

s kind Brody, but really, I ca
t be seen socializing with a student
” Brody considered this for a moment before standing quietly, putting his things away. Turning back to Sarah, he captured a stray hair that had fallen across her face, and tucked it behind her ear, his fingers trailing on her face.

You know where to find me if you change your min
” he said softly and headed out the door without looking behind him. I will do anything to make her mine, Brody vowed, and make her happy.

Sarah raised her hand to her cheek where the imprint of Brod
s fingers still burned on her face and sat quietly in her chair, lost in a world of daydreams.



The next morning Sarah found herself standing in front of the mirror a frown marring her face. She did
t like what she saw in the mirror, she looked fat and frumpy, her clothes betraying her age. Thirty my ass Sarah thought, I look like an old spinster. In an effort to look professional, and compete in a male dominated profession she had lost herself, lost the essence of Sarah. Well she told herself firmly no more. Slipping off her robe, she stood naked in front of the mirror, her hands running down her large breasts, flat belly and thighs. She hid herself behind a uniform of grey shift dresses, black knee high boots and a plain ponytail. Screw boring gray, gray belonged to the Steve Period and now she was Post Steve, today was the day to change things up a little. This is not for Brod
s benefit she told herself sternly, though she knew there was some truth to the thought. Fighting with her frizzy hair, she pulled out her hair tie letting her massive brown curls flow down over her shoulders. Sarah looked approvingly in the mirror as she ran her hair through the mass of tangles, managing to set it in a way which made her feel and look younger, framing her face and highlighting her delicate cheekbones. Not bad, Sarah thought to herself, as she padded over to her closet. Everything was neat and ordered an exact replica of the way that Sarah lived her life, but today she hated it. Why could she not be spontaneous and exciting, why did she not take risks, when did I become so boring. Her closet wore the same uniform, grey shift dresses in a variety of shades and lengths, Sarah owned very few colorful dresses.

This on
” Sarah exclaimed, pulling out a champagne pink and black paneled dress. It was shorter than she would normally wear to work, but what was the worst that could happen?

She felt his eyes on her before she even had a chance to reach the podium. Sarah did
t have to look up to know where Brody was, he would be where he always was, front and center, right beside the podium. The room tittered, a quiet ripple running through it that she had no doubt been to do with her out of character dress. Instead of being mortified at the thought that her dress could cause such a stir, she was excited, and for the first time in a long time she felt confident and sexy. As Sarah delivered her lecture, she could feel Brod
s eyes burning into her; he did
t move an inch, his laptop lay unopened on the bench in front of him. This lecture was one of her favorites, and she moved about the auditorium with passion, her heels making a quiet click on the linoleum as she paced the front of the room. In the distance, a quiet alarm went off, signaling the end of the lecture.

s all for today
” Sarah said as she arrived back at the podium. Collecting her notes, she watched Brody out of the corner of her eye. He was hanging back, taking his time to slowly collect his belongings. Sara
s heart hammered in her chest, her stomach turning somersaults. Stop it! She told herself, h
s ten years younger than you, and a student!

” A voice came from behind her, the voice belonging to a young woman whose name Sarah could
t recall. Lifting her head up to reply to the student, Sarah saw Brody hesitate mid stride, before shouldering his backpack and heading out the doors. She watched him for a moment before turning her attention to the woman beside her. Sarah did her best to listen to the young woman, but her thoughts trailed off, to somewhere it definitely should
t be.

Sarah woke the next morning, her first thought of Brody and all that had happened over the last few days, her thoughts tangled up in a stirring web of emotions, her heart fluttering in her chest. Watching Brody leave, was almost as hard as watching Steve leave, and she barely knew Brody. No, none of this nonsense Sarah, she told herself sternly, while busying herself getting ready for work. Breathing a sigh of relief, she realized that she only had the one class today, a two hour lecture she would give to her first year class which she knew off by heart. Running through her day, the fluttering in her chest turned to led, as she realized that today was Friday, the day she had finally agreed to go out with Cliff Johnstone, a fellow professor, who was strikingly handsome, but was serious to a fault. He had been after her to go out with him for months, ever since he learned that she and Steve had broken up. She had only caved after he had persisted for so long, agreeing to an after work Friday drink at the bar. Ugh, Sarah grabbed her belongings that she would need for the day ahead, and headed out to her car, she was definitely not looking forward to today.

"Are you ready?" A soft tap came at the door, and Sarah looked up. Cliff lounged against the doorframe, his arms folded across his chest. Maybe you'll have fun, Sarah told herself as she forced herself to smile, and yo
re just being silly. Sarah knew it wasn't really Cliff's fault; she was just not excited about re-entering the world of dating and awkward first dates.

"Of course," Sarah said carefully marking the page of the book she had been reading, before gathering her things and joining Cliff. He is handsome, Sarah thought to herself. He was the complete opposite of Brody, in every way. His hair was blonde and kept short and tidy, and he had the most vivid green eyes Sarah had ever seen. He was tall and lanky, and most women would agree he was a great catch, every woman except Sarah. Side by side, they walked out of the department building and into the evening. The campus was strangely quiet for such a beautiful summe
s night, the sky a vibrant orange as the sun sent the last of its rays shooting across the sky. The only sounds that they could hear where the last calls of the birds that nested in the buildings, and the sound of their own voices as they talked while they walked across the campus. Sarah was surprised at how easy the conversation flowed with Cliff; they talked about work, and their departmental projects. Maybe I misjudged him she thought as she found herself laughing as Cliff recalled stories from his younger days in the field.

"Is Eddies okay?" Cliff said as they pulled up outside the bar. Sarah was surprised at how quickly they had arrived here, it seemed like they had left only minutes ago. Eddi
s bar was the haunt of both serious students and professors alike. It was a relaxed atmosphere, and most evenings there would be live music in a variety of genres and tonight was no exception.

s perfec
” Sarah said with a genuine smile. The gentle sounds of piano music carried through the air as Sarah and Cliff stood outside watching the man behind the piano play furiously in the bar window.  He was mesmerizing, his enthusiasm for the music he played infectious, and both Cliff and Sarah stood entranced. A pair of arriving footsteps broke Sara
s concentration, and her heart sank as she looked up, peering over Clif
s shoulder. There, just a few inches away stood Brody and a young blonde woman clinging to his arm as she swayed ever so slightly on sky high heels. As realization dawned as to who was standing in front of him, his face turned from a  bright smile to an unreadable expression, the small twitch of his jaw the only sign of his true emotions. Cliff caught the look that went between Sarah and Brody and frowned.

Good evening
” Cliff said politely, nodding at the new arrivals. The four of them stood close by the door, Sara
s heart hammering away at the close proximity of the group. Stop being so damn silly she told herself.

This is one of my students Cliff. Brody Young, he is one to watch
” Cliff extended a hand to Brody,

s very nice to meet you
” Cliff said formally. Brody accepted his hand with an incline of his head and a small smile.

m sure Brody can attribute some of his success to having an amazing professo
” Cliff smiled, placing his arm across Sara
s shoulders and giving her a tight squeeze. Sarah did
t dare look at Brody now, instead focusing her gaze on the young woman that still clutched tightly onto his arm.

Shall we go in Cliff
” Sarah said, turning her attention back to her date
It was nice seeing you Brody
” In one swift movement, Sarah stepped into the bar and let the crowds swallow her. Winding her way to a table, she found an empty bar table and stools.

Is here okay
” Sarah said placing her bag on the floor, and climbing onto the stool. From here she had a good view of both the bar and the piano.

I will get us a couple of drink
” And with that Cliff disappeared into a crowd of students and professors all clamoring for the attention of the barkeep. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Brody approach her table on his way to the bar.

Your date seems very nice
” Sarah greeted him as he approached. Brody hesitated for a moment,

She is. Smart too
” He added quickly
You and Professor Johnstone look close. I had no idea you two where togethe
” the intent in his voice was clear, but Sarah chose to ignore it.

Yes, he is very nice. I enjoy spending my time with hi
” And she meant it, I misjudged poor Cliff she thought to herself, watching Clif
s return from the bar, balancing a beer in one hand and a glass of wine in the other as he fought through a throng of students.

Have a nice evening
” Sarah said, smiling at Brody. The last thing she needed was to be chasing a fantasy that could never come to fruition. Cliff was a palpable person, someone she could see and touch.

I do
t want to see you hurt again, Sara
” Brody whispered, trying to avoid his words being overheard by Cliff as he arrived back at the table
And you too, see you late
” he added before slipping back into the crowd of students and disappearing from Sara
s sight. Taking a sip of wine, Sarah sighed and tried to relax, i
s going to be a long night.

The last notes of the piano faded out and Sarah quickly checked the time on her phone, almost one am, it was getting late. She was surprised at how pleasant her evening was, Cliff had turned out to be good company, always keeping her engaged and amused with a story to tell, and Sarah found herself telling him about Steve and his affair. Cliff was divorced; his wife having left him for another man, and Sarah enjoyed having someone else to talk to about the ruins of infidelity.

m sorry Cliff, but I have to go
” Sarah said picking her handbag up off the table and sliding onto the floor. As her feet hit the floor she realized she was slightly tipsy, feeling herself wobble as she stood upright.

Let me walk you home
” Cliff said as they made it to the door and out into the fresh air. The fresh air made Sarah feel better, as they fought through the crowds that gathered outside, a plume of smoke filling the air.

m going to get a cab
” The intention in Sara
s voice was clear
” she said laying her hand gently on Clif
s arm
I had a really good evening
” Clif
s eyes searched hers,

I had a great time Sarah
” he said gently tucking a stray hair behind her ear
I would love to do this again sometime
” He whispered as he leant down, his lips meeting hers. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Sarah drew Cliff towards her, kissing him passionately. After a few moments, they broke apart, Sarah meeting his gaze and smiling. Sarah caught sight of a taxi approaching the bar, looking for its next fare, and she stuck out her hand waving it down.

See you on Monday, Clif
” She said as she opened the back door of the taxi and climbed inside. There was a smile on her face the entire journey home, she thought of all the new beginnings awaiting her, and how she could see herself falling for Cliff. There was only one problem, she thought, Brody.

And with that I wish you all the best in your chosen careers
” Sarah said closing her book with an audible thump. Looking out over the auditorium from her position at the podium, she could see not only relief on her studen
s faces, but also fear. This was it, they were about to graduate and live in the real world where they were no longer colleague students, but graduates. A career in Anthropology was not an easy one, and they would spend their summer seeking internships at museums, and various centers around the state and across America. The sound of applause filled the auditorium and Sarah smiled, she always loved this part, even if it was bittersweet. It told Sarah that her students thought highly of her and that was something Sarah held dear. Bowing slight, as Sarah raised her head her eyes wandered across the room, her eyes scanning for familiar faces, before coming to rest on Brody. He stood clapping, a smile spreading across his face. He has a bright future, Sarah thought to herself. She had only this week completed a glowing reference for him at The Met in New York, and he would complete an internship over summer there, he deserves it Sarah thought smiling to herself. But Sarah knew she would miss him, coming to class each day and seeing his face was one of the things that got Sarah through her day. Ther
s new students to meet next year she told herself firmly, waving her hands to silence the still clapping students.

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